
2 Reviews
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One of Those films that gave me The..
2 January 2009
This film told me, or made me tell myself, that sometimes you have to do the thing that's right, and no matter if it involves "just" stirring cow dung in a bucket, you are going to enjoy it more than anything.

It made me wonder if those people working at the fields realize that they are part of this bright thing that is starting to happen everywhere.. goddesses giving life to earth.. And no, I wasn't high on anything other than the atmosphere of this film, when I though that. Well, watch this (again) and get more clues to these "riddles"..

Here's a few current suggestions for more sources of inspiration on other topics, Slajov Zizek, Stefan Molyneux, Jacque Fresco, Rick Strassman, Neal Goldsmith, Rick Doblin, Dean Radin and Alex Grey.

-Peace, love and understanding (of biodynamics and similar stuff).
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Zeitgeist (2007 Video)
One of the greatest films provoking the thinking process.
26 March 2008
Zeitgeist offers a grim view of things, that connects a lot of questions that arise when one wonders why things are the way they are, while we have more than we need on this planet. (not enough compassion among those who are being given the power, by the people)

Zeitgeist offers a path to lots of topics, about which one can finally engage some intelligent debate, without being shut down by simple evasive excuses, mostly in the form of offensive comments.

Zeitgeist offers a lot of (black) humor in many ways, f.ex in the form of ridiculous criticism, like most of films that try to really make a difference and fight the commonly accepted values. It shows effectively how fear and the lack of quality education (wisdom, not talking about merits or institutions) affects our thinking.

Some critics even seem to derive a weird kind of pleasure from neglecting things and praising their narrow views about the Zeitgeist being overly one sided. F.ex, should the film digest all the information for the viewer? That kind of stuff is widely seen on many movies. Especially considering films like Zeitgeist, it would affect destructively to the effectively developing mood and atmosphere. Leading to a situation where there is less room for these kinds of great emotions and thoughts among viewers that it offers as it is. We should try to find our fears and let them go, so we could think more clearly and maybe even enjoy some new things. We have our primitive side, but we also have the power to learn to control it.

Here's a bit more of this "lunatic" "mumble" to lighten up the end (and to give some of you an excuse to keep your values):

Concern, respect and self-awareness. Mix those up and you get compassion, kindness and love. Your "heaven" on Earth.

Lets get this species evolving! ;)

With Love,

Juha K. K. Oksanen
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