
64 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
As exciting as LEFT BEHIND
22 March 2024
Idk where this show is going. But it sure seems a lot like this Old Left Behind Show i watched years ago. Bunch of people killing themselves, and its super boring. THis is so very slow and so very boring. And the way its shot and the way the story is being told, I dont know how anyone could grow to care about any of these characters.

So science is evolving in unpredictable ways. We have theories today that could explain such a thing..but nope, everyone just starts killing themselves because they are too rigid to open their minds up to new possibilites.

It also kinda reminds me of this show where THe main character was arguing about God is Nowhere and God is now here. An interesting concept that goes nowhere.

How could universe altering physics be tied to a chinese revoultion 50 years ago. It does not seem like it will get any better.
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Damsel (2024)
Of course its predictable...what isnt? but its still a good watch
20 March 2024
I was expecting 9s and 10s, not 3s and 4s.

The cinematography is amazing. The sets, camera shots and locations are all incredible. I mean.. Except for that gold paint cardboard carriage, lol.

The acting is great! I didn't have any problem with any of the actors at all. The movie is really solid..

But of course its predictable. Only 2 possible endings. Either she kills the dragon and leaves a queen that everyone is forced to bow down to, OR she teams up with the dragon. Now i was hoping for the prior, but Im still happy with the latter because it also shows she did almost kill the dragon.

The dragon is pretty stupid, never leaving its dark cave. It couldn't smell that the people up stairs had much more potent royal blood?
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Chicken Nugget (2024– )
Hilarious Show
18 March 2024
Whats with the super low scoring?

I am American! I thought this show was mostly hilarious. A little over the top cringeworthy at times. But for the most part this thing is freaking hilarious! I binged this show from start to finish over the weekend.

At first I did not know what to expect. The pretty stupid, Kinda like Onward. But what it does with the premise is really solid, funny, and enjoyable.

Man, the Asian women look like children. They all look like 13 year olds but I have to assume that they are in their 20s.

I want some yellow pants now!

Where can i find such yellow pants?
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Chicken Nugget: Episode #1.10 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
Weird ending for such an amazing series
18 March 2024
Was this the worst ending ever? Or was it the worst cliffhanger ever? I couldn't tell if this was setting up for a sequel or if that was how it really ended. Either way this last episode was just too awkward to enjoy.

Terrible cgi aliens, Cartoon 105 year olds jumping around like a superhero...

50 years into the future was a terrible idea.

I have to keep going...Well I actually loved the show overall. A bit over the top at times, but for the most part i was enthralled and i ended up binging the whole thing.

I didnt wish for a 2nd season. But I do hope that the people who made this show continue onward to make different shows/movies.
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Resident Alien: Pilot (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Makes no sense to me
11 March 2024
I'm currently reading a much better version of the same thing. A monster tries to fit in with humans.

But in the book at least the rules are set. How can a little boy see through shapeshifting? Wouldnt that imply that the alien is using mind control to trick everyone into seeing something that isnt there?

Well I see no evidence he has a huge body that is mentally projecting a smaller one. So that makes no sense. Can the boy see through time?

So in a small town the police can just force you to look at dead bodies because you are a doctor? What kind of doctor does not seem to matter.

See its the little things that bother me. I guess the show isnt bad. Seems like it might be funny. But if only 1 out of a million people can see him then how come that in a small town they have the 1 out of a million hot single female bartender that wants to get crazy with every guy she meets?
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Terrible actors all around
4 March 2024
Katara and Aang...Arguably the 2 most main characters of the show, are both the worst actors of the new live action remake. And you expect me to watch 3-4 seasons of them?

The effects are great, except on the opening for some reason. Everything has a weird motion blur on the first episode, making it look worst than spiderman from 20 years ago. But the sets are fantastic, HD, and full of life. So why is the show overall bad? Its really just the acting, or dialogue. Its always hard to tell which one is leading to such poor scenes where it feels like the characters are pretending to be bad on purpose.

I cant tell, but I cant watch any more than 1 episode.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
How are the visuals amazing and terrible at the same time
26 February 2024
Just like that Morgan Freeman history of earth documentary, Netflix has amazing looking animation when nothing is moving. IT looks so real. But then motion happens, and it becomes weird and cartoony..This looks awful..

Static water tribe shots...amazing.. Moving air bender temple set shots = awful. Amazing and Awful at the same time. How am i supposed to react to this? Its that motion blur trying to cover up super rubbery people effect. It does not look good

And now onto the people. Everybody looks pretty good. Zuko is way younger than i expected. But while everyone looks good, the action, is sub par. Unfortunately. I really wish this was not the case. But most everyone is acting pretty lousy. Especially Kataraa and her grandmother, And sometimes AANG.

