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A little formulaic, but has something new to offer
9 December 2019
I am one of the biggest fans of Anndrew Blythe Daguio Gorostiza popularly known as Andrea Brillantes. She can play anything from sweet, to bratty, to scary, to funny, et cetera. In other words, she's versatile.

Here, she didn't only act so well, she also danced, plus so much more.

The actors who played the parents of the lead characters are all younger than me, but they are some of the best in the industry. Carmina Villarroel and Alfred Vargas play Sam(Andrea)'s parents, and Victor Neri plays Joel, the father of Jake.

Speaking of Jake, Andrea's leading man, Seth Fedelin, plays him. Seth is also her partner in the afternoon series called KADENANG GINTO(CHAINS of GOLD or better yet, SHACKLES of GOLD). They have good chemistry, but I think he still has a long way to go. Even so, he is very promising. His voice is not YET anything spectacular, but at least he can carry a tune, and with a few voice lessons, who knows? He might be a great singer one day.

The other supporting characters are good too. Not trying hard. I guess they all underwent workshops.

This movie is not without flaws, but I like it. It's an iWANT original, and if you want to watch is, you should download the app, then register.

I'm not giving it a perfect ten, but because of the great acting, especially by Andrea, I'm giving it an 8.

Thanks for your time.
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After the Storm (2019 TV Movie)
It took a while before I decided to write something here about this movie
30 September 2019

It took about three months before deciding to write "here" about this. This isn't any spectacular review or anything close to it. This is just mainly about how I FEEL about the movie.

This movie is better than I expected it to be. It's based on MAROONED WITH A MAVERICK by Christine Rimmer, with some differences, but the movie made for UPTV tried to be true to the original.

I liked the chemistry between MADELINE LEON and BO YOKELY plus the dog who was like their "Cupid".

Willa was rejected by Collin years back, but the devastating storm brought them together...and may I repeat, the dog named Dancer.

The people around them noticed that there's a "vibe" between the two of them, but somehow, there was something stopping the two of them to be together, until after the storm.

The storm did bring them together, but Willa had a beau, but before you think that this is a simple triangle, think again. There's more to it than meets the eye.

Willa is a strong, steadfast woman of Faith, and only a man who could accept that...

The movie is predictable with a few surprises. I liked that the flashbacks were not confusing, and the acting didn't seem to be forced.

It surely wouldn't be a waste of your time.

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Another Cinderella Story (2008 TV Movie)
I love this version of Cinderella
30 September 2019
This is my second favourite Cinderella Story. My favourite is EVER AFTER, starring Drew Barrymore, and like what I already said, this comes second.

People expressed their concerns about the age gap of the actors. Drew's role here is definitely older, but maybe not ten years. He probably stopped a year or so, and now, as an older person, he wanted to finish his last year of High School.

Why can't WE separate the real age of the actors with their roles? A thirty-year-old woman or man can play the role of a seventy-year-old person. A twelve year old, more or less, can play the role of a 33-year-old with hypopituitarism, a condition that stunts one's physical growth and causes proportional dwarfism(Isabelle Fuhrman as Esther in Orphan).

When we are watching stage plays, little girls play little boys. During Shakespeare's time, only men were allowed to act, so they play women(and they were EXPECTED to be straight in real life). If we still see the actor and not the role he or she is playing, it's either he or she is not effective, or the watcher is not truly immersed in the story.

The movie's story may be loosely based on the original version of Cinderella(fact:In Cinderella's case, an Italian fairy tale collector, Giambattista Basile, wrote it down for the first time. However, it is Charles Perrault who is credited with writing the version we know today. He added the pumpkin and the fairy godmother and is largely responsible for the tale's popularity.), but it could be as well a different story altogether.

The second part shows what comes after the "prince" finds "the one", and that makes the story quite interesting.

I've always admired Drew Seeley and Selena Gomez, but they also have an important supporting cast.

I gave it a nine because it's not perfect, but I would probably watch this again one day.

Thanks for your time.
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The Christmas Card (2006 TV Movie)
Regarding the ending (don't worry, I won't spoil it for you)
25 September 2019
(not a review...all the reviews are beautiful and heartfelt...people have different opinions, but I guess they said everything important already)

People wanted more, and perhaps I do too, but I think with or without a sequel the ending is beautiful as it is. It could have been longer and sweeter, but I think it's just right. Well, that's just my opinion.

I love the Spelman family, most especially Faith. I love the Nevada City, California folks, and of course, even if it was painful to watch, I love the Camp Dobbs scenes (I think the guy who noticed "it" was right...and I think they fictionalised Camp Dubs named after Adolph "Spike" Dubs (August 4, 1920 - February 14, 1979), a U.S. military camp at the Darul Aman Palace in southwest Kabul, and called in Camp Dobbs in honor of Frank Q. Dobbs (July 29, 1939 - February 15, 2006) was a screenwriter, film director, film producer and cinematographer like the person who added this info at the Trivia section of this spot for this movie).

