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Punkier version of Tokyo Fiancee
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of Asian movies and this film definitely captures the Japanese film vibe with the slow engaging dramatical pace and beautiful cinematography. The story is a fictional account told from the perspective of the 'Lost Girl', played by Alex Daddario, who wears a sort of constant rabbit in headlights expression (or is it more channeling Lon Chaney Jr :-)

So Alex's love interest is a rather graceful Yakuza brother who's a bit of the strong and silent type, although inexplicably he does cry a bit like a 90's new man and also likes to wear black.

Alex is working in Japan as an expat and likes a tab and bevy after work with her mates. Staggering home on the way back one evening, Alex and the gangster stare each other down on the street and subsequently bump into each other in the hustle and bustle of downtown Tokyo's passion hotels.

As with most romantic dramas, there's the obligatory boy loses girl, boy gets girl.... and they both get lost on a train somewhere. Unusually for a Japanese movie, there are only 3 acts instead of 4 and this is where the film loses focus. The story is engaging throughout and the denouement appears rather abruptly and doesn't quite fit the narrative that has preceded.

Intrigued by the film, I subsequently read the novel which confirmed that the original story's ending had been changed. This also shed Alex's character in a new grittier light and this had obviously been toned down in the film in order for her character to be more universally likeable. The novel is more like an expanded short story which I found thoroughly enjoyable, and I believe that the novel could be further expanded to make a more engaging 4 act film and maybe even shed some light on the bad boy character with some action scenes.

Pros Engaging performances from Alex Daddario and Takehiro Hira Beautiful cinematography and sound Intriguing story Amazing novel and screenplay

Cons The film opening scene is masterfully done and draws the viewer but some of the pieces of film don't quite fit together The ending reminded me of Mulholland Drive which I don't think was intentional

Overall Would make a great triple bill with Shall We Dance and Go Find a Psychic or maybe a great triple bill with Himeanole and Man Woman and the Wall
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Winter Sonata (2002)
Possibly a 5 or possibly a 10!
18 November 2014
Winter Sonata is a highly regarded popular Korean melodrama with great reviews. The series features a small cast and focuses on the love triangle between:

i) Jun-sang, a bastard, born from the embers of passion between Gollum and a village hound dog

ii) Yoo-jin, a feisty pretty young thing

iii) Sang-Hyuk, the boy next door.

Jun-sang is actually a good guy, but is hypnotised by Yoo-jin, and begins wearing big scarves and ladies mittens. Sang-Hyuk is like a brother to Yoo-jin, and rival to Jun-sang, but he has no job and is no good at fighting. Watch out for danger woman, Chae-Lin!

So the story begins with the courtship between Jun-sang and Yoo-jin at their high school. The other cast are introduced who are the school friends and also the elders. Then tragedy strikes......One of the characters headbutts a Volvo. It's OK though, the Volvo survives and is sent to the repair shop.

Fast forward 10 years later and the high school students are now working in Seoul. Coincidentally all have kept in touch and are either living, working or drinking together. Jun-sang has disappeared from the scene but has been replaced by another actor who looks very much like him and is called Min-Hyung. Min-Hyung is hypnotised by Chae-Lin and starts to quote Confucius and wear turtle neck sweaters. Everyone misses Jung Soon and hates Min-Hyung.

Next everyone start fighting with everyone else, each fall over or go to hospital one at a time, everyone bows a lot and finally Yoo- jin makes a decision.

*********************************************** The End ***********************************************

The Good - Performances, heart (first few episodes)

The Bad - Predictable, Cliché, Overlong (next 14 episodes)

Overall - Dour
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19 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
She's Out Of My League is a slightly over the top romantic comedy with a big heart.

An hour into the film I looked at my watch! That however is a good thing because I didn't want it to end. Then 3/4 into it the inevitable happened, the obligatory boy loses girl.

So really it should be a solid 7 or 8/10. However instead of a tacked on ending, we get to enjoy a great finale which turns it right round.