And I could not watch more than 1 episode.. The aspect ratio is messed up on every episode except for #1.
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The Marvels (2023)
good movie, lame plot
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I was actually quite entertained throughout most of the movie. Enthralled even. Sure the plot doesnt make much sense, has no reasons for things to happen, but the things that do happen are at least interesting and fun to watch.

The montage where they are learning how to control their body switching powers was both lame and cool. Lame that all they did was jump roping with them. But cool in how seamless they were able to master these powers.., they never use these powers to their advantage. They dont use them in any cool way while fighting or in the end when one of the characters sacrifices herself. Which was a big let down.

But overall i surprisingly enjoyed it, all the characters, and the teenage ms marvel.

What makes no sense was the dying planet, The ease at which they were able to restore the sun, and brie larsons massive change in bra sizes. Im a guy..Was i not supposed to notice?
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Halo: Sanctuary (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Still the same??
12 February 2024
I was expecting something...anything to be different. Anything at all!!

At least the 1st episode last season had something to catch viewers with. This episode had nothing!. We changed!..we changed my butt!

Its super slow, dark, and boring. Heres a tip. If your cgi is below par, dont go out of your way to show off a 20 minute fog battle. I with your cgi. If you know your cgi is garbage..dont go making it the showrunner. Have some actual story in there so we dont have to rely on cgi for a good show.

So where is the story here. I dont know. And i never will because this episode is such a slog to get through that i cant stay awake.
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Hazbin Hotel (2019– )
Good story, but too much singing
5 February 2024
So I really love Helluva boss. I know Hazbin Was first, but Helluva boss just seemed more likely to be picked up than hazbin. And I hope it gets its own show as well.

Some songs were great and are catchy, and other songs, and there are a lot of them, are just like spoken dialogue with music. The bad ones are not so bad as much as they are rushed. The songs are too fast, sometimes i cant even understand what is being said because of the audio being not balanced very well.

The whole season rushes from month to month, 8 episodes covers 6 months in the time of the world of the show. So its kinda paced bad,

it feels like they forced 2 songs per episode even though it wasnt called for or needed. Like oh we will just make this whole section a song.

I hope that if more seasons come out that, the animation will improve, Its good now but still seems amaterish..or cheap. And I hope the songs are more developed...and Helluva boss...those are my hopes. But love this overall.
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No sense
22 January 2024
Ok..So im guessing im not supposed to be trying to think more into anything that is happening. Just let all the plot holes continue then? Well...Thats hard for me to do. From the super big to the super small. Nothing in this world makes any sense.

First of all, in what college do you get -20 points for turning in a test early? That makes no sense. I could really talk about this one all day but lets move on.

The asian guy kills 3 people then his father comes in and basically explains the situation so that it is completely obvious that it was all for him, and yet as he is explaining this, he does not realize it? I..dunno. ITs just super obvious he is about to get shot..and he does.

The young asian boss eats a churro and it leads us to believe he has never had anything sweet before,,even though he was making 2 cakes in the last scene. Now suddenly he is hooked on churros like they are gods gift on earth. When he makes elaborate cakes...ok, no sense.

So blah blah blah plot hole plot hole plot hole...The mom is clearly the one setting all this up. Or its a test from the father. ITs something stupid like that...but ill never finish it because its just not entertaining enough.
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terrible movie, but great music and lots of fun
22 January 2024
Rewatched this movie this weekend. Love WIll Ferrel, loved all the songs, even the crazy one with the stupid man in a dress..Someone explain this one to me? I didnt understand this. But anyways. The problem with this movie is it does the 3rd quarter breakup 3 times. Theres a 1st 2nd and 3rd quarter breakup in this movie, making it far too long.

But the movie sure has its payoffs. From the boat blowing up, to the musical numbers, and the final song, all of it is really well done. Its a pretty funny movie with a certain level of cringe that are in all will ferrel movies. Unfortunately for that. He doesnt need cringe to be funny.. but oh well.
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actually it starts off good
16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like the slow buildup at first. I enjoy the actor who leads the farming village. I found the villains ridiculous and therefore funny. So i was enjoying it. The over the top nazis that all want to take turns raping the same woman, while they demand a small farming community to produced foods for a massive army..its just so ridiculous. I was loving it.

Then the rest of the movie became a heist movie about assembling a team of random people for absolutely no reason. The movie said it was going to get these people to teach the farmers how to fight, but that doesnt really fit. How could 5 people teach them to fight? Couldnt she do that herself? . Instead we go from one absurd plot to the next. A super lax slave owner that just says random things and is completely fine with having more or less it doesnt even matter....
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I was expecting greatness, not boredom
3 January 2024
This is a show? Are you sure? What is it about exactly?

