2 Reviews
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Midnight Ruin (2023)
Freaking Awesome!
7 October 2023
I don't ever watch shorts, but this one completely blew me away! Super dramatic with an insane concept for a story and leads into crazy twists that you never see coming. The cinematography is incredible and looks like it could be out of a Michael Mann or Coen brothers movie. The actors are excellent, they both did an amazing job capturing their characters, they felt like real people in only a small amount of screen time. This movie has a cool blend of dark humor and made me laugh out loud a few times, then it goes in the complete opposite direction and goes dark as hell. I did not see any of that coming. Super cool story and concept with great execution and acting.
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Noah (2011)
Fascinating Concept
3 October 2023
Very intriguing and engrossing idea, well made with a low budget. A bit slow to start, but the film kicks off after the first act and ends strong. I liked the concept of this film, showing us an America that could have been possible and what it would look like in the modern context. The actors were solid all around, with the two leads doing the best job. I like the hand held cinematography and camerawork, it does get a bit shaky at times, but it's good for the most part. Dialogue is mostly solid, but some of the monologues run a little long, the middle half of the film can be slow. But the final act is more energetic and the ending was a strong finish.
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