
3 Reviews
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Borderline Cult (2007 Video)
Another weird masterpiece from Ulli Lommel.
3 February 2008
The reason so many people don't like this film is because it is so unusual. Absent are most of the staple qualities that movies "must have" like plot, tension/suspense, character development, build up, conclusion. and so on. What this flick is really is nothing but a glimpse into the lives and actions of three serial killers, and it doesn't pretend to be anything more than that. It is just showing you what they do and why they do it.

Three strange individuals have formed a killing pact whose goal is to commit the most number of murders as possible. It consists of one woman and two men. The pact functions as a machine with each doing his or her special part. The woman lures the girls out to the remote house, the guy who looks like Drew Carey kills them, and the last fellow dressed as a magician buries them.

The characters are well defined and well explained, each having his or her own reason for doing what they do, and the acting is adequate. The Drew Carey look-alike is truly creepy and scary as the sadistic killer. He spends most of his time just walking around swatting flies and cutting up bugs and cactus's LOL! That is until some unsuspecting female victim wanders in! A truly horrible and memorable character there! The film employs the same harsh and grainy footage as most of Lommels films, which I quite like because it lends immediacy to the subject matter. The script is minimal and quite poetic at times. There is much use of special effects in the editing which gives the film a sort of nightmare-like quality.

My only criticism is that the gore isn't too well done, it seems to have been done cheaply with nothing but red dye. You don't really see any flesh wounds, perhaps the effects are too expensive for the production. But it doesn't really focus on the gore anyway, it is more interested in examining the relationship between the three lead characters. They don't like each other much, they all just depend upon each other for the completion of their awful project. The scene where they are all sitting in cold-blooded silence at the dinner table together is memorable.

On another note I believe it is Nola Roeper who plays the part of the female lead character. She has been a regular in Lommels previous films. However in this film she seems to have lost a lot of weight, and now looks absolutely gorgeous! Good on her! I think that the movie is fictitious but I am not sure.

All in all Borderline Cult is a very dark and creepy experience.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Visceral, action-packed, and original.
18 January 2008
I really enjoyed this film. I thought it was very original in the way that it was filmed from a first person perspective, and the ending was very bold for an expensive American film. Like most people I had high expectations for this movie and it mostly lived up to them. The special effects were very good and it clearly relied on evoking images of 911.

I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said but I'd just like to make some comments about the monster. While I thought the monster was pretty good (and scary), it could have been better. Obviously the makers of this film were aiming for maximum realism and so the monster could have been more "believable" by for example not giving it humanoid features. Since it is supposed to have come from outer space how can it have a humanoid face with recognizable facial expressions. For that to be so it would have to have descended from the evolutionary ancestors of mankind. Also another point of realism, how can the US military fire so much ordinance at the monster (destroying much of the city) and still not kill it? Absurd! The film makers captured a very realistic and immersing feeling and they did the right thing by not showing much of the creature until the end since it is much more effective when only partially and briefly glimpsed in the midst of the action, thus maintaining its mystery.

The characters were hard to sympathize with I think. They were just twenty-something yuppies living in New York and I find it hard to believe that they would go out of their way and risk life and limb to document the events portrayed in Cloverfield. Perhaps they should have been scientists or journalists, that would have been more believable.

If you are thinking of seeing this film you should definitely go see it in the cinema and not wait for it to come out on DVD since it is a visceral experience needing a big screen and powerful surround sound system to be truly appreciated and will not be half as good on a small screen. Also, be warned that because it is filmed in "queasy-cam" style it may make you feel nauseous on the big screen.
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Diary of a Cannibal (2007 Video)
An Eccentric Masterpiece!
22 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sick and tired of reading bad comments about Ulli Lommel's films.

I am a devoted fan of Ulli Lommel's movies and have seen many of them, this one "Diary Of A Cannibal" is one of his best so far. I was very impressed with it.

Diary Of A Cannibal is certainly unconventional. It is part romance, part drama, and part horror, and the premise is interesting and original. The film examines the issue of cannibalism. There are not very many films that you finish watching and ponder afterwards, but I found myself lying awake thinking about this one after seeing it last night. It left me with a definite impression; both disturbed and curious.

In the movie two people, a young man and a young woman, who are intensely in love, decide that the ultimate way to consummate their love for each other is by an act of cannibalism whereby the woman kills her lover and eats his heart, and he submits willingly to the act, and this is portrayed as the ultimate act of love. This obviously conflicts severely with social and legal norms in American society, and the girl is convicted and sentenced to prison for murder, as you would expect. The film mainly examines the ethics and the psychology of the act (not the gore), and interestingly, it seems to portray the act of cannibalism sympathetically, not at all objectively. I don't believe that this is wrong, maybe the film makers are just expressing their opinion, in any case it makes for interesting viewing and it was a bold film to make.

The acting was good throughout. I sensed in the performances of the actors, particularly in that of Jilian Swanson (a very beautiful girl), real passion and feeling, and I really believed in and sympathized with her character and the inner conflict she felt because she played it so real, and with subtle conviction. The performances were subtle and morose which perfectly fitted the macabre and ponderous subject matter, and were entirely believable. The music was excellent, well suited, and well employed: very haunting and beautiful. The camera work is the typical realistic documentary style employed on many of Lommel's films, which I quite like because it brings immediacy and realism to the film, but clearly it irks many people who obviously prefer to remain more detached from the subject matter so it can be viewed purely as mindless entertainment. The only factor which costs this film stars in my opinion is the screenplay which could have been better. True, the dialog is minimal, the story is told mostly with images, but sometimes the script was a bit thin, and possibly could it have used some better script writing in parts.

I think that the reason many people trash this movie, and Lommels films generally, is because they are too attuned to more conventional films and just want quick satisfaction without having to do too much thinking (blood, gore, violence, etc): this is typical of mainstream audiences, and obviously Lommel does not make films for mainstream audiences.

I enjoyed this film and it left me with something to think about. I recommend it to anyone interested in cannibalism or anything related to it, or anyone looking for something a bit different.
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