24 Reviews
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Fatal Defense (2017 TV Movie)
First class and fatally fixating self defensive smorgasbord of delights!
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If self defence and walking in woodlands are your cup of tea, then Fatal Defense will both delight and terrify you in equal measure.

I won't regurgitate the plot, as other less discerning viewers have done so already, but rest assured that the Director of this celluloid classic, Mr John Murlowski, has managed to assemble a cast of thespians at the peak of their powers and together with a terrific score by David Findlay, this is a smorgasbord of visual delights that will keep the viewing public gripped until the end credits roll.

Ashley Scott is in typically great form as Arwen Walsh and David Cade is a thespian of great stature who portrays the self defence instructor as menacing, malovelent and mysterious.

However, all the actors have their limelight stolen away from them by the outstanding performance of Eric Shackleford as the Tai Chi Student. He is a thespian of undoubted potential and his role in this blockbuster was far too short for him to showcase his credentials. It is to be hoped that he will get a chance to shine in future celluloid masterpieces.

Ultimately, this piece of Hollywood history should act as a warning to all attractive ladies who are seeking self defence lessons to avoid signing up to classes ran by clearly insane muscular hunks and for knife wielding thieves to avoid breaking into houses where clearly insane muscular hunks are lurking.

Thoroughly recommended!
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Killer Contractor (2019 TV Movie)
Chiller, Killer Thriller!!
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If golf and DIY are up there as two of your favourite pastimes, then Killer Contractor will both delight and terrify you in equal measure!

I won't regurgitate the plot lest I spoil what is a thoroughly enjoyable roller coaster of a movie, but, needless to say, the storyline will keep you hooked right until the final credits roll.

The Director of this celluloid classic has managed to assemble a cast of thespians at the peak of their acting powers and together with a haunting score and superb storyline, this smorgasbord of delights keeps the viewing public entertained throughout.

Although all the players perform admirably, especial mention should be reserved for the wonderfully named Zac Titus who plays the part of the seemingly unhinged contractor Mike Dean. This thespian is an actor of undoubted talent and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if his name isn't up there along with other giants of the silver screen such as Connery, Moore and Sandler.

Overall, this blockbusting masterpiece should act as a warning to all attractive young mothers to avoid hiring young gentlemen who are handy with a screwdriver and pliers and for all fans of DIY to avoid attractive young mothers who are handy with a 5 iron.

Hopefully a sequel is in the offing and a suitable title for such a highly anticipated movie could be 'Killer Contractor-Return of the Toolbox'

Highly recommended!
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Mommy's Little Boy (2017 TV Movie)
Deeply Disturbing Deadly Drama!
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Any movie featuring the highly talented and much admired cheesy thespian Bree Williamson is usually a guarantee of 'Box Office Gold' and this deeply disturbing and deadly drama merely cements her position as a thespian of great esteem.

She plays the part of a deeply deranged mother who tragically loses one of her sons after banging his bonce in their swimming pool. Thereafter, she murders her well-meaning neighbour (played with great gusto by Brigitte Robinson) and other much murderous mayhem ensues as it becomes apparent that she isn't 'the full shilling'.

I won't regurgitate the plot, as other less discerning reviewers have done so, so as not to spoil your viewing pleasure of what is a ceulloid masterpiece but needless to say, the gripping storyline keeps the movie-going public transfixed and entertained until the final credits roll.

Besides Ms Williamson, all the actors perform at the top of their game but especial mention should be made of Auden Larratt who didn't really have the time on screen to showcase his undoubted talents before bouncing his bonce on the bottom of his swimming pool. He has a fine future on the silver screen judging by his performance in this epic.

Peter DaCunha is a revelation as Eric.... He must surely be destined for greatness.

Overall, this magnificent movie should act as a warning to young children the world over to avoid diving headfirst into the shallow ends of swimming pools and for kindly, well-meaning neighbours to beware of seriously un-hinged neighbours who have cheesy sounding Christian names and wield heavy frying pans.

Hopefully a much anticipated sequel is in the offing and a suitable title for it could be 'Mommy's Little Boy' Part 2.

A roller-coaster of a ride!
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The Nurse (2014)
Magnificent and malovelent medical melodrama!
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Any film featuring Hollywood 'A' lister David Milbern is usually a guarantee of 'Box Office Gold' and this magnificent, malevolent, medical melodrama is no exception.

Having established himself as an actor of huge stature in blockbusters such as 'Past Obsessions', Mr Milbern cements his reputation as a thespian of outstanding talent, ranking him alongside behomeths of the acting world such as Eastwood, Pacino and Stallone.

