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Asylum (IV) (2008)
15 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now you know y'all had no business making a movie that's already been done a bazillion times AND making it bad..worse than bad... worse... than worse? WORSEST?!?!

Yeah this movie is so typical and follows the same usual tropes. Got the douchey jock guy, but for some reason he's really bad at jokes and awkward as hell... 'you have nice tits. Sorry I just kinda THREW that one out there' like bro, sit down... And of course the strong, spooky-esque Angelina Jolie lookin girl. I mean. She's cool, I'd prob hang with her outside of work. The lead girl is... the usual girl next door, down to earth, but has some weird trauma from her past type of deal....of course theres a slutty chick...some dorky dude...and this stoner guy who's kinda hot if I was like 22.

This movie has no redeeming qualities except being a little deep. That beginning hooked me but...yeah.....
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