There are many endearing things that happened, and all the characters, well, they are all human.

Well, I guess that's it.

Thanks a bunch for your time.
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Return to Christmas Creek (2018 TV Movie)
At first I thought I wouldn't like it
25 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First things first: There are "cliffhanger" kisses (spoiler alert...hopefully the only spoiler)

Thankfully, it's not all there is to this movie. FEELINGS, nothing more than feelings (I just mean, this is not really a review):

This movie is about the love for family, and its importance...of letting people in...and maybe, also about the true meaning of Christmas.

I like the chemistry between Steven Weber and Kari Matchett. There's something so real about the way they look at each other.

Thankfully I also like the chemistry between the two leads, Tori Anderson and Steven Huszar.

The little girl, Scout, played by Lyla Elliott, is more than adorable. She may only be a supporting character, but she was able to internalize well. She longed for her father, but she still was able to exude the joy within. Troy Bundle and Janet Porter play her parents. They were believable enough.

Vanessa Matsui(Carrie, Amelia's Executive Assistant and friend) is a natural, but she wasn't able to display it much here. Still, she made the most out of her role.

Byron Abalos, Nathan, well, he did what he could with the role given to him. He's good.

Anyways, instead of doing a roll call and give more spoilers, I think I'll just say that yes, there are predictable stuff, but there are some surprises too.

Thanks for your time.

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Love to the Rescue (2019 TV Movie)
What a great movie!
20 September 2019
Nikki DeLoach is one of my Hallmark favourites, but she had some movies that I didn't like so I didn't expect to like this one. As I was watching this movie, I came to love the characters, including Liam and Bianca. The officemates, the members of the PTA, the obedience school people and fur babies...

The kids are adorable, and of course, Bruce is a charmer.

The story may or may not be perfect, but it is enjoyable from start to finish.

I love Ms. DeLoach's chemistry with Mr. Rady, and the story, like what most of the reviewers here said, is not your usual Hallmark Rom-Com.

I would surely would love to see a wide screen version of this one with the same cast. Is that even possible?

Well, if it isn't I hope more people would get to see this made for TV movie. I think even guys would like this one. It is very relatable, and the actors are very convincing.

Anyway, these are just my feelings. I do not know if they would be helpful or not, but I just wanted to share how I felt after watching this movie.

Thanks for your time.
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Can one be allergic to wifi?
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Cignal subscriber and they hyper-advertised this. I was like the reviewer michaelandrewpettersen. I kept on shaking my head and told myself it was a crazy concept, but when I learned that this movie was written and directed by Jun Robles Lana, then maybe, just maybe he researched about it.

As shown in the movie via Aries' research it is possible, so I did my own researching and this is what I get(and I think, but I am not sure, this is the same research by Aries show on film):

"Wi-Fi and other free to air electromagnetic waves had long been the subject of suspected detrimental health effects. Some even believe they are in some way allergic to Wi-Fi. Unexplained bouts of headaches, dizziness, and even skin irritation have begun to be blamed on some form of severe discomfort or hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. The condition has come to be known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome, or EHS for short, by the World Health Organization.

One recent case of a 15-year old girl from the UK claims that she committed suicide because of her exposure to Wi-Fi signals. Her family claimed that signals at her school made her feel physically sick as well as suffer from blinding headaches. So bad were these, it is claimed, that she found it hard to concentrate. The case was actually reported on by the Daily Mirror."

It's from the Interesting Engineering Website.

Whether it is possible or not, the movie was...I mean, is...surprisingly interesting.

There were scenes there that I wished didn't happen, but it added spice to the story.

Aries said that he hope that his love would heal her, and so it did.

I shed a lot of tears, but there were parts that made me very happy too.

Why did Aries have to go to some faraway place that was even farther than the place Norma resided for months? Why? Oh, that healing love "thing".

The ending is bittersweet, but I still liked it.

Maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea, but for me it was fairly enjoyable.
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Art of Falling in Love (2019 TV Movie)
Yes, it's a bit gloomy, but I have a slightly higher rating
3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers

The premise of two broken people is still in this uptv/Hallmark movie, but the situations are so different.

The book is about JONAH and VANESSA. Vanessa is new to Rust Creek Falls, and Jonah/Jonathan, is back after eight years.

Both of them are wounded, and in the book, Vanessa, her friend Adele's recent death devastated her, making her almost lose all ability to paint.

The take of the movie is quite different. I agree with phd-travel, the approach is quite gloomy, but there are lots of inspirational stuff here and there.

KIMBERLY-SUE MURRAY is so beautiful. It's so understandable why as Vanessa, Nate Dalton would be smitten.

