
18 Reviews
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The Ice Road (2021)
Action packed
25 June 2021
Brilliant action movie and drama with great performances from the actors.

One of the better movies so far for 2021.
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Hamilton (2020)
It is Rap
10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not a great fan of Rap but love a good musical so rating it 4 only because way too many rappers in my opinion gave it a 10. The costumes were great and so was the stage play, but the music to me was what is was --i??
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20 August 2018
Alex Zane sits down with Denzel Washington to talk about his career and look at clips from the likes of Training Day, Crimson Tide, and his latest all action sequel The Equalizer 2.
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Human (I) (2015)
Brilliant photography and stories.
31 October 2015
So many different aspects of life in these stories so i recommend you watch it and take what you like and leave what you don't. I personally enjoyed the whole documentary but the English subtitles i had were not working as well as i would have liked. Some of the stories were very sad. The scenery in some of the photography was amazing and i am guessing that the use of Drones might be helping with this in a lot of modern footage. I guess we do not know how easy we have it in life until you listen to the other sides of this world that is currently in turmoil. How anyone could only give this a 1/10 is hard to comprehend.??
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The Bandit (2011)
27 July 2012
Where do i start.?? This is a brilliant movie. and very well acted. The storyline keeps the audience captivated throughout.(or should i say - it did me) A few twists and turns, but i enjoyed every minute of it. An ex con returns to civilization and has to carry on without his ex wife or seeing his daughter of now 14 years of age and after being in prison for 7 years. His brother now a police officer, assists him by giving him a gun for protection, which leads him to become a victim of a crime shooting while trying to protect a strip dancer who he has befriended. If you have not seen this movie, i recommend it highly. The only thing is~ the strange ending. Joint body - 2 surely must follow.????? Don't miss it.
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9 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
my wife and i sat and watched this last night and were glued to the story throughout the whole film. Morgan Freeman plays an excellent role as the wheelchair bound crippled ex professional writer who is the innocent victim of a hit and run driver. The accident, obviously leaving him bitter and turning to the bottle. Trying to find solace on the Belle Isle, he meets his neighbor and her three children and things start to change as he uses his writing skills to teach one of them in particular to use her own imagination. The acting from the Mother and all 3 daughters is very good and i would not be surprised to see Freeman win an Oscar for his role. If you have not seen this movie, i highly recommend it.
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Identical (2011)
A Very Interesting Story.
4 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It is always very awkward doing a review on a movie based on a novel. The novel, or book will always take precedence. In this case, - well- this movie had me reeling from one minute to the next..Still very hard to explain that without giving the whole story or a spoiler. It is very well done and i like the fact that is not cheaply done in a one room or on stage production. (not that i don't like that in the right context) . Plenty of light and open air filming.The story about one mans fight within himself sort of sums this up. Well worth the watch if you have the time to absorb the story. If you are looking for- Action - not a lot here. More for the people looking to solve and absorb.
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One for the western lovers.
5 May 2012
I give it a 7/10 . We all love a good western and we all miss John Wayne and of course- Clint Eastwood, and the list goes on. This movie is missing those actors but in my opinion is keeping the Western movies going.Hell on my heels is about a Sheriff (Mason). wakes up in a dessert handcuffed to another and has to carry that person- believed to be dead. Quite a good solid story and good acting and the scenery is also better than most -in house cheaper productions. Well worth a watch if you like a western. Of course you could pick holes in the whole movie as like other movies. Such as- why did they not shoot the chains off when they overtook their ambushers. Thats what makes it unique.-That probably never happened back then.
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The Great Mint Swindle (2012 TV Movie)
16 March 2012
Not sure how to start as i did know these brothers. Hard doing a review when you know more than the movie gives but here goes.~ Firstly, a thumbs down for channel nines review as you missed a big important part in your review which is ~ the story of 2 innocent men.?? Brian was also innocent and it should have been- the story of 3 innocent men.Brian was incarcerated also and was a highly experienced pilot with both helicopter and fixed wing aircraft.For such an experienced pilot to die in such a crash is ~??????? I found it quite hard to relate to the characters as i know the real characters but persevered with that and i did enjoy the whole movie and recommend it highly. Raymond was without doubt a great SAS soldier and served his country well. Also had a hobby smelting, and used a crucible to smelt -bronze-gold etc to make bronze -brass -gold sculptures and ornaments such as candlestick holders.The movie shows how easy it was to get the gold from the Perth mint. But the brothers were framed. If you haven't seen this movie, do it as it goes into the corruption of the legal system and how innocent people can do years and years in prison for something they did not commit. I highly recommend the book~ The Mickelberg stitch.