That it took me several minutes to realise that he was playing the part of silver-tongued slimeball John Dasseau, is testament to the fact that he is an actor who can play any role with consummate ease. It was criminal that the director cut short his contribution in this celluloid classic by arranging for him to suffer a fatal road accident shortly after he was smooth talking his way into the arms of the wanton Nurse of the title.

The other actors in this thoroughly enjoyable thriller play their part too and the casting director deserves great credit for assembling a group of thespians who are at the top of their game.

Especial mention must be made of Barbara Allyne Bennet. Her role is far too brief to showcase her undoubted talents and one can only hope that she is given the chance to remedy the situation in future similar blockbusting movies.

Overall, this magical medically-based movie should serve as a warning to all wealthy, silver-tongued, smooth-talking, bearded slime balls to avoid alcoholic drinks offered by scantily-clad, would-be nurses before driving at high speed along cliff-side roads, and for all attractive young women to think twice before pretending to be nurses, lest they find themselves at the wrong end of a powerful pistol wielded by jealous wives.

A throughly enjoyable romp!
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Box Office Gold!!
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Any film starring Hollywood Behomeths Barbie Castro and Patrick Muldoon is usually a guarantee of 'Box Office Gold' and because both of these hugely talented thespians feature heavily in this cinematic smorgasbord, the discerning movie goer will be both entertained and exhilirated in equal measure!

I won't regurgitate the plot lest I ruin your viewing pleasure but needless to say, murderous mayhem ensues throughout. Mr Muldoon is an actor of undoubted talent but his portrayal of Derek, a very troubled soul who has serious OCD issues, should have garnered an Oscar at the very least. Barbie Castro never disappoints and again she pulls off the challenging role of Blaire with aplomb.

Victoria Pratt is outstanding in the leading role and it is to be hoped that we will see her in similar future celluloid classics.

Especial mention must go to Mike Benitez who plays the role of 'an overweight man.' He is an upcoming actor of undoubted talent but his role in this magical movie was far too short to showcase his obvious credentials so it is to be hoped that he will secure equally or more demanding roles in the future.

It was nice to Wil J Jackson getting to flex his acting muscles and his portrayal of a security guard will undoubtedly garner praise from the discerning critics and the viewing public alike.

The same could be said about Torey Adkins as 'The Manager'. Judging by his colossal performance in this masterpiece, he will soon be a household name and will be held in the same regard as the likes of Hoffman, Brando and Hanks.

A clever and involving plot keeps the viewer guessing until the credits roll and, coupled with a dramatic score and outstanding cinematography, 'Patient Killer' delivers in spadefuls and leaves the discerning cinema goer wanting much more. Hopefully a much anticipated sequel is already in the offing and an apt title for this could be 'Patient Killer 2-Deadly Derek Returns.'

Ultimately, this marvellous movie should act as a warning to all attractive female psychiatrists to beware unhinged patients with alarming levels of OCD and who go by the name of Derek and for attractive middle aged ladies the world over to avoid eating copious amounts of cheese before going to bed lest they have nasty nightmares.

A rollicking roller-coaster of a movie and thoroughly recommended!
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Hidden in Plain Sight (2019 TV Movie)
Truly Terrifying Top Notch Thriller
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If Truly Terrifying Top Notch Thrillers are your cup of tea, then this cinematic triumph will both delight and exhilirate you in equal measure.

Stacia Crawford directs a top notch cast of thespians who are at their peak and deliver bravura performances. However, Victoria Barabas in the lead role is the stand out actor and it is criminal that she wasn't awarded an Oscar for her portrayal of Anna/Katie.

Gino Anthony Pesi is a revelation as Nick, the nasty piece of work who terrorises Katie and it beggars belief that the man isn't a household name.

Hermie Castillo as the Barista is obviously a thespian of undoubted talent but it was a crying shame that his role in this celluloid classic was far too brief to highlight his credentials and it is hoped that his potential will be recognised in future similar blockbusters.

I won't regurgitate the plot lest I mar your viewing pleasure as less discerning reviewers have already done so, but needless to say that murderous mayhem ensues throughout and the storyline keeps the viewer transfixed and horrified until the end credits roll.

Ultimately, this cinematic smorgasbord of celluloid delights should act as a warning to all young attractive ladies who work in art galleries to avoid psychopathic bearded weirdos who take an interest in modern art and for gentleman who wear ski masks to avoid pieces of rope wielded by art loving bearded psychopathic nut jobs.

