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I really wanted to love this...
25 April 2022
But I just don't. It's not the acting because that's passable. I mean, I've watched and thoroughly enjoyed much worse acting in a plethora of other movies. The Jack is a pretty creepy looking creature - from the waist up - but when shown completely out of the box it just looked too much like a guy in a costume. The soundtrack was okay at times. So ultimately, for me, it just came down to the story and the atmosphere, or in this case, lack of atmosphere.

I completely understand it's a low budget film and expecting a masterpiece is unreasonable, but when done right, even a micro budget film can impress. I know we can't expect every low budget director starting out to be Sam Raimi, but plenty of other directors have done more with much less. Had the script been better, the location more foreboding, and the atmosphere much more dreadful, then I personally would have enjoyed this much more. But still, as is, it's a solid 5 out of 10 in my book.
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Mystery and Imagination: Dracula (1968)
Season 4, Episode 3
Dracula, low budget British TV style
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The 1897 Gothic horror story of Dracula, as written by Bram Stoker, is one of my all-time favorite tales. And even when it's not presented on film exactly as Stoker wrote it, as is the case with this low budget, made-for-TV adaptation, I still really enjoy the story - as long as it remains at least somewhat similar to the original story. I don't even mind when the roles of Mina and Lucy are switched. Or even when Jonathan Harker takes Renfield's place as the insect-eating lunatic. The familiarity of the story matters to me the most, not the exact specifics.

So here we have Dracula, Mystery and Imagination style; a low budget small screen version that was broadcast for British television on November 18, 1968. Let it be known that I thoroughly enjoy many classic British horror films and television shows involving mystery and horror. More specifically, I love Hammer horror in general and especially all 9 of their Dracula films starring horror icons Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. Many of those films have nothing at all to do with Bram Stoker's novel, except of course for including the characters of Dracula and Van Helsing. This adaptation of Dracula doesn't have Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, nor anywhere near the budget Hammer Studios had, but it still works for me - though I did feel that they could have chosen someone better to play the role of Count Dracula. Nothing against his acting ability, but Denholm Elliot just didn't seem to fit the part very well. My intuition tells me that I am not alone in feeling that way.

I felt that each scene was set up and done very well, considering the obvious budget restraints. They managed to create an atmosphere that permeated throughout the production. And the acting was pretty good for the most part. I probably could have done without the growls and hissing sounds that Mina and Lucy made. It sounded like something that would come out of a cat rather than a vampire. Otherwise, their acting was perfectly fine. All in all I was pleasantly surprised by this episode of Mystery and Imagination and look forward to viewing the other episodes, as yes, I did watch this one first and it is Episode 3 of Season 4. But with anthology series such as this you don't really need to watch them in any particular order. I chose to watch the episode I was most interested in seeing first and since I enjoyed it, I will probably move on to either The Tell-Tale Heart or Curse of the Mummy next. Dracula gets a 7 out of 10 from me.
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So claustrophobic you'll feel like you're drowning while watching it
8 November 2021
THE DEEP HOUSE is an extremely unique horror movie with good acting, creepy visuals, and an atmosphere that smothers you beyond the end credits. The majority of the movie takes place underwater and is so claustrophobic that you'll feel like you're being drowned while viewing it. I haven't felt this suffocated since the first time I watched THE DESCENT - seriously. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and highly recommend it.
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Midnight Kiss (1993)
Cheap and entertaining 90s urban vampire flick
29 October 2021
I am a lover of what's referred to by movie enthusiasts as "movies so bad, they're good", and MIDNIGHT KISS fits perfectly in that category for me. It's cheesy. The acting is so-so. The dialogue is amusing. There's some decent blood and gore effects. And it has vampires! My favorite horror movie monsters. Is my 7 rating too high? Probably to most people. But I was close to giving it an 8; it was that entertaining to me.
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Extremely disappointing
19 October 2021
I was really looking forward to watching A WRATHFUL SOUL. I hadn't heard or read anything about it prior to coming across its trailer; that's not always a bad sign because I've watched and loved many independent horror films that I've known nothing about prior to viewing. The background music and edited together scenes in the trailer make this look like a pretty good supernatural horror flick from Australia. And I love a good Australian horror film. I wish there was a bigger selection of them. Which sadly brings me to say just how extremely disappointed I was with this one. Maybe watching the trailer just got my hopes too high. But if I hadn't came across the trailer, there's a good chance I would have never known about it - which doesn't seem like a bad thing in retrospect.

