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The Venusian (1954)
Definitely indeed a strange movie this is.
27 June 2024
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Stranger from Venus as the title suggests is a strange movie but it's a good one. The story of Stranger from Venus is that a stranger lands in Britain and finds a women named Susan North who has had a car crash and so The Stranger decides to health her wounds. The Stranger then goes into a bar and meets Dr. Meinard and the people that work at the bar. Gretchen the bar waiter gives the main a drink but as she continues to talk to him she starts get confused why he has no name and no ID. Dr. Meinard then inspects him and discovers he has no pulse but yet he is somehow alive. Meanwhile Arthur Walker is getting worried that his daughter named Susan North hasn't arrived at the station to pick him up. Arthur Walker then decides to walk to the bar. Susan North then arrives at the bar and tells Arthur Walker and the police that she crashed and The Stranger in bar was the one who healed her. The Stranger then tells Susan North, Arthur Walker, Dr. Meinard and the police that he is a Stranger from the planet Venus who has landed here on earth. Arthur Walker then decides to let The Stranger stay at the hotel inside bar. The next day The Stranger tells Susan North and Dr. Meinard that he has come with a warning to earths leaders that they must eliminate all nuclear weapons if the peoples of the solar system are to survive. The story for this movie is a bit strange but it's exuded great. The story is quite unusual and something we haven't really seen before and that's what makes the story great and unique. The movie does a great job with how it explains The Strangers backstory, his home and how the people of the solar system could die. The movies pacing is fantastic for a movie this long, all the scenes flow together nicely. There are some scenes that do drag on a little to long but other than that the story is great.
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The Scapegoat (1959)
Not excellent but still amazing.
27 June 2024
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The Scapegoat may not be the best movie ever made but it's still amazing. The story of the The Scapegoat is that a named John Barratt has arrived back at his home town but later that night he meets his lookalike named Jacques De Gue and the two of them decide to spend the night together in a hotel, however Jacques De Gue puts something in John Barratt drink to make him fall asleep and then the next morning John Barratt wakes up and his lookalike has gone off with his clothes as well. John Barratt then decides to go and live the life of his lookalike since he took all his clothes. The story for this movie is amazing. What makes the story interesting is that it shows John Barratt living the life of his lookalike and over the course of the movie John Barratt starts enjoying his new life and learns to get alone with all of Jacques De Gue's family members. The story is also quite funny for the fact that John Barratt doesn't know a lot about his lookalike's life and he keeps on getting confused with Jacques De Gue's family members. John Barratt also gets revenge on his lookalike named Jacques De Gue because Jacques De Gue killed his wife. The characters in this movie are great. John Barratt is very interesting of a character because over the course of the movie he grows as a character and forms a big bond between Jacques De Gue's family. It's also nice that he killed his lookalike and decided to continue with his new life instead of going back to his old life since Jacques De Gue didn't care that much about his family. Jacques De Gue is pretty good as the villain. This motivates are a little bit confusing but the most put you understand him as a villain. What makes him good is that he is very sneaky at trying to fool people like when he decides to live John Barratt life and he can live his. Bela is amazing as the wife member of the house because she really cares about everyone in the family. The bond John Barratt has with Bela in the movie is really sweet and heartfelt since John Barratt starts getting to know her more as a wife over the course of the movie. Blanche is pretty good because she is the maid member of the house and she has some good character interaction scenes with John Barratt when she thinks John Barratt is lying. Marie-Noel is also amazing. Marie-Noel is another character that John Barratt forms a good bond with. She also has quite a nice personality as well. Her personality is fun and very touching. Marie-Noel is also another family member that really cares about her family members. Countess who is the older member of the family is probably the funniest member of the family because many of the jokes she makes about he being old are pretty funny. Gaston is great as the assistant member of the house who helps out a lot. He's also great because he is always very true full and honest. Just like with the other family members he forms quiet a good bond between John Barratt. The music for this movie is also amazing. The music for the serious scenes and for the sad scenes really do hit hard and fit well within the tone of the movie there in. The music at the end of the movie hits hard the most because it makes you love that John Barratt decided to come living his new life instead of going back to his old one. The sets for this movie look amazing. The sets do look amazing for there time and the way they've made them look to represent France is really good. The acting in this movie is great. Alec Guinness does an amazing job playing John Barratt and his look lookalike named Jacques De Gue. Bette Davis is really funny as Countess. Nicole Maurey does an amazing job as Bela, the wife of the family. Pamela Brown does an amazing job at playing Blanche because she gives the character a very serious personality mainly when she thinks that Bela's husband caused her death. Annabel Bartlett does a fantastic job as Marie-Noel, she gives the character a great personality and her acting is amazing. Geoffrey Keen as Gaston is once again also amazing because he gives the character a personality that works very well for this character since Gaston is the guy who is willing to help anyone. The Scapegoat 9/10.
