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Bosch: Legacy: A Step Ahead (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Daughter should have stuck to being a lawyer
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The season was decent light entertainment but nowhere near as good as the earlier seasons of legacy Bosch.

The writing let's it down, with hackneyed and ridiculous repeated story lines. How many times can the daughter be kidnapped?, at least twice now... maybe even 3.

Suddenly the daughter is no longer a boot, is promoted and turns straight in to super cop. Meanwhile Bosch senior has become a useless moron and needs her to bail,him out. Give me a break...

It's very unbelievable to me. As is what the FBI are up to, how many snitches do they want? Not only that but despite targeting the employees of a law firm, no one takes the fifth and no one even asks for representation before taking to them...

Let's not even get started on the gestapo esque search of a law firms offices where they cart off mountains of files that have nothing to do with the case or warrant. What constitution? May as well just do an extrajudicial execution.

Overall, some ok entertainment if you turn your brain off but it's got nothing on original Bosch.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
More Mulder and Scully than True detective...
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
More Mulder and Scully than True detective...

I found episode 1 quite entertaining even though it's nothing like true detective. Just watched season 1 and 3 of that before trying this. Struggling with season 2 so far.

Anyway, on to this mystery. There are clearly paranormal pseudoscience elements to the plot.

I think a lot of the negative reviews are from people expecting it to be something it's not.

The main thing bothering me about it is the obvious box ticking of the cast. Everything is there, can't they just write TV without shoving politics down are throats.

Anyway, just waiting for them to call the feds and the x files crew to turn up just like Ice s1e8 ...
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Fargo: Bisquik (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
Evil morons v invincible Superwomen ?
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Will go straight in and say I made it to about episode 5 before I'd had enough and just jumped to episode 10.

Really enjoyed Fargo for season 1,2 and most of season 3. Gave up season 4 after 3 episodes, awful.

So season 5 was better than 4, but still absolutely abysmal. No idea how anyone could get through all of season 4 or 5.

The main problem with season 5 is the super hero invincibleness of Dot, its cartoonishly ludicrous. I could give it the benefit of the doubt in episode 1. It just gets more and more ridiculous every episode.

The husband, naturally, is a half witted moron...

Then there's Roy Tillman, utterly one dimensional evil character, with objectionable political views.

The mother in law is also pretty much a caricature.

The writing generally is absolute drivel. I have no idea how such a script or the plot generally got green lighted in the first place.
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Lost: The End: Part 2 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 18
Emotional episode without any proper explanations...
5 February 2024
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Emotional episode without any proper explanation...

Firstly, I enjoyed the finale. Its a heart warming look back at the characters journeys through the last 6 seasons.

Having bing watched all of it over about a month, I've certainly got some attachment to the characters and story.

What bothered me about it, however, is that there's no real explanation of anything. Most especially the split time lines.

It seemed quite obvious to me that's what happened when they nuked the island, time travelled again and in the new timeline they were never lost at all.

Whilst it's nice to have an emotional love in at the church with them all remembering their other timeline lives, with Jack dead or whatever...

I found it a very unsatisfying ending. Lost was primarily about keeping people watching without much thought to long term story coherence.
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Lost: The Candidate (2010)
Season 6, Episode 14
Turn your brain off and you'll enjoy it...
3 February 2024
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Turn your brain off and you'll enjoy it...It's an entertaining episode but there are more plot holes and ridiculousness than Swiss cheese.

Firstly the morons with the Fence to keep the monster out, they don't go all out to protect the generator? How stupid are they? Then when the fence is down, they advance in to the jungle with their weapons... Rofl, who are they going to shoot? It's absolutely moronic... They must know what the monster is... or why the Fence?

Then there's the sub scenes, Firstly Kate gets shot, but it barely effects her. She'd bleed out and die for sure. Then the most ludicrous parts of all. When the bomb goes off on the sub, they're dead for sure. Doesn't matter where that much c4 explodes in the sub. The hull would implode. There's no way you can swim out of the hole and surface without drowning or your lungs exploding as you surface...

Yes the show is ludicrous, they should at least try and make episodes vaguely plausible!
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Lost (2004–2010)
The writers were the ones who were lost...
15 January 2024
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Lost has a very interesting premise and the first couple of seasons are filled with taught drama and mystery.

Unfortunately this show jumps the shark pretty much when Walt is kidnapped in season two. The writing decends in to gotcha after gotcha. With ludicrously contrived interwoven plots. Nothing makes any sense, even if plenty is suggested. Everything from everyone being dead already to it being another dimension perhaps?

The plot swings from Nigerian drug smuggling to time tavel, poltergeists and everything in between.