She is a traveling artist here, painting it forward, because she was blessed by her best friend, SAMANTHA(Adele in the book), with her trust fund, and a bucket list.

JOSH DEAN is not bad to look at, but at first I thought Ms. Murray was too gorgeous for him, but he grows on you. Later in the movie I saw the balance, and other reviewers elsewhere saw it too(I don't wanna pretend I didn't read other reviews).

They do have something beautiful going. Conflicts here and there, but you would also grow to love the people around them. The kids(I just hope a certain kid did not try to show he was painting, because it became obvious somebody else painted it), Iris (KELLY BISHOP), Wallace(MICHAEL BROWN), and Carolyn(LILY GAO) plus dear Dr. Lawrence(MÉLANIE ST-PIERRE) are characters that became dear to me while watching this movie.

There were some lines that I questioned and made me thing, "So now that she's ____ he..."

What else?

Oh, those people who always complain about "cliffhanger" kisses won't be kissed deprived here.

I guess that's it.

Thanks for your time.
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Home for Christmas Day (2017 TV Movie)
Remember the title of the movie, and you won't be too depressed
30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailer almost two years ago I didn't think much of it. I just finished watching two movies about people in active service being called during the Christmas season.

The movie is set near FORT GARLAND, Colorado, where CATHERINE BELL's character, Jane McKendrick, and her daughter, Betsy(MATREYA FEDOR), stayed on even after her husband, Daniel, was killed in action when he was deployed in an undisclosed place.

Betsy has an instant connection with Private Tyler Sloane(ANTHONY KONECHNY) as soon as he enters the Diner where she works part time at, owned by handsome and single Jackson(VICTOR WEBSTER), who is in love with Betsy's mom, Jane.

Betsy is eighteen(18), so she's an adult, but she's also a senior in High School. She is very intelligent, and I'm sure, if she sets her mind into it, she would be a great veterinarian one day. She is a finalist for a full scholarship in one of the prestigious schools in California, plus she sings well.

Even with all that, her mom is overprotective of her, because she doesn't want her to experience the same kind of pain she underwent, not knowing by doing so, she is kind of driving her away, and hurting her even more.

Yes, Christmas-Reviewer, her mother has a point, and hat's why I also gave it a six like you. The movie's characters is sort of unfair to her. Betsy's in High School, but we have to remember she's also already eighteen years. In other societies, eighteen is still a child, but in the US of A, eighteen is considered an adult already, and Betsy is headstrong. Still, even if she's a bright kid, why did she make her mother worry more?

In the hospital it was normal for Jane to feel "that way", but I also understand the hurt Tyler and Betsy felt.

the Plus Points for Me

*I love horses, and the horses are beautiful

*the ice skating rinks

*the good people who love Jane and Betsy
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Love and Sunshine (2019 TV Movie)
It's not perfect, but I love this movie so much
29 August 2019
Let me tell you a secret...I've seen this three times already. I just love this movie so much. Of course, I love the retired service dog named SUNSHINE. She's simply one of the best dog actors there is, and she is the reason these two people met.


I'm a military brat so I kind of know some of the things here, and the other reviewer is right, the insignia is correct, but suddenly an Air Force bus fetches him...I know there are Army planes too, but maybe they were in US Air Force territory/hangar. It could happen. The USAF protect the bases, and they seldom get deployed, so maybe a few of them are called to serve along with the Army soldiers. Well, enough of that. I may know a little, but I don't know everything, so maybe I should leave things be.

The important thing about this movie is the beautiful story, and the chemistry between DANICA and MARK as Ally and Jake is the tops.

I know they are not real life sweethearts. Mark is happily married to Jamie, they have two kids together, and they have dogs.

Danica was divorced once, and has one child named Draco. She has been married to Scott for almost five years now.

Watching the two together is like magic. They made me believe that they have an instant romantic connection. The feeling's just so wonderful.

Oh, there was a reviewer who complained because of Mark's real age, he's too old to be Bess Armstrong's son. Why can't we get that she is playing a role? That she is not playing Bess Armstrong. She's Margo Terry. For all we know she could be a very young looking mother.

I, by the way, love the Margo Terry quotes uttered by BESS ARMSTRONG. Please listen to them.

I also like the supporting cast most especially: Toby Levins(Sam), Christine Chatelain(Emma), Vera Frederickson(cutie Lena Terry), Brenda Crichlow(Trisha Collins), Daniel Bacon(Denver Collins), April Telek(Donna), Jessie Fraser(Barb Terry) and Whoever played Lena's brother.

Oh, and you're going to love that the kisses are uninterrupted.

Well, I guess that's it.

