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Gun Shy (2017)
Fun and funny. More people should watch this.
19 September 2019
Antonio Banderas plays a washed-up, alcoholic, ex-famous heavy metal band bass player. His wife drags him to a July vacation in Chile (where it is winter in July, one of the running jokes.) She is kidnapped by insurgents while on a wildlife viewing tour. The rest of the movie is about Turk (Banderas) bumbling around the city while trying to ransom his wife back. But he is dogged by an overzealous American FBI agent, who hates his current assignment and has dreams of a big promotion, as well as delusions of grandeur.

Banderas basically is this whole film, though the actor playing the FBI agent is hilarious as well. I suspect that Banderas took the role as it is the opposite of his usual swashbuckling, handsome, heroic (or villainpus ) roles. The plot is very basic, but it's the acting and the little jokes that make me keep watching this again.

I won't relay the name of Turk's band's classic hit, because it's possibly NSFW. But watch the first few minutes of the film and you'll catch it. Anyone who is a fan of '80s hard rock or metal will laugh instantly. And I dare anyone to watch the "tortoise" dialog between Turk and the FBI, and not laugh (25:30 in, if you want to skip to it.) Lots of other funny and touching moments. It feels like the producers, director and actors had a lot of inside jokes going on between them all.

"Gun Shy" never takes itself seriously. That's getting rarer in cinema, and I love it.
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Gunhed (1989)
Inventive and Fun
20 August 2004
Ganheddo was produced by the same Japanese studio which brought us Godzilla, and it shows... but in a good way. Where many, higher-budgeted films of the time were moving to computer-generated effects, Toho stuck with scale models and stop-animation, giving this movie a gritty look not often found in films of similar provenance.

Though the plot is difficult to keep up with at times, it is still enjoyable, made especially the more so by the character of Seven. This movie will be a godsend for fans of the Mechwarrior/vertical tank type stories. The plot revolves around a group of scavengers who happen across a defunct lair controlled by machines, cyborgs, and their master, a central computer. The scavengers are after a rare power source which fuels the complex. Having detected their presence, the computer counts down to self destruct. Matters are complicated when one of the crew becomes incorporated into the machine's consciousness.

Good cinematography, decent acting, and a fantastic story all contribute to this film's warrants. It's too bad that CGI has taken the forefront -- I think modern filmmakers could learn a lesson from this one.
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Sweet Movie (1974)
Watch it, if you dare
20 August 2004
This movie is not for the faint of heart. In fact, it seems as if the creators have done everything possible to make you abort viewing it before the last reel. The vast majority of people will find it offensive, disgusting, and vomit-inducing. I find it refreshing for that very fact.

"Sweet Movie" is a vehicle designed to elicit base reactions from the audience. While the plot is not coherent, the acting not ultimately believable, and the cinematography shaky at best, nevertheless the complete package is more than the sum of its parts. Especially for American audiences, I dare anyone to watch the entire movie without at least one genuine reaction of revulsion. And that makes it almost unique.
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A disappointment for true fans
14 August 2004
I wanted so much to like this movie -- after all, fans of both the Aliens and Predator franchises had been waiting for over a decade for the two to clash on screen. While this movie might appeal to new fans, I doubt it will satisfy people who have been following the franchises since their inceptions. While the effects and creature designs were decent, this movie lacks one thing that makes some of the older films (most notably Alien, Aliens and the first Predator) fun to watch over and over -- the characters are, almost without exception, one-dimensional and unengaging. There isn't any really unique character in this one, like Ripley in Alien, Newt and Hicks in Aliens, or the triple threat played by Arnold, Jesse and Carl Weathers in predator. I honestly didn't care who lived or died.

Speaking of deaths, I know i wasn't the only one disappointed by the studio's decision to make this a PG-13 film. While some clever cinematography made it seem like you were seeing more explicit violence than actually was shown in frame, it lacked the stark, dark realism that was especially effective in the first Alien film. Add to that the incredibly short running time (well under 90 minutes if you were to remove the end credits) and you have a film that could have been, should have been able to do a lot more with a cool story concept than was the result. Hopefully, the inevitable special edition DVD will restore some sequences that were cut from the theater, help to flesh out the characters, and provide a bit more blood for hardcore fans of gore. Seeing how much Alien and Aliens were able to be improved by adding in cut footage, I haven't completely given up on this one yet, but I definitely won't be seeing it again before it hits the dollar theaters.
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
A Masterpiece of Multi-genre Cinema
27 October 2003
If you only read one line, read this: see this movie if you have the chance!

