
19 Reviews
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The Room (2003)
How to rate this movie, a dilemma
16 April 2024
The dilemma: Rate this strictly on its merits as a movie or the unintended experience it delivers? Judging it solely as a movie it's miserable, it couldn't be worse, a criminal theft of 90 plus minutes from your life, and the current rating of 3.6 would be far too high. When it comes to the unintended experience it's fantastic, yes-so bad it's good! It's complete nonsense, the laughs don't stop. I started to feel bad for everyone in the movie and even guilty for taking pleasure in their embarrassing efforts. I will give The Room this: an unexpected non-Hollywood ending. Viewing the movie is now an event and a blast to be a part of. If you go to see it, and you should, bring lots of plastic spoons.
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Not a Lifetime or Marvel movie.....
23 February 2024
Not sure what to say this worth a watch: yes, absolutely; actually, you may need to view it twice (I'm going to watch it again). It's non traditional plot development is challenging, don't watch if you want something served up or easy entertainment. Over three hours there are four parts to this journey, with the first three being the best. The untidy ending provides little resolution and is unlikely to supply satisfaction for most viewers; and, while such contentment or gratification is unnecessary in film, I would argue the last 30 minutes of the movie were contrived to make the film more detached. Should it have ended at 2 hours and twenty five minutes, you decide. You decide what is real, imagined. Can it be anything but surreal? Forget your typical, traditional, expectations, watching it when you have a free 3 hours, letting the film take you elsewhere.
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Drowning Mona (2000)
5.7 isn't even close! IGNORE that rating!
31 January 2024
The 5.7/10 rating for Drowning Mona is criminal, not even close! This is an overlooked classic, the movie should have cult status-seriously (maybe it does). The laughs are non-stop. I'd quote some the lines, but that be spoiling it. Also notable: the soundtrack, it's spot on. Those who don't think it's funny aren't paying attention. Everyone is great in this movie, Casey Affleck should do more comedy...whatever happened to Neve Campbell, Will Ferrell as Cubby, Melissa McCarthy is in there also.. it never gets old. I watch it at least twice a year. Bonus: If you watch Drowning Mona, Wheel of Fortune will have new meaning for you...enjoy!
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Worth a watch
23 January 2024
It's cold out, you're trying to find a good freebie on Amazon, you see "I Think We're Alone Now", what to do? Go ahead, watch it. The first 80 minutes are great, wonderfully filmed in the perfect setting for the premise of the story. Peter Dinklage is great; again playing a loner, but by circumstance this time rather than choice (Station Agent). Then his whole drill is interrupted when a stranger shows up, and he's not happy. The story takes a left turn when the Paul Giamatti and Charlotte Gainsbourg characters show up. I'm not a screenwriter but, I think there were better endings out there. Still, and again, worth a watch.
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
Still good!
14 January 2024
Was a big fan of Northern Exposure when it started back in 1990. Always wondered if it would hold up and why it wasn't streaming. Fortunately Northern Exposure is now available (I saw it free on Amazon Prime) and indeed holds up close to 34 years later. I'm pretty sure I'm enjoying Northern Exposure as much now, an old man, as I did then. The stories are still good and the characters are like old friends. Ed is my favorite, then Ruth Ann, then Chris-who has the best job in the world. Yeah, Joel is still annoying...but it's key to the character. The age difference between Shelly and Holling is odd, but was 34 years ago as well. Forgot how good the music was also.
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Wonderful movie
8 January 2024
First of all, the first ten minutes of this film do one of the best jobs of providing background for the story that follows. Visually, some of the best ten minutes as well. Really, might be perfect and I feel it may be the best part of the film.

Finn is a dwarf (is this proper, or is it little person?) always gawked at, made fun of, and following the death of his only friend, he believes there is an opportunity to get what he wants. To be alone, unbothered, but it doesn't work out as he'd like.

This is a wonderful film about people brought together by circumstance and the relationships that result.
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Red Rocket (2021)
The rating is on point, it's worth the time!
21 November 2023
This is a very good film, it's a view of life most are unaware and uninterested. Is it long? Yes, it is; but, there are only a few too many minutes at the end. Visually, thee are some nice shots around the refinery and roads near the Texas coast. Also, this is not a movie providing instant gratification, it's a story, a long story, with no package resolution at the end. The main character is a most self centered and unlikeable individual. There are so many points when you hope this guy will do the right thing, but he doesn't, and with every turn he reveals the worst of himself and humanity. Mikey is dishonest, manipulative, totally despicable. While the entire cast is great, with Simon Rex doing a wonderful job portraying this miserable human Mikey, Bree Elrod is flawless, delivering a very sympathetic character. Hang in there with this one, it's worth it.
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Zeroville (2019)
Current rating is ALL wrong
14 November 2023
This is movie for film nerds, and should have a 6-7 rating. It's a good one, if you watch a lot of movies, old and new, you should get the references. Even if you're not familiar with the old movies referenced, but still an overall movie fan, you should enjoy it.