The main characters are a rather weak looking and pathetically 'nice' Jay Baruchel with a rather pretty and adorable Alice Eve. Supporting Jay are a motley crew of pals who try their best to remote control him and get the girl who is most definitely out of his league!

Supporting Alice is the straight talking Krysten Ritter, who doesn't have much to work with but sparkles. The same also applies to Nate Torrence who was great!

Jay and his crew work in airport security whilst Alice is a party planner who is frisked through by Jay. Chaos and order ensues!

Pros - Sweet, Funny, Rude, Bootlace

Cons - Too short!

Overall - 11 out of 10
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3 Witches vs Ricardo Dork
12 January 2014
This film appears to be a light Bollywood comedy, and this was exactly what it is. Some aspects of it however are aimed squarely at 'New Hindustan' and I'm sure the film will be gobbled up most welcomely however distastefully these aspects have been presented.

The synopsis can be summed up in 1 line (See Summary Title!). OK 2 lines, Plus Taani Sahni and her booty shots. OK 3 lines, 3 loser women exploit a pretty 4th woman in order to con a rather camp stud muffin.

Some things that this movie does well:

Great dance choreography at the nightclub when Dicky Stud and Taani Sahni 'party all nite'

er... Entertain

er... I laughed when Iqbal makes his appearance

Some things this movie does not do well:

Mock western uncivilisation a la Ron Burgandy

Have likable characters

Overall - A film for the devourment by the beautiful people of Desiland
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Singham (2011)
Dushum Dushum is hip again
1 January 2014
Singham is an enjoyable film that can best be described as a popcorn + movie. The film stars Ajay Devgan as Singham, the head of a local Police station, whose character is like a cross between Judge Dredd and a Holy priest. So one minute he'll be pistol whipping a goon-doh, and the next minute he'll be serving up coffee to some lepers in Gujarat.

The story portrays the bureaucracy inherent in the Police and also the Indian Government which allows corruption to exist and proliferate. Prakash Raj plays baddie Jaykant Shikre who wants to own the whole of India. He puts in a great performance equal and opposite to Devgan's Singham.

Devgan, as Singham, looks like a well tanned but middle aged Mitchell Johnson. When Mitch is not sledging, he's out with his honey (Kajal Agarwal) who looks like the typical girl next door for 14 year old boys. Therefore Devgan and Agarwal look curiously mismatched when together on screen. Agarwal's performance was good considering her part was like a little snack compared to the feast devoured by the other two, and also that she had to pretend to love her Kaka Gee. Maybe the reason for the Johnson style tache is to hide Singham's false teeth?

I'm sure most people can identify with the scenarios in the film particularly when dealing with the outlaws that surface in everyday life. The premise of the story is excellent, but it is inevitably compromised in places to provide the film's obligatory happy ending. Nevertheless it's a light and enjoyable ride!

Pros - Great action, story, lead and support roles

Cons - Take it (or leave it) fighting and dancing scenes

Overall - The ancient, long forgotten and mysterious Police Academy training bible
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Agneepath (2012)
Entertaining but Flawed
2 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
2 minutes into this film, my mother said 2 interesting things:

This doesn't look like it's filmed in India!

What does Agneepath mean!

Desistan is becoming quite sophisticated judging by Agneepath. Take our hero, Krrish. Throughout 99% of the film we endure the pain of this loser.

Traumatised by his father's suicide, Krrish abandons his mother and sister/daughter by pursuing a life of crime, as advised by his father just before he handed Kanchee the rope with which to hang himself!

Still Bhagubhai has blessed Krrish in equal measure by making him Raj of a commune, consort of the lovely Priyanka and handsome to boot. Krrish however is not satisfied, as evident by the constipated and Filmfare winning expression that's graffiti'd on his face.

Meanwhile Akhbar, from Amar Akhbar Anthony, makes an appearance. Akhbar has moved to the dark side and is now peddling girls instead of cinema tickets on the black market. Othwerwise Akhbar is the same old lovable rogue! He even does another Kawali in this film!