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Definitely worth a watch.
25 June 2024
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Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? Is such an amazing and it's quite underrated. The story of Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? Is that a food critic named Max has been told that he needs to start going on a diet otherwise he may die. Meanwhile a man named Robert Ross is trying to get his x wife named Natasha O'Brien to work at his restaurant but she doesn't want to. Natasha O'Brien has a job working as a chef but one day when she wakes up her fellow chef friend named Louis Kokner get murder and Natasha O'Brien doesn't know why he was killed. Natasha O'Brien then decides to go and visit her favourite chef friends as well to try and get over what happened but over the course of the movie more of the great chefs from Europe keep on getting killed and Robert Ross and Natasha O'Brien are trying to find out who the killer is. The story for this movie is amazing. The reason why the story works is because the way the movie goes about at making you trying to think who the killer is. The story also does a great job at making the movie very interesting from the way the movie establishes how the each chef was killed and who good it is at showcasing each characters personality. The tone of the movie also works really well as well at trying to make the movie feel like a mystery movie. The characters in this movie are also amazing. Robert Ross is really funny as a character because he try's to make fun at what Natasha O'Brien only for her to just egnor him. Robert Ross character arc is this movie is also really nice when he learns to be a better husband towards Natasha O'Brien when he saved her life and by the end of the movie him and Natasha O'Brien get remarried. Natasha O'Brien is very sympathetic mainly because her chef friends keep on getting killed and she doesn't know why. Her relationship with Robert Ross like I said before is really fun and very entertaining but the way Natasha O'Brien gets annoyed with Robert Ross is so funny. Max is also amazing. When Max says that he killed the chefs all along to help him with his diet works very well because he is established to be a grumpy food critic. The wist that happens when it turns out it was his assistant friend who had killed the chef was something I did not see coming at all and I gotta say that they did a great job with the twist in this movie because Max is worked narratively well into the story but the twist is it was his friend that killed the chefs. All the other chef characters in this movie work really well and the movie does a great job at setting up who they are as characters. This movie is also very funny as well. The jokes from Robert Ross Natasha O'Brien and Max are really funny but the funniest scene in this movie is the scene when the police other and St. Claire gets splatted with cake on them. The music for this movie is also amazing. The music for the chilling and sad scenes are great and so is the music for the action scenes because they have a nice atmosphere sound to them. The best music in this movie is the main theme for this movie it's really catchy and amazing to listen to. The sets for this movie look amazing. What makes the sets amazing is that we see different countrys over the course of the movie and the movie does a great job at making each country set look different from each other. The sets for England, Italy and France all look different from each other. The acting is this movie is also amazing. What makes the cast great is not only the big name actors like George Segal, Jacqueline Bisset, Robert Morley, Peter Sallis and Joss Auckland being in this movie but also the actors for this movie that are Italian and french because this makes the characters that we see in these countrys have different accents each. Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe 10/10.
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Not the best wallace & gromit movie but it's still a great one.
