
5 Reviews
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A Daughter's Conviction (2006 TV Movie)
Uncle. I'll tell you anything
15 March 2009
just don't make me watch it again. This is by far the worst movie I have suffered through on a rainy afternoon. I kept hoping that it would get better based on other comments. It only gets worse. It was so bad, it was almost hypnotic. Most of the actors were less than one-dimensional. One-dimensional would have been an improvement. If I didn't know better this was written, produced, and directed by a gaggle of teenage drama queens with all the subtle over-the-top histrionics. Then the make-up and hair of the heroine and her side kick look like they were trapped in a hair-dressing school. The only good actors were Kate Jackson and the bad guys.
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Flood (2007)
Sad clichés
23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly think the writers had a contest to see who could write a script with the most clichés. Then someone needed a tax break so they made it into a movie. A complete waste of some great talent. I can't believe I wasted my time watching it. The film clips used to advertise it were more entertaining. And the stupid ending where the professor knowingly enters a chamber with only one tank of air. If he was such a genius he would have taken an extra tank and survived. I almost feel like watching it again. This time I'll catalog the clichés to see if maybe there is a hidden message from the writers. It probably will spell out sucker. I'm surprised that the actors involved didn't take up a collection to shelf the movie and protect their careers.
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Troy (2004)
27 January 2007
As a student of history I had high hopes for this movie; however, experience has taught me that anytime that Hollywood gets their paws on a fine story they have to spoil it with their preconceived notions. So I was prepared for that factor. Normally I don't agree with the critics; however, for once they were right on the money as far as this movie was concerned. There were some fine actors who shined forth and I enjoyed their performances; however, over all it was dull, dull, dull, dull. I'm extremely glad that I didn't waste the money to see it in the theater and I'm thrilled that I didn't waste the money to add it to my collection sight unseen. If you want to see a movie about Troy you are better off watching Helen of Troy. Homer's Illiad is a fantastic tale that was butchered. One of these days someone is going to film a movie that will be a credit to this wondrous story. I doubt it will be out of Hollywood after viewing this film.
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Criminal Intent (2005 TV Movie)
18 August 2005
Utterly the most painful movie I have ever suffered through. I kept hoping that it would improve since it had Linda Purl; however, it just kept spiraling down hill. If you want something more entertaining try a root canal. This could have been a great movie if they had bothered to invest some money into actors who could carry this type of story line. It was just an endless parade of pretty faces "mugging" for the camera. Nor will it become one of those "bad" films that later becomes faddish due to its comically bad acting. This was just plain bad. Even after a while Linda's normally superb acting was lost in the damage. The sad statement is that each of these actors have done superb work in other films yet they just didn't have the edge to carry this story line.
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A Case for Murder (1993 TV Movie)
Trite tripe
26 March 2002
Have you ever heard promising comments about a movie, watched the whole thing, and just kept hoping that it would get better. Then when it ends you are sitting there trying to figure out why you wasted your time? Well this movie is the perfect example of that scenario.
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