
6 Reviews
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The Women Rule Again!
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am completely "hooked" on this wonderful competition show!!! It's the only cooking competition I MUST watch each season. I also loved the Children's Baking Championship until they let co-host Valerie Bertinelli go. I don't think another woman can take her place.

I LOVE Guy Fieri! He has good energy! His booming voice doesn't bother me. He's a fabulous emcee who is comfortable with people. I wouldn't want to see anyone else host this program. Those quieter-type people will make it boring. I definitely cannot imagine someone like Bobby Flay doing it. His voice and energy are just wrong for this type of program.

I also am not bothered to see Guy Fieri's son with him on the program. I think it's a beautiful thing to see their obviously great relationship. Hunter seems to be a very fine young man.

This season, I really wanted chef Jet Tila to win. He's been the most successful male chef. I love him. But then again, I believe all the chefs on this program are superb. Their talent is simply amazing!

I will definitely "be there" next season.
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Expedition Bigfoot (2019– )
I Believe in Bigfoot And I Enjoy This Program...
9 November 2023
I deleted my previous review of "Expedition BIgfoot." I'm currently watching the new season. I believe in Bigfoot, a creature that God likely created to NOT have communication with mankind. I believe Bigfoot is created to exist in the "far reaches of the earth," away from people. It appears to have a nature that tries to AVOID human beings. That in itself is simply AMAZING to me! Can you imagine how terrible it would be if Bigfoot's "nature" was similar to the nature of a chimpanzee. It would surely "go ape!"

Well, what else is new on TV? Out of all the programs about Bigfoot, this one is my favorite. It is a bit frustrating, though, since after all this time, the good folks can't seem to get some really good footage of the creature.

There has to be A LOT going on behind the scenes to make the cast feel safe. Who in his or her right mind would venture deep into Alaskan forests, wander around at night with flashlights, etc., and look for a huge, ugly, scary beast that can possibly kill a human being with one "swipe?"

What I would do: Have a helicopter drop off a HUGE slab of fatty, tasty, fire-roasted meat. Also include a big vat of ripe bananas and other soft, sweet, juicy fruits that apes would particularly enjoy. Then, set it all up on a large, flat piece of wood, as if setting a dinner table for Bigfoot and its family members. Lol.

You know an intelligent creature like Bigfoot very well could be secretly watching the crew, so they could place the "feast" on the beach or another area where there aren't a lot of bears and other wild animals. Then, the crew sets up their cameras in trees all around the area, leaves the area... and... Voila! Here comes Bigfoot!

I'll bet they'd "finally" get the footage and photos they are "supposedly" after.
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Bargain Block (2021– )
Watching This Trio Right Now!
14 September 2023
I LOVE "Bargain Block!" I love Keith and Evan. Great guys!

I also enjoy the lovely Shea. I like her humor and energy. She is a realtor and she is a pleasant presence who obviously aids in finding the right people to purchase these renovated homes.

By the way, what is it with viewers despising so many people's voices. Seems it's just absolutely EVERYWHERE about EVERYONE on EVERY SHOW. Name any show and you see viewers constantly complaining about someone's "tone of" and "annoying" voice.

Is that all. I may be alone here, but I don't understand it. Unless a voice is truly "super" grating, outlandish or utterly ridiculous, I think a lot of viewers are "petty" and possibly already a bit irritated or grouchy.

It's just too much.

Most of the designers and flippers appearing on these programs seem to be kind, decent, creative individuals. I'm happy that they are giving me something good to watch on TV. If I am really, REALLY unsettled by someone on TV, I won't watch him or her...... like every single "housewives" show. Lol. And I certainly don't wish for people on TV to lose their jobs.

Regarding this wonderful "Bargain Block," viewers need to remember what it's all about. People aren't "swimming in money" here. Keith and Evan also don't have a lot of cash to throw away. These are not wealthy neighborhoods, so you can't expect the guys to make homes "completely" upgraded with the nicest fixtures and materials.