Bubba Ho-Tep was financed and is being distributed personally by Don Coscarelli (director of the "Phantasm" movies). As of this writing, it had only been screened in cinema festivals around the world. I was lucky enough to have attended the first average-Joe showing in Texas, and I believe in the whole U.S.

Having been a huge fan of the Phantasm movies, I was expecting more of a horror-oriented film from Mr. Coscarelli. But in retrospect I must say that, having loved Bruce Campbell in the Evil Dead/Army Of Darkness flicks, I should have expected the humor.

In the end, I found this movie to be much more funny than scary, and even for myself, as a pure horror fan, this was actually pleasant. In fact, the horror aspect seemed to take second seat to the comedy. There were only a handful of scenes in this film during which the audience did not crack up. I don't think I'd be wrong in saying that this is one of the funniest movies in the last decade. Not of just horror movies... all movies. It's that hilarious.

But "Bubba Ho-Tep" has a third dimension to it. In contrast to the comedy and horror facets, there runs a vein of drama, though it is subdued to keep a good balance. Bruce Campbell (as Elvis) and Ossie Davis (as JFK) play absolutely endearing characters, and play them to perfection. In addition to laughing at elderly Elvis, you also genuinely feel for him and his situation. Same for JFK.

Campbell plays such a good Elvis that, for one who was barely born when Presley died, it very well could be the real King starring in this movie. Bruce nails the role while not coming off as over-the-top, as many an Elvis impersonator would. Campbell's performance as a man thirty-odd years older than himself is nothing less than miraculous. No one else could have fulfilled this role.

Ossie Davis is a fantastic actor, and to be honest, I was surprised that he agreed to star in this movie. But he is equally brilliant to Campbell. His character is the brains of this movie, but he also manages to provide a great many laughs to complement those of Elvis. A wheelchair-bound (African-American) Jack Kennedy may not sound like a humorous character, but Davis is as likeable as Campbell. And his final scene swings the audience from laughs to tears.

I was lucky enough to have attended a screening at which both the director and writer made appearances. Coscarelli's direction gives a nod to his own previous works (the zooming-hall shots from the Phantasm movies) as well as Bruce Campbell's past work (the crazy-cam shots in the trees a-la Evil Dead). Mr. Lansdale said that he thinks that "Bubba Ho-Tep" is the most true conversion to film from a story that he had ever seen. That is quite a compliment for a writer to give a director. Lansdale mentioned that his own short story (available in book form) contained more background story setting up the bad guy, and Coscarelli mentioned a deleted scene to that effect (no spoilers, buy the DVD). But I found the movie to be complete and that it really needed no further explanation.

Since Don Coscarelli is distributing this film himself, without support from any major (or minor) studio, grab all of your friends and help fill up the theater. Coscarelli deserves to be rewarded for this classic piece of entertainment, as do the entire cast and crew.

Bottom line, if you have read this far: go see Bubba Ho-Tep yesterday! It is one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen. If all the shows had not sold out weeks ago, I would be going back to see it in Austin again. But I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD. So when "Bubba Ho-Tep" comes to your town, do not miss it on the silver screen. Though it certainly deserves it, this film may never see wide theatrical release. So don't pass up a chance.
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Great Entertainment
25 May 2003
I was lucky enough to attend a sneak preview of this movie, and I am happy to report that it is quite worth your money. This film is very fun and entertaining. It is also quite funny, and doesn't take itself too seriously.

Edward Norton essentially reprises his previous character from "The Score", another partner-in-crime-turned-traitor. His on-screen presence is perfect for his character. Charlize Theron turns in what, IMHO, is the most convincing piece of acting I have seen from her, playing the vengeful daughter of a slain man. There are no weak spots in the casting -- Wahlberg and the rest were quite good.

My only complaint about this movie was that the plot was bit too predictable. Had I been in charge of the script, I would have tried to include another surprise or two during the last half hour, ala "The Game" or "Malice."