KatrinaBen makes an appearance in the 2nd half of the film, mainly to keep the spirits up of any 11 year old boys still watching. However in the film Katrina is used by Kanchee to see if Krrish likes either girls, or boys, or dogs! Krrish passes because Kanchee finds out that Krrish is a Don, just like him, and so is worthy of a proper fight.

After trying to put off the inevitable showdown for 3 hours, Krrish loses patience with his destiny and decides to go back and 'avenge' his father's suicide. At this point the film turns into total farce as Kanchee uses Krrish as a real life voodoo doll. Then everyone starts crying, except Krrish who will be having sharab with Karan.

Pros - Holi and Ganesh Pooja celebrated with real claret

Cons - It's 3 hours long, just like Heat

Overall - Forgettable
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Scary, Thrilling and Funny!
24 October 2013
On Fridays we used to grab a tucky and video from our local Revolver. Imagine the surprise when I got home one week and realised that the guy had slipped me a porno by mistake instead of Brian De Palma's Dressed To Kill! I really wish I could turn back the clock.......

Anyway enough of my school days. Dressed to Kill is one of my favourite thrillers. It's packed full of suspense and features a rather intelligent schoolkid.

De Palma's humour is evident throughout. This really did fly over me when I was young. Now I laugh over the small touches!

Pros - Suspense, Suspects, Suspicion, Suspenders

Cons - Er .... suspense

Overall - Wasn't Pepper Anderson great in Police Woman!
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Sarfarosh (1999)
Mr Benn for NPG
24 October 2013
Oh Dear......., dear me .........

Sarfarosh has weathered quite badly since it came out in 99. It may have been cutting edge then, however it now plays like an episode of Aaron Spelling's Glitter magazine (Season 99).

Aamir Khan plays boy next door Ajay Singh (nice fro bro). Since we're now in 2013, let's just call him Andy Singh.

Yesterday Andy was a fighter pilot protecting Hindustan from the Empire. Today Andy is an edgy freedom fighter, traumatized from childhood, after stumbling upon a cache of Lethal Weapon videos. Tomorrow Andy is destined to be man addicted to ink who has forgotten how to exit the gymn.

Supporting our hero, we have 2 very strong performance from Naseeruddin Shah (blind dude from Mohra) and Sonali Ben (unforgettable in Mumbai).

Naseeruddin plays a gentle poet who sings ghazals sweet as the morning dew. Not any old sweet dew though, we're talking the kind of dew that drips off Bambi's nose on Xmas day. Men want to be his brother, and chicks want to be his mum. Let's just call him Johnny Cash.

Sonali plays a rather pimped out Jenna Rink. Is Jenna's hotness greater than her charmlessness? One thing's for sure she really is going on 13. Throughout the film she's lumbered with lines such as 'Thank you please', and 'Just chill, chill chill, just chill'.

Andy also has a sidekick called Salim, a stubborn sort of fellow who has an inferiority complex regarding the ground Andy walks on. This provides Salim with the opportunity to make a forgettable but film award winning speech about 'how he loves Eden Gardens more than his future Mrs'.

As for the ending..... Well my mother predicted the ending correctly 10 minutes into the film. The first 9 minutes are taken up by a song and dance number.

Pros - Priests packing tommy guns, Nice ghazals, cute goats

Cons - Who was the podgy kid at the beginning?

Overall - Timewarped popcorn
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Non-nude skin flick
6 October 2013
Surprised by the high ratings on IMDb for this film.

In the Mood For Love was quite watchable because of my constant fascination at the skills of Maggie Cheung's seamstress. There may also be fans of this film who appreciate the skills of Tony Leung Chiu Wai's tailor! (who knows)

Kar Wai Wong's ChungKing Express is one of my favourite films. This film however disappointed because nothing of note really happened. Would two 'beautiful people' who happen to live next door, have such unfulfilled lives! The longing was distant and the romance was non-existent.

Yes in the 60's people wouldn't lose face by 'cheating'. However if they could get away with cheating in different postcodes, then that may have been acceptable.

