
25 Reviews
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Accused (2023)
The Power of # and SHARE
2 January 2024
In this movie you can see the power of # and SHARE . If you are going to Lie or Bombshell an issue , then # and SHARE are good choices . I don't say these two have no positive side but in this world Demons take more advantages of # and SHARE than Angels. Great cast by Chaneil Kular , I can feel the stressful moments by his play. Events just started by some wrong SHARE and SHARE more more. Philip Barantini , young director (about 46) but I can call him an expert after 20 years of performing in front of the camera. I think his experience in front of camera made such a great movie so you can feel Kular cast. I rate 8.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
I call it (Breaking Bad 1)
18 November 2023
I rate 10 for this wonderful/amazing tv series. If you want to understand TV series " Breaking Bad 2015 " better/completely/wonderfully ,, You should/had to watch " Better Call Saul" 1st. This TV series is about the lawyer (Breaking Bad lawyer -Bob Odenkirk) life. The primery episodes are about his life as a lawyer,also private life and maybe they are a little boring for you but be patient and watch them completely, watch his struggle to go ahead as a good lawyer until the end of his life in ....... By watching Better Call Saul you can find How did the lawyer connect to the mob boss and retiree policeman in Breaking Bad.? And many questions about Breaking Bad TV production.

...This is wonderful TV series , you cannot leave your seat.
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Breaking Bad (2008– )
I call it "Breaking Bad 2"
18 November 2023
I rate 10 for this wonderful/amazing tv series. If you want to understand TV series " Breaking Bads " better/completely/wonderfully ,, You should/had to watch " Better Call Saul" 1st. This TV series is Breaking Bads 2. And Breaking Bads 3 is Good Girls TV series. By watching Better Call Saul you can find the answers of these question.

1-How did the mob boss change the Laundrymat to a drug laboratory ? Who did constract the laboratory under the laundrymat?

2-How did the retiree policeman conect to mob boss and start to work for him?

3-How did the lawyer connect to the mob boss?

...This is wonderful TV series , you cannot leave your seat.
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Margin Call (2011)
This is an Inside Job
18 November 2023
Or let's say "Economy Hustlers" , I remmember when Goerge Soros said ;" Bankers told me the music is stopped but you are still dancing( or something like this) point no.1 .It was about US Economy Reccession underway around 2008 .

And major key points in this movie dialogue are: 1-People(mostly Americans) have no idea what is going to happen to US Economy.

2- Becareful (this is an inside job).

3-You are sellingsomething that you know has no value.

4- I am telling you : this is it.(This is what greedy guys in Wall Street do everyday). It means : It is Greedy Wall Street guys who are responsible for Reccession, Inside Job.

5-Everything is going down but (Wall Street guys ) are worring about their pets/golf play or where is sauce for their food.

6- Is it the only right thing to do(Y/N)? But for who?

Remmember the janotors,old man/women around 60-70in the movie ?This is the answer , people who have lost their pension in these firms had to suicide (which many Americans did ) or survive/struggle for their own life. That is why old janitors are on the movie, they had to work even if they are 70, because they have lost their pension in these investment firms.

7- And finally : It is all about Money.