Some may see this movie as a cheap cross between "Ocean's 11" and "The Score." But I think it makes for a great time, and I plan to see it again.
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Great action, incomprehensible dialogue
18 May 2003
I thought that "Memento" and "The Usual Suspects" were difficult movies to wrap one's mind around. "Matrix Reloaded" has outdone those fine movies in spades.

Here's how the movie seemed to me: action sequence followed by 10-minute diatribe, followed by cooler action sequence, followed by 10-minute diatribe. Repeat several times.

I completely understood the original "Matrix" by the time my first viewing of that film was over. But I think I'll have to see this one another ten times before I have any idea what the Wachowskis were trying to say.

All my friends thought this movie was great. I left the theater with mixed feelings. While scenes like the freeway chase had my heart pumping, I felt like taking a nap during the ridiculous speeches by Morpheus, the Oracle, the French snob, and The Architect. While The Architect's high-falooting vocabulary did not contain any words unknown to me, his message was completely incomprehensible to me. And there is absolutely no way that anyone who does not have a very strong grasp of the English language could have understood anything he said.

So call me stupid.


I really thought the Wachowskis were trying to stuff too much story and philosophy into one film. I mean, I felt like I would have had to have read a 500-page tome beforehand to have understood the film.

Let's look at all of the concurrent storylines -- the issue of rogue programs (like Agent Smith, who appears to have evolved into some sort of computer virus, though, of course, they never explain this in such understandable terms). The revelation that Morpheus is not the captain of a lone ship, but one of many, some of which do not believe as he believes. The issue of self-programming programs (the French jackass (Agent Smith seems to have no idea how he evolved)). The matter of secret countermeasures (the Oracle). The unexplained appearance of twin vampires (though I don't believe the movie actually explained that they were vampires in an explicit manner). Then there was the marvelously-complex rant by The Architect. Neo is the sixth Neo, Neo has been designed purposefully as a tool for... well, whatever in the blue hell that dude was raving about.

I mean, seriously, anyone who completely understood this movie, my hat is off to you. I found the dialogue pretentious, overbearing, sanctimonious, and at times frivolous. And I also thought that the Wachowskis must have purposefully been trying to confuse people, because the script was so damn obtuse.

Having said that, the fight scenes were very cool. But so were the ones in the original "Matrix." And, IMHO, nothing in "Matrix Reloaded" was as original or cool as the "marble hallway" fight sequence towards the end of the original.

May I say that I thought the ending was ridiculous? I mean, they try to pull of a cliffhanger ending by having Neo in a coma at the end of this flick, then after credits are finally over, you see the teaser for the third installment, which shows Neo just fine. What is that?

Well, I guess most people didn't sit through the ridiculous 10-minute-long credit roll. I bet 98% of people left right when the credits began. And I was p***ed to have sit through what had to be over one thousand credits in order to view a crappy 90-second teaser.

BTW, if you like the fight scenes in the Matrix series, check out the movie "Equilibrium", which exhibits a fighting style much more groundbreaking and exciting than that in Matrix. In my opinion, the "gun-kata" style of "Equilibrium" would make for a terrific match against Neo. Neo has to slow apparent time down to avoid bullets. The Grammaton Clerics don't need to slow time down to avoid them. Plus, it is a fantastic film that was made (amazingly, to look at it) for like 1/15th of the budget of Matrix 2.

So there is my criticism of "Matrix Reloaded" as well my plug for "Equilibrium" (no I do not work for any media company). It's a good movie but don't wait in line for an hour to see it. I know I kind of wished for my $7 and hour of waiting in line back.
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Identity (2003)
A Masterpiece of Suspense
1 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot express how much I loved "Identity." I have gone to see it three out of the last five nights at the theater. This movie is truly brilliant in its writing, acting and directing. I respectfully disagree with other IMDB users who think that the movie tries to do too many things at once. I believe that this perceived "multiplicity" was performed on purpose, to keep the audience off balance.

The first time you see "Identity" you may be confused, even after the credits roll. I know I was. But this, in my opinion, is the mark of a great movie. The style of this film reminds me of "Memento" and "The Game" in that it took multiple viewings for me to fully appreciate it. I also saw shades of "12 Monkeys", but I don't want to go into any spoilers...

John Cusack is fabulous as the burned-out former cop turned limo driver. Ray Liotta turns in a stunning performace as well, as indeed do all of the major actors. The editing style is intriguing, never leaving you bored for a moment, and the partially non-linear timeline captures one's attention.