Ok so I have always loved anything pokemon related, but is this actually pokemon related? There are pokemon in it, i see that, but they dont act like pokemon. And does this show really remind you of the pokemon world/ universe we are all used to?

People get paid to treat pokemon at a day spa? How, Who pays them. Or is the world a utopia where people dont have money? Im just saying, none of that fits the world of pokemon that I know.

So the show looks great from pictures, but it looks awful as a video. I loved ONI, and this looks like the same studio, it has the same everything, except charm! Not charmander, charm!

Maybe its because i am an adult male and this show is aimed at little girls. That is a possibility. I found this show to be devoid of any charm and it is so lifeless and slow that i simply could not watch more than 1 episode.

Do you know what a concierge is? Well neither does the show apparently.
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What if season 2 was good?
27 December 2023
Wow..This whole concept is outdated. First season timed well with the movies that i still cared about these characters. But now, its just characters that I know, in completely random situations. What if the hulk was pink? What if Iron man was born in 1853? These scenarios are not even fun to watch or think about even.

Even in the context of the rules set in the movie, this episode makes absolutely no sense. Why would ego send Peter to destroy planets physically when they could do it from afar. Why does peter destroy half the city, then stops and waits for people to show up? How is Thor in here when in the movies he didnt come to earth til much later..

Its all so freaking random that i dont care!!!!
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Sweet Home: Episode 10 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Season starts off very strong and ends abysmally
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
By the 3rd or 4th episode the show starts losing momentum. Basically nothing happens from episode 3 to episode 9.

We dont even get to see the ending? Which was mostly already shown at the start of the season. We really dont get to see beyond that? What a tease and a let down. That is why we were watching.

Did they run out of money? Why do the creatures look so amazing in the first few episodes. Then we basically never see them again or when we do the creatures look awful.

I Was so sure that other demon was the husband of the scientist woman. He looks just like him and it just fit...but he dies?

The show is so inconsistent. First, the creatures cant be killed, then they cant, then they can, then they cant. Make up your mind. Fire kills them right? But no one ever says fire can kill them.

And losing your memory for absolutely no reason just to get it back 10 seconds later...why? Lame.
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Great, but also kinda bad...if i can explain
27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So yeah its great. But what would have been even better is a season that can stand on its own without needing extra seasons. The end just makes no sense, its pace is all over the place..

Characters disappear halfway through the season only to randomly be involved in a plot at the very end of the season. And its really forced...

The nudity adds nothing...and looks awful btw. Shamelessly stealing another samurai's main theme song...thats a pretty big "bad" in my book... So many plot holes.

So if she goes back to her master to rebuild the sword..umm...but he did not know how she made the sword. SO she came up with a way to melt it down without her master knowing and yet she does not know how to fix it? What? Im confused.

And the end,...ugh. Where did the invading army go? Seriously? The whole city burns down because of 1 candle that the main character threw...which lights up as if covered in gasoline?

I really hate the demon sword formula. Character gets hurt so badly that death is near. Becomes too weak to move, then comes back stronger to win the fight. Its really growing old.

So at the end the woman and old man block the gate..but then 30 seconds later the other guy walks right through the gate no
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Baki (2018–2020)
Wasted potential..mostly filler
13 November 2023
Interesting premise...then it goes to crap. This show is mostly filler. A big fight is coming up, then it flashes back to explain one characters motivations and reasoning...then it flashes back to the other character's movitvation and reasons...then it.

So then the fights start and its like haha you only shot my kneecaps and blew holes in all my joints and face and head and brain. That wont be enough to kill someone like me.. Did i mention I also have super powers...yeah i can...umm...hypnotize you to make you see things that are not there...its so laughable. Its almost as funny as one punch man. But not quite. Iits just too much to be even considered funny after a while.

So in short this whole show is like 3 episodes worth of content that they stretched into who knows how many seasons with filler crap.

Also why does the 1st season feel like the 2nd season?
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Loki: Science/Fiction (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
I have no idea what is going on, but im loving it!
6 November 2023
So,,um maybe someone can explain to me what is going on. I am super lost. But the episode was fantastic. Loved it and was so disappointed when it was over.

How is loki just able to travel to any place and time without any sort of powers or technology? Time slipping. Yes, but what is Time slipping exactly. Everyone else has experienced everything he has. Especially female Loki. SO why is male Loki the only one able to do this?

The multiverse is supposed to be collapsing into 1 timeline right? Well it sure is taking its sweet time with it.

But i dont understand why Loki would demand to return to the tva. Why does he want Mobius to lose his family and return to a life of boredom at the tva?