The creativity of Keith and Evan is everything. It is especially good for people with lower incomes to see that they too can live in a cute, clean space that they can be proud of.
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Divorce Court (1999– )
Call her SUPER STAR JONES! She is a WINNER!!!
9 September 2023
I have NEVER watched this program until now, with Judge Star Jones!

I cannot say anything about the other judges, but I am satisfied with the stellar Star Jones! Wow!!! It is so wonderful to see someone with kindness, maturity and brains tell it like it is! She does not mince her words--and I love it!!!

In my opinion, TV has been especially horrible in recent years. I am so sorry I continually channeled past "Divorce Court" since it began. Recently, I turned on my TV right when an episode began... and I listened to the case. Now, I am completely hooked! I look forward to this show and cannot stop watching it.

This "Divorce Court" with Star Jones is simply GREAT! Men and women can learn a lot by watching this program. I think it is truly one of the best shows on TV. I won't miss "Divorce Court" or "Dr. Pimple Popper" with the kind and compassionate Dr. Sandra Lee. She's another super lady who is providing a great service to people who are in need.

Keep SUPER STAR JONES for as long as you can. And keep this show on. PLEASE!
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My Pack Life (2022– )
Continually Sending "Up" Prayers and Sending Out Love To Lee Asher
26 August 2023
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful Lee!!! Today (August 25th) is your birthday!

"My Pack Life" is a wonderful show about a fabulous human being named Lee Asher who adores, rescues and saves God's creatures. I "randomly" caught the show one day, and ever since then, I have been watching Lee Asher's videos on another "popular" website.

I seriously say prayers for Lee Asher daily... for his good health, well-being and continued success of "The Asher House" animal sanctuary he is building in Oregon. I have personally never met a man who loves pets/animals like Lee Asher does. I want God to greatly bless him in every way so that he can continue doing his awesome work.

If you love animals and want to warm your heart, watch Lee Asher anytime, anywhere. The show, "My Pack Life" is a wonderful introductory to the man and his mission.

Please "try" not to be offended when Lee Asher kisses his dogs. I believe his dogs instantly begin to trust him and that they can feel his heart and emotions. Then they know he loves them so very much.

Ain't love grand!

I personally want to give as much money as I can to Lee Asher's animal sanctuary. We have to keep it going. The work this beautiful man is doing is too important.
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Tom Cruise, Thank You. You're A True STAR!
10 August 2023

I don't know what people are expecting from films these days, but I would not blame Tom Cruise. The film industry is full of "FLOPS," and it has been like that for YEARS now.


For me, I believe, I've seen the best. NOTHING else in my lifetime will rival the "middle earth" films by Peter Jackson. And now that it seems like most people have been so depressed by the state of the world and had their creativity stunted, I don't expect the best--only hope.

I like Tom Cruise because anyone can see that he TRULY cares about his audience. He wants so badly to entertain his fans with great work, but it's like the "luck of the draw" these days. It's bigger than Tom Cruise.

I used to watch movies every weekend for years, and I'm not a paid movie critic. Now, I have to almost "talk myself into" watching films. I must read some reviews. Good luck here on this site, what with people using different names to vote multiple times. Also, the votes aren't so neutral. It's like people either love this film or hate it.

I'm glad I followed my "gut" and watched "MIDR" yesterday (8-8-2023).

Well, what can I say?

Me likey!

Tom Cruise is still handsome, so that caught my attention. I like seeing his maturity over the years. He's looking pretty good in his senior years.

I also loved the strong female characters in the film. I mean, why not? They should be fighting and kicking various butts, as they are killers.

The villain... well, I think they can do a lot better in choosing baddies for Mission Impossible films. I think this villain is too handsome. Probably best to feature unattractive, scary-looking men and women as villains. This villain had rugged good looks for GQ.

Seriously, I enjoyed the action in this film. That's what I love. I also prefer the camera close-ups. I think close-up shots make movies a bit more intimate. Also, the dialogue here is easy to hear and understand. I can't stand it when I can't clearly hear the dialogue of characters, or they say their lines so lickety-split.

So, basically I'm not complaining. My experience was a good one. I was not bored at all. For me, the time went by quickly. I had a big tub of popcorn that was very delicious.

It was a good day!
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