Hopefully a sequel is in the offing in which Nasty Nick conjures up more murderous mayhem and an apt title for such an anticipated blockbuster could be Hidden in Plain Sight-Nasty Nick Returns!

Highly recommended!
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Devious Nanny (2018 TV Movie)
Dark, Dangerous, Deadly, Murderous Mayhem!
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a fan of films featuring dark, dangerous, deadly and murderous mayhem then you won't have to look further than this cinematic triumph to get your fix.

In short, the thespians do great credit to a fantastic plot and script which will keep you both absorbed and guessing until the final credits roll.

I won't regurgitate the plot, as less discerning reviewers have done so already, but needless to say, you will be enthralled and entertained in equal measure.

All the actors are at their peak but especial mention must be made to Olesya Rulin as Amber, who, although appearing to come across as an innocent young girl who wants to look after young children, actually transpires to be a wanton strumpet who wants to seduce the father of the child she is the nanny to. That she manages to convince the viewing public that she is so innocent is a tour de force in itself and we can look forward to seeing such an accomplished actress in similarly demanding roles.

Michelle Borth is in typically top notch form as Elise and Antonio Cupo is perfect as the smarmy, silver-tongued, unfaithful cad who enjoys pumping iron in his garage and taking advantage of young girls who look after his son.

However, all the thespians on show are eclipsed by the performance of Michael Roark who is surely an actor destined to win an Oscar judged by his performance in this blockbusting celluloid triumph. Along with James Stewart, Cary Grant and Keanu Reeves, the man is an actor of huge stature and it beggars belief that he isn't a household name.

Jordan James Smith excels in his role as 'The Anchorman' and it's a crying shame that an actor with so much talent wasn't given enough time on the silver screen to really showcase his undoubted credentials... Let's hope that he gets the chance to rectify that in similarly demanding roles in the future.

In conclusion, this magnificent cinematic classic should act as a warning to all young, prospective au pairs to avoid unfaithful silver-tongued, iron-pumping old men who fancy a bit of extra-marital fun and to friends of wanton au pairs to beware knife-wielding psychopathic mothers who are married to unfaithful, silver-tongued, iron-pumping old men.

Hopefully a sequel is in the offing and a suitable title for such an anticipated masterpiece could be 'Devious Nanny... The Nanny Returns'.

Thoroughly recommended!
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Killer Twin (2018 TV Movie)
Suberb casting!
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's not often that the casting director gets the acclaim that they fully deserve but Ann Forry should be given a major cinematic award for finding two actresses who are almost identical to play the parts of the twins in the title.

Both actresses carry off their roles with aplomb in what is a fully enjoyable, exhilarating and suspenseful movie blockbuster.

All the thespians are at the top of their game and the discerning viewers enjoyment is only enhanced by a wonderful script which keeps one hooked until the end credits roll.

Especial mention must be made of V. G Winter as the delivery man. He is obviously a thespian of undoubted talent but his time on screen was far too brief to showcase his credentials and it is to be hoped that he will get well deserved more rewarding roles in similar future cinematic classics.

The same could be said of Nelson Wong who plays Marvyn the Banker. It is a travesty that this man is not a household name... He deserves better than minor roles, albeit in first class films such as this and it was a great shame that he sustained a nasty blow to the head courtesy of a medium sized deposit box which effectively cut short his bravura performance.

Lindsay Hartley is outstanding as Kendra Walker but the actress who plays her twin sister also delivers a power packed performance and one can only hope that we will see much more of the ladies in future similarly demanding roles.

Ultimately, this smorgasbord of cinematic delights should act as a warning to all award winning young teachers to beware of sisters who look uncannily like them and for bankers who go by the name of Marvyn to look out for doppelgangers who wield medium sized metal deposit boxes.

A rollicking great film!
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Fatal Performance (2013 TV Movie)
A true celluloid cinematic classic
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
With 'Fatal Performance', George Erschbamer has truly raised the bar in movie directing. This is a film that both entertains and terrifies the discerning viewer in equal measure and great credit should be bestowed upon Maureen Webb and Natalie Kiwi who assembled such a talented group of thespians at the top of their game. Shawn Whitney is obviously a scriptwriter of great talent judged by this celluloid masterpiece and it is hoped that we can look forward to much more of the same in the future.

Although all of the actors put in first class performances, especial mention should be reserved for Craig March as Detective Maitland who delivers an acting masterclass. It is criminal that the guy isn't a household name given his undoubted talent and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he were to garner numerous awards in the future.