I don't feel as though I need to go into great detail about why I was disappointed. It just didn't grab my attention the way a good movie generally does. It rather boring. So if you are looking for a good Australian horror film, I would suggest skipping this one. But here are some good (some great) Australian horror movies that I do recommend: WOLF CREEK 1 & 2 (obviously), NEXT OF KIN (No, not the Patrick Swayze one - it's not Australian. I'm talking about the 1982 film that many people consider a cult classic), ROGUE (awesome man-eating crocodile movie), THE BABADOOK (dook, dook), THE LOVED ONES (Yes, it's good), UNDEAD (pretty cool zombie carnage & comedy), BLACK WATER (more croc action), DARK AGE (even more croc action), and finally, STORM WARNING... just to name a few. Oh, and I absolutely love HOWLING III: THE MARSUPIALS (yes I know most people hate it, but it's my third favorite HOWLING movie right after HOWLING II and HOWLING V).
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The godfather of found footage films
12 October 2021
Filmed mostly in the Amazon rainforest of Colombia with real indigenous tribes acting along side the cast, this classic Italian exploitation film is heralded as the most violent film ever made. It was so realistic and violently graphic at the time of its release that director Ruggero Deodato was arrested on obscenity charges and then later charged with multiple counts of murder based on accusations that he had killed his actors during filming. Ultimately the murder charges were dropped because well, no one was actually murdered, unless you want to count the very real animal killings shown in the film. But whatever your take on Cannibal Holocaust is, there's no denying that it is definitely one of the most controversial films ever made.
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An amazingly atmospheric film that fizzles out in the end
12 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was superb... until the last 10-20 minutes or so. It's beautifully shot. The lake house setting is isolated and dreadfully dreary. The acting ability of the lead actress and the amazingly creepy atmosphere alone was enough to carry this film throughout most of its running time.

I understand the film's subject matter of grief and tremendous loss, which it portrayed very well for most of the film's duration. But unless I'm missing something, it seems like the filmmakers didn't know how to properly end it and just came up with a rushed solution that literally brings the rest of the film down with it. It's really a shame because this film had such great potential. I haven't felt this let down by a movie in quite a while. Hopefully the filmmakers learn from their mistakes and hit the next one out of the park because the talent is obviously there.
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Backwoods (1988)
A forgotten semi-gem slasher in need of a remastered release
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An old farmer lives in the wilderness with his young daughter and what appears to be his inbred cannibal son who loves ripping chicken's heads off. A young couple hiking in the Kentucky backwoods come across this strange family and the female hiker soon finds out she has a drooling admirer.

Not bad for a film that no one seems to remember or even know of its existence. The acting was above my expectations and I personally like the performance by the old man. The copy I have is in rather overplayed condition and this really hurts when it comes to the film's ending. I could hardly make out what exactly was occurring. Nevertheless, BACKWOODS (aka GEEK) is still a truly forgotten semi-gem from the late 80's - it's just in dire need of a remastered release.
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Big Cat Trail (2021)
Big Cat Fail
20 July 2021
Where to begin. The wind is blowing so much throughout the entire movie that you can't hear what's being said by the terrible actors half the time. There's a "twist" ending that is just laughable. Even though it's relatively short, it's a complete waste of time. Spare yourself the agony and skip this one. I rarely vote movies a 1/10, but if there's a movie that deserves it, this one is most definitely it.
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A surprisingly atmospheric and overlooked 80s slasher
19 July 2021
Mountaintop Motel Massacre is surprisingly good; it's not your typical standard fare 80s slasher in my opinion. It's extremely atmospheric with a haunting score, decent acting, and just enough blood and gore effects to keep most horror fans entertained. And maybe it's just me, but I think it would be great paired together with Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive as a late night double feature. My vote is 7/10. Definitely give it a shot if you are a fan of 80s slasher films, or enjoy atmospheric b-horror movies.
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Bats (2021)
The first few minutes were intriguing, but...
27 June 2021
Once the family of talentless acting ability took over the story it was pretty much all downhill from there. The attempts at fake crying I'm sure was enough to make most people cringe and stop the movie (if they even made it that far). However, onward I tread so I could write this review.