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, so I hope you would enjoy it like I still do.
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The Nine Lives of Christmas (2014 TV Movie)
I really like this TV movie
25 August 2019
This is like a postscript of what I've written before:

It may not be flawless, but I've just finished watching this for the third time.

They do have chemistry. If you don't agree, then I respect that, but they do.

Am I talking about Ambrose and Queenie? Well, I've already established that they have great chemistry. I'm talking about Marilee and Zachary. There's just magic in the air.

I'm glad that it's not an instant thing. They were able to spend a lot of time together, talk, and really listen to each other.

I also love the people around them, maybe except for Blair and that woman who owns the apartment complex.

Oh, and I love the fact that even if it's set on Christmas you could watch it anytime of the year.

Thanks for your time. :-)
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Love Struck Café (2017 TV Movie)
I like this movie even if my first love isn't my forever love
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My first love is not my forever love. I have let him go long a year before I decided to almost elope with my boyfriend at seventeen. I just saw my "future" that thankfully wasn't etched or set in stone, and I didn't like it.

The one that got away is now happily married with a wonderful person, they have three wonderful kids, and one is married. Hopefully they would have a grandchild soon.

So why do I like this movie? Well, not entirely, but here are the plus points:

One, Casey Manderson is not so bad in this flick. He is so typecast, but I'm glad they gave his role a twist.

Two, Sarah Jane and Andrew have chemistry...yes, maybe it's not great...I kinda like Jordyn(18-year-old Megan) and Nicholas(18-year-old Joe)'s chemistry more...but it works.

I liked what Rosie Quinn reminded us(written somewhere in her Cafe): Don't tell people your dream. Show them.

I also like Frances Figgins and what she stands for.

I like Lily. I kinda think she's the real reason they split up. So she could be born. Well, I dunno. One could argue if they didn't split up, Megan could've been her mother. Oh well.

My top reason for liking this flick is ANDREW W. WALKER. ;-) As for his character (look below)...


Remember when I said I like it, but not entirely?

There are many things I didn't like.

For one, she's supposed to be a bright and talented woman...Megan, I mean...and yet, she didn't tell her boss that the lake meant something. Why wait the last moment? Why make her seemingly stupid? She had many chances. Her overbearing boss deserved a kick . He said he read her resume. Instead of promoting her first, he gave her an assignment...if she was doing such a good job, and he knows what's she's capable of. then he didn't give her an incentive. He played with her "feelings"...with her dream of becoming an architect. He needed her PEOPLE SKILLS so he made her wanting to become an architect so much as bait. Just because they are one of the top companies...haist.

Oh, and I agree with EVERYTHING sean-31607 said, and most of what these reviewers said: MIssM19 and darkavenger77. They kind of read my mind.

I guess that's that.

Thanks for your time.
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The Nine Lives of Christmas (2014 TV Movie)
Yes, I agree with most of the reviewers
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it's a formulaic Hallmark movie, but it's the kind of formula that works.

There's this unassuming woman who doesn't know how beautiful she is, and that a very handsome calendar "boy" fireman/real estate designer/stager/ and whatever else connected with Real Estate, is at the very least interested in her.

They both fall in love almost at the same time. The very unassuming woman thinks it's a one-way-street. The calendar "boy" continues to date Blair Witch Project, and because his own parents' marriage didn't work out, he thinks there's no such thing as "forever" or a love that lasts.

I hardly recognised Gregory Harrison here. He plays the oldest Fireman/Division chief, and calendar "boy" Zachary looks up to him as a mentor. Zachary is played by Superman Returns' Brandon Routh.

Some say he doesn't know how to act, and thankfully Kimberly Sustad does, or else watching this would be a total waste of time.

Well. in MY opinion, and some others, our times are not wasted. For me, at the very least, there is chemistry, and I felt the kisses they shared, even if it's just for the story or the mistletoe's sake. His brown eyes, for me, are expressive. His smile, well it makes one's knees go weak. but I like Gregory Harrison more(LOL) even if, like what I said before, I hardly recognised him here.

I like this story because:

* it is very relatable. Here's this brilliant woman who practically raised her baby sister after their parents died. The little sister thinks she looks like their mom(maybe this was mentioned because Ms. Sustad played her mom before), and is very grateful to her, that she wants to set her up with everyone she could think of.

*The two lead characters are broken, but they have friends who love them.

*The cats, although I'm really a dog person(with stray cats who adopted us), are a double. They have chemistry. Both of them are great actors.

*The mountain lions, well, they play a big part in the two lead characters romance. Cheap thrills down to the spine when they two lead characters emulate the mountain lions.


The firetruck incident towards the end was questioned...let's just hope there was no fire that day, and that their sweet moments were only a few minutes.

I guess that's it.