To say any more may ruin the movie for those of you yet to see it. So I will simply urge you to see "Identity" if you have yet not. In my opinion, it ranks among top five movies released in this decade.
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A Silly Comedic Gem
1 May 2003
"Doctor Detroit" ranks in my top five comedy films ever. Though I was not old enough to see it when originally released, it has since become a diehard favorite of mine and my friends. It is not so much an "intelligent" comedy, as seems to the trend recently. But it is definitely good old '80s fun.

The story is inventive, and the characters well-thought-out and well-played. Dan Aykroyd is perfect as the geeky college professor turned hero. T.K. Carter brings laughs as Diavolo, the well-connected limo driver. And Kate Murtagh is hilarious in her role as "Mom", the shady owner of a limo service.

This really just a fun, silly movie which will give you a 90-minute shot of escapism. It is worth seeing if for no other reason than the costume that Aykroyd dons as he becomes "Dr. Detroit." I find it a shame that the movie has yet to see a DVD release -- I have to make do with my 20 year old Laserdisc copy. But if you can find this at your local video store, RENT IT! You won't be sorry.
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Equilibrium (2002)
This gem of a movie will likely remain unnoticed
5 April 2003
I went to the only theater in my city of over a million people showing the movie and drove 25 miles to see "Equilibrium." It was on a hunch. I am so glad that I ended up making the trip. Sure, it shares similarities to "The Matrix" and may borrow elements from other classic and recent sci-fi flicks ("Minority Report" comes to mind), but this film stands on its own as a tribute to the fact that lower-budget, limited-release sci-fi can still beat the James Camerons and Geroger Lucases at their own game

I did not particularly like him in "American Psycho", but Christian Bale, who plays the lead in this movie, was a near perfect choice. The rest of the cast, while little known for the most part, was also excellent. While there were some special effects that Lucas wouldn't have been caught dead using (some particularly fake-looking mattes come to memory), overall I was very impressed with the visual style.

The action/fighting sequences rival those of the coolest Asian movies. I am a fan of Jet Li and Chow Yun-Fat movies, but "Equilibrium" busted out some stuff that I've never seen on an import movie. The innovative fighting style of swords, firearms and hand-to-hand combat had to have been invented just for this movie.