This is not a remake or sequel to the movie BATS (1999, starring Lou Diamond Phillips) as I had originally thought based on the title alone. In fact, this movie isn't really even about bats at all. So if you're looking for a movie about bats, then you may wanna skip this one. This one is closer to the 1974 film THE BAT PEOPLE. As bad as that movie is, it's still better than this one. So again, if you're looking for a movie about bats, then you'd be much better off watching literally any other movie that's actually about bats, such as the aforementioned BATS (1999), it's 2007 sequel BATS: HUMAN HARVEST, genetically altered bats in FANGS (2002), the TV movie VAMPIRE BATS (2005), or the 1979 classic, NIGHTWING. I've also recently read about another movie, THE SILENCE (2019), which may be worth a look as well, though I have yet to view it.

Others have complained about the poor quality of the creature effects, whereas I didn't really mind them all that much, but it is true, the special effects aren't really that special. I have seen worse though (Danzig's Verotika quickly comes to mind). But, I am an avid horror fan and have sat through some of the absolute worst b-horror dreck in existence. While I wouldn't lump this into the "Worst Movie Ever" category, it does rank towards the bottom of the barrel regardless. I did enjoy the score throughout most of the running time though. So there's that.
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Freaks (2018)
My review of FREAKS
12 December 2019
I am a big fan of independent films (especially horror and sci-fi), and when done right they are often better and more entertaining than most big budget films. FREAKS is somewhere in the middle.

After seeing the decent ratings and reading some of the glowing reviews, I must say, I had somewhat high expectations going in to the movie. After about 45 minutes of very slow build-up, I was almost ready to turn it off (and I suspect many people will stop watching after 20 or 30 minutes). I'm glad I didn't though, because it did get better.

At times the little girl can be quite annoying, but then she does something really evil and the annoyance goes away. There is some interesting scenes and some good ideas; I can see why some people think it could be turned into a TV series. But, by the end, it still seemed to be missing something. Perhaps different writers could have made a difference; or maybe it was just the budget that held it back. Whatever the reason, I just feel it didn't quite live up to the glowing reviews, my expectations, or its own potential. I give it a 5 out of 10.
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Just as heartbreaking as it is horrific
18 May 2017
Truly one of the best true crime documentaries I have seen lately. This is not your normal true crime case. It's very well presented by the filmmakers and will cause many mixed emotions as you learn the whole story behind it. I don't want to give away anything for those who don't know the case, but just know that it is just as heartbreaking as it is horrific.
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A bit of a let down considering my expectations...
17 June 2015
I want to start off by saying that I thoroughly enjoy most of Freddie Francis' films, especially those he made with Hammer. But...I was expecting so much more from THE CREEPING FLESH. With the recent passing of Christopher Lee (RIP), I wanted to go back and re-watch his films that I loved and also to find some that I hadn't previously viewed. So I stumbled upon THE CREEPING FLESH and immediately sought it out. Maybe my expectations were too high going in, but I was a bit let down. As I said, I really like Freddie Francis. I also love Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. So it was a no-brainer that I would like this film. And I did like it...just not as much as I thought I would going in to it.

The Victorian age set pieces were fantastic. The subject matter of the story (though not scientifically accurate) was interesting. The acting was great. The atmosphere was pretty good. It was the lack of the horror element that I was expecting and it just didn't seem to show up until the final 15 minutes or so of the film. When it did show up it was great. I just wish the movie would have used it sooner.

