
9 Reviews
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Where the Birds Dream and So the Viewer
4 April 2024
A film that attempts to tackle profound themes like friendship, freedom, and the passage of time, but unfortunately fails to fully connect with the viewer.

The premise of following Leonardo, a teenager betrayed by his best friends, and his subsequent immersion into a dreamlike, surreal world sounds appealing on paper. However, the execution of the film leaves much to be desired.

One of the main issues is the poor technical execution. The cinematography looks shoddy, with a dull photography and shots that fail to take advantage of the visual potential of the dreamy locations and situations. The dialogues are also overly simplistic, depriving the characters and their existential dilemmas of depth.

It's difficult to fully empathize with Leonardo due to a script that fails to develop him properly as the protagonist. His story arc and motivations feel diffuse and inconsistent at times.

While the film tries to convey messages about topics such as possession, the passage of time, and individual freedom, these get lost amid a narrative that fails to cohesively bring all its elements together in a satisfactory way.
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A Complex protagonist or just annoying ?
9 October 2023
Mia, a 16-year-old who is returning home after recovery for an eating disorder. The show has been praised for its sensitive and realistic portrayal of anorexia.

She is struggling to reintegrate into her old life after being away for so long, and she is dealing with the ongoing challenges of her eating disorder. She is also trying to figure out who she is and what she wants, which is something that many teenagers can relate to.

Mia can be quite self-centered and whiny. Personally, I found Mia to be a bit of annoying. I appreciated her complexity and relatability, but I also found her self-centeredness and whininess to be frustrating at times.
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The Mother (2023)
The Mother: Jennifer Lopez's Most Forgettable Action Thriller Yet
18 May 2023
Jennifer Lopez stars as a former assassin who is forced to come out of hiding to protect her estranged 12-year-old daughter in the Netflix action thriller "The Mother." The film, directed by Niki Caro, is a serviceable but ultimately forgettable entry in the genre.

Lopez is solid in the lead role, but her performance is not enough to save the film. The plot is predictable and the action sequences are over-the-top and unrealistic. The film also suffers from a lack of originality.

The film's biggest problem is its lack of emotional depth. The film fails to generate any real suspense or excitement.

Overall, "The Mother" is a disappointing film that fails to live up to its potential. It is a missed opportunity for Lopez, who is a talented actress capable of better things.

Here are some of the specific weaknesses of the film:

The plot is predictable.

The action sequences are over-the-top and unrealistic.

The film lacks originality.

The film fails to generate any real suspense or excitement.

Overall, I would give "The Mother" a 4/10. It is a disappointing film that fails to live up to its potential.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
A Bitter Disappointment: Sweet Tooth Season 2 Fails to Engage
10 May 2023
Sweet Tooth Season 2 is a disappointing follow-up to the charming and heartwarming first season.

One of the biggest problems with Season 2 is the story. The first season was a simple but effective tale of a young boy named Gus who is trying to find his place in a post-apocalyptic world. The second season, on the other hand, is much more complicated and convoluted. The show introduces a number of new characters. The overall plot is also darker and more violent than in the first season. This shift in tone is jarring and makes it difficult to connect with the characters.

Another problem with Season 2 is the characters. The first season was full of likable and relatable characters, such as Gus, Big Man, and Aimee. In Season 2, however, the characters are much less likable. Gus is now more whiny and annoying, and Aimee is now more cold and distant. The new characters are also not very well-developed. As a result, it's difficult to care about what happens to them.

Finally, Season 2 suffers from pacing issues. Many of the episodes feel slow and drawn-out. This makes it difficult to stay engaged with the story.
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noisy kid!
23 August 2021
This show is not really good, but it could be tolerable without the noisy kid. At first, I thought it was ok to have the kid which is like a kind of conscience for his dad, but god, it's awful to hear him complaining all the time in a noisy way and talking to his dad, which is the head of the narcos, like a spoiled brad.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
stressful movie
4 February 2020
Adam Sandler is not a good dramatic actor. In fact, I may be biased because I do not even like Adam Sandler's movies. The thing is, he thinks that an actor to be dramatic has to shout and maybe that's the reason his character fits him well. The movie is stressful and his character is annoying.
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The Goop Lab (2020– )
Please Netflix do not support pseudoscience
27 January 2020
When entertainment meets pseudoscience the result could be dangerous. The good thing is that this new show is really awful. It's a shame also that Gwyneth Paltrow, an otherwise decent actress, uses her name to promote a dubious business.
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Title is a little bit misleading
9 December 2019
I was expecting a more depressing story about the evolution of a marriage. What I got was a "divorce story" with a little bits of background of their marriage. I like it buy my expectations were different.
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Patriot (2015–2018)
An unexpected good tv show
18 December 2017
I'm really enjoying this show. I didn't know what to expect because haven't heard about this show before.

The only thing it keeps me distracting it's that they insist on showing Prague best-known bridge and saying that they are in Luxemburg. If you don't have the money to film in Luxemburg it's ok, but not use one of the most famous bridges in the world (Charles bridge)and keep saying it's Luxemburg. Initially, I thought it was my mistake and didn't see when they move to Prague. It's distracting and the key showing it a few time by chapter
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