There's plenty of seudoscience about pregnancy and the various supernatural properties of the Island. Though exactly what the motivation of each group and the characters is changes continually.

Ultimately there's only one conclusion. This show is written to get you to keep watching, at any cost to story coherence...

The name of the game here is ratings and advertising dollars.
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Lost: Live Together, Die Alone: Part 2 (2006)
Season 2, Episode 24
Mildly entertaining but absolute nonsense
4 January 2024
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A mildly entertaining season but absolute nonsense as well in a lot of ways.

There's some seriously contrived writing in this show. You certainly get the impression it's being made up as they go along.

A lot of parts of the of what's happening are illogical and contradictory. The hatch button pressing, why do they let Micheal lead them in to a trap?

Micheal in particular is one of the most annoying characters in the history of TV. Rather hopeful he won't be coming back, but I fear the worst.

I find it hard to believe they managed to make 6 seasons of thus show... But it seems they did. I'll speed it up to 1.5 playback speed to get through it...

Hopefully it's worth it.
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Great Popcorn Flick
31 December 2023
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Great movie, very enjoyable action adventure. Absolutley breathless with constant adrenaline pumping action. Not a dull second in it.

The whole movie is a absolutely in your face, with extremes, from the first shoot out in the obi wan (yeah) bar to people being incinerated alive and eaten by alligators (wong continent?)

What I would say about it, is that the full cut is definitely not a kids movie!!! Despite it having a kid in the main cast and the child slave labourers.

Frankly, it's got more violence and horror in it than most 18 or R rated movies. Including someone's still beating heart being ripped from their chest, someone burned alive in a pit of lava and a lot more.

It's a good example of how different the 80s were to now and how much more resilient younger audiences of the time must have been.

The other thing this movie has, is plot holes, a lot of plot holes! Like James Bond on steroids. Obviously it's not meant to be a documentary.

Just turn your brain off and enjoy one of the best action adventure movies ever.
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Internal Inconsistencies and Poor Writing
17 December 2023
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Being a sequel to the Matrix was never going to be easy.

That being said, this is a very disappointing effort. Despite some good action sequences.

The writers just didn't think through a lot it. The abilities of the characters within the Matrix changes due to the needs of the story. The agents forget they can take over anyone not plugged in. Neo's speed, strength and other abilities.

Why did the machines even need the codes in the first film if they were already on the way to destroy Zion...

There is a lot of style to it, good effects abs it's well made. It's a shame they couldn't get Tank in it as well.

It's far inferior to the first film unfortunately.
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Squid Game (2021– )
TV version of battle royale with twists.
2 December 2023
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A very interesting TV show, which asks some quite profound questions of human nature.

If found it similar in theme to Battle Royale 2000 and there is also a comedic style, despite the violence, which reminded me of Shaolin Soccer in some ways.

It's well acted and the emotions of the actors are conveyed very well through the screen.

Putting the players in various life and death situations to see how they will react. With money being the motivator, so they're playing of their free will.

There are definitely parts that don't make a lot of sense. Especially how easily the intruder is spotted and chased down on the island.

As well as the the bridge game where they could easily just crawl along the metal rails.

The old man twist is also unsatisfying, the explanation given didn't really work for me.

Then there's the "James Bond" "villain lair" problem of how they could build such a massively elaborate fortress on the island, complete with mass cremation facility and hundreds of henchman without anyone noticing or leaking what was happening during construction.

Overall, a very enjoyable 9 episodes but not for the squeamish!
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Stillwater (2021)
Interesting but too long and slow
19 November 2023
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An interesting movie but it's far too long and the pacing seems off to me.

Too much filler dragging it out and I think they could easily have cut 30 minutes of pointless scenes from it and it would make a much better movie.

The plot is interesting even if it seems very similar to the real world foxy knoxy case.

Some of the characters motivation doesn't make that much sense either. The French girlfriend must realise he's only there short term so how come he moves in and helping with the daughter?

Also the case seems weak to begin with given no murder weapon and the unknown DNA. If they matched the hair to a burlgarly surely the original scene DNA would also match?

Nit picking, mainly, it's got Matt Damon in it and it's still enjoyable.
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The Sopranos: Made in America (2007)
Season 6, Episode 21
Show 10/10, Finale awful.
18 November 2023
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One of the best TV shows ever, so good that I think they didn't want to conclude it any final way. So they could potentially either continue it, the character, do a spin off etc to make more $ eventually.

No idea how else you can explain the finale, there is no ending. All left up in the air. Got to be HBO executives pressuring...

