
30 Reviews
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Here is why I gave it an 8
27 June 2022
Here is why I gave it an 8; it is an "8" in the Hallmark movie universe, not the "Gone With The Wind", "Sound of Music" universe.

Yes Hallmark movies are cheesy and yes you know EXACTLY how it is going to end, you just aren't sure HOW they are going to get there.

The movie was warm, implausible, cheesy, joyful and most importantly, entertaining. There ain't nuthin' wrong with cheesy, happy ending movies; Lord knows we can use a little happy escapism these days.

If you liked the other movies in this series, you'll enjoy this one too.
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I was exhausted by the end of the film
5 June 2022
I was exhausted by the end of the film. I I'd been flying an F/A-18 Super Hornet for two hours. More impressive than the film itself is the physical fitness Tom Cruise has maintained.

There is not much to say that won't be a spoiler, so all I will say is, if you enjoy the original, you should love this movie. If you are too young to have seen the original in the theaters, no matter; it is still an incredible piece of movie making. See it in IMAX if you can, but for sure see it on the biggest screen you can, with the best sound system.
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Abbott Elementary (2021– )
Pleasantly Surprising
14 January 2022
Abbott Elementary was so heavily promoted before the premiere I figured it was going to be terrible and the best parts were shown in trailers. I was pleasantly surprised when I watched the first two episodes. The show was/is actually great.

I love the characters.and want to strangle either Quinta Brunson or. Chris Perfetti every other minute. Both are like close friends of mine, one who can never leave things alone, they always want to poke sleeping bears; the other is so careful to never give any offense to anyone that they of course offend everyone.

The rest of the cast is just perfect, the disinterested principal, the disillusioned but still hard working veteran teacher, the NY gal who "has a guy" and the "I'm just here for a short time" sub. Yes the characters can be a little over the top in the stereo-types, but that is a tried and true formula for sit coms.

Three episodes in and it is just getting better.
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The Wonder Years (2021–2023)
Great, warm new series
28 October 2021
When I first heard they were redoing "The Wonder Years" from an African American point of view I thought it was a stupid idea and pandering to the current zeitgeist.

Maybe that was the reason, or one of them, but the series itself is wonderful. It is warm and lighthearted,but at the same time shows the struggles and challenges of being an African American in a mostly white country. The series is never preachy and the characters are great representations of the middle class African American community in the 1960s.

I can't recommend this series enough and I'd start with Episode 1 and work your way through to catch up.

Kudos to the cast and writers.
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
Could be the best of the series
22 August 2021
Toy Story 3 could be the best movie of the series. I've enjoyed all the movies but TS3 had a little something extra that really got to me.

I remember as a kid how I felt inanimate objects had feelings, so I really related to Andy and how he felt about his toys, especially Woody.

With TS3 I remembered how it felt when my oldest went off to college. It is such a bittersweet moment. You want your kids to grow and move on, it is what life is, but part of you wishes they'd stay Andy's age in TS1 forever.

I won't go on because I'd get into spoilers, but I just love this movie. It is one of Disney/Pixar's best.
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Tangled (2010)
Love Tanngled
22 August 2021
I love this movie, it suits my sense of humor and it reminds me of the old Hope/Crosby "Road To" movies.

It has great music, all the drama you expect, but not too much, and a happy ending. What else could you want?
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Unforgotten (2015– )
Just oustanding police drama
20 August 2021
Unforgotten is a grown up version of Cold Case. Unlike American shows, British series don't feel as compelled to come to a resolve every week in 42 minutes.

I love how it shows the slow grind of how cold cases are solved and that even though we call them "cold cases", to the victims left behind the cases aren't cold at all.

The acting is superb, as is the writing. I am looking forward to what Season 4 brings.
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Doctor Doctor (2016–2021)
Why do I keep watching?
20 August 2021
I keep watching because I can't help myself. I am so frustrated by Hugh, who seems to sabotage his own life and happiness at every turn, but of course, that is why people keep watching and it's now into 5 seasons.

It is hard to know what else to say without getting into spoilers, except that I do enjoy the entire cast. The writers have done a great job of creating complex characters and fun to watch the interactions.
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Bad, just flat out bad
20 August 2021
This show is a walking disaster. It is so trite and cliche, it is hard to believe that professional writers write it. It is also so entirely predictable.

