
2 Reviews
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could have been great
12 July 2020
This is a premier Ciivil rights leader that everyone needs to know his story.

Unfortunately, the documentary is loaded with lots of cheerleading and political colleagues, which diminish his story and the documentary overall. It feels rushed. The good - after halfway John steps inside his house and gives voice to his art, from this point on it begins to have some depth. I wished they would have interviewed his secretary or gone indepth with some of the bills he worked on instead of the fluff sections.
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Joshua (I) (2002)
a fantastic buffer to the judgemental portrayal of Christ by some denominations
26 September 2002
yes, there are some plot flaws; this is expected from the film staff who put it together. yes, there are some bad acting moments and even some slow scenes, due to the same factor as the last sentence. however, this is a beautiful portrayal of the experience of Christ's message in today's world. the message of our need for community and recognition of worth in God's eyes. i recommend it to everyone regardless of religion or lack thereof. another strong point is when have you seen a G movie that is not animated? yes, it could have made a great Sunday night movie, but the presence of beautiful, heartfelt cinema movies that makes us reflect on that which is greater than our lives is sorely missed in today's cinema. if you do leave the theater lacking then by all means check out the books by Joseph F Girzone, which are far far far superior to what the movie portrays.
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