16 June 2024
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Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death is not the easily the weakest Wallace & Gromit movie but it's still a great movie. The story of Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death is that Wallace & Gromit are starting a brand new business called Top Bun where they deliver bread to the shops and to people's letter boxes. However there has been a strange thing happening in town twelve bakers have been killed through out the past year and no one knows why. One day when Wallace & Gromit are delivering bread they meet the bake o late girl named Biella Bakewell and her dog named Fluffles. Wallace starts hanging out with her and he can't stop. However one day when Piella leaves her purse behind Wallace tells Gromit to take it back for her however when Gromit arrives at her house he finds that the front door is unlocked, he then goes inside and just as he's about to go into the sitting room to give Piella her purse back he sees something coming upstairs, and so he decides to go upstairs and have a look he then finds at book which shows all twelve of the bakers that have died from the past year. Gromit then realises that Piella is the one who killed the other twelve bakers. Now it's up to Gromit to try and stop Piella and save Wallace. The story for this movie is great. The story is mainly great because it's a mystery type of story that isn't lazy because it's not predictable the twist with Piella isn't predictable because the movie is not trying to make you think that she is the villain. The story also works well at showing Wallace and Piella's relationship by showing to us a lot of them together because it makes you think that Piella is a nice women but it turns out she's the villain of this movie. The movie also has a very nice dark tone to it in fact this is easily the most darkest Wallace & Gromit movie out of all of them. The only problem with the story is that Wallace is in love with Piella which really bothers me because in the previous movie Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit by the end of the movie Wallace and Lady Tottington felt like they would probably be in love with each other but then in this movie it forgets about that. Wallace and Piella's relationship in this movie is not bad it's just this feels very strange seeing Wallace wanting to be with her after what happened in the last movie. Also I feel like the story could have been a little bit longer since some scenes are quite fast where as some scenes are more slower. The characters in this movie are great as well. Wallace is just as good as he has been before. Wallace is very sympathetic in this movie since he is very likeable. The scene where he feels sad that Piella left him is very heartfelt because you really do feel bad for him because he didn't do anything wrong. Wallace and Piella's relationship like I said before is good but it just feels very strange that Wallace would want to be with Piella after what happened in the previous movie. Gromit is very sympathetic as well and a very serious character because you really do care for him when he try's to stop Piella for killing his friend Wallace. In fact this movie shows just how much Gromit is willing to go to try and save Wallace and you really do care for him because Gromit loves Wallace. Gromit's relationship with Fluffles is really sweet and it's really cool getting to see Gromit in a relationship with someone else instead of Wallace. What also makes Gromit and Fluffles relationship great is that both Gromit and Fluffles can't talk but you understand everything there saying through there expressions. Piella is so great as the villain in this movie. Like I said before she works as a twist villain because the movie is not trying to make you think she is the villain. Her evil plan she has to kill Wallace is exuded great. She also is very threatening as well in fact she's honestly just as threatening as what Victor was in the previous movie. Fluffles is also great. Fluffles is very sympathetic because you can tell that she doesn't want to be with Piella because she's evil. The fact that Fluffles goes out of her way to get revenge on Piella after everything she's done to her makes her even more sympathetic. Her character arc in this movie is also great as well. It's also nice that at the end of the movie she decides to stay with Wallace & Gromit. The sets in this movie look fantastic. The best sets in this movie is the set of Piella's house and the windwill on top of Wallace & Gromit's house. All the other sets in this movie are amazing. The music is amazing. The new Wallace & Gromit theme remix is amazing and so is the music for the sad scenes and the music for the action scenes as well. The voice acting is great. Peter Sallis is just as good as he's always been voicing Wallace. Sally Lindsey does a great job at voicing Piella Bakewell. Melissa Collier is great at providing the voice noises for Fluffles as well. The voice Ben Whitehead gives Bob the Baker is pretty good. Wallace & Gromit: A Mater of Loaf and Death 8.5/10.