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A powerful documentary
30 November 2011
I watched this last night with my wife and we were captivated from start to finish. i had never heard of Frank Poulsen but after watching this did some research and he is obviously not new to the journalist world and documentaries.I had no idea that this mining and the corruption behind it was going on, and had he not used the tactics of the fact he was just wanting to make a film about how they were sending these people underground and getting these minerals, then i doubt if he would have gotten out of there alive. it seemed obvious that the fact he was making a movie seemed to excite some of those in charge with some even posing for the camera. If it had leaked out that he was in fact making an anti mining film, things would have been much worse. The facts found in this documentary, although disturbing is not going to see us all throwing away our beloved mobiles, and computers, but perhaps will make some think (as i do) why not give them aid and proper mining equipment to do the job safely.? They could still earn a good -if not better income using machines which would need operators and safer roads in and out would also generate work. The only problem is the dark side of the story where we have other forces taxing the miners of their minerals to buy arms for the bloody war that evolves around the whole process. Definitely worth viewing.
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Cloudstreet (2011)
24 October 2011
I was lucky enough to get the whole 6 episodes of this movie. I agree with the first reviewer that the first episode is a little confusing. The story starts with the Lamb family and i immediately recognized the Point Walter jetty Where the boy dives into the water as i lived in Point Walter on the Swan river Perth in the year 1962 and 1963. The jetty back then was not -T -shaped but was extended later to become that. The Lambs were obviously camping at point Walter which many did as it was a great crabbing,fishing and prawning place.Attadale, as the movie suggests,being where the movie was filmed- borders the suburb of Bicton which is the home of the Point walter reserve. After the drowning of the Lamb boy who was prawning on the wrong side of the drag net,(they prawned using a drag net and in the shallows but close to a drop off)The movie moves to the Pickles family. These 2 families are like cheese and chalk. The Lambs are from Margaret River- South of Perth and a farming community that grow vegetables and fruit. The movie then quickly switches to the Pickles. They obviously live way North of Perth in the town of Geraldton which is mainly wheat and sheep country. (guessing this as they mention the Brolos islands) However, the pickles are not farmers and Mr Pickles works on the cray fishing boats as Geraldton was also renown for the fishing.So it shows Mr Pickles getting his fingers caught in the winch that was used to pull the crayfish pots on board.(truth is,-they did not have those back then and they pulled by hand lol.) Mrs Pickles is an alcoholic and plays around,- while her husband is also an alcoholic with a bad gambling habit. The most of the filming (inside the house) actually took place in the now closed and fenced off-sunset hospital which is situated in the suburb of Dalkeith on the opposite side of the river. Entertaining and very good acting.We watched part 1 and could not stop and watched every episode. Could have been far better with a bit more expense.EG~ The kids get older but the parents seem to stay the same age. Not wanting to spoil this movie as i really think it is great and a must to see. Will easily watch it again.
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Red Dog (2011)
15 August 2011
Nobody, and i say -NOBODY-can tell the whole story of Red. He touched the hearts of so many people it is impossible for anyone to give a full description of his whereabouts. Red made his mark in Dampier in the 70,s and i was diving there in the late 70,s and again in the 80,s. Never met the dog but had a few beers with the locals (especially truckies) who told me of their pick ups with him. Clever bugger used to ride with them and eat the scraps from their hamburgers etc. (not to mention the truckies that bought him one anyway) The road houses also got to know red and sometimes just local travelers that knew him would take him from town to town.He was a legend. Great to see that roadshow finally did this movie. Definitely a dog lover movie, but for me-well a pull at the heart strings. Loved the -Red-CAT throw in.LOL
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15 August 2011
I can only give this a 10/10 due to the fact that i grew up with many of the fairbrigians and the Bindoon and Clontarf boys. I am a 62 year old and still socialise with some of these people. Fairbridge in Western Australia is situated just south of Perth and very close to Pinjarra. Every year they hold a Fairbridge festival that lasts for a whole weekend and hosts lots of activities including top groups and singers. I myself was once committed to a boys institution and met many of these kids that had ran away from Bindoon and other institutions that were abusive to them. Kingsley Fairbridge was not the abusive type and most Fairbrigians do not tell the same story as the Christian brothers torture. This movie portrays the story of Margaret Humphrey and her quest to find these -(now grown ups) to find their real parents. Only a very small portion found relatives. The goof here says that Margaret couldn't have moved to a stone house in Perth. Fremantle was the first landing and the first settlers along with convicts dug out a huge section of one of the hills which was limestone. Limestone was used for the building of almost -ALL the first buildings including the Fremantle prison. Many more houses and buildings in both Fremantle and Perth still stand today. I loved the movie and i believe it is very much close to the truth. A must to see.