Season 6 generally is good, but not as good as 1 to 5. Just I found AJs story pretty grating. Tony needs people he can totally trust in his organisation, so to me it doesn't make sense that he doesn't try and integrate him. He's working in a pizza place, goes with a girl who has a young child. None of it makes sense. Other than because the writers wanted story lines outside of the family business.

Overall 10/10 TV show with an awful finale. Impossible they'll ever be a real ending now with the same cast. Rip.
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Our Planet (2019–2023)
Propaganda ruins the interesting bits
29 October 2023
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Someone needs to tell the producers of this that humans are part of the natural world. Not some mythical creatures that didn't evolve and are better than nature.

Not only have we only evolved in incredibly recent history, in evolutionary and geological terms, we do not control every aspect of the planet or the climate. The arrogance and hubris is simply incredible.

Interglacials have been a normal part of the climate cycle. The last one was only 130k years ago. Absolutely nothing in geological terms. Climate cycles are normal, what influence we have and how the natural world will react to anything we do are open questions.

The natural world was here before us and will be here long after we're gone. My guess is industrial civilisation is a terrible evolutionary strategy, but we'll see.
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Too Long Not Enough Plot
2 July 2023
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Loved the first 3 films, this is the weakest in the series by quite some distance in my opinion.

Not enough of a plot. Lots of great action sequences and an insane body count of course. That does not a great movie make.

The first 3 John Wick movies all had better plots and more interesting stories than this.

The villain is a French pantomime one, not sure what the point of the guy with the dog is. A lot of the action and killing scenes are really too far fetched as well.

It feels like John Wick has super natural powers or is in the Matrix as the bodies pile up.

The writing really let this movie down.
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Bosch: Legacy: Always/All Ways (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Enjoyed the season despite the flaws.
17 June 2023
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Enjoyed the season despite the flaws.

First off, Maddie has been kidnapped, again! Come on, surely she'd realise the further away from Daddy Bosch she is, the safer she'll be.

Her mother got done in a drive by, her grandmother was murdered, step father disappeared by the Chinese. How much more can she take?

I don't see Maddie as a credible beat cop, weakest story of the season for me. Her motivation doesn't make sense and she isn't convincing in the uniform.

The main Bosch plot lines are ok, even if the billionaire without an aire in trite. Plus his estate should go to the state, not the Corp. They should have covered that better.

Good to see Bosch take out another assassin. I do feel he should have double tapped her in the head as well. Going after an innocent mother and her 14 year old, utterly despicable!

The doctor murder was interesting and Honey's plot lines entertaining at least.

I'd like to see Bosch get more ruthless in season 2 and Maddie to find a different job again.
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Bosch: Heart Attack (2016)
Season 2, Episode 6
Good episode but contrived shooting
6 May 2023
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Very enjoyable episode. Furthers the plot and the show seems to be going from strength to strength.

What did bother me is the shooting. It's 100% a professional hit and the police would instantly realise that.

The gun man walks in and shoots the cop without even announcing himself.

He's not concerned with robbing the place or if the desk clerk could be armed. He double taps the officer then goes after the counter clerk. Before making a half assed cash grab from the register.

The police would instantly realise its a pro hit, doesn't matter what brass they find. They're asking, maybe it's a coincidence... ridiculous...

It's a stupid bit of writing that could have easily been fixed, at least get the hit man to properly stage a robbery.
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Toned down version of 9 songs
25 February 2023
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So yeah, this movie is pretty much a more glamorous more toned down version of 9 songs... There isn't a plot, or very little of one. It's beautiful people jetting all over and lots of nudity and sex. Missing the real sex scenes 9 songs has. They wouldn't be out of place in this movie...

There is some chemistry between the main characters at least. Though it seems Dakota Johnson only dates musicians in the real world.

If you want Shakespeare better to go watch something else. It's light hearted mindless soft port entertainment. If you watch it with that mentality it's enjoyable. Not worth paying much if anything for.
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To Play the King: Chapter Eight (1993)
Season 2, Episode 4
Absolutely Ruthless!
14 February 2023
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This show is an absolute gem. Having finished the US version of house of cards, I thought I'd try the UK original.

Very pleasantly surprised. The first two seasons, whilst only 4 episodes each are certainly superior to the Netflix US version.

Francis Urquart is an absolutely diabolical character. A master manipulator, he pulls the strings and gets what he wants. Stopping at nothing. Sure, some of its pretty far fetched... Wiping out those who could damage him with car bombs! Faking a kidnapping attempt on the King etc.

Less so than pushing a reporter under a subway train in a packed metro station as happens in the US verr

It's more interesting now there really is a king and the gas explosion almost has some weird similarities with the grenfell fire.