Also...So the purpose of the TVA was to prune all other timelines right. So why did the TVA create the loom, which creates the multiverse..only to prune the multiverse down to 1 timeline. IF they prune every other universe how are there so many variants?

From season 1 and 2 we never got any answers. Maybe im not supposed to think about it. Amd just take Loki's word that all will be clear someday?
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Life on Our Planet (2023– )
This is a different series...also with Morgan Freeman
30 October 2023
So yeah..its poor timing. But i thought Netflix was pointing me at a show I had just finished watching. But no. It is different.

This amazing. With amazing voice over and amazing least until they move. THen it gets a little wonky..but still not bad.

My only complaint...and its a big one. IS that I absolutely hate the fabled story telling sections. This catbird species's males danced together for male dominance..and then they continue that trend, talking about how it probably did this and probably did that. But they don't say probably. They show and say with certainty that these fabled stories happened.

That was my biggest complaint with the previous morgan freeman documentary..the forced storytelling. Its such a lame device.

And i had just seen the same octopus male pretending to be a female at least twice before this. And it is even the same footage.
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Loki: 1893 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
much better
20 October 2023
So good it begs the question..Was Episode 2 an accident?

Such a good episode. Reminded me a lot of the early season of "Legends of Tomorrow".

So i dont understand how a cartoon clock is in the episode. I thought it was a hologram in the TVA. How is it just able to go anywhere?

Also more importantly. Did the ONE who remains create the multiverse..only to destroy it? I dont understand why he would build the loom which must have created the multiverse in the first place. But then he created the TVE to prune the unwanted timelines? Finally the story of this guy has become interesting...Only took what. 5 years. A few movies and a couple season of shows?
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Day Shift (2022)
Not bad. Could have been better...obviously
18 October 2023
So..everyone is acting poorly. But it could have been on purpose. Its over the top. A bit too much over the top. It looks like every vampire was played by this 1 super flexible woman.

A lot works actually. Snoop Dog has improved as an actor a great deal over the years. He is still not great...but not bad bad either.

And I love his "The Boy"s reference at the end.

But some scenes just ruin the whole movie..Like picking up a girl from a birthday party. What a terrible terrible scene that was. The shots, the actors, the screenplay, dialogue..everything was just so awful about it. And the scene where the villain leaves. I know that is a 90s trope..but it just does not work here. You killed my im going to murder you...OR just lock you in a room with your co worker and leave.
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Loki: Breaking Brad (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
did i miss an episode.....
16 October 2023
I cant tell what i just watched. I was so confused. I thought this was the last episode of season 2 that somehow got aired as the 2nd episode.. Characters act different. THe whole episode starts in a different place than last time we saw.

WHo is BRad?...was he ever introduced before? How did Sylvy get to the mcd. How did Brad find her. When did Brad find her. WHy is Sylvia fine with a life working at mcd?

Suddenly they can just bomb every other timeline out of the water? Since when can they do this? How did they have the man power and numbers to do this. WHy are all the tva agents suddenly horrified by the act of destroying other timelines when they have been doing it the whole time. What is the story here? Arc? Plot? Anything?

The 1st episode was fantastic but this episode is a complete mess that had me rewatching both episodes trying to figure it out only im at a blank.
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no heart, no passion..nothing
2 October 2023
It looks great, well made. But the story is severely lacking here. 4 episodes in and i dont think i have really enjoyed a single one. It seems like its about to get way better..but ive been thinking that for 4 episodes and its always just meh right now.

The dracula messiah is not Alucard? Or Dracula.. How are other vampires even existing? Its pretty boring so far. Lots of promise but no payoff.

And I think its probably going to end like this. Bellmont finds the purple vampire but realizes he is not evil, and he changes his way. Not just killing all vampires, but only killing evil vampires..and forgives him for killing his mom.
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Mostly filler, great animation, repeating story
2 October 2023
This season is mostly filler...Giving us entire episodes dedicated to the backstories of characters that we dont care enough about to watch. I like the characters and their growth but whole episodes dedicated to this is wayy too much.

Man that infinite castle is awesome. I love the animation on it and a couple of the other enviroments. But sometimes it showed up on the characters themelves and it does not look good.. especially on the eyes of the slutty swordswoman. The whole time they stick out.

And yep..its pretty much the same story as all these short demon slayer arcs. Actually this time the demons felt weaker.

BUt the formula is go to a random new place. Fight demons, let guard down and get hurt real bad, transform into powerful fighter...Demon transforms into a more powerful fighter..Reach deep down inside and gather the strength to stop the demon..

Same old same old....with lots of filler, repeated scenes..repeated minutes..repeated on the end and beginning with a recap and the longer title song. You get about 11 minutes per episode . If only that whip sword wasnt so awesome looking i might have stopped watching.
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