Thanks for your time.
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Friend Request (2014 TV Movie)
Formulaic, yes, but I enjoyed it
21 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers

As for RYAN MCPARTLIN, well, he's handsome, but is it just me, or is he trying to sound like Ryan Paevey. Well, maybe I'm imagining things, or it's just a coincidence.

IAN ANDREW, who plays Donny, although a good actor, is not so adorable here. His character is actually very annoying. Donny wasted petrol/gasoline so that his dad and Samantha would have more time together. Who wastes gas?

As for the story, it's sort of predictable, but the DOBROFSKY couple is very creative. I know some of the viewers might not agree with me, because they think they made Samantha stupid by believing Celeste, but she did come back because she doubted her. Unfortunately, she had to see that kiss between them. Hmm...Yes, it's kind of an overused "conflict" scene, and between the two leads, they had lots of chances, especially when they were alone overnight, to kiss. When they do get the chance one morning, not even caring about morning breath and all(maybe they both use SCOPE---or breath tabs), there were some disruptions...the kids(Donny and friends). I hate that about most hallmark G rated flicks.

Enough of the spoilers, and I better cut this "short". :-p I've said enough already, but I must reiterate that I did enjoy this movie, flaws and all.
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See You Soon (2019 TV Movie)
What a wonderful story
12 August 2019
I really enjoyed watching this movie. I got to journey with the characters as if I was there experiencing everything with them.

MIKE CESTARI and JENIA TANAEVA created a wonderful tale that was, just like what kim-lynn-mclean said, inspired by LOVE AFFAIR/AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER, with a twist. It stars one of the writers, Jenia Tanaeva, as the very gorgeous photographer/bartender/chamber maid, Lana, opposite LIAM MCINTYRE as the soccer great, Ryan Hawkes. There were love scenes, yes, but everything was done in good taste. They also have great chemistry.

Also in this story is HARVEY KEITEL as Billy, Ryan's manager, and probably best friend.

PETER TERESCHENKO stars as Danny, a young boy who idolizes Ryan Hawkes. He is Lana's greatest treasure, and only child.

LARISA MALEVANNAYA stars as Grandma Marina. She is very convincing as the no-nonsense Babushka of Lana and Prababushka of Danny.

OLEG TAKAROV plays Ruslan, the philandering husband of Lana, and because of him, Lana is a battered wife. In fairness to him, he tries to be a good father to Danny.

POPPY DRAYTON plays Elise, the fiancee of Ryan, who is only after fame and glory. It was her fault why she and Ryan had an accident, but if it wasn't for that accident, Ryan wouldn't have met Lana.

CARLA ABRUZZO plays Amanda, the jealous coworker of Lana in the cruise ship. She is also one of her roommates.

MARIE ELISE CONTE plays Angela, one of Lana's roomies, who turned out to be her good friend.

DOINA TEODORU plays Sabine from Haiti, also one of Lana's roomies who became one of her good friends.

and MARIANA SMIRNOVA plays Alina, Danny's "girlfriend"

DAVID MAHMOUDIE's name is new to me, but he is very good. I like his style as a Director.

Kudos to EVERYONE involved in this film in any capacity onscreen and behind the scenes.
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All Good Things (II) (2019)
This movie means so much to me even if it's kind of "the same old story"
9 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching this film I thought I was going to stop watching it after five minutes. The two teenaged daughters were such brats, and I didn't like the way they talked to their mother, but for one reason or another, I watched on.

There were some formulaic stuff, yes, and the "ranch" had financial trouble because the "friend" who helped them had big $$ in his eyes, and didn't care if the "ranch" helped a lot of people heal while forming relationships with the abandoned horses.


I had two siblings with the Fragile X Syndrome and both of them were autistic savants(an oxymoron, I know). Both of them loved horses(they also loved food, art, swimming etc.). Horses made them happy, and they were able to ride them.

Fiona, one of the teenagers who worked in the ranch, taught a little girl with autism in this movie, and I liked how patient she was with her.


Maybe I missed it, but it's not clear to me if the parents are divorced, or if the mom is just too busy, and the dad just needs to be alone to write a book.


MORGAN FAIRCHILD and CORBIN BERNSEN play the bratty teenagers' grandparents. For me, they are the life of the movie, and because of them, I watched the whole movie.

What do I think about the movie?

The ending was kind of "expected" and the theme is kind of overused, but as a whole I liked it a lot...and yes, the HORSES are a big factor too.
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Yes, Liz Murray went back to the University in 2006 and graduated in 2009
8 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Liz Murray is one of my heroes, and I became interested in her life AFTER watching this movie HOMELESS TO HARVARD: The Liz Murray Story.

There were some changes. In real life, after their mother died, Liz and Lisa lived together in an apartment, and Liz almost missed her interview, but it wasn't because of her very talented artist friend named Chris(MAKYLA SMITH). It was because she and Lisa were at the Welfare office to get money for their apartment because Lisa lost her job. Thankfully, at the last minute, she chose to go to that interview at The New York Times office, and eventually, she was one of the recipients of that 12K a year scholarships.

