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NCIS: Friends & Lovers (2007)
Season 4, Episode 15
Would have been nice!
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
DiNozzo in this episode shows his love for his new love interest and Girl friend. Yet she is acting like a woman that isn't sure what she wants, or a woman that is still in love with her ex. The finale scene in this episodes shows us that she was dating the man that was FBI and working with NCIS currently but died when shot by the suspect they were after. This is something that I would have liked or it to went back to in a later episode and talked about but not a major key in the characters personal growth. There is a life you see as you watch NCIS from S1 E1 and would have been nice to seen a little more of the personal aspect of all the character but either way it is a great show and I loved watching it I started to lose interest when DiNozzo (Micheal Westherly) left the show and Ziva (Cote Depablo) but Gibbs keep me interested then when Gibbs (Mark Harmon) left I just about stopped watching but McGee (Sean Murray) keep me coming back for more.
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NCIS: Dead Man Walking (2007)
Season 4, Episode 16
I have loved NCIS I have watched S1E.1-current 8-10x
21 October 2023
The one thing I felt was foolish in this episode was the fact that Abby cut the Jacket she could have tested the fabric with out doing this and that should have been talked about but instead they wanted McGee to loss his fancy coat. Then would have been nice if they would have shown Ziva and Roy the Dead man walking at the end of his life. I have watched this episode so many times but I always seem to forget his name. I feel that if they would have shown her and Roy at his end it would have added more to divas growth as a individual. McGee in this episode is not at his best as I feel he plays a great supporting role with DiNozzo and they feed off one another well as there friendship had grown from Mcgee and his first appearance and him later joining the team. I honestly feel that McGee needs a strong side kick like DiNozzo for the Chemistry to play well but each character has a constant change in there personality so therefore their roles change also. But in all NCIS is my favorite show ever and I watched it so many times I can not believe I haven't memorized it all yet.
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5150 (I) (2016)
To answer the people question about end in your post it's called imagination you seen the movie now you figure out what happens next.
20 July 2023
It is July 20th at 3:37 a.m. So far seems like a unique movie but I hate the portrayal of the mentally ill population I have not finished the film as of yet but what I can honestly comment is this audience if you learn one thing I pray it is this keeping important things from those you call friends family or loved ones is never a good idea. Most important forgiveness is something all of us need to work on. Forgive and forget is often hard for many. But most importantly do on to others as you would want them to do to you. Think about that logic as you watch this film. So far I am not enjoying the nature of it but it seems to be original and one of a kind to me so let see how it goes from here.
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Not what I expect from this film
17 July 2023
12:20a.m. July 27th 2023 So far it had a strong start, giving you a base to the reason the rest of this film is being done. I like films that show the reason why they are doing what they are doing. To me when you watch a film and people are out investigating and you do not have the history you just got people running around with their cameras I feel it's just a lot of empty nonsense. So great start so far let's see how the rest progresses and if they did as good with it.

12:33 a.m. Kind of moving forward a little slow but hope that changes soon we will see but it is a found footage film and many of them have this take place so let see how it progresses shall we.

12:50 a.m. Finally picking up a lil past the part i did not like mainly because men should never treat woman like that well men should never treat anyone like that.

It is starting to get good so I feel I am really going to like this film but I am not putting to much more in this review at this time but will come back on another day or time and add to it.

So sorry I am back same day different time I wanted to say something I dislike about horror films and found footage films mainly, when people are using a camera and taping what they are doing or ghost hunting they do not keep the camera facing forward and they shake everywhere and keep you from being able to focus on everything they are looking at so you never know if it is a ghost a demon or someone in a costume now I would like to state i do truly like the way the film appears to be going so far but you go and watch the film and put your thought I. The comments. Many blessing be with you all and God bless.
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I pride myself in honesty and this film was better then most you find on YouTube that are found footage or paranormal
17 July 2023
This film even though it wasn't one of this 1.5 hr films and I don't think it had a large production company but still the graphics weee great the shadow figures actually looked like shadow figures and the actors could act. So I say watch this and you will be pleased at what you find as you watch it has some spooky jump scares and some great ghouls in it.