You wil get more more money/bonus from you bosses for selling something which has no value...
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Hollywood movie "Island 2023 "
6 August 2023
Very good action/mystery and some kind of political movie (By NetFlix), which follows the conspiracy theory " Government control you " . It reminds me Hollywood movie " Island " (2005) . (Forbes ) Producer Stephen 'Dr'Love's 'They Cloned Tyrone' Ranks Top 10 On Netflix,, There is an isolated facility somewhere in USA which clone some people for some reasons and studying their behaviors . Movie theme is almost unique , mystery and action mixed,, and criminals gangs are involved. Director is Juel Taylor (about 35 years old ) has done great job in directing this move . Great wonderful actors/actresses such as Sutherland, Jamie Foxx,and Teyonah Parris are playing.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
A little comedy ingredient
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just Comedy action movie by Netflix which the actors/actresses are great , it is comedy film but has a little action ingredient ,, it is almost the same as " Killers" 2010 but "Killers" action ingredient is high and comedy ingredient is low. Director ( His Age and Date of Birth are not Known.!!?? ) is Tyler Spindel (nephew of actor Adam Sandler) that is why Adam Sandler is one of this movie producers ( Allen Covert; Adam DeVine; Adam Sandler ). On the whole I expected more more funny movement/dialogues/scenes ... from these great actors/actresses in this movie especially when Lapkus and DeVine are playing.. The great/legendry Pierce. Brownson and lovely Ellen Barkin.
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Night Sky (2022)
One of the best
4 August 2023
This TV series was one of the best I have ever watched ,, It reminds me " Star Gate " (1994) which was almost the first of these kind movies. As I heard this TV production is over , so sad. Holden Miller (just 33 years old) ,He is a producer and writer, has done very good job in Night Sky and he produced "Night Sky" for Amazon Studios and Legendary Television. . I love Simmons acting ,he was in almost 200 Movies/Films/Tv productions so for me he is a legendry actor. .The Tv series issue is almost unique and as I said I have not seen any production with such an issue so it attracted my attention but ...
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Swarm (2023)
Horror/Dark comedy
4 August 2023
Very good TV series about people who obsessed with celebrities , "" OBSESSED = preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling extent. "" Comedy/ horror TV production by famous/great company Amazon Prime Video. You can see the meaning of " Obsession " step by step in this TV series thanks to director/writer . Dominique Fishback plays as Andrea "Dre" Greene wonderfully shows an Horror/dark/comedy of an Obsessed person.

Donald Glover has many jobs as director / writer / singer / producer and .... that is why he has done well done job in this TV production "Swarm ". Don't miss this TV series very worth to watch.
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The Channel (2023)
Town 2023
3 August 2023
An action movie , almost the same as "Town " 2010 starring Ben Affleck but not as high class as Town. Actors talk the same as street thugs to show that they are tough . Almost the whole movie has low class action scenes constantly , Robbers come with assault rifles and one of hero police comes with shotgun !!! To fight them . The Director/writer is William Kaufman , the director/writer of Sinners and Saints (2010) which was wonderful movie , I also have watched Hit List by William Kaufman which also was wonderful movie. On the whole the movie theme is action "Town 2010" type movie but as I said not as high class as Town 2010.
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Space Pups (2023)
ET 2023
29 July 2023
Space Pups or let's say " ET 2023 " , Very nice movie for kids , very good visual effects and very good story which has the same message for kids at "ET. 1982" which is " Aliens are not bad/scary/dangerous". Director is Jason Murphy and Writer. Anthony Steven Giordano both are wonderful in their job. I am sure kids will love this movie , great playing by kids players in movie ,, great dialogue which will attract kids' attention to watch many times. There is soulful relationship between kids and animals or at least let's say director and writer want to show this issue ,, That is why I say/am sure this movie is great for kids.
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Full Time (2021)
Wonderful movie
29 July 2023
Life is hard , People had to struggle to take their life forward , This movie shows you this issue , When you see movie , you feel you are in the movie and you feel your life is so hard too , especially if you are a single mother , you can feel that some people actions are against you and you are helpless but GOD is with you (Romans 8-31 ) . The Director is Éric Gravel who has written and directed this French drama film , he has shown the hardness of Life wonderfully , at the end as Bible says in Revelation 3-8 and Revelation 3-7b ,, when you think all doors are closed opens GOD another door for you. The director/actresses have shown their own Life wonderfully.
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Sybil 2023
24 July 2023
I can call it "Sybil 2023 " !! WHY?? Because it reminds "Sybil (Sally Field 1976) .

