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Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy (2015)
Season 5, Episode 10
Killing off Main characters will finally makes you turn against the show you love
15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot remember the last time that I watched a show (or a movie for that matter) and could not decide whether it was one the best episodes or one the worst, but at the end it comes to the question that am I invested in the story? Or the characters? Of course, both of them are crucial, but one of them always matters the most, and it's different from show to show. For me, a long time viewer of the show, I am more interested in characters. I follow the story because of the characters in it and not the other way around.

From a story point, it's quite interesting to be anxiously awaiting for the next chapter in the story. But, for me tonight's ending was a punch to the gut. I did not cry, I didn't even got sad… for a second I just hated what I was watching. The whole philosophy that the reader or the viewer should not know who will die next is extremely thrilling at first, but when they do it again and again, it goes from shocking and upsetting to sickening. I'll watch the show next year, but the level of passion that I once had for this show has been dropped dramatically after this season.
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The Shield: Family Meeting (2008)
Season 7, Episode 13
The Best Season Finale Of All Time
8 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The shield was always one of my favorite shows. It hooked me from the very first episode. Thanks to Vic and his corrupt strike team there was never a dull moment in the show. Moreover, the show was always consistent and the quality never dropped. The peak of the show for me was always season 5 and season 7. The show had the advantage of being thrilling and gut-wrenching compare to the classics like the sopranos, 6 feet under and the wire.Some shows you like, some you love , and there are those rare TV shows that stick in your head years after ending not just because you loved them, but because of how they got you to think and how they ended . The shield was truly a game changer.

Although I believe that Breaking Bad is the best drama, the best ending goes to the shield. Amazingly after all of these years I still believe that The Shield had the best season finale in TV history. The 70 minute season finale was filled with emotion, powerful dialogues, and intense confrontations. Unlike nowadays, which killing characters has become the main way to create a buzz, reaction or an emotional scene, this episode proved that you can do all of that if you just adhere to the characters and their past in the show. The most powerful scene was between Claudette and Vic in the integration room. Just Wow! I could not keep my eyes of the screen for 1 second. Shane's letter, the look on Vic's face, even the way he walked out was amazingly written and performed.

I am writing this review 6 years after watching this episode and I still cannot forget the look on Vic's face. This episode was the utmost show of respect to the show's fans and viewers.

So memorable

A Perfect 10
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House of Cards: Chapter 39 (2015)
Season 3, Episode 13
Once Again, Kevin Spacey proved that he is that DAMN GOOD
3 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I recall during Kevin Spacey's acceptance speech at the Golden Globes, after speaking about the late director Stanley Kramer, he said "I just want to be better". Well, if I can say one thing with certainty after watching this season, is that Mr. Spacey: You cannot get better, because you are simply the best.

I absolutely loved his performance in this season. As we have moved on with the story, not only Frank's behavior has become more authoritative, he has become more arrogant and ruthless as well. His confrontations with Clair (episode 6 and 13) were golden.

Regarding the whole season, after the first 6 episodes which I believe were excellent, the show lost a little of its excitement and I felt that the writers dragged some subplots and stories for too long.

What was very interesting and at the same time odd to me was Clair's volatile behavior and reasons for distancing herself from Frank. If this past 2 seasons proved anything, Clair is as ruthless as Frank if not more. That's why I found her action in Russia in episode 6 and responses to Frank on Air Force one unrealistic. (But boy did I enjoy Frank's reaction in that scene). And at the end, she left Frank not because he was guilty, but because she craved more power. I actually felt bad for Frank and found myself agreeing with him in various argument, and despising Clair for being so selfish. Because despite all of his fault, Frank has been extremely loyal to his inner circle (Clair and Doug).

Overall a very good season filled with intense dialogs and confrontations, however included weak subplots and illogical stories at some points. 8/10
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How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
Prefect and satisfying
1 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
About the whole series :

The show best episodes for me are still from first 2 seasons. Back then the show was new, funny and innovative. It was different than ordinary sitcoms. I absolutely loved it. But after the third season somehow the writers started creating and focusing on all of these details that were not necessary in the first place, just to get the viewers attention. Despite that, one thing that I believe separate HIMYM from other sitcoms is the fact that the writers tried to be real as possible and to some extend they succeeded in this area. We saw the life of these people, they fell in love, they lost people, they got hurt emotionally, some got divorced. The point is life goes on and people just like my beloved 4 characters(I never liked lily) made many decision that may have not seem prefect but many of them(including Ted going after Robin in the last scene) made sense in this story.

