
19 Reviews
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Argylle (2024)
Embarrassing third act
19 February 2024
The movie started okay, but became poorer and poorer as time went. Out of many faults, in no particular order... 1. Which brainiac had Henry Cavill on the cast, but gave the meaty action role to an aging Sam Rockwell?

2. No disrespect, but Bryce Dallas Howard was so miscast in an action role, particularly with her um current size. She fitted the role of a writer, but that's it.

3. Those dance scenes were not funny at all, very cringey!! I felt embarrassed to be watching that muck!!

4. Cena and Dua Lipa were both underutilised.

5. So many good actors with so little to do.

6. Again, putting Henry Cavill as the top bill, but then giving him a few minutes of screentime....!!

I feel sorry for the poor man.

Overall, a dumb and dismal movie.

The only good thing to come out of this movie I hope will be to put the team off the idea of making more movies in this series.
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The Mentalist: Devil's Cherry (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
The sweetest and the saddest episode
29 October 2022
My most favourite episode of not just Mentalist, but also any of the TV series I have watched. Without giving away the plot, the core concept is fantastic, and it shown unparallel acting from Simon Baker (not just a superficially charming funny guy, but such depth of expressions in brief glances and passing moment. The episode also showed some magical chemistry between him and the special guest of the episode.

The crime solving part was a bit patchy and slightly subpar, but the special element of the episode makes up for it and much more. I found it heartbreaking, particularly in the very last scene with Jane in an empty apartment, sipping from a cup, trying to re-capture what is lost forever...
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Great fun and a great ride down the memory lane!
7 January 2022
I really enjoyed the movie and thought the young cast (particularly Grace and 'Podcast') did a fantastic job. I think the movie captured (and enhanced) the charm of the original. Very well done to director Reitman. And, expecting great things from McKenna Grace (who has a star performance in Young Sheldon too).

If you liked the original Ghostbusters, don't miss this one.
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Best TV series I have watched in a long time
31 May 2021
While everyone puts in fantastic performances, Kate Winslet is simply superb. Every single scene featuring her is an acting masterclass. Without giving away any plot points, I felt that I was a resident in that town, that I knew all these characters all my life, particularly as if Mare was part of my family - I felt everything that she felt.

Again, we have so many good actors on the big and the small screens, but it is so rare to see such great acting, particularly from Kate Winslet.
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Bloods (2021–2022)
A mixed bag with some nice acting and some nice moments
7 May 2021
It is a mixed bag, some good laughs, some cringey misses, some truly heart touching moments - just like real life! Great acting from Lucy Punch and Adrian Scarborough in a small role. Jane Horrocks too. Some of the characterisation and acting are dubious.