THORA BIRCH did great as Liz. True, her character wasn't shown. She did not know how to communicate much with people back then, but now she's a motivational speaker. She was more of a writer than a speaker before, but she was definitely very, very smart.

Liz left Harvard in 2001 to take care of her ailing father. She transferred to Columbia University because of proximity. When he was getting worse, she took a leave of absence in 2002. She went back to Harvard after he died in 2006 then graduated in 2009 in Harvard with a Degree of Clinical Psychology. She also took graduate school courses at the Harvard Summer School, et cetera, et cetera.

I don't know how accurate her best friend's story is, but I guess the part of the abuse is real, because she went to group homes too.

Maybe this movie is about 90%. I am just guessing, but it is very believable to me.

I have yet to find out if Eva's, their upstairs neighbour, name was changed for her protection, or if that's really her name. It's because of her that Liz became learned, and was able to be promoted even if she just attended school sporadically.

KELLY LYNCH,MICHAEL RILEY, JENNIFER PISANA, Makyla Smith, CECIL WRIGHT, ARON TAGER, MARLA MCLEAN,MARGUERITTE MCNEIL et al were all immersed in their roles and did not give half-baked performances.

Maybe it's not the best movie ever produced, but it's great for a made for TV movie.

Ms. Murray is now pursuing a Masters Degree at Columbia University. She is married to James Scanlon, and is a mom to Maya Jean and Liam.

She also studied at Sarah Lawrence.

"Anything that is within someone else's reach is also within yours. Set your goals no matter how impossible they may seem. Then focus on what is between you and that goal. And then, simply take out the obstacles as they come."

-Liz Murray

Just before her dad passed on he wrote a card: "He wrote in the card, 'Lizzy, I left my dreams behind a long time ago. But I know now they're safe with you. Now we're a family again.'"

That's so touching.
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Autumn Stables (2018 TV Movie)
More than a tale of a ranch being saved
1 August 2019
I can't believe I'm the first one writing a so-called review.

I cannot call this a review because it's mostly just based on my feelings.

There are some things I don't love about this movie, but thankfully, there is more to love than not. The two main characters, the supporting characters, including the horses, and the beautiful scenery, more than compensate for the things I didn't love about this TV movie, but definitely do not hate.

I love the relationship between Father-in-law and daughter-in-law. No, they don't have "something" going on between them. Their love for each other is like a love of a parent for his child in purest sense and vice-versa.

I also love how Autumn's extended family looked out for her.

As for Jake, he's really charming, but he just beats around the bush too much.

Of course, conflict was necessary, but...

Oh wait, I said I won't give spoilers, so I won't.

There's magic between CINDY BUSBY and KEVIN MCGARRY, and I could only speak for myself, I think these two were very convincing as Autumn and Jake. They seemed like they were attracted to each other from the moment they met, but of course, the falling in love was gradual, thank goodness for that.

The horses are lovely, and I must agree with Autumn, they are very perceptive.

Oh, speaking of horses there was this thing that bothered me at first, but later on I learned this:

Soldiers would mount up on their horses left sides so that their swords, anchored over their left legs, wouldn't harm their horses' backs. ... Make sure your horse is comfortable with you mounting and dismounting on either side. (source: Horse & Rider---they say mounting on the left is just tradition)

FYI Kevin McGarry's character, Jake, mounted Coco on the right side, while Autumn and Maddie mounted their respective horses from the left that's why I thought of checking if it was perfectly alright.

I never thought to ask before. I just thought it was a given that we should mount on the left. You really learn something new everyday. Better late than never.

Hmm...what else?

Oh, most of the horses used for lessons in any riding school are usually trained, so even it was perfectly fine for Jake not to fall down Coco even if Autumn hardly trained him because Coco is well-trained, and in other words, Coco's an expert in handling newbies.

I better go now or I might give spoilers...I hope the thing about mounting horses and Jake riding a horse would not be considered as such.

Thanks for your time.
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Sound of Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Here's my two cents worth
31 July 2019
I like this movie. Maybe I don't love it, but I like it a lot. You have your opinions, and I respect those opinions. Here are mine:

LINDY BOOTH(Lizzie) and ROBIN DUNNE(Brad) are very believable, even with Mr. Dunne's wife, FARRAH AVIVA, around(she plays Meg).

I like that even if there are lots of bit players like the students, teachers, audiences and others, there are only few characters. When I was still studying I didn't get it when a mentor said I had too many characters for a movie. He doesn't think I am writing an epic so maybe I should lessen the characters or the people watching would lose interest.

