
3 Reviews
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Monk: Mr. Monk and the Wrong Man (2007)
Season 6, Episode 8
What was that!
10 June 2023
I'd love to have something good to say because Monk is one of my favourite shows. But what was that?

Looked more like a parody than anything else!

The script, the dialogues. No suspense. And nothing made sense.

I mean ok, it was a good idea: Monk making a mistake and convicting the wrong guy. But they completely ruined it. Deep lack of humour.

And basically....who is this guy? That wasn't Monk. A whole episode, and the script writers had completely forgotten Monk's character, fears and OCD.

I cought myself being really bored watching this episode and it actually made me uncomfortable. Especially the wedding scenes! I couldn't believe what I was watching.
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Monk: Mr. Monk and the Big Game (2006)
Season 5, Episode 3
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That's one of my favourite "feel good" episodes of Monk. It's so relaxing watching it. It's different but in a very good way. It's the time you see Monk's enthusiasm without the script shouts that you will see that.

I love the fact that he helps the girls. I love that he finally doesn't get any money from them. I love the whistle! He reminds you of why you wanted to have a whistle when you were a kid and how much pleasure you could get by just whistling! Monk is playful here and his OCD is there but not starring. The star is Monk's enthusiasm to be a coach and win a trophy.

The finale of the episode is one of the sweetest endings. Finally no worries, no misery. Just pure joy and compassion.

Jennifer Lawrence appearance as the mascot was another "treat of joy". Very unexpected. I loved it.

My favourite scene: When the referee takes the whistle from Monk's mouth and Monk's reaction!

Also when Monk repeats what Natalie says to the girls while she is coaching them.

Watch this episode if you want to relax and have fun.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Taken (2000)
Season 2, Episode 8
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An innocent man spends time in prison where is being raped and get killed.......and noone is interested in the end?

That's not why we watch SVU in the first place.

I hate the fact that only Munch cares about it.

Apart from this, it's a good episode. One of the them that reminds you the golden times of svu. Strong plot and pace. It's like watching a very good movie. All in 45 minutes.

I love Alex Cabot in court. I wish I had seen Benson and Stabler being moved by the tragic incident in the end. That reminds me of the episode "Baby Killer". Same emotions at the end.

I guess the screenwriter wants to show variety of opinions. But for me, the main characters must be more sensitive.
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