Pros - Good style

Cons - Little substance

Overall - Style over substance
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Passion (2012)
I love You !
6 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Passion is like a blended smoothie, concocted of decaffeinated Hitchcock, Verhoeven, Lynch and De Palma!

Being a Brian De Palma film, its not too surprising that there are: some references to Hitchcock, a bit of voyeurism, the odd kink here or there and some satire.

The plot consists of some corporate executives working for a marketing company called 'Koch' in Berlin. The film accurately portrays the politics involved in climbing the corporate ladder ie prostitution and pimping! It's certainly a cut throat, bitch eat bitch world out there!

Some of the funniest things in the movie are Paul Anderson acting very sleazy, the Youtube upload going stratospheric in the space of a few hours, and Rachel McAdams being sexually assaulted!

The film is split into two sections, a short film (which seems a little lightweight) plus an epilogue inspired by a famous cartoon dog detective.

Overall there are some great touches by De Palma. However I didn't laugh as much as I'd like!

Pros - Production, Characters, The ballet sequence

Cons - Vertigo

Overall - Disappointed by the dessert
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Raanjhanaa (2013)
A Tale Of Two Halves
16 September 2013
Raanjhanaa starts out very promising with a cool street kid falling for a pretty yuppie girl. The Kid is blind to the beautiful world he lives in and starts to become uncool in the pursuit of his infatuation. A Muslim and Hindu dilemma is then thrown into the ring. So far it sounds mediocre on paper, but actually the film manages to keep it all together well.

Now we have the kid losing grip and trading his soul for a deluded dream. Big dollops of melodrama are heaped on now with some staged set-ups to show that the kid can actually run the state. Finally the pay-off heightens the film at the end.

Pros - Realistic flawed characters, Acting, Cinematography

Cons - Story

Overall - Start and End was good
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Aurangzeb (2013)
Amar, Akhbar, ...............Ajay/Vishal
16 September 2013
Aurangzeb is a 21st Century remix of Amar, Akhbar Anthony. Instead of 3 separated kids that are raised under 3 different religions, we have 2 twins and a stepbrother raised within Police, Gangster and adopted families.

Rishi Kapoor is here, but we don't have the hard man equivalent of Vinod Khanna or the charisma of Amitabh Bachan. Jackie Shroff makes a good Kishanlal, and Tanvi Azmi makes a good Bharati. Swara Bhaskar is good in a limited role as one of the wives. However Sasha Aagha has obviously been misused to sell the movie to 10 year old boys.

The movie is certainly fresh. Instead of the straight good guys, bad guys and the religious message we get from the 70s, we now have the blurry good and bad mixed with hedonism, power and greed.

Pros - Fresh and funky thriller

Cons - The odd Exploitation scene

Overall - Who's Bad (Jamon)
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Get up..... Stay On the Scene .... Donny
16 September 2013
Masayuki Suo has produced a melodramatic story set in Japan that features ballroom dancing. Neither would particularly appeal however the film is elevated by a combination of depth, comedy featuring Aoki San and scenes shot in Blackpool! The most impressive aspect of this movie is how all of the characters come to life. Nearly 15 years after its release, its only now that I have had the pleasure of seeing it.

The story focuses on a man undergoing a mid-life crisis who spontaneously takes up ballroom dancing. The film proceeds to follow the characters who make up the dance class.

I am sometimes amazed how we can interpret characters in a film just by their physical appearance. For example Tamako Sensei is the forgiving type of person that she appears! Also Macho is the sleazy type of dancer that he appears! They wouldn't need to do or say anything and I would still conclude the same.

Pros - Every single thing plus Aoki San

Cons - The score is occasionally heavy handed

Overall - 11 out of 10
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And The Ice Melts...
15 April 2013
In the last century there was a series of TV advertisements for Cointreau that appeared regularly at Xmas. These featured a couple in front of a fireplace and talking what I would politely describe as 'nonsense'.

Now if this concept was extended into a feature and set in this century, I believe we would have something like 'Lost In Translation'.

Of particular note is the opening shot of Tokyo, the focus on Japanese culture such as Karaoke and the lead actor who would surely bag an award for the best mugging to camera.