A realistic plot only adds to the viewers enjoyment. The scene where Nicholle Tom as Dana Tilly enters an unlocked house and searches an open briefcase and unlocked computer leaves the viewer both exhilarated and satisfied and I have to admit that the finale where the detective presents a bunch of flowers to Dana reduced me to tears.

I was actually gutted when this cinematic classic came to an end and one can only hope that a sequel is in the offing and a suitable title for such a long anticipated project could be 'Fatal Performance Part 2'.

Overall, this magical movie should serve as a warning to all aspiring actresses who bear an uncanny resemblance to corrupt and unhinged doppelgangers to think twice before impersonating them for large sums of money and for balaclava clad baddies to avoid fast moving vehicles when chasing vulnerable young ladies when it is dark.

Hugely recommended!
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Ex-citing, ex-hilarating cinematic ex-perience!
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If tense, thrilling and twist-turning televisual theatrics are your cup of tea, then this superbly directed and acted cinematic classic should be just up your street.

It beggars belief that all the thespians involved are not household names but it is reassuring to know that the director Danny Boyle has been recognised for his other less accomplished works.

Without wishing to mar your viewing pleasure by regurgitating the plot of this celluloid triumph, the action basically revolves around a conniving, wanton, brazen, young hussy who accuses a silver tongued charmer of being the father of her unborn child after they had a night of passion. What complicates matters somewhat is that the silver tongued charmer Kyle has just decided to reignite his relationship with the mother of his existing child. At this point, much murderous mayhem ensues as the pregnant rejected strumpet decides to exact her revenge on his renewed love interest.

Whilst all the thespians are at the peak of their powers, especial mention must be given to the gentleman actor who received a hefty fist to his nose courtesy of Kyle. His appearance in the film was far too brief and it is hoped that he gets the chance to showcase his undoubted credentials in future similar blockbuster movies.

Anna Van Hooft is suitably menacing as Claire and one can only assume that her mantlepiece will be laden with acting awards judging by her acting masterclass in this cinematic smogasboard of delights.

Ultimately, this televisual triumph should act as a warning to all gentleman who have nice wives and children to avoid succumbing to the wanton charms of brazen, scheming hussies who live next door and for nice wives everywhere to avoid being neighbours of attractive young ladies who may want to be more than just a friend with their hunky husbands.

Hopefully a sequel is in the offing and an apt title for it could be 'Til Ex Do Us Part 2.' Thoroughly recommended!!
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A modern cinematic classic!
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Once every blue moon, a director produces a film which brings together some of the world's most talented actors, a gripping storyline and a fully believable plot and with 'My Mothers Stalker', David DeCoteau has delivered a truly modern masterpiece which sets the benchmark by which all films should be judged.

All the actors are at the top of their game.... Clayton James is in outstanding form as Dr Paul Cavanagh and one can only wonder as to why the viewing public haven't seen him in other cinematic tour de forces. Emmanuelle Vaugier is an actress of great talent and never disappoints but even she is overshadowed by the wonderful Diane Verhiel as the detective. It is a rare thing to have the pleasure of experiencing such an outstanding thespian bringing authenticity and believability to a role but Ms Verhiel carries it out with huge aplomb.

I won't spoil your viewing pleasure by regurgitating the plot as other less discerning reviewers have already done so but needless to say, you will be delighted, intrigued and terrified in equal measure.

Although all the lead thespians deliver truly memorising performances, mention should be made of Howard Markson as Dr Berg who is obviously an actor of undoubted talent but wasn't given enough screen time to showcase his acting credentials.

Ultimately, this silver screen smorgasbord should act as a precautionary tale for middle aged attractive ladies to avoid high school reunions at which their former childhood sweethearts attend and for psychopathic doctors/aviators to avoid the propellor blades of light aircraft.

