2 Reviews
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Your Average Netflix Show
28 October 2023
I watched the first two episodes of this series and found it extremely challenging to continue.

The horror elements in the series felt underwhelming, featuring occasional jump scares with creepy-looking humanoids.

In the first episode, the series excessively explores themes related to sexual orientation and includes scenes of nudity. While these themes are valid in storytelling, I felt that they were extremely forced in this context.

When I initially heard 'Horror/Mystery,' I was expecting a more traditional experience like 'The Haunting of Hill House.' This series took a different direction that didn't align with my expectations.

However I must acknowledge the excellent production values, including the beautiful lighting, scenery, and set design. The aesthetics of the series are impressive, and this is what kept me engaged for the first two episodes.

I'm just an ordinary viewer looking for enjoyable content. Everyone's preferences are different, and this series might appeal to a different audience than me.
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Space Engineers (2013 Video Game)
Good platform, Bad game
9 September 2023
Space Engineers is what it promises. It is indeed a sandbox game about engineering, construction and maintenance of space works. However it is just that and no more, for me it felt like just the base of the game is there with not much content or polish.

I have two main problems with the game: 1. The game has no goal to look for, for example in vanilla Minecraft you have to dig your way up to the Ender Dragon, in Factorio you must build a factory to shoot rockets and defend your base, in Space Engineers you have to... build a spaceship? Ok now what?

2. The LEARNING CURVE is so bad, the game does a very poor job of teaching you the mechaincs, the controls which are very complicated are there, but how does the game work, what do you need to survive is just burried in long unclear Scenarios and chats from Good.bot (the game AI thing). And the game refers you to its Youtube tutorials? Really?

If you enjoy sandbox games that you want to create in, this game is perfect for you. However I must say that you really only have freedom with buildig vehicles like cars or spaceships, you can still build bases, but it won't benefit you that much in Singleplayer at least.

Performance is not that great, just digging the voxel or moving at a the max speed will freeze the world for a couple of frames every now and then, and it is not an FPS problem, when the game "freezes" I still have my 60fps but it still lags. And I have't reached that level but I don't think the game allow you to build that large structure (like Factorio).

I haven't tried the multiplayer experience but from what I have seen I think it is better than solo.

And I gotta put this somewhere, flying ships is AWESOME, you really feel like you are flying a real ship.

When I wrote this review, I only played Vanila Single Player for about 6hrs, I watched so many tutorials and I am actually a fan of the game, it had so much potential in it, I guess I am just dissapointed :(
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