It's a shame TV shows of this quality are so rare from the UK.
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House of Cards: Chapter 45 (2016)
Season 4, Episode 6
Claire is history's greatest monster!
11 January 2023
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It's an entertaining episode. I just find Claire despicable! Manipulating the acting president, getting involved in government business that she has no right to.

What the Russian president says is totally accurate. Then she puts on the tough girl stance and suddenly he's signing the deal. This story line makes no sense anyway! Russia is a massive oil producer and high prices are great for their finances!

Leaving her husbands death bed and whilst he's having an operation. It's just disgusting. I get they need to do something with her character but come on?

This show generally puts the Democrat's in an awful light. Corrupt, murderous and incompetent! Maybe sub consciously people associated Claire with HRC... Trump V Underwood now that would be a box office season!
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House of Cards: Chapter 39 (2015)
Season 3, Episode 13
Kevin Spacey Masterclass
8 January 2023
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Kevin Spacey becomes Frank Underwood in season 3. It's an absolute acting master class. Truly a flawed genius.

The drama has just kept coming, with several very engaging plot lines. Evolving relationships between the characters and of course the primaries. Claire's character in particular undergoing significant evolution. Not knowing who she is and questioning everything.

Frank and Doug now have three murders between them. Not sure why they cut how Doug did it from the screen. A poor decision I think unless we see it Kate. Frank reminds me of Damon Killian in some ways. Truly an evil genius who knows how to play the crowd and get people to love him.
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Glass Onion (2022)
30 December 2022
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Whilst it provides some light entertainment, it's ultimately a poor excuse of a movie.

The problems start with the plot and the writing. The whole napkin storyline makes no sense at all. Even if Andi had it, could have been written anytime by anyone. Given the case was already in court, even if the witnesses admit perjury... It won't prove anything.

There's little character development, the whodunit is predictable. Edward Norton is totally wasted here. The hydrogen invention is never explained properly, it's dangerous and not tested properly. That's about it.

The whole movie feels like a big waste of the talent in it.
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House of Cards: Chapter 14 (2014)
Season 2, Episode 1
Cold blooded murder ?
29 October 2022
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The murder scene is ridiculous. In a public place with CCTV and potentially hundreds of witnesses. Makes no sense at all. More so since the other journalists knew she was meeting Frank. Deleting contacts isn't going to fool anyone.

Unless the show becomes a court room and prison drama after this episode... Such sloppy writing will ruin the show.

It's pretty inconceivable Franck won't have killed before when he's managed two murders in the space of a few episodes which is a few weeks or months at most in the timeline of the show.

Why is it so hard to get good writing in this TV era. Most shows end up going down because of it!
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Oz: Family Bizness (1998)
Season 2, Episode 5
The relentless horror of Oz!
28 October 2022
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Oz is a great show, well acted and good writing. No need for any fancy special effects here! The characters are interesting and development is progressing nicely. Quite high turnover of characters though.

This episode typifies the mood of the show. It's relentlessly dark and brutal.

The warden forces his own brother to turn himself in, Beaches wife suicide, kids find the body! Nuns former husband was murdered, an inmate gives her a cryptic clue. Then the doctors husband had been murdered as well! Not much sunshine that's for sure.

Beacher's storyline is the best deterrent for DUI you'll watch....

I don't think audiences in the present era could tolerate a show as dark as this.
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Breaking Bad: Granite State (2013)
Season 5, Episode 15
No evidence against Walt or Saul
8 October 2022
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It's all well and good Walt running, there's absolutely no hard evidence against him at all fir drugs, murder, anything. Nor against Saul.

DEA got nothing, book would be inadmissible. Money is gone, Jessey gone, Skyler can claim spousal privilege. Hank is in the ground in thousand of square miles of dessert and won't be found.

Walt can just take the 5th and there's nothing they can do, on drugs charges anyway. Best they could do is go after the car wash.

Its poor writing, they should have factored in something to make it make sense. No reason for him to leave or make the call to Skyler to "help" her either.

Walt is supposed to be super intelligent!
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Breaking Bad: Buyout (2012)
Season 5, Episode 6
Plot contrivances !
2 October 2022
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Why kill the kid? He didn't see them doing anything illegal, what was the kid going to do, totally ridiculous writing. No chance he reacts that way snap shooting a kid, a totally unnatural thing to do. Tod is a psychopath, sociopath or some combination of both ?

Some random character appears to make them look super evil. It's poor writing, obviously this season the network have decided Walter White must be pure evil. To put people off in the real world from trying similar...

The writing for season 5 to conclude the show could be so much better. I'd suggest Walter White building a new empire like Fring.

Can't be having the bad guys win though can we?
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