No role is too big or small. All these people are worth remembering:

Micah Kalisch as Abigail Evans (Brad's lovely, talented and wise daughter) Kim Roberts as Samantha Washington(the founder/directress of the school and apparently Lizzie's best friend) Jennifer Gibson as Cynthia Brooks (Brad's good friend/colleague...she has a big crush on Brad, but he is too dense to notice) Farrah Aviva as Meg("psychic" personal assistant) Derek McGrath as Earl McKinley (I didn't recognize him usual, he never disappoints...or at the very least, he never disappoints me) Damon Runyan as Travis McKinley (this guy can be evil or a very kind and charismatic, he's a businessman who wants to keep earning big bucks...or a modern day Scrooge) Dale Whibley as Jordan Crawford (one of the scholars of the Music School)

How often have we as viewers or members of the audience relate to someone or some people in a movie, a sitcom, or whatever else? A lot. I am not talking plagiarism or anything similar to that. It's a total stranger or a bunch of strangers writing something like your life like they have a hidden camera or a bug placed in your soon...or someone injected a microchip or something.

I am exaggerating of course.

There were complaints about this being predictable or the same old story. Maybe.

It's just that a lot of people get the same type of problem each day, it's what you do with your problem that makes a world of a difference. It's how you deal with your day to day living.

Yes, this TV movie is formulaic, and from the start you would already guess who is related to a certain character, it doesn't matter. It's a type of movie that you want to be predictable or else you would feel sad in the end. It's a Christmas movie, and it has achieved its goal to make me smile, at the very least.

Merry July Christmas to you all.
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Rome in Love (2019 TV Movie)
May I just add....?
28 July 2019
It is far from Anita Hughes novel of the same title...the vibe is different and the way she met Philip is different, so I just considered this as a different story altogether. After all, it's an adaptation, and not something the tele-playwright created from scratch.

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Rome in Love (2019 TV Movie)
I like it. I don't know if everyone would like it, but I do.
28 July 2019
Yes, Italia Ricci is no Audrey Hepburn, but she's definitely in a class of her own. I like her chemistry with Peter Porte, and for me they look very beautiful together.

I remember people talking negatively about Jen Lilley's baby bump(I have a very different opinion about that), but I don't think they would do the same with Italia.

The nice thing about this movie based on Anita Hughes novel of the same title is that it's more of a story between a simple ordinary woman with great talent and personality and a blocked writer...yes, they are filming a remake, but it's not really the remake per se, so I guess comparing it with the classic that catapulted Ms. Hepburn's career with awards to boot would be pointless.

I also love the supporting characters.

It also has interesting twists.

What are they? I would rather not tell.

All I can say is that I enjoyed it.

Would you enjoy it?

It really depends on what you are looking for.

I guess I will leave it at that.

Thanks for your time. :-)
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Paris, Wine & Romance (2019 TV Movie)
I liked the guy who play Jacques, and that baby bump issue
14 May 2019
The Baby Bump "issue"

As a woman who never gave birth, but has had a "baby bump" for most of my life, even if I knew Ms. JL was pregnant at the time, did not see Ms. JL, but I saw Isabella.

What if Isabella was "just" fat? Didn't she have the right to be wined and dined? Didn't she have the right to be wooed by a handsome French guy? When watching a movie we should forget the real age of the actors, and if they a woman is pregnant or not. She was playing a role.

You have to have a mindset that the actor is who the role he or she is playing. I think she did well. Maybe, just maybe, it's not her best performance, but she still did good.

You see, she's not pregnant there. She drank the wine, which is probably some kind of juice or something.

She did try to hide her tummy in some of the scenes, but that's what we do at times. Hide our tummies.

At first my reaction was, "Why didn't the camera man hide her tummy when she was wearing that red dress near the Eiffel Tower?"

Then I remembered my case. It's not every time I could hide my tummy.

People with big tummies have a right to be loved too, right? :-)

I do work out, but that's not my point. To each his own. :-) It's just a thought.



I am not sure if it's the first time I've seen this person on a Hallmark TV movie, but I like him. He has a commanding presence, and he is very lovable.

THE STORY is good. We "love" to jump to conclusions, so I guess this is very relatable. The two lead stars even have good chemistry. I 'felt' their kiss/kisses.

As for the mispronouncing of the words, I think they should have checked it first or corrected Ms Lilley or something.

I guess that's it.

I respect everyone's opinions.

Hope you respect mine too.
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Fate, hope, love, and trust
3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
FATE. I didn't make a mistake. Fate is the source and summit of this story, if I may say so.

To be honest, I read the review of a respectable reviewer of Rappler, Oggs Cruz, before being immersed in this film he called dull.

I wanted to know what made it dull, and I also wanted to know if I would have a different opinion or different opinions, or would I agree with him.