The only film I know Megan Fox was in is the Transformers movie, if your looking for that kind of experience you will be greatly disappointed. By the way she does a great job in this one. Also, Will Ferrell and Seth Rohan add a funny touch here, but it's far from a comedy. It's a movie about movies, Hollywood, and a love story. If you're a film nerd, ignore the low rating and give it a look, I don't think you will be disappointed.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Good movie, very good
15 August 2023
The rating for this one is on mark. Babylon is a very good movie that shoots for greatness and comes pretty close. The first hour is intense, it was a relief when the pace slowed down. Many of the characters are based on real life individuals and incidents from Hollywood in the 1920s, ie: Fatty Arbuckle-Virginia Rappe, and a few folks are named, ie: Irving Thalberg and William Randolph Hearst. Things were so out of hand at the time censorship was enacted. There are characters you will have empathy for, some you might love and those you will hate, one in particular you may grow to despise. It's worth the watch, even at 3 hours.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
If I hadn't read the book
30 December 2022
Might not have enjoyed the movie as much. The movie is a an accurate screen version of Don DeLillo's book of the same name. The book was published in 1984 or 1985 and is considered one of the great books of the 20th century. While the movie is good, the book is great; but, if you didn't like the movie, there's no chance you will like the book.

Both the book and movie are a commentary on contemporary American culture. Much of the dialogue is word for word from the book, thankfully.

Again, having read the book, can't say exactly how I'd feel about the movie strictly on its own, other than it would certainly be a 6 or 7.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Not good
27 December 2022
Yeah, not good at all. Had high hopes, given the cast: Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, John Malkovich, but there are much better versions of the beautiful, troubled, female assassin story out there. The movie opens up well enough and the action scenes provide the level of martial arts shoot 'em up invincible protagonist currently required of the genre, but the heroine's back story is dropped in by shallow installments, and it's not that interesting really. The Geena Davis character is uninteresting and annoying. So my advice is to pass on this one, there's better viewing out there, heck watch Atomic Blonde, Red Sparrow.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Too long, way too long and
6 December 2022
Average at best; also, tries to be funny, but fails. I did learn quite a bit about Thomas the Tank Engine, and Sandra Bullock looks great, but really overall it's a meh for this one. Rating it a 4 might be generous. Easily 30 minutes too long.

I saw the trailer for Bullet Train before Top Gun Maverick, thought about seeing it in the theater, now very glad I didn', 255 characters to go...what to say??? Don't bother, don't bother, don't bother, don't bother, waste 2 hours o your time some other way. Also, not sure how some folks are rating this a 9 or 10, seriously? Oh well, only 10 more ch.
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Big Fish (2003)
Fantastic, watch again & again
25 September 2022
Saw a review that gave this a 1, calling it "sentimental trash" it sentimental, yes... trash, not even close (Whoever submitted that review must be 20-30 years old, not married, no kids, living in their moms basement watching 4-5 movies a day, and compulsively masturbating to anime). I watch this movie at least once a year, and it just gets better and better! This is a movie you watch with the family At Thanksgiving, Christmas, after a funeral (yeah, after a funeral). This movie is about the relationship between children and their parents; and, when children realize their parents are fallible. This is a fine, dialed in, movie, make it a part of your life.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Don't bother, not good
4 September 2022
I don't need to use 600 characters to warn you about this sorry production but...Suffered through close to 8 hours of this... it's not good. I'm a Toni Collette fan but wish she would have passed on this one. The protagonists are not likable, especially the daughter Andy-what a pain in the ass, the story is weak, didn't need 8 hours to be told, and it looks like they're planning another season. Seriously, don't bother. Find another show to invest 8 hours.

Just trying to hit enough characters to submit, trust me, this show stinks.....but I'll keep at it, in the hope I might prevent even one person from watching this.
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Ragtime (1981)
Good Movie, better book
14 July 2022
Good film with great production value. Visually very enjoyable. Definitely worth a watch but book is much better, based on many real people and events.
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Don't understand the low ratings
20 February 2022
The preview/trailer kept coming up on Amazon, so I finally watched it. Was surprised by who ended up being the bad guy. Decent movie, definitely worth a watch.
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Bingo, it's a parody!!!
2 February 2022
Yes, it's a parody, it's funny, it's worth a watch!

Hints it's a parody: The title, casserole dish after casserole dish, massacre Mike, the mailbox that is never repaired...
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The Quarry (2020)
Hang in there, very good
2 November 2021
First 15-20 minutes, thought I might be wasting my time, fortunately I stuck with it. Yes, it's a slow burner, there are no heroes, leaving much to think about at the end.
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Forget Big Lebowski & Watch it!
28 January 2021
My first review, was compelled by all of the low ratings and terrible comments for this movie.

This movie stands on its own, don't look for any Big Lebowski references or connections. It's not a Coen brothers movie- nor does it try to be, and comparisons are unfair.

I don't know about a plot but, the question of whether or not The Jesus would end up back at Sing Sing for life kept me in it. The movie is funny, and entertaining with a couple surprises. Also, you're a John Turturro fan, you'll dig it.
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