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Strange Experiences (1955–1956)
A great little series.
9 June 2024
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Strange Experience is very simple tv show but it's still a great one. The story of Strange Experience is that a man named Peter Williams tells a story about a strange time something happened in his life. The stories he talks about are various events that happened in his life. The stories include things like, identical twins, a sleepwalker, a fortune teller, a queer customer, a knife thrower, a laughing clown, a pickpocketer and many others. The story for this tv show is simple but it's great. What makes each episode interesting is how the events play out because they have a lot of interesting characters and interesting locations they show in each episode. It's also nice how each episode try's to do something different from each other. The different kinds of stories that Peter Williams tells are very strange. It's also nice how every episode takes place in a different location it fact even some episodes show locations that you can go to in real life. I should also mention that some of the episodes even show case real life events as well. The characters in this show are great as well. Peter Williams is really interesting with the stories he has to tell and also with how he deals with the situations he finds himself in. He manages to deal with them in a way that fells warranted. The pickpocket character named Chippy Griggs is also great. He's the only character that appears in more that one episode and all three episodes he appears in make him really interesting. He try's doing sneaky things without any one noticing. The way Peter Williams deals with him in each episode is really fun to watch. All the other characters that appear in one episode through out the tv show are all great as well. They all have interesting personalities and very interesting things that they do in the episodes. The sets for this tv show look amazing. The sets for each episode are fantastic and like I said before it's nice seeing a different location in each episode. The different verity of them that we see is really nice and it makes each episode feel different from each other. The music for this tv show is good. It has a nice creepy sound to it and it fits well with the tone of the show for opening of each episode. The acting in this show is also amazing. Peter Williams acting as the story teller is great. Peter Sallis's acting as the pickpocket named Chippy Greggs is also great. He gives the character a nice personality that makes him look sneaky. All the other actors in each other episode are great as well. Strange Experience 8/10.
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Not the best movie ever made but it's still good.
9 June 2024
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The Doctor's Dilemma is not the best movie ever made but it's still good movie though. The story of The Doctor's Dilemma is that a woman named Mrs. Dubedat loves and idolizes her artist husband, Louis, but he is dying of tuberculosis. She goes to Dr. Blenkinsop and convinces him to save her husband. The doctor can keep only so many patients, and must choose who is worth saving, but he is convicted that Louis' artistic tales make him worthy. But when he and several colleague meet Louis, they discover that he is in fact a smooth-talking money-grabbing scoundrel. They also learn that he has another wife, whom he has abandoned. So, the doctor has a problem: should he let Louis die, leaving Mrs. Dubedut with her idealized image, or save him and his artistic talents, but force her to face his bigamy and other flaws. The story for this movie decent. This movie's story is really interesting because as the movie goes one it makes you want to find out what will happen in the end and what the doctor will have to do. The story also has a lot of sad scenes that are heart felt and really serious. The story does have some scenes that do drag on for a bit to long like the opening scenes and the scene where Louis is laying down. Also the story doesn't really have that much funny stuff in it. There are some things in this movie that are pretty funny but then there's some things in this movie that kinda fall flat. None of the jokes in this movie are bad but there not that amazing. There's also some sub plots that don't really add anything to the story as well. The characters in this movie are good. The story also would have been better if they could have done more story such as showing the characters more by having more scenes with them to make them just a bit more interesting and showing more of there personality's. Mrs. Dubedut is very sympathetic, you really do care for her as character because she is very relatable and good to follow as a character. Louis is also good. He easily has the most funny moments in the movie. Louis on the risk of about to die does make him quite sympathetic but at the same time though given how he cheated on his wife horribly that does kid of make you feel like that he kind of deserves it at the same time. All four of the doctor characters are really interesting because it's fun to watch them together. The talking scenes with them are the best because we get to see what they have as characters and there pretty funny as well. The sets for this movie look amazing. The set for the building where the doctors work looks really cool and fancy looking. The set for the house where Mrs. Dudedat and Louis live also looks amazing. The set of the museum at the end of the movie looks amazing as well. The music for this movie is also amazing. The music for the opening and end credits sounds amazing and the music for the sad scenes is also amazing and it fit well with the tone of the movie that it's in. The acting in this movie is great. Every actor does a great job with which character there playing. Some bit of the acting are a bit weak but that's the only problem with the acting in this movie. The Doctor Dilemma 7/10.