Great actors/actresses in different make up,casting in such a great mystery TV series. This series goes slowly but it shows you what has happened in different " Vintage Points" step by step ,, and at the end all ways join together. "Crowded Room " shows USA faces such a dangerous psycho/sick/clever serial killers , which is really really major serious problem in USA. What is the reason of such a sickness in USA? Listen to dialogue and listen exactly what every character of Danny Sullivan (Tom Holland) says to find what is going on in his mind.
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Cruel Summer (2021–2023)
Great wonderful concept.
24 July 2023
I am sure you have heard the word " Influencer ",, How someone could be an Influencer ?What is the price of being an Influencer ? Do you want to take the place of an famous influencer ? How much/ What would you pay to take an Influencer place? This TV series shows these issues,, I can say the issue/concept is unique/great and director/writer have shown step by step how this could be happened especially in teenagers world. I saw 2 season ,, Wonderful/amazing episodes and very worth to watch this TV series (all of them ) ,, I say one very important point " Watch it until last episode to find your answers.".
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Robots = Pets or Servants ?
24 July 2023
To Be or Not to Be,, What am I? What are you? Am I Artifice or Real Human ? Do I have Real memories or these are just USB memories written by my creator? After watching this movie I feel maybe I am ROBOT... Smart Robots produced to help us , but how much smart? Or let's say how much do we want them to be SMART? Could They be our Life partners? Or one member of our family ? Or they are just some kind of our PET/SERVANT ? Wonderful dialogue which Written and directed by Franklin Ritch, he is also actor in the movie,, so he feels/knows what he is doing. Wonderful / amazing movie with good idea/theme ,, very worth to watch.
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Helstrom (2020)
(Yohanna )-John-10-10-
23 July 2023
Again Salem? You cannot talk about Witches/Demons in USA without "Salem",, We can call Salem the vase of Witches/Demons in USA. This TV production goes forward slowly and actors/actresses talk too much, the same as British movies, considering the issue of this production , there should be more more action than talking. I love Ana Helstrom (Sydney Lemmon) play ,,on the whole I can say it is good TV production and you won't regret watching it. Paul Zbyszewski who is an American of Polish descent, television great writer and producer has experience in TV production Lost and Day Break that is why I can say it is good production.
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The Recruit (2022– )
Anti-Russia TV series , Glory CIA..
23 July 2023
This TV series is Anti-Russia and tries to show the grace of CIA , how CIA is powerful and also this TV series tries to justifies CIA black operations in other countries. Very good action TV series with new Hollywood trends ( Changing Heroes from male to female) .The Recruit shows that people such as Edward Joseph Snowden , Assange ..... are bad criminal and if CIA hides information from public , it is for American's benefits. I love Laura Haddock play as Max Meladze , she is very good and I feel she is very lonely with no friends and try to save herself in " international politics and conflicts " , she has no friends but too many enemies , Are Colton Dunn as Lester Kitchens and Aarti Mann as Violet Ebner in the TV series ,, Do you feel they are inside series?
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Space Oddity (2022)
Hope/Dream keeps you alive
23 July 2023
What do you need to be alive (Despite food , water,oxygen, ...)? Yes , you need Hope/Dream, Odd ? No it is not Odd , it is Real (Jeremiah 29-11 ). It is essential for life,And some of people around you are pro/against your dream/hope (Romans 4-18),This movie tries to show this. Hope/Dream helps you to find your way to reach your goals(Psalm 62-5). Great actors like Kevin Bacon and Kyle Allen in this move attract your feeling by their play, Also great director Kyra Sedwick (side by side with her husband Bacon and Rebecca Banner ) is the the reason which this movie wonderfully/amazingly came out.
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Kid's World,,
23 July 2023
Wonderful soulful movie, very worth to watch and think. This movie helps you to think about the events happen around you. The Director ( Ernesto Contreras) chose the dialogue carefully, I think this movie is a success because of such director.