Hugely recommended!
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His Fatal Fixation (2020 TV Movie)
Flawless film about fixation
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If films about fixated stalkers floats your boat then this cinematic class act will be right up your river. Without giving too much of the plot away, an attractive young lady, played with great aplomb by the very talented Sarah Fisher, finds herself stalked by a deranged ex boyfriend. He turns up at her flat and stabs her new boyfriend to death with a knife and slashes her face. Thankfully, Lily (Ms Fisher), gives the brute a hefty whack over the head with a bottle of wine and he ends up crashing through a plate glass window to the floor below. At this point, I have to point out that the seedy stalker is not your typical Hollywood hunk and one can only wonder why the lovely Lily went out with the loathsome brute in the first place. Anyway, to cut a long story short, she moves away, changes her name to Stella, has her scar fixed, falls in love with her doctor who she now works for and strange murderous mayhem ensues. One of her patients whose head is swathed in bandages for several weeks shockingly turns out to be the hideous stalker come back from the dead! At this point, Stella understandably gives him a taste of his own medicine and stabs him but he manages to run off into the night... Well, day actually.... I won't tell you the rest for fear of spoiling what is a thoroughly enjoyable cinematic masterpiece.. What I will say is that all the actors are at the top of their game but Ms Fisher gives an outstanding performance as Lily/Stella.

The guy who plays the psychopathic stalker also deserves great credit and one can only hope that he gets to play similar roles in the future.

Ultimately, this hugely satisfying cinematic smorgasbord should be seen as a timely warning for all young attractive ladies to beware loathsome brutes whose heads are swathed in bandages for lengthy periods of time.

Hopefully, a sequel is the offing and an apt title for said classic would be... His Fatal Fixation Part 2 Highly recommended!
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Fatal Getaway (2019)
Tilky in top notch terrifying thriller
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a fan of the menacing former Take 5 crooner and thespian Tilky Jones, then this deeply disturbing thriller will delight and terrify you in equal measure.

Without giving too much of the plot away so as not to mar your enjoyment of this cinematic classic, beef hunk Tilky plays the part of a deranged owner of a holiday home at which several attractive young ladies arrive. Much murderous mayhem ensues throughout and the film climaxes with Tilky showing his true colours as a very nasty piece of work. Fortunately for all involved (except the thoroughly unlikeable Tilky), he gets his deserved comeuppance in the end and perishes in his own swimming pool.

Top notch acting by all the players only adds to the viewer's delictation and the film should act as a warning to attractive young ladies to avoid staying in the holiday homes of former beefcake boy band crooners.

Despite his untimely demise in his swimming pool, it would be nice to see a sequel to this cinematic triumph, in which Tilky invites more attractive young ladies to his house whilst conjuring up yet more murderous mayhem and a suitable title for such an anticipated film could be 'Tilky Take 2'

Thoroughly recommended!
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Genuinely terrifying and an underrated classic!
10 August 2023
If you enjoyed King Kong, Bambi and other cinematic classics featuring animals such as Marley and Me, then you will love this underrated and genuinely terrifying cinematic smorgasbord.

Shayne Hartigan must have had his work cut out as Casting Director in order to assemble a group of thespians at the top of their game, but he carries this out with great aplomb. The great Eric Roberts (brother of Julia Roberts) is a standout actor of great esteem and his sister must have kicked herself for not getting a role in this film but it's hardly surprising given the breadth and depth of the other players that she was overlooked. For my money, Buck Burns as MP McDaniels steals the show and it's a travesty that the man isn't a household name.

If Ray Harryhausen was synonymous with superb special effects in the 20th Century then Sasha Burrow and her team will be forever linked to equally convincing visual effects in the 21st Century. It was nice to see that Glenn Campbell is equally at home behind the camera as he is on stage with his guitar singing classics such as Wichita Lineman.

George Michael Phillips (not to be confused with the guy in Wham), has done a magnificent job in writing the screenplay...the storyline keeps the discerning viewer hooked throughout....and the film builds to a hugely satisfying climax.

Overall, this is a film that pushes boundaries, challenges the viewer and can be considered a cinematic masterpiece which will go down in history as one of the most influential pieces of celluloid ever to be served to a global audience.

Hugely recommended!
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Deadly dirty dancers!
10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If films such as Dirty Dancing, Top Hat and Saturday Night Fever float your boat, then this cinematic classic will leave you more than satisfied and begging for more of the same.

I won't bore you by regurgitating the plot lest I ruin your viewing pleasure, but needless to say much murderous mayhem ensues throughout.

What elevates this magnificent movie above it's inferiors is the quality acting on display.

Sabrina Bryan is a thespian of undoubted talent and shines throughout... I am astounded that I haven't seen her in many other cinematic blockbusters. Antonio Sabato Jr is, besides a hunky piece of eye candy for the ladies and certain gentlemen, an actor of great stature who has obviously trodden the boards since a young stripling of a lad. The dance scenes are particularly impressive and Sabato Jr obviously possesses twinkle toes on a par with the late, great Patrick Swayze.