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Not as good as the console game version but it's still good.
7 June 2024
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Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit (DVD Game) is not as good as the console version of this game but it's still good enough for what it is. The story of Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit (DVD Game) is that you have to help Wallace & Gromit get clients however Wallace is going to be splitting the two people that you and your friend are playing as into two teams the Red team and the Blue team and so you and your friend have to try and get ten clients but the only way you can do that is you have to take turns rolling on the board and there's spots that if you lad on them you will ether have to play a game, get a client for free, miss a turn, spin again or give the other team a point and the first team to get ten clients gets a prize but in order to get the prize is that you have to answer the question and post it the phone number 88010 and you will then get a sketch drawing by Nick Park. The story for this game is fine. The story works well since it's a typical normal board game about trying to get more points than the other team. As a Wallace & Gromit story for a video game it's also fine. The mini game selection they have in the game is nice with the different variety they have. The best mini game in this game is the Imagi-Matic game because this game is really challenging because you have to really focus on what you see on screen in a very short time. The other mini games such as Maximus Fling, Tunnel Trouble and Keep 'Em Peeled are good. The weakest mini though is the Maze Cracking, it's a decent mini game but it's easily the weakest. It's also nice how they try to tie these mini games into the movie although the video game would have been better if this video game took place before the movie since this video game has things in it that try to make you think it takes place before the movie like Wallace getting his clients pictures put on the wall but it doesn't come before the movie since since Hutch appears in this game. I guess you could say that this video game takes place a little while after the events of the movie but then again this video game is after all ment to be a interactive video game but I'm gonna assume this video game takes place after the events of the movie. Also the video game would have been better if there were some more mini games in this game then it probably would have been better. It also would have been nice if they could have done more with the story of this game since it feel a bit empty. The characters in this game are good. Wallace is good mainly because he shows you how to play the game. Victor is also good because this video game shows him trying to sabotage Wallace & Gromit's business by either burning there posters in his fire place or when he messes with there fan. The scenes with him is a good way to show how evil he his. This also goes to show that he has returned since the end of the movie. Philip is good as the evil dog in this video game mainly when he tries to catch the bunny before Gromit does and also when he tries to show to Gromit that he can't bet him in the bunny throwing contest. The music for this game is also good. The main Wallace & Gromit theme remix is great to listen to. All the other music that plays consistently in the background of this video game is also good a listen to. The animation looks fine. Now do keep in mind this is a video game so it's not gonna look amazing and do keep in mind this is a dvd video game and they didn't have a massive big budget. The voice acting from Peter Sallis as Wallace is just as good as it's always been. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit (DVD Game) 7/10.
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Rapture (1965)
A great drama movie.