About Ted and Robin :

it made sense to me for them to finally get back together. let's not forget that this is a sitcom and based on my experience watching this genre, there is always a couple that are the main focus of the show and for this bout, it was Ted and Robin, just like Ross and Rachel in friends. but the reason that people reacted mostly positive toward that ending and Some people are criticizing this one is because somehow along the way viewers lost track of main relationship in show because of all the trivial details that I mentioned. Was it Barney and Robin, Ted and the mother or Ted and Robin? and honestly for the people who were invested in Barney and Robin relationship, I do not blame them to be a little angry. If the writers knew that they will eventually break them up for good, they should not have emphasize their relationship so much .

About the Season finale :

In my experience the Shows that create mysteries always disappoint; lost is the clear example. However I cannot say the same thing about the finale of "how I met your mother" . To me it was a satisfying ending after a number of mediocre seasons. The finale had all the elements that mad HYIMY a great show. I laughed, I felt sad and I was surprised, plus the narrative was so fluent that I did not even notice time passing. And the nostalgic scene at the end said it all without any words.
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True Detective: The Secret Fate of All Life (2014)
Season 1, Episode 5
Can this show get any better ?
17 February 2014
It is amazing how the show can top itself week after week. Just when I thought that it would be difficult to top the last episode, This episode proved me wrong. From the beginning to the end of the episode everything was meticulously done, writing, editing and acting and honestly What a performance by Matthew McConaughey and the cinematography was just the icing on the cake. I love this show.To me it has the atmosphere of David Fincher's Se7en,The storytelling as good wire and acting as amazing as Breaking Bad. On one hand, It's unfortunate that the story is headed to its final episodes, on the other hand I can hope that the show ends the way it deserves.
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Breaking Bad: Felina (2013)
Season 5, Episode 16
Season 5 of BREAKING BAD WILL BE Remembered AS THE SINGLE GREATEST Achievement IN Television HISTORY
29 September 2013
Words can't express how I feel about the final season of the show. Never in my life I have ever watched anything like this. Breaking bad was always great. each season got better from the previous one. After the fourth season when I talked to my friends I would told them that this show is amazing and you're gonna definitely pick up your jaw after some of the episodes. But now after watching the last 15 episodes I simply tell them :" This is going to be the most amazing and unbelievable thing that you ever going to see." But how this show and especially this season deserve such high praises and become so lovable among the fans ? it certainly doesn't have mind blowing special effects and it certainly isn't about zombies or super heroes!! Breaking bad showed how a simple story with the right execution can become something fantastic and the source to all of that is writing, writing and again writing. the show had an amazing crew and cast but without the writers team to back them it might turn out to be another Hollywood movie or show with big names that goes to waste. This show had more memorable moments than all the movies that I have seen till today combine. Breaking bad dropped my jaw more that I can remember. Breaking bad showed how a drama can frighten its audiences literally ,not by gruesome ferocity but by simply by the story itself.

Breaking bad made my time worthwhile for waiting to watch the show year after year. Breaking Bad made me to say many time that "this is how you kill someone, this is how you develop a story, this is how your respect your audience, and finally this is how you create the best goddamn Program in history" This show without a shadow of the doubt will be remembered as the single greatest achievement in TV history. But quite frankly not just TV and compare to movies ? it still is one of best in history. And I want to say that breaking bad was everything that I wanted from a show and it sets the bar so high that no one probably will reach it. Thank you Dave Porter for the the beautiful soundtrack, Thank you Micheal Slovis for your amazing cinematography, Thank you Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul,Dean Norris and the whole cast and finally Thank you Vince Gilligan and writing team for making breaking bad so damn good. After Tonight i'm sure Heisenberg, We will truly REMEMBER YOUR NAME.
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Breaking Bad: To'hajiilee (2013)
Season 5, Episode 13
"To'hajiilee" is the "dead freight" of the Second half of season 5
9 September 2013
The fact that right now this episode has a 9.8 and many reviews with a 10 rating shows that how great and gut wrenching this episode exactly was.I don't think I can say anything that has not been said by other viewers. breaking bad is the opposite of everything that is wrong with TV right now. Acting, cinematography, music, directing and writing seems to work together beautifully and as it gets further the become more harmonic. this the last episode of the show which has been written by "George mastras".After Vince Giligan he is my favorite writer on this show.true,many ideas of the show is from Vince and the whole writing team but you got to admire that every episode which is written by "George mastras" is a work of art.His episodes are thrilling, gut-wrenching, shocking and funny in an unusual way. "dead fright", "crawl space","Crazy Handful of Nothing'" are just a few of them.All of them are between the show's best episodes and "To'hajiilee" … honestly I don't know what to say.i was excited, shocked and so angry cause why they ended it right there !
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