Pros - Entertaining

Cons - Realistically unrealistic

Overall - Preferred Cinzano Bianco
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Saawariya (2007)
Salman Bhai is cooler than Absolute Zero
23 January 2013
Saawariya should be seen on the big screen because everything about it is beautiful. The songs are great (A 10 min remix of the title track would fit in the film nicely).

The story is based on White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky and feels more like a stage musical brought magically to life. The sets are like a fairytale blue/green tinged Venice.

The characters and performances from the cast are spectacular.

Pros - Poignant

Cons - Ranbir Bhai's character is a bit too goofy

Overall - Take a bow, SLB
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Shazza Does London
14 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Basic Instinct 2 is essentially a vehicle for Sharon Stone to reprise her infamous role as Catherine Tramell. Tramell is now an even more intelligent, controlled, menacing, mature character and just as sexually deviant as before. Stone obliges with a better performance than Basic Instinct 1.

The original film had an over the top style stamped upon it by Verhoeven. This film has a subtler almost film noir style and is shot in London. The music score from the original is referenced and gives the film a genuine feel of the sequel. The tongue in cheek humour from the original is also retained and given some British spin!

Basic Instinct 2 uses a very similar structure to Basic Instinct and as such is not original. This however is no bad thing as everything that was enjoyable before is also enjoyable here with an added twist. For example instead of Shooter there is Glass, and instead of Beth there is Washburn. This film is an ambiguous, twisting, slightly thrilling, whodunit. Only the suspense and controversy from the original film seem to be lacking.

David Morrisey plays Dr Glass who is a stiff upper lipped, control freak, psychiatric consultant and is assigned by London's Police to evaluate Tramell. Tramell keeps throwing bait at Glass who keeps biting until subsequently losing control and turning into Tramell's puppet. David Thewlis plays corrupt London detective Washburn who is determined to convict Tramell.

Two slight drawbacks of the film consist of weaknesses in the characters of Dr Glass and Detective Washburn. Glass initially appears as a strong willed professional, but then seems to involve himself in a game he doesn't control and turns into an adolescent stalker! Everyone knows that London Met Police don't do corruption. Now if Tramell had parked her Spyder on a yellow instead of Docklands, or demonstrated in the G20 I'm sure Washburn would have interrogated her for a few days, and arrested her for smoking.

Pros - Catherine Tramell, Humour, London

Cons - Glass and Washburn

Overall - Duck Of The Century!

The humour in this film was great. The beginning with footballer Franks dogging at 100mph with Tramell. Stan is definitely the man.

Also Tramell in Soho, cocking her leg and flashing her ... well soliciting 'Dickie Pep' (lol) and offering him cash!!!!!

******************************************************* ******************************************************

Here's my take on who was responsible for the murders in the movie.

Cheslov's wife was most likely murdered by Cheslov who was involved with drugs. It's suggested that Washburn did it due to corruption however this scenario seems less likely.

Franks - accidentally on purpose

Tramell is likely to have befriended, manipulated and murdered Towers. Tramell indirectly tells Glass of the intention beforehand. Her Big Ben lighter was left at the crime scene for Glass. She also admitted the murder later.

Denise - Tramell most likely arranged this in order to have an alibi. No-one else would have a motive for this. Tramell subsequently frees Glass on a technicality.

Pep - The style of the execution coupled with the risk addiction would imply Tramell arranged it. Washburn planted the bottle and syringe at the scene!

Washburn - Tramell set it up in a similar manner to Basic Instinct 1. Glass trying to prevent a murder before it happens ended up setting himself up.
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Freeway (1996)
Wash your mouth out with soap Little Red Riding Hood !!!
9 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Freeway is a black comic take on Little Red Riding Hood.

Reese Witherspoon plays a rather sweet and innocent looking young woman off to find her grandmother. Kiefer Sutherland plays a psychological serial killer, although not a fully paid up one but the free or Lite version.

The film's strengths are the performance by Witherspoon who brings the character to life, and the screenplay which is funny in the extreme. Indeed I would be surprised if Witherspoon had not been nominated for an award in the role.