I also disagree with the many people who feel THE CREEPING FLESH is Freddie Francis' best film. TORTURE GARDEN, TALES FROM THE CRYPT, LEGEND OF THE WEREWOLF and maybe even THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS and THE SKULL were all better in my opinion. I especially loved LEGEND OF THE WEREWOLF...but I am partial to werewolves.

All in all, THE CREEPING FLESH is a good movie worth watching, especially if you are a Christopher Lee or Peter Cushing fan (or a fan of Hammer films even though this is not a Hammer production). It's a good, solid 6 out of 10.
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The gore the merrier...
12 June 2015
I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about this movie at first. I really loved the camera work and the whole 80s vibe I got from it (other than the use of computers and cell phones). The acting was not very good at all but that doesn't bother me much if everything else is good, and I can say that everything else was very good in KILL, GRANNY, KILL. Granny's one-liners were hit-and-miss, but I enjoyed them all the same. The camera work, the editing, the story (though simple it was still effective for a low-budget slasher), the location (I loved the old house) and the kills were pretty brutal at times. A couple scenes in particular really stood out. With a running time of just under 70 minutes, there was never a time that felt boring. All in all I give it a solid 6 out of 10.
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Area 51 (2015)
"From the director of Paranormal Activity." That says it all...
20 May 2015
If you really enjoyed PARANORMAL ACTIVITY and thought the director was a genius, then you might enjoy this. If you hated PARANORMAL ACTIVITY and thought it was cheap and amateurish and undeserving of the "hype" it created before its release, then you most likely will not enjoy AREA 51 either.

I don't believe in the alien angle that has been thrust upon the real Area 51, though I do like the real mystery that it presents - that being a top secret military compound that is creating all the next big technologies. I do also like aliens though, and I am a sucker for alien Area 51 movies, even though I don't think our government is hiding some dead alien from the Roswell crash or reverse-engineering an alien spaceship.

There are some decent and pretty good Area 51 alien movies and "documentaries" out there, but this one is just not one of them. It's just more of the same old, same old found footage where nothing worthwhile happens until the last 15 minutes or so and even when something does finally happen, it's a huge disappointment.

If you want to watch good found footage films or POV films, in my opinion, there are some pretty cool ones...such as: REC & REC 2, CLOVERFIELD, TROLL HUNTER, V/H/S & V/H/S 2, GRAVE ENCOUNTERS & GRAVE ENCOUNTERS 2, THE TUNNEL MOVIE, THE LAST HORROR MOVIE and even THE BLACK WATER VAMPIRE. I would suggest, by far, watching any one of those over AREA 51.
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Slaughter (I) (2009)
Why all the hate?
12 April 2015
This is easily one of the better After Dark Horrorfest films yet it is rated abysmally low on a scale of 1 out of 10. I don't get horror fans, and I'm the biggest horror fan I know. I've watched the worst of the worst and the best of the best. I don't like every film I watch, but I know the difference between a horror film that should be rated a 1-4 or one that should be rated a 5-8, and this one is definitely above a 5. When you watch enough really bad horror films, you know how to pick out the better ones.

I've read many of the reasons this film is hated and I don't understand any of them. The acting is not bad at all. If it is the depressing ending that bothers you, then I say quit watching horror films! Or at the very least stick to the PG-13 rated ones because you obviously cannot handle anything above that. I'm not going to give anything away, as it has already been given away on here enough. If you like After Dark Horrorfest films and don't always need a happy ending to like a movie, then watch SLAUGHTER.
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Beware the planted reviews.
7 April 2015
Don't believe the fake reviews planted here. This movie is nowhere near the top of the ratings bar. And it sure as hell does not resemble CREEPSHOW. The lengths people will go to in order to get their film undeserved recognition is amazing. If your film is good, it will be seen and get the good reviews that it deserves, without the need to plant fake reviews hyping it up. A tale-tell sign that a movie is worthless is to come right here on IMDb and see if it has planted reviews. And don't worry, they are easy to pick out. The users' join dates correspond with the movie's release date and it will be their only review. Not to mention they will overly praise a film you have never heard of.