Expecting it to be dull made me appreciate the story more. Mr. Cruz is indeed right. There were times that I did yawn, but I don't agree with him regarding the pairing of ALLAN PAULE and DESIREE DEL VALLE.

Allan Paule's role, Dong/Bong/Zach, is really older. He did sow some wild oats here and there when he was younger, and when he met Desiree's character twenty years before the present time of the story, he knew she was the one.

EMPRESS SHUCK and DANIEL MATSUNAGA for me had some chemistry, but Joey, Empress' character, is so jaded, and she has trust issues.

ANDREA BRILLANTES having a crush on NOEL COLETA is forced? That's debatable. I think it's OK. Even if Tupe is older, he and Ally sort of grew up together, but her radar just didn't work correctly.

KRISTEL FULGAR as Mikee is extra pretty in this movie. This should've been her biggest break if ever the people involved in this movie played their cards well.

As for the aerial shots, they were great for travelogues...and maybe that's how the director wanted it to be...a travelogue for SAMAR.

They even showed stuff about weaving, the secret kitchen, the traditions during wedding receptions.

Yes, it's probably really a dull film, but it's a matter of perspective. I do agree that there are loose ends, and it could have been better.
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Pursuit of Love (I) (2013)
I agree with Foldees
26 April 2019
The reviewer Foldees is like a seer. I watched the movie almost six years later, but the way Foldees described the movie is how I would describe it too.

The story is indeed ordinary...quite formulaic at that, but it was like a travelogue for me. I am quite familiar with Hong Kong. There was a time when I knew the place like it was the back of my hand, but LOST FOR WORDS let me see places I have never been to. I also appreciated Hong Kong more, and the movie is making me wish I were there right now.

I just don't think I could lie down the floor of the cable car. Gosh. My imagination would go wild. What if it would crack and I would fall down? Thankfully, Anna calmed Michael's nerves.

I like the chemistry between GRACE HUANG and SEAN FERRIS. It was also such a delight to watch WILL YUN LEE. He is such a natural.

The supporting characters were good too, especially JOMAN CHIANG who plays Mei Mei.

Foldees, I am not trying to copy your review. It's just that I agree with you almost a 100%.

It's not the best movie ever produced, but I had fun watching it. I also love their journey to Baoshan, Shanghai. I haven't been there, so it was great to learn about it, see the sights, et cetera, et cetera.

Do I recommend this movie?

Hmm, I like it a notch higher than Foldees, so I guess I could recommend it, but it's an acquired taste.

For me, at the very least, the movie is worth one's time.

I have been celebrating the Lunar New Year for years, but I still learned a lot from this film.

There's also a thing about honour, and for me that's a good thing.

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Love on the Menu (2019 TV Movie)
Caveat to restaurant owners and my humble opinion about the movie
27 February 2019
The movie, at least for me, is beautiful. I won't go into the technical stuff, because I have no right to do that, but as a foodie, and a former restaurateur, I think I could say something(not totally). The problem began because (not really a spoiler) because a person wasn't treated well because they thought another person was the food critic, and they were wrong. As much as possible, please train your staff not to play favourites or put your best behaviour just because you think a food critic is there. Just do your best, no matter what. As these actors or whoever else are in the movie act or whatever even if they are not feeling good, do your best no matter what, and you would be noticed. It's also a note to self in case I go back to the food industry, but I'd rather be client instead. :-)

Now that's out of the way, what do I think about the two lead stars?

KAVAN and AUTUMN, do they have chemistry?

All I can say is that there was something about the trailer that made me want to watch this movie badly. I don't know if it's because of the story...well, maybe not. It was because I saw that the partnership is I guess you could say that there's chemistry.

I can't really expect much because this is a TV movie, but I did enjoy the movie.

I liked JORDYN ASHLEY OLSON...I mean, I like the young girl. She could act. I think she's a natural. Her role is a fifteener undergoing a lot for her young age, but she still has a lot of reason to smile. For me, she became Hannah, Chef Hank's lovely daughter.

It's also refreshing to have BARBARA NIVEN and WILLIE AAMES on board.

I also liked almost everyone who acted in the movie, especially the kitchen crew.

Mr. Smith was a convincing chef. Maybe people would notice this and that, but I'm talking about his acting. He made Chef Hank very human...He has his outbursts, but he also knows how to admit when he is wrong. Yes, it's the screenwriter and the director we should thank for the character. attack, treatment, what-have-you, but Mr. Smith was able to bring Chef Hank to life.

Does the movie offer something new? Something old, something new, something "borrowed", something blue... :-)

Thankfully, yes.

It's relatable. It has old elements, and some new ones.

I guess I'll stop now before I give real spoilers.

Your opinion might vary from mine, and that's only natural, but I hope at least one or two might agree with me.

Thanks for your time.
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