Freeway is not a very politically correct film and is all the more enjoyable for it! This aspect of it could cause offence and as such has probably hindered it's publicity.

Pros - Twisted, Dark, Comic Tale

Cons - None come to mind

Overall - Baddass
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The Machinist (2004)
Entertaining Visual and Psychological Treat
30 January 2011
The Machinist stars a rather shockingly thin Christian Bale who plays an industrial machine operator in social decline.

The film is beautifully presented in black and white with a blue/grey tone and added dashes of colour! The supporting cast are great and Michael Ironside is always entertaining whatever his role.

The film concentrates on the psychological aspect of Bale's character in a way that the viewer can almost experience his decline. Not many films have successfully portrayed this type of character particularly in such an entertaining way.

Although the character has been described as unlikeable or repulsive, I found him to be human and as such had no judgement!

The film moves at a medium pace and is thoroughly enjoyable. There are some obvious nods to Hitchcock's Psycho, and also to famous literature (of which I am not familiar). I did not think that these links were necessary and believe that they detract very slightly from the movie itself. Also instead of spelling out certain elements of the plot, the film could have benefited by a little ambiguity.

Positives - Cinematography, Characters, Performances

Negatives - Leaves too little to the imagination

Overall - Bale could do with pie and chips!
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Hitchcock for the 90's
5 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Basic Instinct was notorious upon release due to a combination of it's graphic sex scenes, along with an infamous close up shot of Sharon Stone.

The film is an entertaining thriller with plenty of suspense. For a Hollywood film it seemed to break some barriers in terms of the portrayal of it's sexual content. Together this makes a film that wouldn't be out of place had it been directed by Hitchcock. In fact Verhoeven purposely included touches from Hitchcock's Vertigo!

Michael Douglas plays Nick 'Shooter' Curran, a cigarette smoking, liquor drinking, cocaine sniffing cop who has accidentally killed 2 members of the public on duty. This incident was duly covered up.

Stone plays Catherine Tramell, a blunt, seemingly care free, book author whose current 'buddy' has been murdered whilst participating in a crazed sexual orgy. Shooter proceeds to investigate the case and keeps biting at bait thrown down to him by Tramell.

Upon release I watched this film twice at the cinema as it's visuals, musical score, plot and overall thrills were enthralling. 18 years onward the film has morphed into a clever comedy thriller!

Stone's acting at the beginning of the film seems to portray Tramell as some sort of souless replicant/robot. This along with several odd one liners were funny. Also the sex scene involving Douglas and Tripplehorn was hilarious. Even one of Las Vegas's finest actors would probably struggle to find the target as accurately as Shooter's exocet missile!

Basic Instinct's plot is deliberately ambiguous leaving it up to the audience to draw their conclusions. This coupled with an implausible plot has drawn much criticism for the film. However it is certainly no documentary and the plot encourages several alternate scenarios which made an enjoyable viewing for the film in 2010.

Pros - Sexy suspense thriller

Cons - Characters not really very likable

Overall - The Sex Bomb

******************************************************* ******************************************************

Here's my take on who was responsible for the murders in the movie.

Garner's death by Shooter is an accident. Clearly Tramell set up the situation as Shooter had been shown the latest printout from the book. As this printout was yet to be published, a likely scenario would have been to subsequently destroy it with the intention of messing with Shooter's head.

Garner was still at the scene after the last murder had taken place meaning that the chances of being caught were high! Therefore it could be concluded that Tramell did the murder, leaving Garner at the scene with a highly implausible alibi. Also Tramell had arranged for further evidence to be planted in Garner's apartment. Had Garner committed the crimes, she surely would not have dumped the gun behind a cupboard in her unlocked apartment!

The murder of Garner's husband could have been arranged by Tramell. Subsequently either Garner killed the rock star at the beginning to implicate Tramell, or more likely Tramell was high on cocaine and enacted her book.