Now that that is out of the way, let me just reiterate basically the same thing I wrote in the paragraph above. This movie is not very good. Kane Hodder couldn't save it with his tiny role. There is no suspense whatsoever and it definitely did not "keep you thinking." I don't know what the hell Cover 3 is, but if this is their best production so far, then I feel sorry for them. The acting was somewhere between bad and awful. Don't fall for the hype. This movie's a turd.
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Girl House (2014)
Well worth seeing and much better than its current rating.
7 April 2015
I must say, I wasn't expecting much going into GIRL HOUSE. I was expecting your average, run-of-the-mill slasher film that didn't offer anything more than I've seen a hundred and one times before...but I was okay with that because I'm a dedicated horror fanatic. I grew up in the 80s. I love slasher films! Even the crappier ones. But thankfully, GIRL HOUSE was not crappy. Nor was it your average, run-of-the-mill slasher film. That's not to say it didn't have its faults, which is fine. I've only watched a handful of films that I feel are without fault.

The great opening sequence set the movie up nicely. I don't recall there ever being a dull moment throughout the film, so the pacing was very good. Of course there was a lot of nudity and that alone made moments that otherwise may have been dull, not dull. The acting was also much better than I expected. Everyone did a pretty good job. There was more blood than I thought there would be, and that's always a good thing. I don't want to say anything that may spoil something, so I'm gonna end this brief review shortly. I will say though, if you're a fan of slasher films, then you should see this at some point. You won't be disappointed. Even if you're not a fan of slasher films, you should still see it. Maybe you're a fan of nudity? I don't know. You could do much worse than GIRL HOUSE. Give it a shot.
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This is NOT a Sci-Fi / Horror movie
15 March 2015
I was excited when I first heard about a sequel to MONSTERS. Then, as I often do when trying to keep up with all the films I eagerly await, I lost track of it and all-of-a-sudden it became available. Being a big fan of the original, I couldn't wait to see it. Now that I've watched it, I can't stress how much of a disappointment it was.

MONSTERS: DARK CONTINENT is NOT a Sci-Fi / Horror movie. It is a war movie disguised as a Sci-Fi. And it's not even a very good war movie at that. It's somewhere in the middle. Very average. The biggest, of very few, somewhat redeeming qualities was the special effects. The monsters looked great! To bad they were overwhelmingly used as backdrop props, looking like a herd of buffalo at times.

I'll never understand why this wasn't just strictly a war movie. It could have been an above average war movie if the money spent on the monster effects had been used for a bigger war setting or better actors. There was just no need for monsters to be roaming in the background of a war movie, never really posing any threat to the characters. I don't know what else to say. Very disappointing.
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Flowers (II) (2015)
A Harrowing Journey Into the Depths of a Mind Insane
11 March 2015
I feel as though I just awoke from a dream. A nightmare. How is one to review a film that has no dialogue and relies on sound and visuals alone? I'm not sure myself. This will be the first time I review a film that relies solely on sound and visuals to tell its story. And what a story it was! I have a plethora of thoughts at the moment, mostly one or two word descriptions. I will list a few that jumped off the screen at me...

Dark and brutal. Disgustingly perverse. Disturbing. Sick and twisted. Mesmerizing. Terrifyingly traumatic. Death and decay. Chilling. A harrowing journey into the depths of a mind insane. While to some those words are discouraging, to me they are exactly what I want in a horror film. I don't care that there was no dialogue. There was no need for any. This dreamlike, nightmarish story was told in such a way that the absolute best way I can describe it as a whole is beautifully haunting. Throughout all the madness, there were moments of lucidity and it all came together in the end.