To sum it up, "Equilibrium" was a visual feast, and the plot was actually quite intriguing, even if similar matters have already been addressed in previous films and literature.
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Phone Booth (2002)
An engrossing thriller
5 April 2003
I was priviliged to have seen a pre-release cut of "Phone Booth" and I must admit that the movie far surpasses my expectations. Not since "Cube" have I seen a film that takes what is essentially a single set for the whole movie and uses it effectively throughout. Colin Farell is fantastic as a self-involved businessman, and his performance really gets you to dislike his character, even though you must also feel sorry for his predicament. This balance is what drives the movie. Kiefer Sutherland was perfect for the role of the creepy sniper -- his voice just sounds scary. I was also very pleased that the director opted out of the feel-good, cookie-cutter ending that so many films seem to suffer from these days. In closing, even though I was able to see "Phone Booth" for free days ago, I still plan to go out to the theater and spend my eight dollars. The movie is that good.
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Dark Blue (2002)
A poignant viewpoint on modern American police
27 March 2003
I was quite impressed with "Dark Blue." I was expecting it to be just another cop movie, but I was pleasantly surprised that it dealt with the issues of corruption and "dirty tactics" that some of this nation's police departments employ. In a way, this movie very much reminded me of the TV series "The Shield", in which questionable tactics are employed in order to bring the bad guys down. Kurt Russell was superb in this film, as was Ving Rhames and nearly all of the supporting actors. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys police dramas. "Dark Blue" expresses shades of "L.A. Confidential" though it is set in a completely different period. A very good movie.
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Bully (2001)
A terrific film about the consequences of the modern youth culture
15 October 2002
I watched "Bully" simply because it was the only movie on TV that I hadn't yet seen. By the time the final credits rolled, I felt luckyt that I had caught the movie. This picture is not only a commentary on crime and punishment, but also on the neo-urban-youth culture that pervades modern America. The acting is superb all-around, and while the plot provides no sudden twists, it is a captivating story. Somehow, this film manages to make you feel empathy for both the murderers and the victim of murder simultaneously; mixed emotions are just one of "Bully"'s strong points. I highly recommend this film!
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A masterful work of science FICTION
6 July 2002
I had not read Philip Dick's story before I saw this film, and I found myself expecting the movie to be a political diatribe on the part of Mr. Spielberg. However, I was pleasantly surprised. This was a thoroughly entertaining film, with just a hint of warning, much like "The 6th Day." The plot was full of enough twists to throw me off as to the ending, and I thought the acting was excellent as well as the special effects. The only scene that I thought looked over-computerized was that in which Anderton is returning to his apartment building on the superhighway. Other than that, a very visually-appealing piece. Congratulations to Mr. Spielberg for the movie of his I have enjoyed since "E.T."
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The Stuff (1985)
A great '80s horror movie
6 July 2002
This is a fun little movie that doesn't take itself too seriously, yet still provides some thrills for the audience. I remember seeing this when it first came out on television (when I was a young boy), and to this day, I watch it whenever I can. It's like "The Blob", only better. If you haven't seen this flick, do yourself an favor and make it a Blockbuster night.
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The Thing (1982)
A prototype for the horror genre
6 July 2002
John Carpenter's "The Thing" is well deserved in its place among my top five movies of all time. I read the book first, then was treated to the film on cable television (I was too young to see it in its theatrical release), and I must say that it excels in every aspect. The cinematography and sound are dead-on, as are the performances turned in by a fine cast. Kurt Russel is fantastic -- I can't imagine the movie having been made with any other lead. The story is as perfect as it is simplistic. And the creature effects are astounding considering the film's age. This is a movie that you can really lose yourself in -- that you can imagine the character's plight as your own. Such an internalizing aspect is difficult to achieve in the cinema, and credit goes to Mr. Carpenter for the astounding job he did modernizing a cheesy old B-move. "The Thing" is a real treat for those who haven't yet seen it.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Not all that it is cracked up to be...
9 May 2002
I must first admit that I knew nothing of Spiderman before I saw this movie. So comic book junkies can automatically disregard my review. Seeing this movie as an impartial viewer, I thought that is was entertaining as a fluff piece, but lacked originality. Those who have seen the Superman and Batman series of movies will have already seen practically every element of this movie. I was hoping that Spiderman would provide something original, but was disappointed. And I must add that many of the CGI effects appeared rather fake, quite a drawback for a movie with such a high budget. However, the ending leaves it wide open for a sequel, and I can only hope that the second installment in this series will be better done.
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Freejack (1992)
Better than most give it credit for
9 May 2002
I love "Freejack." This is a creative, original sci-fi movie, featuring Emilio Estevez in one of his best-cast roles, as well as Mick Jagger, who, in my opinion, does a fantastic job portraying Estevez' nemesis, Vicendak. This movie is a terrific mix of action and humor. Renee Russo balances out the excellent cast (superseded by the great Anthony Hopkins), and the entire movie is well done. This is a simple, enjoyable film, without twists or turns, yet it entertains. I find it well above average for a piece of its genre, and recommend it to any sci-fi/action fan.