Nielsen must have interviewed Tramell whilst investigating the murder of Garner's husband. Tramell may have arranged for Nielsen to be paid off to halt any further investigations, whilst simultaneously providing information for her new book. After Shooter alerted Garner that Tramell was aware of his file, Tramell arranged for Nielsen to be shot dead to mess with Shooter's head.
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The Hot Chick (2002)
The Hot Flick
12 March 2010
Cannot believe the low IMDb ratings for this film. This is a rarity, a comedy which is funny from start to finish.

In this body swapper a small time crook swaps places (and problems) with a cheerleader. It is essentially a vehicle for Rob Schneider to play a very masculine looking cheerleader, and he pulls it off with just the right amount of overacting. He's not going to win an Oscar for it, but then he can always play a hooker or battered wife for his next role.

There were some fine cameos by Adam Sandler, Robert Davi and Angie Stone. Also refreshing was that there were a few politically incorrect jokes thrown in, one of which questioned me to believe what I'd heard!

Pros - A bulls eye

Cons - The crook's role was limited

Overall - Fine
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Abc Efg .... POO
1 January 2010
First time sitting through this film, it was switched off after approx 10 minutes.

Now 10 years later, it was switched off after 1 hour.

The main problem is that the film centres around a family whose antics make the Waltons appear like the family from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Also everyone in the film including the Hatis and Ooots have a big grinning Yorkshire cat smile that never changes.

The songs are lame including the 'abc' song. A double disc CD was produced for this!

Overall - Switch it off
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CC2C (2009)
Kung Fu Farce
1 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
AkshayBhai is currently playing roles where he's the hero but also a complete clown. He pulled this role off well in Namastay London but seems to be sinking lower and lower in each successive film. Can it get worse? Well his character is urinated upon in this film.

Deepika is imaginatively assigned a double role in this and succeeds well. Both her characters appear distinguishably different although this is probably due to the costume and make-up rather than strength of her characters.

The premise has potential, however the script appears to have been cobbled together. This film would probably disappoint it's audience because they'd be expecting popcorn and actually be fed peanut soup. Overall it's a farcical film made watchable by the dumb antics of AkshayBhai, eye candy of Deepika, and some fine kung foolery by Mithun.

Pros - Different to the usual Bollywood fare! Soundtrack has 1 great song...

Cons - Odd continuity glitch, plot-holes, swear words!?

Overall - runs out of steam just before credits role
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Alf is da Man!
1 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Grant plays a victimised burglar, who is on the receiving end of harassment from his friends, the Police, an insurance investigator, a market stall holder and even Grace Kelly!

Everything about this Hitchcock film hits the mark. There's some beautifully shot scenes in the French Riviera, a funny screenplay and a fair sprinkling of magic. The scene where the band gives up the ghost is a case in point!

Positives - Everything

Drawbacks - Too similar to his later work Psycho

Overall - Masterpiece
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Harold & Kumar do it again!
4 June 2009
The first film was an excellent comedy consisting of two stoners going on a road trip to find the most delicious tastiest burgers. Kumar is a laid back Indian dude and his buddy is Harold, an uptight Korean dude bordering on the obsessive compulsive.

The film picks up the story from before and the duo head off for Amsterdam in order to get Harold's girl. On the way they encounter all manner of weird and wonderful situations and characters including the President!

Having read the criticisms on IMDb I gave this film a miss before stumbling upon it on. In actual fact it is just as funny as the original.

Pros - Funny!

Cons - Sticks to a winning formula

Overall - Dope
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Cyborg She (2008)
Kwak Treading Water
10 March 2009
Cyborg She is a J-movie directed by Jae-young Kwak. Not knowing much about it beforehand, I was not surprised to find that it contains a blend of romantic comedy and sci-fi with a twizzle or two at the end! To anyone new to his films I would recommend seeking out My Sassy Girl.

The film portrays the relationship between a young gormless man and a hot young cyborg. Whilst watching it I was occasionally reminded of several other films.

Pros - A pleasant way to spend 2 hours

Cons - Nothing new

Overall - Compared with Kwak's high standards this is Average
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