This is a film that must be experienced. The special effects were believably gruesome. I congratulate these girls, these Flowers, for what they put themselves through in order to help writer/director Phil Stevens tell his story. It is truly remarkable. I must watch it again...
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"He kind of appeared out of nowhere, like campaign money."
10 March 2015
This one line, being somewhat of a political person, I not only found it very funny, but I found it also perfectly describes the emergence of Justen Overlander. Seemingly from out of nowhere, he not only possesses the zany acting skills of Jim Carrey, minus the overacting & tired facial expressions, but he can also write a witty script and direct as well! He just seems to have a broad and natural ability to deliver his lines fluidly, without forcing them. With his film, THE BEQUEATHER, Mr. Overlander gives us a taste of things to come.

I am a lover of Independent Films, as I believe this is where the real talent, heart & soul and passion for filmmaking lies. It is truly amazing to see what can be accomplished on a restrained budget by a genuine lover of films and filmmaking. THE BEQUEATHER, as far as I know, is Mr. Overlander's first full-length feature film as a director. The choice to film in black & white was a great decision. As promised, it brought back memories of YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. It also, though it is not a horror film, reminded me of the great classic film THE OLD DARK HOUSE (1932). It had a bit of that aura.

I think all the actors and actresses were very good in their roles. I am specifically looking forward to seeing more films with Justen Overlander, whether it's acting, writing, directing or all three. I have found it a bit difficult to find some of his films, but that will not stop me from continuing my search. More people need to see these films. These are low-budget, independent films done right and deserve a much broader audience. I wish nothing but the best for Mr. Overlander in all his future endeavors. His talents are immense.
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Probably the most annoying actresses ever
7 December 2014
Seriously. This film was terrible. Nothing but two of the most annoying girls I have ever watched try to act. The script, if there was one, was just awful. Why would any filmmaker want to make their actresses so annoying? This "found footage" film is only 77 minutes long and it takes 60 minutes (give or take a minute or two) before anything actually happens, and when it does happen, it makes no sense whatsoever. A total waste of time and a very poor attempt at film-making. Just flat-out awful. And did I mention annoying? Very annoying.

IMDb requires a minimum length of 10 lines of text, so I will finish this last line by reiterating how annoying the actresses were. They were very annoying!
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The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave
11 November 2014
Having sat through nearly every pre-1990 American horror movie worth watching, I began broadening my horizon quite a few years ago now. It was a necessary step, an evolution, to see what the rest of the world offered in the genre that I most adore. Growing up with the many slasher films of the 80s, it wasn't long before I discovered the sub-genre, Giallo, and from there it branched out to the many other horrors from Italy. I was hooked. Several Italian horror films are now amongst my favorites. La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba is not one of them, but I still enjoy it. Just because it's not a favorite doesn't mean it isn't worth watching.

A very wealthy, widowed English Lord lives in a castle and isn't coping very well with the death of his red-headed, cheating wife, Evelyn. So, being the sadist he is, he brings home many young, red-headed women to torture and kill. Will a new wife cure him? ...and what about Evelyn? I don't want to say more than that. Spoilers isn't really my thing. If you're a fan of Italian horror films, then I suggest you seek this one out if you haven't already. Try to get the uncut version. Trust me, it's much better.
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A.bsolute B.rilliant C.rap & Some Death
8 October 2014
I think the idea of THE ABCS OF DEATH is brilliant. Unfortunately, the film is full of mostly unknown directors who show us just why they are so unknown and most likely will remain unknown.

I want to say THE ABCS OF DEATH is hit & miss, but it is predominately just miss. Of the 26 short segments, I enjoyed a mere 8. That's not good, and with a running time of a little over 2 hours, it began to seem like such a chore to sit through with (mostly) one bad short after another.

My favorites were by directors Timo Tjahjanto, Ti West, Adam Wingard, Jake West and some of those unknowns I mentioned above. The titles are (D) Dog Fight, (F) Fart, (L) Libido, (M) Miscarriage (very, very short by Ti West), (N) Nuptials, (Q) Quack (Adam Wingard's witty short), (S) Speed and (X) XXL.

An absolute brilliant idea that is mostly crap. I can't be any more straight-forward than that. I am going to attempt to sit through Part 2. I'm hoping it features more established directors, but something tells me it won't.
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