It is bad enough that someone at Disney bought this program the first time around, but it makes me question the leadership at Disney when shows like this make it to their channels.
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I enjoyed this program, but......
21 April 2021
I enjoyed this program, but it didn't need to be 6 episodes. The drama was often overwrought. They could have easily gotten the entire plot done in four or less episodes.

Still it is worth the time to watch.
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Chad (2021–2024)
Cringy says it best
14 April 2021
This series is cringy, is the only way to say it. If it had been on SNL it would have been a 5 minute skit that no one laughed at and the writers would have gone,"ehwin some, lose some." But has an actual series of 22 minutes once a week, it goes way beyond cringy.

There are plenty of talented, young Persian male teens who could have played the role and might have had actual experiences as a Persian boy that could have contributed to the role. But to have a 40 year old woman play the role is absurd and it just isn't believable.
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United States of Al (2021–2022)
Oh dear
9 April 2021
I understand how an exec could green light the premise, it isn't a bad one. But what I don't understand is how after watching two episodes in the can the same executive didn't cancel the series and burn all the copies of the final product.

There were all kinds of ways to go with this show and a fresh perspective, but instead the writing is abysmal. It isn't even good enough to be a high school film production, let alone network TV. It would get about 50 views om YouTube.

Bottom line, don't bother.
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This is why I stopped watching L&O SVU
2 April 2021
I used to love this show, even better than the original, but maybe six or seven years ago the show shifted from being about solving and convicting criminals and started to delve deeply into the personal lives of the characters. It ruined the show. If I want a soap opera I'll watch Days of Our Lives.

I only watched this episode because of the return of Chris Meloni. Unfortunately everything I hated about the "new"L&O SVU was here in spades and great new additional things thrown in to make me hate it even more. The opening was cartoonish. To call the writers sophomoric would be an insult to the comparative maturity of sophomores in high school everywhere.
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OMG this was horrible
11 January 2021
If they had done this as an animated feature it would have been geared to 10 and under boys, It was the stupidest, hokiest, most contrived story line ever. Most of the Jurassic films had an air of believability about them. There is nothing mildly believable in this movie. The characters are two dimensional, and barely at that.

Do NOT watch this completely inane movie.
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Surprisingly Charming and Entertaining
7 July 2020
When I saw this title in the theaters it didn't appeal to me at all. Six months later I was on a cruise and this movie was the feature "Movie Under The Stars" one night.

How wrong I had been about it. It is a beautifully written and acted movie. There are lots of light moments and moments of higher tension, but I was never bored or put off by any part. It has a bit of a Cinderella like quality.

I can't recommend it more highly for those looking to be entertained.
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Noah (2014)
How can a movie be so awful?
7 July 2020
Chained rock monsters guard the Ark, someone is trapped by a modern bear trap, someone fires a blunderbuss like weapon thousands of years before gunpowder was known?

They'd have been better off calling the movie Kronk From Planet X and then doing what they did. Then I might not have hated it so much. Horrible writing, horrible plat, awful acting from some decent actors....

What a mess.
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Horrid and dark
23 December 2019
How is it possible to take a simple tale of Hope and Redemption (Dickens A Christmas Carol) and turn it into this garbage? If I were an heir of Dickens I'd sue.

I don't even get why they named it "A Christmas Carol" since it bears no resemblance to the original. The only things that remained the same were the names and the angels (spirits).

Don't bother with this hollow imitation.
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"Disappointing" is too much of an understatement
14 November 2018
The movie got two stars from me because of good efx, The rest was just a disaster. A book that won multiple awards and has been a standby for middle school literature was absolutely ripped up and thrown away. A beautiful story was ruined.

They used the names from the book and some terms, otherwise it was completely unrecognizable. The child actors (Storm Reid, Levi Miller and Deric McCabe) all did credible jobs, while the adult actors, many of whom are very accomplished, fell flat, which lays the blame at the foot of director Ava DuVernay.

As to the horrible, disjointed story, I don't know who to blame other than Jennifer Lee and Jeff Stockwell.

I hope losing $200 million on this movie was a lesson to TWDC to not mess with well known, much beloved books.
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Horrible episode
15 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst L&O SVU's I've ever seen, but then again I think the show has been sliding downhill in its writing since about season 8 maybe.

The stories used to be realistic, a lot were pulled from actual incidents. At some point they went off the rails with psycho-dramas and focusing more on the recurring characters than on the story.