2 June 2024
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Rapture is a very strange movie but it's still a great movie. The story of Rapture is that a girl named Agnes Larbaud who is a teenager who has autism and trouble controlling it until one day her and her father named Frederick Larbaud find a man outside there house how is in pain. Agnes and her father decide to help him by bringing him into there house and helping him. However Agnes, Frederick and Agnes step mother named Karen soon realise that the man they helped out named Joseph is an escaped convict. When Agnes starts liking Joseph her father and step mother decide to let him stay with them. However Joseph states that he needs to leave soon otherwise he will get caught. Agnes try's what ever she can to be with him because she believes Joseph is the perfect man to help her since she has autism. The story for this movie is great. There are some things in this movie that are rather predictable like for example the family keeping Joseph there with them and as time goes on the more he stays there the more Agnes starts to feel better. What makes the story so great is that it's passing is perfect because you get to understand the characters more through there dialog and also about the country there in. The characters in this movie are also great. Frederick Larbaud is very serious character because he thinks his daughter has a problem when it's mainly because she has autism. The ending for this movie is really sad because it probably would have been better if Frederick and Agnes had a scene where we see them hugging and apologising to each other. It also would have been nice if there was a much happier ending at least to Frederick and Agnes. Frederick's character arc he has in this movie is nice because by the end of the movie he understands the Agnes fully and he feel really sorry that he doubted her in the first place. Agnes is very sympathetic because she's a teenager that suffers from autism and she has problems controlling it. She's also sympathetic because she feels like her family doesn't understand her a lot like for example her father and her older sister who has just gotten married to Armand think that she suffers from something else when we know she doesn't suffer from that. She's sad a lot because she doesn't feel respected enough. The relationship that Agnes and Joseph have with each other over the course of the movie is really wholesome and sweet. One thing that was quite shocking is that at one point they slept together in bed. Joseph is quite sympathetic as well because as the movie goes on you start to sympathise with him and you start to understand him more as a character. Joseph's backstory also works at making him more interesting as a character. Karen is very strange character because she admits to Agnes and she cheated on Frederick at one point all though it is nice that later on in the movie when Karen cheats again but with Joseph Agnes stops them and try's to attack Karen and after that Karen decides to leave. The overall sets for this movie look great as well. Given how this movie takes place in France the sets in this movie look amazing for a 1965 movie. The best set in this movie is the wedding set that is at the beginning of this movie. All the other sets look great as well. The music for this movie is amazing. The music does a great job and fit well within the tone of this movie. The music for the chase scene at the end of the movie is amazing. The acting is this movie is a bit over acting but it's still good. The only problem is that the actors in this movie don't give the characters there playing much of a French accent. Rapture 8.2/10.
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A movie that every actor should watch.
31 May 2024
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The Incredible Sarah is a movie that every actor should watch because this movie shows how being an actor can be what you have to do to be a great actor. The story of The Incredible Sarah is that a women named Sarah Bernhardt is just starting her acting career as an actress. One day she goes to a theatre to audition for a show and the director of the show named Thierry says accepted. Sarah Bernhardt feels so happy that she got the part and is so excited however when it comes to her part in the show things go wrong but the audience watching her show think it's all part of the show when it isn't. Once Sarah Bernhardt has finished her part in the show she has a breakdown and tries to communicate suicide but her agent stops her from doing it and talks her way out of doing it. Sarah Bernhardt then decides not to kill herself and instead try again with acting. She then one day gets the opportunity to do acting again and so she now has to try and prove that she can do acting. The story for this movie is simple since it's just showing the life of actress Sarah Bernhardt but it works really well. What makes the story great is that they showcase Sarah Bernhardt's shows that she work on as well as the trouble she has with her family. The family aspects in this movie are really nice because it makes the story more interesting and it makes you care for the characters more. It's also nice that this movie shows us what time period this movie takes place in since they show us a war that happened that involved France. The characters in this movie are amazing. Sarah Bernhardt is really sympathetic character especially because you really do feel bad for her and you really want her to succeed in being an actress because she doesn't think she will be good at anything else. She's also a very serious character because when ever people like to make fun of her she proves and shows to them that she means business. Victorien Sardou is quite funny in this movie mainly when he laughs at Sarah breaking things. The scene when he realises that Sarah wants holding a Monkey instead of a baby was really funny. All the agent characters that help Sarah Bernhardt are all roughly the same. All the agent characters are good, but the best scenes with them are the condensation scene that there having with Sarah. The most funniest character in this movie is Thierry. The scene where Thierry has his hand on his face when he's not impressed with what the women is doing on stage is really funny as well. This scene shows that he is a director who means business. The sets for this movie look amazing. They did an amazing job making this movie look like France given who this takes place in that country in the eighteen hundreds. I should also mention the opening scene with the pictures looks really nice in fact I've got the picture of Sarah with her arms up in my house. The music for this movie is also amazing. The main theme has a nice beat to it and fit well with the tone of this movie. The acting is great. The only problem with the acting is that given how this movie takes place in France the characters don't have much of a French accent but the only problem with the acting in this movie. The Incredible Sarah 9/10.