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A near-perfect whodunit
27 April 2002
"The Usual Suspects" is a movie which stil holds great mystery for me. Though I saw it several times in the theater and own the DVD, I still seem to notice something new every time I view the film. This is the mark of a great movie. I am not the greatest at anticipating plot twists in movies, but I do not believe any of my friends when they say that they correctly predicted the ending of "The Usual Suspects". I don't want to say any more than this -- for those who haven't seen it, it would be spoiling. Just know that this is perhaps the greatest crime-thriller/mystery ever filmed.
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Aliens (1986)
The perfect sci-fi/action movie
27 April 2002
I must admit that I am biased -- "Aliens" is my favorite movie of all time. Bar none. It is so enjoyable that I can take in unlimited viewings of it and never begin to tire of it. The successor to the equally brilliant "Alien", this movie is more action-oriented and in-your-face. The cast is excellent, as is the cinematography, which allows the viewer a grainy, gritty vision of the terror which ensues. This is one of the few movies which actually benefits greatly from the reabsorption of its deleted scenes -- the Director's Cut laserdisc and DVD are far superior to the theatrical and TV cuts. James Cameron's work at its finest, "Aliens" is not to be missed by any movie buff, no matter what genre one might prefer.
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Alien (1979)
A masterpiece of suspense
27 April 2002
"Alien" is the movie which started me down the path of sci-fi/horror fandom. This movie features a superb cast, excellent cinematography, a tight script, and all the little extras which make for a truly memorable flick. Often imitated but never equaled, "Alien" is the original paranoia-in-space story. Tension builds throughout the movie until the end, and thrills are never lacking. I have nothing negative to say about "Alien" -- it is a pure thriller. If you have not seen this movie, rent it immediately. This is motion picture at its best.
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Hilarious satire often mistaken for something else
27 April 2002
"Death Race 2000", though somewhat dated now, is a raucous stab at modern cultural trends and social mores. The premise -- a new national pastime, in which select contestants race their specially-modified killing vehicles from coast to coast, scoring as many points (i.e. killing as many people) along the way as possible, is a powerful social commentary. Sylvester Stallone plays a fabulous underdog to the favorite, Mr. Frankenstein (played by David Carradine). The other racers are a hoot, as are the television reporters, who keep the viewer up to date on the action. The people's hero, Mr. Frankenstein, is even attacked by the "Treacherous French", a bit of propaganda which always struck me as hilarious. This film has many memorable moments. While it will never win any awards for acting or cinematography, its campy charm will seduce all but the most jaded film viewer. If you don't get a chuckle out of this, you're burned out!
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Jason X (2001)
A worthy successor to the classics
22 April 2002
I must admit not being a great fan of the original Friday the 13th movies -- I was always more of a "Nightmare on Elm Street" kid. However, I had the opportunity to view a pre-release copy of "Jason X", and I must say that I was quite impressed. I was somewhat expecting to see the same low-budget sets, amateurish acting, and spotty directing which plagued the previous installments, but I was pleasantly surprised. As alien as it may seem, taking into account the other movies' mostly woodsy surroundings, the futuristic setting of "Jason X" was quite refreshing. The movie had action, horror, and humor in a good mix, and I thought it quite entertaining. Obviously, if you were never a fan of the Jason movies, you will likely hate this one as well, but I think that "Jason X" will not disappoint fans of the series in any respect. Though I saw it early for free, I am still going to pay to see it in the theaters just to support this movie. Thumbs up!
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Cube (1997)
A para-normal thriller of great proportions
22 April 2002
"Cube" is not a movie for the average viewer. To understand it fully requires some measure of intelligence, which I believe is a refreshing break from the normal. While not an expert at mathematics by any means, I found myself striving to understand the empirical truth behind this movie. Featuring a fantastic cast of relatively unknown actors, this movie far exceeds the viewer's wildest dreams. It is harrowing, poignant, terrifying, thoughtful, disturbing, thought-provoking, and fascinating as the plot unfolds. The conclusion begs for clarification, as I hope the sequel to "Cube" will provide. I happened to see "Cube" almost accidentally, as I simply was seeking to view something not showing at the majority of theaters in my town. I am very grateful that I was able to screen this fantastic film, and am anxious to show my DVD copy of it to anyone who is willing. "Cube" is the epitome of independent film-making, and proves that small projects still have the ability to eclipse the big-name studio productions. WATCH THIS MOVIE!
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Casino (1995)
A gangster movie for the ages
22 April 2002
"Goodfellas" or "Casino", "Casino" or "Goodfellas"... Which is the better film? This may never be decided. Both chronicle the lives of gangsters throughout their years, both good and bad, leading up to their eventual demises. "Casino" is an unforgettable tale of people caught up in the Las Vegas lifestyle. The overindulgence and excess of the town is explicitly portrayed in this movie. DeNiro plays a well-meaning odds-maker who is placed in charge of a casino, while Pesci acts in a perfect role as DeNiro's protective but jealous keeper. Sharon Stone turns in the role of a lifetime as the mentally-instable, paranoid, and jealous (ex-hooker) wife of Stone (DeNiro's character). The movie comes to a head in a frenetic battle between DeNiro and Stone, and the results are delicious. This movie, along with "The Godfather" and "Casino" must surely rank as the top three gangster movies of all time. Which one is first depends on one's own tastes. "Casino" certainly makes its case for number one.
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