This was one of those episodes. It was a horribly written episode, the acting was terse and over the top. Then they started carrying the stories over several episodes, which made it worse. It is one thing to have continuity about a character's life, but it is dumb when they try to turn it into an episodic serial drama.
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Man of Steel (2013)
One of the stupidest movies of all time.....
30 January 2016
.... and that is saying something. There have been a lot of stupid movies, but this is right up there.

I won't go with a point by point dissection because that would require spoilers.

I really can't think of too many positives. I'll give most of the actors credit for playing their parts well, especially the teenaged Clark. Unfortunately the actor I wasn't impressed with was Chris Meloni, who normally I love. His performance felt stilted.

Kevin Costner did a nice job as Mr. Kent and ditto for Diane Lane as Mrs. Kent.

Henry Cavill, who I only knew previously from The Tudors, was exceptional I thought.

I'll lay the films deficiencies at the feet of David Goyer and Zack Snyder.

I just don't think it was worth the time I spent watching it.
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The Good Dinosaur Is Great
18 November 2015
Another terrific movie from Pixar and Disney. Let's start with the easy stuff, the craft of the movie itself. It is amazing how far the state of the art has come since Pixar first started making movies. The animation is seamless and deep. The characters move with such dexterity and you can read the emotions with out the words or music. The backgrounds are equally magnificent.

But as great as the animation is, the story, as with all Pixar movies is what makes it truly great. The story is familiar, a boy and his dog..... er dinosaur, and it is even predictable. You know how it is going to end (more or less), but what makes it great is how it gets there; how the bond and friendship forms and how they face adversity together. The movie has a lot of heart, that same kind of heart that they brought to Toy Story 3.

Given the timing and season, I expect this to be a big hit, maybe not to the level of Frozen, but I think it will have legs.
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Jumanji (1995)
Very cute, feel good movie
11 July 2015
I gave Jumanji 7 out 10, which is a pretty good rating from me. 10 are epics like Gone With The Wind & Lawrence of Arabia, 9 are classics and 8 the near great. 7, like Jumanji, are just good, clean fun; not Oscar worthy movies, but movies worth watching.

Robin Williams delivers a fairly straight performance for him, but it works, it is good acting. Kirsten Dunst, does a great job as his love interest and former playmate.

Other roles by David Alan Grier, Bonnie Hunt, Jonathan Hyde and Bebe Neuwirth fill out the cast nicely along with the child actors who play Peter & Judy and the young Alan & Sarah.

Jumangi was one of the better, more successful films to come out of TriStar.
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Sexting in Suburbia (2012 TV Movie)
Bad, bad, bad movie
11 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin with how bad this movie is. The writing is sophomoric, the acting wooden and the plot, while plausible, is badly developed.

Why do they insist on hiring 25 year old actors to play high school kids. If they are going to hire 25 year old actors to play high school kids can't they at least find ones who can act? As to the writing.... they say write what you know. While the writer may know that high school kids can be mean, he has no idea how they act, what they do and no idea about sports, prosecutors, police and the issues around sexting.

Just a bad movie... take the two hours and do something else in life.
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7th Heaven (1996–2007)
Review of the reviews
30 January 2014
So as the title says, this is a review of the reviews.

I wonder where these reviewers were when the show was on the air? They pretend it wasn't a highly successful, highly rated show that lasted 11 seasons making it one of less than 30 prime time TV shows that ever ran as long.

There were a lot of reasons for the success of the show and there seem to be a lot of people who hate that others enjoyed those reasons; an intact family, a religious bent, involved & dedicated parents, etc.

7th Heaven was a terrific show and if it was a low rated as the reviewers give it, it wouldn't have lasted one season, let alone eleven,
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Enjoyed it, but disjointed
14 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie, but I have an idea a lot was left on the cutting room floor. The hardest part of being a director is either putting your vision on the screen in under 120 minutes or creating a movie so compelling that the audience will sit for 3 hours.

There is so much we don't know about Ryan and his family. We know he is mute through trauma, his father's death, but we don't know how long since his father's death since apparently at the end of the movie his mother either has a boyfriend or new husband. Which is why I think that some of those details got cut out for the sake of time.

All that aside, Ryan Kelly and Hayden Panettiere were very compelling as the young actors. There is a sweet vulnerability about Ryan and a sad undercurrent to Hayden's joie de vivre.

There is also a very strong performance by Armin Mueller-Stahl as the grandfather.

I enjoyed the movie, as I said in my title, but wish that Mr. Small could have put his story on the screen with more clarity.
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