All the supporting cast are terrific too... The casting director Ricki Maslar must have had a tough job on her hands to recruit so many thespians at the top of their game.

Special mention should go to Drew Gallagher as the dance hunk... It is to be hoped that his undoubted acting talent does not go unnoticed and he secures suitably challenging roles in future similar blockbusters.

Overall, a film that delivers in spadefuls and leaves the viewing public wanting more of the same. Hopefully a sequel is in the offing and an apt title for said cinematic feast would be 'Dance Night Obsession The Sequel'

Thoroughly recommended!
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A smorgasbord of cinematic delights!
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every once in a while, a Director delivers a smorgasbord of cinematic delights and that is what Craig Goldstein has achieved with 'Killing Your Daughter'.

Without wishing to spoil your viewing pleasure of this modern day classic thriller, the plot revolves around a young lady called Candace (played by the excellent Allison Paige), who was adopted and wishes to find her birth parents as she wants to start her own family with her hunky hubbie (Tyler Johnson in typically good form). Very conveniently, her chum is a journalist and manages to find out with 99% certainty, with a DNA match, that her father is Tom Mason (played by the always excellent thespian Jason Brooks, who bears an uncanny resemblance to the late, great Christopher Reeve of Superman fame).

Mason turns out to be a local developer who has acquired a considerable fortune and, when confronted by Candace, he denies all knowledge of her. This meeting then triggers off a series of very unfortunate events for her chums and needless to say, mayhem of a murderous nature swiftly ensues.

Paul Ruddy obviously did his homework when it came to casting the part of Tom Mason's psychotic wife Jeannette. Sarah Aldrich is a 'tour de force' as the 'femme fatale' and she delivers a powerful and entirely convincing performance throughout the film. Indeed, the acting skills of all the cast adds only adds to the enjoyment derived by the viewing public.

Special mention should be made of the elderly gentleman whose acting skills were cruelly curtailed thanks to a large pillow being forced upon his face whilst trying to enjoy a well earned sleep...it is hoped that he will get a chance to display his acting credentials in future similar blockbuster movies.

Ultimately, this thoroughly enjoyable, gripping and tear jerking classic, acts as a warning to young ladies of all ages not to become acquainted with adopted daughters whose birth fathers are wedded to psychotic wives and to elderly gentlemen in care homes to beware strangers wearing hoodies and wielding large pillows in the dead of night

Highly recommended!
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Stellar cast and score!
27 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This thoroughly enjoyable cinematic feast is enhanced greatly by a stellar cast at the very top of their game and a haunting score written by the excellent Steve Yeaman.

Without giving too much away for fear of spoiling your viewing enjoyment, a guy finds out about a banking fraud. He is shot dead and his wife tries to prove he didn't commit suicide. Her (and her daughter's) life are put in danger and much murderous mayhem ensues throughout. The scene where Jennie finds about her husband's death is particularly poignant and certainly tugs at the heart strings. There are several villainous characters but the most memorable is Erica Hearns (played by the outstanding Angelica Bridges.) She steals every scene and it is plainly obvious to the viewer that Ms Bridges puts her heart and soul into the role.

It is a pity that Hunter Jones had such a small part as The Paramedic but it is hoped that an actor with such natural talent will no doubt be offered more rewarding roles in the future.

The rollicking score only heightens the tension throughout the film and enhances the viewer's delectation.

Ultimately, this magical movie acts as a cautionary tale to married men not to snoop into the fraudulent activities of bankers and to young ladies everywhere, not to date the nephews of fraudulent bankers who know some very dodgy characters who are handy with a gun.

Thoroughly recommended.
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The film Hitchcock wished he had directed...probably
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a fan of classics such as Psycho, Vertigo and Rear Window then this cinematic roller coaster will be right up your street (or Boulevard if you live in the USA).

Without giving the whole plot away (in case it spoils your enjoyment of the film), a young lady called Tracy (played by the excellent Hannah Bamberg) unfortunately finds herself 'with child'. Unfortunately, the father of said unborn infant is a loutish, bearded, abusive and, dare I say it, not overly good looking young chap called Bobby (played by the excellent Daniel Contois). Indeed, the viewer must suspend belief at this point and can only wonder why Tracy would want to have amorous relationships with such a loathsome brute? Anyway, quite understandably, Tracy runs away, visits an adoption agency and on the same day meets up with prospective parents who live in a very swanky house with beach side views. To cut a long story short, Tracy moves in with them, agrees to give up her daughter for adoption to them but then discovers that they are not all sweetness and light. Josh Ventura as Patrick certainly has some major flaws in his character and was once (if not twice or more) sectioned after trying to commit suicide (more than once). His wife Genevieve (played with suitable craziness by the outstanding Emmanuelle Vaugier) also resided at said institution after a previous tragedy (I won't tell you any more...it will spoil the surprise!) Much murderous mayhem then ensues and the film builds to an explosive climax that ensures every viewer is transfixed, entertained and satisfied in equal measure.