There were a few things that most people may not like if they notice them probably but let's just see who talks about it but I found it to be a good film and I feel best part was the acting the emotion the characters were showing you was spot on when the leading lady was upset she seemed genuinely upset when she was scared she seemed genuinely scared so I have to give props to her she was probably the main reason the film was so good.
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For a low budget film very well done
17 July 2023
This film was well done for low budget if MGM, Warner bros, or Lions Gate done this film I would not have gave it such a high rating.

If you are into paranormal investigations and horror films then this would be one that you would like. I say watch it and add you personal views of the film. Don't get me wrong some of the graphics could have used a little work but it was done extremely well for a low budget film.

The actors and actresses done extremely well also. The story was really well put together.

I do not remember when I watched this film but I do know it was a week or so ago maybe a little more then that. But please take the time to watch and let us all know what you think.
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I am watching currently July 16th 9:50p.m. Will let you know my thoughts
17 July 2023
Starts out good meaning has a great opening scene as to give you a background information on what is and why this film exists.

So let me start by saying this if people live in a house where they feel they have a haunting do not do a 7 day dump do a 24 hour dump and review so you can be sure to catch and investigate anything so if it's demonic you can over come it. Often when dealing with demonic entities they can over power a person over time this is why I say 7 day dumps are not logical.

10:40 p.m. July 16th 2023 - Word of advice if the actor or actress in your film can't not cry on que then be sure that and spot were they are suppose to cry change it to highly upset and sensitive you don't have to have tears to be dramatic just a lil fyi if the write or producer reads this. It is better then them hiding their face and everyone saying FAKE just saying.

11:00 p.m. July 17th 2023 is this a true story not sure I am going to do some searching online to see what I can find but either way if I were you I would watch it when/if you do please let us all know your opinion of it. Also I hope and pray all who read this review understand I am a religious man and I pray that all who are invoked with paranormal investigations be safe be sure to pray asking for guidance because you never know what it is your investigating.
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I watched the first installment of this film and hope this one is as good
17 July 2023
Just started watching this today on July 16th 2023 at 8:20 p.m. And so far I think they may be doing better then they did on first installment (7 nights of Darkness) but we will see and I will rate it at end and tell you all what I think and I'll give date and time when I am done also. So 9:19 p.m. Not sure how much longer is left but so much better then first installment and I hope you each watch this I'll write more shortly but absolutely plenty of twist and turns just one thing I hate is the negative they speak against Religion and faith on one segment or scene. But in closing I'll say this no one will regret watching this film but if you have not seen the first installment (7 nights of darkness) watch it or parts of this will not make sense. 9:45 p.m. July 16th 2023

I pray blessing and guidance unto all and ask that each take time to thank God for the life you have and by your actions show him your appreciation. Amen.
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Currently watching this film and I have some good things to say and some things I would like to complain about
16 July 2023
Story line and cast were great actors did fairly well yet there are a few little things that really bother me. Now I my self if I was an alien hunter after gathering my gear together I myself know anytime we hear about aliens the first l things we always hear about when people are hunting aliens there car shuts down. So here is a pointer be sure to drive a vehicle that does not use a computer or minimal electronics, bring a bike, or better yet a dirt bike that kick starts so you don't have to worry about the electric issues.

If you are at base camp or nerve center and your suppose to be watching the cameras don't get distracted do not go and paint your house while people are investigating to see if the can find aliens. Not just because they are hunting aliens but because you never know what might happen to them i the dark in the middle of no where wild animals or just bad people that are out to do harm. Last of all of you are the investigator and you do not know the area you in never ever would you want to leave you only way of communication in your tent while you go scout the area around camp. Not that all being said I am still watching this film and so far I like most of it but we will see it is currently 7:30 p.m. July 16th 2023 and I'll add more to this momentarily.

