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Get Paid (2022)
A Catastrophic Waste of Time
23 June 2023
Words fail to adequately describe the abomination that is "Get Paid." In my two decades on this planet, I have endured my fair share of cinematic disasters, but this film manages to surpass them all with its sheer incompetence and complete lack of artistic merit. It is a baffling spectacle of mediocrity that leaves the audience with a sense of profound regret for having wasted their precious time and hard-earned money.

From the very first frame, "Get Paid" plunges into a bottomless abyss of despair, dragging unsuspecting viewers along on a torturous journey of inept storytelling and woeful execution. The plot, if one can even call it that, is an incoherent mess of half-baked ideas and disjointed scenes that never coalesce into anything remotely engaging or meaningful. It feels as if the filmmakers threw random storylines into a blender and hit the "disaster" button.
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