Superb acting and a truly believable plot elevates this cinematic showpiece above inferior combatants. Credit should be given to the supporting cast, especially Sabina Mach who excels as Maria the Maid. Hopefully she will be given bigger roles in future films in which she can display her acting prowess.

Ultimately, this is a powerful and thought provoking film that acts as a cautionary tale for young ladies who find themselves 'with child' after meeting bearded, loutish weirdos and then try to palm off said infants on equally weird but unbearded adoptive parents.

Highly recommended!
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'He's Watching' (2018 TV Movie)
Deeply disturbing psychological thriller!
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If baseball and photography are your chosen hobbies then this cinematic crowd pleaser may just be your bag because both feature heavily in what is a deeply disturbing psychological thriller.

Without giving too much away, a young attractive lady called Angela (with Linsey Godfrey in the lead role), has a boyfriend and a successful career and out of the blue her photographer ex boyfriend Kyle turns up. The silver tongued charmer manages to tempt the brazen hussy into his bed and the cad films their night of passion without her knowledge. The following day, Angela receives a soppy message from her boyfriend and quite rightly has regrets about her wanton actions. Kyle (played with suitable menace by the marvellously named Tilky Jones), doesn't react well to being dumped again by Angela and this is when the viewer is made aware that he may not be the full shilling. Lots of unhinged behaviour on his part ensues which ultimately concludes with him giving Angela's boyfriend the benefit of a hefty blow with his oversized baseball bat. Michael (the boyfriend, played with great gusto by Darri Ingolfsson) is obviously a hardy young chap because five minutes later he's sat up and talking and remarkably still retains all his teeth. Not wishing to spoil the ending of what is a thoroughly satisfying climax, all I will say is that the psychotic photographer finds himself at the wrong end of a powerful handgun.

Superb acting by the leads and a fully believable story-line only add to the enjoyment of the cinematic experience and mention must be given to Ann Hermann as the Gallery Patron whose role in the film is far too brief and doesn't allow her to fully display her acting credentials.

Ultimately, this masterpiece acts as a cautionary tale for young ladies who have boyfriends and ex boyfriends to beware hidden cameras in bedrooms whilst they are involved in certain activities and for boyfriends of all ages to avoid their girlfriend's ex, especially if he is wielding an over sized baseball bat.

A rollicking good film!
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A Killer in My Home (2020 TV Movie)
If you like cheese
25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you like cheesy movies then this should be your cup of tea.

Without giving too much away, Bree Williamson is the wife who finds out that her husband has a mistress and illegitimate son. He suffers a major heart attack but still manages to spill the beans despite being at death's door. Cut to 6 months down the line and the lad and his mom turn up at her door and move into the guest house she owns...at this point all manner of terrible things happen.....to be honest, I was bit confused by all the hullabaloo taking place as my wife was blending some soup during some of the crucial parts of the film and I couldn't hear what was happening. However, I did manage to catch the finale and very satisfying it was too. Some terrific acting was on show, notably by Percy Hynes White who portrayed the son Joshua as having some serious mental health issues. Christian Laurin was very convincing as a Head Chef and I was enjoying his french accent before his untimely demise after being pushed down a small flight of steps. Jeff Roop as the Dad didn't have much time to shine as he had died within five minutes of the film starting but I imagine that he will have the opportunity to showcase his talents in future similar movies.

Ultimately, this is a cautionary tale for young attractive wives to check whether or not their spouses have mistresses and sons dotted around the country and for chefs with french accents to avoid small flights of steps.

Heartily recommended!
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Believable plot!
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're a fan of chilling films about serial killers such as 'Silence Of The Lambs', then this could be just up your street!

What sets this film apart from inferior films is the believable plot. Without giving too much away, Camille (Krista Allen) discovers that the guy she is about to marry is in fact a deranged psychopathic serial killer who has already killed eight other women. She manages to narrowly avoid becoming his ninth victim and testifies against him in court. Naturally, he is sent to prison for a very long time. However, he shockingly manages to escape from the maximum security prison he was held in and then undergoes plastic surgery which completely alters his appearance. Incidentally, he also kills the guy who undertook the surgery. It is a shame that James Tang who played the Doctor wasn't given a bigger role in the film as he wasn't really able to display his acting credentials to the full given that he was only on screen for a few seconds before receiving a bullet to the head.