Kid's World , How kids see the world around themselves/ How is the reality around kids ? Rich or Poor kids , they have their own ways to see the world. Rich or Poor kids believe in Magic , They want to reach their own dreams with Magic . Could dreams became Reality (Teacher gave. Jules Verne book to boy )? And Life goes on (The train will leave the station to the next station). You cannot change Past but you can build your Future.
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Silo (2023– )
Great mystery
1 July 2023
Great mystery TV series ,, you cannot predict what is going to happen next,, You always want to see the next episode to discover why they are all in a Silo and what is happening outside.. Is it another test compound established by scientists. How they survived for all these years?,, Why they are doing this??? I like the Rebecca Ferguson role , She is perfect adorable actress. The inside Silo decoration is wonderful and you feel it is really a long old living compound. Morten Tyldum directed the series. The story TV series goes slowly (not mini series) but you like to follow the story and on the whole very worth to watch it.
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Eastern Arthur grows up
1 July 2023
Wonderful soulful movie ,, The atmosphere of movie takes you to the ancient era of East and you feel you are in Ancient East era. It shows true love helps family last more more but husband/wife should put selfishness away. This movie reminds me Hollywood movie " Arthur" (2011- Russell Brand). The time of this movie is in Ancient East but movie says man and his wife should run family (Country ) together (Happy Wardroom happy Ship). Actresses/Actors show their feeling very good , Decoration of the Ancient East scene is wonderful. I love Oda Nobunaga and Nohime acting in movie , at the end of the movie I get sorry for them to not live together more more.
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Mother's Day (2023)
She is Polish Jackie Chan.
1 July 2023
She is Polish Jackie Chan. An angry mother (with Jackie Chan style fighting tactics) messing with drug cartel's thugs . Her son who has American Dad (American Marine) does not know her mother is still alive. Movie atmosphere is a little Cold War biased , which shows Eastern Europeans are very bad/criminal people . These kind of people want to mess with the son who has American Dad ?!?!?! Noway Hollywood would let this to happen .Stunt work is very good , when you watch movie you can feel the the atmosphere of Eastern Europe ,Nina (The mother ) action movement (Jackie Chan style fighting) are very good almost the same as Angelia Jolly in her Tomb Raider movies. Even the American son defeats Bobby Fischer in chess ?!?!?! And hi is going to follow Bobby's way to defeat Eastern people. I told you a little Cold War biased movie.
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Malum (2023)
horror movie
28 June 2023
Just low class horror movie which psycho people love to watch. Jessica Sula acting was good but the whole movie not good enough to attract my attention . Director Anthony DiBlasi is great film director , producer ,screenwriter ,,, But I am not happy with this movie ,, I expected more more from him in this movie. He direct movies each based on short stories by Barker. Maybe that is way he is not successful in this movie(( My point of view)) .Some critics says it is the copy of his own film " Last Shift " ,,, Malum was made in collaboration with Welcome Villain Films,, And Diblasi's wife Natalie Victoria acting in Malum.
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Semi Cheap movie
28 June 2023
Semi low class or let's say cheap movie ((The movies which are less than 1 and half hour )) ... This movie is a copy of The Terminator series movies but very very way to reach Terminator movies . Visual effects casting was not as good as Terminator. I don't like Enya Baroux and Arnaud Ducret acting in this movie ,, But Vincent Tirel play is good (( My point of view)) . Director is a a screenwriter in many television projects and produced several commercials.!!!! And now he Direct this movie !!! So what do you expect the result??? That is why I call it semi cheap or low class movie. I love movies with time traveler theme but not this one.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Amazing wonderful movie
25 June 2023
Amazing wonderful movie , of course with great actors/actresses such as Ben Affleck , Alice Braga . This is really mystery movie which you think you know what is going on , but surprise after 15 minutes you will realize you were wrong. Don't miss it . Worth worth to watch.

Also Alice Braga acting wonderfully ,, I remember her wonderful amazing acting in " The Queen of the South " .

For the whole it is very powerful movie in amazing concept (Hypnotism) which keeps you watch the movie to see what is going on,,, It is one the best Hypnotic theme movie ,, It reminds me the Hypnotic movie which female doctor forced her ex-BF to steal a painting. William Fichtner again acting wonderfully as a weird man .
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Stifler is back
25 June 2023
I got surprised when I saw Stifler is back in action role (Sean W Scott) .

Becky is new star and she played very good in this movie,, Yes I know it is just a normal action movie but I love it ,, really really worth to see it. I have seen Sean Scott in comedy roles but this time he is playing action role which surprised me.!! When I say Lulu Wilson is new star I mean Hollywood showing her as real star ,, she is playing for years since she was younger kid ,, Do you remember Lulu Wilson in horror films Ouija: Origin of Evil and Annabelle ?!? She also was playing as Gloria Steinem ,,, But in this movie she was the 1st (Main Character) of movie.
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