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This movie is fine but also one of the best movies ever made.
30 May 2024
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Thomas & Friends: Misty Island Rescue my be a fine movie but it's also one of those movies that if you watch it you my find yourself with an ironic enjoyment with it. The story of Thomas & Friends: Misty Island Rescue is that a rescue centre is being built on Sodor and the Fat Controller wants to use Joby logs to build it. Later that day Three flat beds have been lodded with Joby wood and Diesel really want to take them to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre but Thomas says no I think it's because Diesel has been naughty. However Diesel doesn't listen and decides to take them there, but Thomas then gets worried but he's going the wrong way so this leads to Diesel losing the Joby wood as it falls of a broken bridge and Diesel nearly falls of but Thomas just manages to save him but the Fat Controller is really cross that the Joby wood is now lost. The Fat Controller also rewards Thomas with going to the main land to do some special jobs. The next day when Thomas is at Brendan Docks Salty tells Thomas a story about an engine that go lost and saved when he made smoke signals with his steam and that lead to people seeing him and also lead to him being saved. The dock manager then tells Thomas that there's no room for him on the boat and that he will have to wait for the next boat, however Thomas sees a rail raft attached to the end of the boat and tells the dock manager that he wants to ride on that this since he makes good decisions. The ship then sets of but later that night the chain pulling the raft with Thomas on breaks. Thomas then whistles for help but no one can hear him and soon the waves turn and twist and soon he falls fast asleep. The next morning Thomas's rail raft bumps into to dock with rails and he then puffs forward onto lad. Thomas then goes looking around the island until he meets three logging loco engines named Bash Dash and Ferdinand and they tell Thomas that he's on Misty Island. The logging locos then ask Thomas if he needs help but Thomas decides that he can get back to Sodor by him self however later one he finds out that he actually needs help and so he goes back to logging locos, but while Thomas is there he finds Joby wood and he tells that logging locos that Sodor needs Joby wood for the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre and so now Thomas and the logging locos decide to load flat beds with Joby wood then go through the underground tunnel that leads to Sodor. Meanwhile on the island of Sodor the Fat Controller gets call says that Thomas is missing and so him and all the engines have to try and find him. The story for this movie sounds great on paper but it's exuded strangely. The story is exuded Meh for the first act, then it's exuded Fine for the Second act and the third act is Bad. The first act has some questionable things in it but it has a lot of great character moments in it. The second act is slightly better sense it's very hear pounding and sad when you feel bad for Thomas getting lost and all the Sodor Island scenes are good even if there are way to many of them. Plus the hollow tree scene was pretty cool. There's also some things that are questionable in the second act such as the how has the Shake Shake Bridge not collapsed, why do the logging locos have a railway for them to play on and why do they have to crane that throws logs in the lake. The third act has fantastic action scenes and the scene wher the Fat Controller tells Thomas he can find another hat but he will never find another Thomas is really heart felt. Although it is stupid that when the Fat Controller finds Thomas smoke signals he decides to send Whiff and Percy down the tunnel that leads to Misty Island and yet he's also going to Misty Island by boat with Edward Gordon and James why is he doing that. I guess you could say that he's doing this to try and get his engines look everywhere for Thomas from top to bottom on Misty Island. The story does have a lot of unrealistic things in it but is also has some realistic things in it as well. So while there's only like 35% realistic things in this movie this movie definitely has more things in it more than that abysmal travesty know as Thomas and the Magic Railroad or should I say Thomas and the Tragic Failroad hah hah. The characters in this movie are bad but also baffling. Thomas is Meh for the first act, Bad for the second act and Meh for the third act. He may be stupid in some scenes like for example when he and the logging locos get stuck in the tunnel he then realises that his decisions where wrong oh really oh your just now realising