7:45p.m. Let's walk of In desert and leave our tent open to the elements, nature and environment so anything can get inside of it. I wish that film makers, writers and/or directors would truly think about things when filming and make it actually realistic. Goose is not a good friend let's just ignore all proper observation techniques. I guess I just really think of how I would do it and I am the type to do my best to keep bad things from occurring because often our actions can reflect the outcome of situations. But I'll tell you it is actually really good film to watch so watch it and leave you opinion.
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Clinton Road (2019)
Movies like this I feel should have one that this one don't
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Survivor or Survivors"

This Film has a good story line and characters, the acting is great and the play off one another very well. I myself was disappointed when they killed the leading lady and the ending was a lil disappointing but as far as haunting a and paranormal movies this one I would say needs to be listed on your must see. I may even watch it again. It is a movie that has you liking some characters, despising one or two and loving the rest but not for their acting for the fact they play their roles so well. The film could have got into a little more of the history but even with out it I enjoyed this film I say watch and let everyone know you thoughts of the film.
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One things I want everyone to know if your on the show or watch the show
12 July 2023
This post is to the cast crew and the people watching this.

First of let me say I love paranormal things I am a Christian and in the end times it is stated that web will be visited by those who have passed before us. Also I have seen spirits many times in my life. I pray daily have since I was a child and since I can remember. Now this show I often seen issues with the evidence but the people that are giving their professional opinion there are many things that they agree with and honestly there is no way that they should but honesty is key in all things if you think it is fake or think it could have been a prank call then out do t agree just because it is being aired honestly stand for you beliefs and what you feel is right and true and what is in your heart.

Also people get better cameras and use a tripod when you can also they have equipment that help balance the cameras now if you take it serious then use equipment that show serious footage.
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The Haunted Museum (2021– )
People honesty is not open to opinion or interpretation
9 July 2023
So will like some will love and some will leave comments just because they don't like something to do with cast or writer or something else. I mybself feel that the stories and short films I have seen so far are better then other short films I have watched in the past and if anyone who has set and talked crap and nonsense about these before you say anything else why don't you give it a go and anyone else who thinks they can do better then this before you speak negatively sane goes for you. In honesty these are better then alot of the other short films and acting is great also so I say good job Zac. Good job.
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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
I may review this again later
8 July 2023
I have watch many episode of this and over years I have prayed for the team as they are messing with things that they need to be certain they are spiritually able to handle faith in God first and for most and when they have left a location not clearing it I pray for the place and/or family that resides there that what ever may be bothering them leave there and come to bother me as I pray daily and I pray for many with each prayer I pray. I pray that the Ghost Adventures crew is strong spiritually and that they have the guidance to do what God needs for them to do and all things they face they face j Gods will and that they do so in truth. May the fathers live and guidance be with each of them. Amen.
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My reason for 5/10 stars
6 July 2023
Well the plot and story was fairly decent and th cast was set up great the build up was great the actors did decent but there are many places I could tell it was forced and did not have a fluid feel the child actor and actresses were great the end I felt was completly wrong and could have went a different way and would have opened up for a more dramatic ending and a better result all in all. There were also other situation that could have been better thought out and that would have helped a lot in this film a couple of those things are the police and doctors the should have spoke more aboutbZoe and her being locked up and the cop would have been more of a cop and investigated l Zoe's past would have added to it. Then if more research intonkrampus would have been done by main character/s then it could have built a btletter story and ending even but that is only my thoughts. Watch it for your selves and tell us all yours.
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Hogan's Heroes (1965–1971)
10/10 would have 100/100 this show is one of the best and it's a classic
30 June 2023
I am sooty but the final episode should have been different maybe one day someone will figure out how to finish the series and make it complete. Like they did with fast and furious after Walker died. Yet If you like sitcoms and comedy you will love this if you are one who enjoys learning about war and if you always wanted to be in the military then this is a show you would love. I watch this show every chance I get when it comes on TV and honestly it don't matter how many times you have seen a episode you will enjoy it again and again. The way they show the POW's in this show is amazing and I do wish for all POW's it would have been like this it I know irbid not but this show came along at a time when the world needed some humor with all the war and death and violence that was going on. It so sad that the show ended and I honestly would liked to see if they could do a remake of the show and it be as good as the original but something tells me that there is no way that they could redo the show and it be anywhere as good as the original.
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Really awesome movie and excellent graphics and effects
30 June 2023
If you are into demon movies then this is a movie you may like, I know you may like this.

