
6 Reviews
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16 October 2023
Never have I ever been so intrigued yet educated. This was such a unique direct approach to a PSA. Openly speaking about topics like this is such a taboo that never are people educated properly without shame. For some reason in society it is shameful to ask questions regarding sex or the industry. So many people fail to see how harmful unethical acts like that are and it's sad to see those addicted to fakeness. I agree with everything said and I hope you guys make a part two of this maybe even getting former actors from that side of entertainment. Seeing real life ex actors share their experience would be a real eye opener.
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16 October 2023
Never have I ever been so intrigued yet educated. This was such a unique direct approach to a PSA. Openly speaking about topics like this is such a taboo that never are people educated properly without shame. For some reason in society it is shameful to ask questions regarding sex or the industry. So many people fail to see how harmful unethical acts like that are and it's sad to see those addicted to fakeness. I agree with everything said and I hope you guys make a part two of this maybe even getting former actors from that side of entertainment. Seeing real life ex actors share their experience would be a real eye opener.
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Tears of joy
16 October 2023
This! This healed a part of me it was so relatable and real and I did end up tearing up towards the end. Coming out can be so scary for this who aren't in the situation of being openly and immediately accepted and its not talk about enough. However this , the dads remarks and his hesitance was very much real! A child seeing their parent not accept them for them can be so heartbreaking and it should In her body language that she was acting out for that attention. It was subtle, the message of the story but that's what made it so good even if it was not thrown in your face. Easily a 10/10 film loved it!
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The dedication!!
16 October 2023
To offer this film in both English and Spanish is amazing! Especially with the large Spanish speaking population in Florida! So this message is well received in both languages and I know the process of getting the script to be accurate had to have been a struggle especially after hearing about the different translators and such. Thank you for giving us Latina actors a chance to show why Hollywood needs more of us and I would love to see this cast again up on a big screen truly. I also hope you guys continue to make these films in Spanish and continue to reach this generation of younger people!
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Funny and Informative
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this project it was funny and while it had moments of seriousness it had moments of laughter which was nice to see. I believe that this really was written from that teenage perspective especially with how influential social media can be and fact checking has just gotten very minimal. We are currently in a believe everything we see phase in society which is concerning and this sheds light in that.

I will say the part where one of the girls the influencer is live is very funny especially because you can see the switch to her phone and she's just on TikTok regular video camera very funny lol!
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So informative
16 October 2023
It was really nice to see how they both were able to talk to each other and feel comfortable and not judged. You could really see the emotion on Candy's face when she sees that she is not alone and she has made a close friend. Not showing the results of the test also left us the viewers a sense of wow like we were really there in that room. All in all i'd say this was a really lovely short the emotions were there it was informative in a way that reaches younger audiences without getting boring. I cannot wait to see more on similar topics or just how they will continue to change this up very nice!
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