Camille and her daughter then move to a different town with new identities and they bump into a guy with a dog...who turns out to be the serial killer...remember...he has changed his appearance dramatically.

She falls in love with him all over again and then he tries to kill her again.... I won't give away the ending but suffice to say that the cad gets his comeuppance in the end.

Excellent acting by all the players and a truly believable plot makes for a hugely entertaining cinematic experience. Louis Mandylor is outstanding as the seriously psychopathic serial killer of the title and Ms Allen delivers an excellent performance in the lead role.

The film has more twists and turns than the Le Mans racetrack and overall is a cautionary tale for all attractive ladies to think twice before dating dangerous psychopaths who wield sharp knives and engagements rings.

Highly recommended!
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The Perfect Assistant (2008 TV Movie)
A movie classic!
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
'The Perfect Assistant', along with 'The Godfather Trilogy' and 'Back To The Future Part 3' is up there in my top 5 of all time great movies.

If you are a fan of Josie Davis you will not be disappointed. Without giving too much away, she puts in a first class performance as the perfect assistant to her boss and becomes obsessed with him and goes about murdering his wife (and other characters to boot).

As a result, much murderous mayhem ensues.

The acting is first class and the viewer is left wondering how on earth 'the boss' had the willpower to reject the advances of the lovely Rachel (played by Ms Davis). Other actors similarly put in great performances, notably Sophie Gendron (who also suffers an untimely demise), and Jason Harper as Wally.

Ultimately, this a cautionary tale for bosses who employ very attractive young ladies with psychopathic tendencies and for young ladies who snoop on their housemates computer.

Overall, a hugely satisfying cinematic experience which leaves the viewer wanting much more. Hopefully, a sequel is in the offing and an apt title for said movie would be 'The Perfect Assistant Part 2'

Hugely recommended!
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Past Obsessions (2011 TV Movie)
Box office gold!
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Any film featuring Josie Davis is usually a guarantee of 'box office gold' and a cinematic pleasing experience and this film is no exception.

Without giving too much away, Ms Davis plays the part of a young wife whose husband (played by the excellent David Milbern) likes nothing better than giving her a good hiding. As a result, she decides to fake her own death, run off and start a new life in a small town. Whilst there, she meets a thoroughly nice chap (who doesn't show tendencies of wife beating) who also owns a vineyard. Unfortunately for the pair of them and other characters besides, the nasty piece of work (the husband) turns up and much murderous mayhem ensues!

What makes the film so enjoyable is that the plot is entirely believable and the acting is first class. Whilst not quite reaching the dizzying heights of 'The Perfect Assistant', Ms Davis is on top form as Shane and it was also nice to see Ms Davis being able to show off her artistic and culinary abilities in addition to her acting skills.

David Milbern is entirely convincing as the husband who likes to slap his missus around and the viewer is left with the burning question of why on earth his lovely young wife would marry such a brute in the first place? The chap who plays the vineyard owner shows great acting prowess and one can only assume he will be offered similarly theatrically demanding roles in the future. Mention must be given to the excellent Adrian Holmes as Dr Wells whose presence on screen is far too short to exhibit his undoubted acting skills.

Overall, the film is a cautionary tale for attractive young ladies to check the wife beating tendencies of their future spouses and for vineyard owning nice chaps to check the background of attractive young ladies who turn up on their doorstep wielding pencils and sketchpads.

Having read other reviews which drew comparisons with 'Sleeping with the enemy', I watched said film and found it to be inferior in all aspects and not a patch on this original classic.

Highly recommended!
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Fatal Reunion (2005 TV Movie)
Top quality acting and plot
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly one of the best films out there... If you enjoy suspense and thrillers such as Fatal Attraction and Jagged Edge, then this will be right up your street. The plot keeps you guessing right up until the end and coupled with excellent acting by both the leads and supporting cast this quality cinematic experience will leave you wanting more. David Milbern is particularly impressive as the husband whose wife is being terrorised by an ex school chum. The plot is very believable.. It should be seen as a cautionary tale to all housewives out there... Don't contact old school chums on the Internet... It could lead to having rocks thrown through your car windows, being threatened with a crossbow and worse still, being nearly run over by a large truck.

Thoroughly recommended.
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