It start of a little slow but as soon as it picks up it kind of takes off. There is one thing that bothers me. It comes to a point when you have to put the prices together and say yep ding ding ding we have a winner and not just be blind to it all and I feel that should have happened a little sooner but that is ok I know some people can be a little dense and can take a while to put the prices together so I am able to over look that part of the film. Which allows me to appreciate the way the story unfolds and takes place.
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Kolobos (1999)
I felt was a good film but could have felt more genuine and authentic
30 June 2023
At this moment I am rating 8/10 depending on how the rest of it goes thy could change. There is so much I could say but as I said i do not like to give out spoilers. So let me say this some of the actors rolls and lines just were not the best still it was decent quality film but I often like a more spiritual horror film this was really dark and kind of snuffish but was a fun film to watch even if it was a little corney as I am setting here watching it currently I have not finished it as of yet but if post this review before hand I will come back latter and make a little spot at the end with my final thoughts on the film but so far I am into it as I am a little over half way through the movie so far it got a interesting appeal with a couple twist to it. June30,2023@3:53a.m.

So this had a great twist on it I found this to be a great film Al the way to the end if you start watching it and feel that you seen enough keep going it gets better try to look over the way it remind of a old horror film or a low budget effects and stick with it because reguardless I truly felt this movie.even with the issue I seen moved up a star from middle to end so please watch enjoy and please leave your review also. We want to know what you think of it, really.
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Ouija Death Trap (I) (2014)
I like honesty and transparency so here ya go Not horrible at all.
30 June 2023
Before y'all wonder why 7/10 I liked the way they went about this movie but I would like to see more. I would have given a 4 or 5 if it was done by a big time production team so... as I said I like honesty.

I feel that this film may actually be more genuine then most found footage as it seems they truly had no clue when something(someone) was going to be there. So I think the kids did fairly well will their improv yet if my friends disappear I am not gonna set wonder what happened I be sure I go looking. For them before some deranged killer ends them just saying people. And let's scream really loud a lot sorry got to tear ya down as I lift ya up a little people. Y'all can do better and I would like for y'all to try maybe add a lil more ghostly vibes to it and find a truly haunted location to shoot and do some research on the place and actually do a true found footage type haunted location and I think y'all will have a real good horror movie oh and ladies don't scream at every lil thing. Bit all and all not bad I would watch it again the lady in white was a great touch by way my favorite ghost for sure and the janitor well he could have don't better and y'all should have done some stuff to amp the spirits up some communicated or something EVP work just tying to give ya some pointers and my review of this.
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Ouija House (2018)
Not worst movie but not best either read on for me to Explaine
30 June 2023
So you got a Girl or a young woman, wants to save her momma house so she does some stupid stuff thinking why not as we all know Ouija Boards are a big no no seems anyone that uses them and don't know what they are messing with most often those who do not believe is a after life that think spirits are just fairytales, those people end up causing evil to be unleashed yet everyone seem to always think it's a good idea to play with them. Actors did good storyline wasn't the best but they did ok with it. Yet every time something bad happened I could tell it was acting so that was something I didn't really like and the ending made little sence but I figure they may want to make a part 2 and had to do something that could take it either way.
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The actors and graphics were awesome
30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do not like to throw spoilers out and sorry if this does I was really getting into this film and there is a point where you are wondering what is going on. Where most all great movies do this and by the end your able to figure it all out I am going to say I was disappointed in the film for that reason alone. Seems you never know 100% what is going on. Then their is the fact that any smart person at some point would come to the conclusion to shut out everything and just tell everything and everyone to stay away and leave them alone. Yet then we have the fact that the main antagonists for the issue is something that 95-99% or people never would have acted on so there is that also. The story wouldn't have taken place if the decision would not have been made but I just like things that make sence and can be solved by rational thought because life has rationality.
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Interesting story with a couple nice twists only one thing I had a issue with so watch enjoy and you may not have any issues
29 June 2023
So Alex, a sound engineer, who hears a ringing in his ear well let's see who is on the other end when he decides to answer,