I am not sure if this series will get a second season - if they do, some sharper writing and one or two new characters might make it more enjoyable. Good luck!
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Nobody (I) (2021)
A great fun ride
27 April 2021
Really enjoyed this movie, what a fun ride - in some ways better than John Wick. Loved Bob Odenkirk's acting. A solid 8!!
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6 Underground (2019)
Great popcorn movie
16 January 2021
It's a fun movie with brilliant action scenes and almost non-stop action. Do not forget the popcorn.
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Retrocausality (I) (2019)
Mediocre movie with all spam reviews.
26 December 2020
I felt obliged to review the movie as every other review seems to be done by cast and crew, all reviewers having created account to write one single 10/10 review of a mediocre movie. The idea is uncommon, but execution is poor, dialogue/editing/acting all could have been tighter. A 4/10 movie, 5, if you are feeling generous.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
Had potential for a good TV series
1 December 2020
As some other reviewers have commented, this felt like an overlong introductory episode of a TV series. This fails miserably as a movie, but had some interesting ideas, some decent actors, some good acting, some good CGI - which did not quite add up to be a movie. We can only hope that this is developed as a serial or mini-series.
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Peninsula (2020)
Cracking action/horror movie
31 August 2020
Please ignore the low IMDB rating - it's a solid action/horror movie. It's not going to win prizes and perhaps not going to please critics, but entertain it will. I found it to be nearly as good as 'Train to Bushan' in terms of pace and adrenaline. Bushan was ground-breaking, this one is not quite there - but very entertaining. I needed something like this to cheer me up among pandemic/social distancing/economic uncertainties and all that cr*p. Bring out the popcorn!
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Project Power (2020)
Mindless crass 'action' glorifying drugs
16 August 2020
While I enjoy action flicks, this movie was a big headache not bothering with a good script, any logic, any attempt at acting (JGL, I am disappointed!) and atrocious dialogue writing. Not to mention being socially irresponsible - glorifying drugs and drug-dealing. The 'best' part is that the movie thinks it is 'heroic' for a student in a school to be a drug-dealer because your mother has diabetes!! How do these movies get made? I am expecting great things at the Razzies. And again, because I saw the movie only because I saw your name - JGL, I am truly disappointed at you.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Is this the worst Netflix series?
14 May 2020
I had high hopes when I started viewing as most Netflix series are competently made. Some of them have been excellent. This one started reasonably okay, but has been disappointing more and more with every episode. I am stuck at episode 5 now (come this far purely because of the captain, you know!), but am ready to throw in the towel. Without giving out any spoilers: the plot is written by a 12 year old, the acting is indifferent at best, laughable most of the time, and cringeworthy now and again. But my biggest bone of contention is the utter and total lack of any logic in any of the scenes. Occasional good ideas, so a very generous 3/10. The search for a good sc-fi series continues.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Captured the look, but not quite the feel of the book
3 November 2019
Doctor Sleep has been my most favourite book of the last few years. So I was very excited to see the big screen version. Just like It part 1, this movie has captured the look of the Stephen King world beautifully. Casting has been good, Ewan McGregor as the understated tortured soul, Ferguson suitably enigmatic, looking both beautiful and dangerous. Though i enjoyed the movie, I did not quite get the same thrills as I experienced from the book. I have slight issues with the following - 1. Adult Ewan McGregor's character development was a little rushed - the book I felt did this very nicely. 2. The baddies looked suitably bad, but never really looked supernaturally bad. They sort of looked like ordinary villains, I sensed no aura of danger from them. 3. While I understand why the director felt compelled to follow some scenes from Cubrick, I think he could have explored new angles and approaches in the final part of the movie. 4. The music felt a little put upon in places. That's my moaning complete :). Overall a solid 7/10. It is nice to see that King books are attracting good directors and actors and are being made into decent movies at last.
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Hellboy (2019)
Disappointing reboot
5 July 2019
I am a huge Hellboy comics fan and thoroughly enjoyed the first two movies. I am afraid this movie did not quite capture the same spirit (pun intended) of the predecessors. The jokes fell a bit flat, the action wasn't quite exhilarating enough and with no disrespect, Harbour is a fine actor, but no Ron Perlman! Not even close. The movie felt jittery - reading the trivia section on IMDB afterwards I can see that it was quite a troubled production. In general, I am disappointed as I suspect there will now be no more Hellboy movies!
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The Recall (2017)
Absolute drivel
20 August 2017
This is an absolute mess of half digested ideas from other movies and TV series. Wesley Snipes is OK, but the young actors are all rubbish. The direction is awful. The dialogues are uneven. Special effect is very mediocre. Please don't waste your time watching this - you will enjoy more watching paint dry.
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Officer Downe (2016)
Great fun for what it is
7 March 2017
This movie is not for every one - but if you are into ultra-violent graphic novels - this is a great movie. They did not try to make a movie for the masses, they were definitely not aiming for Oscars. I have not followed these comics, but I could enjoy the movie perfectly. The main character is perfectly cast. This is a low budget movie, but that does not detract from the story. See it with an open mind and you will be surprised at how much you enjoy it. And try to beat that 'orgasm counter'! A solid 7/10.
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Odd Thomas (2013)
A simple touching movie
12 August 2014
I really enjoyed the movie and was surprised to find it so under-advertised and under-appreciated. The movie has a B-movie feel and the story probably won't appeal to all movie-goers. However it has its own energy, the lead actors have great chemistry and it pulls at your heartstrings.

This movie is based on a series of books by Dean Kuntz - I am going to buy and read at least the first one. Another reviewer has commented that the movie is quite faithful to the book.

I cannot tell you which movie genre it belongs to as that will be bit of a spoiler - so please view it with an open mind and enjoy.
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Good movie - but not that great
26 July 2008
I won't bore you all with a long comment. Go see this movie if you are a Batman fan, but pleeeeze - stop pretending that this is the best thing since sliced bread. It is a reasonably good thriller with some good acting and good action sequences. But the plot is too convoluted, there are too many sermons and some of the things are just too implausible or incomprehensible (even for a comic book movie). The best movie of all times? What a joke. I wonder if the majority of the voters are 14-year-olds and the only other movies they have ever seen have been the animated Batman movies :). (COMMENT REPEATED BECAUSE OF STUPID IMDb RULE OF A REQUIREMENT OF A MINIMUM OF TEN LINES.) I won't bore you all with a long comment. Go see this movie if you are a Batman fan, but pleeeeze - stop pretending that this is the best thing since sliced bread. It is a reasonably good thriller with some good acting and good action sequences. But the plot is too convoluted, there are too many sermons and some of the things are just too implausible or incomprehensible (even for a comic book movie). The best movie of all times? What a joke. I wonder if the majority of the voters are 14-year-olds and the only other movies they have ever seen have been the animated Batman movies :). (COMMENT REPEATED BECAUSE OF STUPID IMDb RULE OF A REQUIREMENT OF A MINIMUM OF TEN LINES.) I won't bore you all with a long comment. Go see this movie if you are a Batman fan, but pleeeeze - stop pretending that this is the best thing since sliced bread. It is a reasonably good thriller with some good acting and good action sequences. But the plot is too convoluted, there are too many sermons and some of the things are just too implausible or incomprehensible (even for a comic book movie). The best movie of all times? What a joke. I wonder if the majority of the voters are 14-year-olds and the only other movies they have ever seen have been the animated Batman movies :)
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Borat (2006)
Funny, but vastly overrated
14 November 2006
Ali G & Borat have been on the British TV for quite a few years. Ali G in particular was hilarious when it started, Borat was a close second. The charm of all these characters is how people would take them seriously, and how the characters would get away with almost anything.

This kind of comedy is ideal for the small screen and much funnier in small doses. On the big screen, particularly when you try to stretch it for 80+ minutes, it starts to get tedious. I would highly recommend this movie to people who have never seen Ali G / Borat before - to the others I would suggest buy the DVD of the first series of Ali G and watch it again and again, and I promise it will be the funniest thing you have ever seen.
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