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Bloodworth (2010)
18 June 2011
Whether or not you are a country fan-or not,this movie is outstanding with great acting and performances from the whole cast. We had to watch it twice to pick up a few hard to catch details, but overall,-Kristofferson, Kilmer ,Duff and Dwight yoakam did justice to this film. Very Dramatic and the story is very well put together. Some nice country music and also some very nice scenes. It tells the story of the 3 sons who all live different lives. Hillary Duff is exceptional in her part. val Kilmer also very good.It is a movie that perhaps needs to be watched twice if you do not grasp the beginning. I highly recommend this movie as a must to watch. Kris kristofferson is a great actor here and deserves all for his efforts. Also loved the songs in the end credits. A great family treat. Sit back and enjoy it like i did.
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5 Days of War (2011)
A very Enjoyable Film.
16 June 2011
I watched this film last night and we most certainly enjoyed it.The film holds your interest from start to end which is what we like in all films. The film does not say it is a documentary, nor does it say it is based on any true events. After reading some of the other reviews it is obvious that this film is sparking up quite a lot of controversy with some taking it very personal. I think the actors did a splendid job and by people giving this a vote of 1 out of 10 (also one of them admitting that they never watched the whole thing)is only going to promote the movie further as it will intrigue people to see what all the fuss is about. Many movies have been made about many wars and we all know that most likely none of them portrayed the exact true events. Go into this film with an open mind and just enjoy a good action packed film along with a good story and good footage.Andy Garcia played the part well and also remember that actors are given their roles to act and are simply actors. Now , after reading the reviews you just have to see this film don't you.
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Absolutely brilliant~a must to see.
12 April 2011
Not often i would give a movie a 10/10 vote, but this movie is exceptionally great and packs a punch right from the first few minutes right through to the end. It is full of action,drama and some very emotional parts that if you are the type that like a bit of tear jerking then keep the tissues handy because this movie also delivers this.I could actually imagine this being a true story with the amount of bungles that happen today and the way we are so quick to accuse and condemn others.I do not intend to give an overview of the story as it is pretty well covered on site. But its a story of innocence and wrong doing.The scenery is breathtaking in some of the scenes and its one of those movies that has you glued to the story all the way to the point if you get a slight distraction you will be wanting to go back and watch what you missed.The only thing that might annoy some are the subtitles as the movie is also shot in Turkey. but once in America it is mostly English and then a bit of both but i found the subtitles very user friendly and a nice job done all round.Danny Glover, as usual exceeds in this movie, but the acting is superb all round.
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Bloomington (2010)
More romantic than drama.
16 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was fortunate to be given a DVD screener of this from a friend. At first i thought i was not going to like it one bit as i am more into action movies, but watched it from start to finish and found it to be quite good acting and also quite a good story. I imagined there was going to be something sinister due to the fact that it is a story about a sexual, or lesbian relationship between -teacher and student and was expecting to see a teacher stalking a young student but that does not happen and Jackie (the student) accepts the first kiss in an isolated area of the school grounds quite willingly.From then on the movie evolves mainly focused on the romance that develops between the two of them. Catherine,(the professor) reminded me somewhat of Sharron Stone when she acted in the movie-Basic instinct.I found this to be light hearted and romantic and the only drama was when Jackie decides to return Home and the relationship is threatened.There is no erotica or nude scenes as some would expect with our modern day films. probably not one you would race to the box office over but i found it quite a relaxing watch.
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hilariously funny.
1 May 2010
These 2 guys started out from nothing after doing a few party/pub tricks. I don't think they knew how their show was going to fair, but anyone who has seen this movie or been to one of the live performances would have to agree that 99% of the audience were in fits of laughter.The show became so popular that they had to call for more auditions here in Australia as well as the UK and US and there is today (2010) several of them in circuit across the globe. The fact that it started out in 2001 and is still going strong in 2010 speaks for itself.The show has been to our town twice and is always fully booked out.
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