This movie is great in my personal opinion part of me would have like for it to have gone into more studies and research into what is going on and there are some spots in the film that are difficult to follow and understand at times yet I feel with any good movie or film their has to be a point at which they make you truly think and if they do not allow you to go into deeper thought then it os just like most movies but to be a great movie you got to make the view Lee think. Now one scene I feel could have been different Alex has been dealing with these spirits talking to him for a long time and they always sound the same to him and when he makes his phone call and his dead friend speaks to him, yet he can't seem to realize he is dead sorry but I think after hearing dead people your whole life you would know or at least suspect it. That's is just my thoughts on this. I do not feel that I have any spoilers but I hope they make a part two I would like to see what the writer does from here.
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Almost as good as the first Almost!!!
29 June 2023
In this Sequel we have a continuation from the original "A Haunting at Silver Falls" though I feel if all original cast could have returned then it would have been better but I maybe wrong this film had a great story to it and had as good a plot if not a better one. There is much going on and I feel that there is a possibility for a third installment but we will have to wait and see. So if I have to speak on my review on a simple statement I would say actors did good playing off one another and the added characters front he first filled in the void for those that they didn't have in this one and the way they still keep the bond that was made in first alive in the second one I felt added a little more to the story so well done once again would have give a 10/10 but did not have the original cast return so had to dock on that sorry. But as alway you watch it and let us know your thoughts.
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I try not to give this Rating unless I just really like the Film
29 June 2023
Beginning to end I had no issues with this film I strongly feel the story flowed smooth and had great highs and lows and were placed well in the movie had the perfect amount of twists in it and you spend the movie trying to figure out what really happened. I won't give any spoilers so watch the movie and see for your selves I feel this is a very well put together horror film. My favorite parts of this film were most defiantly the points in which the writer wrote in on the dreams and how it all took place I also really liked how they main character bonded with supposed enemy or evil but like I said watch it and you will possibly understand what I am talking about enjoy.
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M3GAN (2022)
More Thriller then Horror and any one who says it's been done apparently don't pay attention to the story itself
29 June 2023
To me a Horror film has a spiritual equation to it and is scary but this was more thriller suspense but regardless it was a great movie and if you watch it and don't just pay attention to the plot of the story and true take it the story line and the characters interaction you can find a morale with in it and some people may take a great deal of life knowledge from this film so I would have to say over all awesome film creepy creepy effects and action scenes kind of reminded me of the girl from the ring and before y'all think it I am aware that was a horror movie but again as I said horror to me is a spiritual thing the evil side of the spiritual stuff where fear and terror hide and leer from the darkness and prayer and faith are the only way to over come them. This evil in this movie took something different. So take the time to watch this pay attention and enjoy this film but what ever you do turn off all smart devices before doing so......... hope you enjoy my review and the movie.......
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NCIS (2003– )
I have watched this series maybe 6 times all the way through and will watch again
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seems as soon as I finish the series I start it all over again the first season is great because if Kate and then when the complete the team with Kate, Tony, Tim, Ducky, Abby, jimmy, and Gibbs they have a Al star cast. When they lost Kate and Ziva came it took a min for the story to pick back up but it did and I have to say there is not another show that I could watch over and over and over and over again and again like NCIS I have tried the other NCIS shows like New Orleans and it's good but it's nothing like the Original to me, Los Angeles is good but seems the one things they seem to be missing was Gibbs and Abby and then Abby left Gibbs left and we after Zive and Tony leaving I almost stopped watching but yet again the writers and producers pick a great cast to fill the shoes still nothing like team 1 (with Kate) and team 2 (with Ziva) but none the less they still do an amazing job and by far best show on TV. Can not help but love the characters and even find myself praying for the actors at night at times and hope they are all doing well. So watch this show and enjoy the adventure of the cast as they go from week to week and episode to episode saving Washington and even sometime the world.
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