that now. The scene of him looking around Misty Island when he's lost are fine and the scene when he has the idea to whistle to find Edward, Gordon, James and the Fat Controller is good because he's actually being smart and not dumb like he was earlier. Percy is probably the best character in this movie because of how sympathetic he is because he really hopes that the Fat Controller or someone will find Thomas. The Fat Controller is Fine for the first and second act but he's really stupid in the third act of the movie like I just said before. Edward, Gordon and James are fine. The scenes of them looking for Thomas with the Fat Controller are fine mainly because of how worried they are because they don't know how to find Thomas because of the fog in there way. The logging locos are Bad. Ferdinand is definitely the least bad one because he's got a less annoying voice and he's actually more smarter than Bash and Dash. I should also mention that Ferdinand reminds me of Meowth from the Pokemon anime series because he has the same catchphrase as he does except Ferdinand's catchphrase is ''That's Right'' and Meowth's catchphrase is ''Meowth That's Right''. Bash and Dash is practically the same they have stupid voices and they also love to joke and use dangerous equipment. The logging logs do have some moments where they are smart like how they tell Thomas they don't use He Har because it uses a lot of oil and again when they tell Thomas they don't have enough oil to chuff to Sodor, but the best scene with them in when they give Thomas the idea to make smoke signals through the hole in the top of the tunnel to call for help. The logging locos may be bad characters but there definitely better than that stupid idiot character known as Junior from Thomas and the Magic Railroad because at least the logging locos actually think about the problems that might happen if Thomas uses the oil on He Har and they tell Thomas he they don't have enough oil to puff to Sodor through the tunnel. Also the logging locos actually help Thomas a lot in the movie is trying to get back to Sodor and they also come up with the idea for Thomas to send the smoke signals. What did Junior do to help Mr. Conductor in Thomas and the Magic Railroad yeah exactly absolutely nothing at all. The animation for this movie doesn't look as good as amazing now but none if it looks cheap. There's a lot of really nice looking shots in this movie. The music and songs for this movie are fantastic. The sad heart music and the act music is this movie are fantastic. The Misty Island Rescue song does sound a bit to American but it's still catchy and great to listen to. The voice acting is just as good as it was from Hero of the Rails but the voices for Henry, Toby in the us dub are really weird. The voices for the logging locos like I said before are annoying. Thomas & Friends: Misty Island Rescue many have a lot of baffling things in it but it's also movie that if you watch if you will find yourself with an ironic enjoy all over all of the questionable things in this movie from the story, the realism and the characters. Thomas & Friends: Misty Island Rescue 10/10?.
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An amazing way to show how long BBC has been entertaining us
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Comedy Trail: A Shaggy Dog Story perfectly shows us how BBC comedy has been over the years. The story of The Comedy Trail: A Shaggy Dog Story is that it shows use the amount of entertainment the BBC has brought to us over the years by having characters from many of the BBC tv shows appearing. Each character that appears says a few words before cutting to the next and everything each character says relates to one hole sentence after another. The story works well at showing us these characters the BBC has created and also having them say a few words and then cutting to the next character allows us to see how all these characters have one thing in mind is that they have entertained us over the years. The characters is this are amazing as well. The movie shows many famous british actors. Most of them are from the BBC's tv shows but there's also few characters that appear in this that are basically just the actors playing themselves. It's so nice getting to these many of these famous british characters appear in this one movie. The overall look of each shot for each character we see looks amazing and we even get to see some locations from some of the actual shows the BBC has made like for example we see Norman Clegg from Last of the Summer Wine in the pub which is from the actual tv show. There's also many more of these scenes that we see. The editing in between each time we cut to the next character is amazing and probably must have been quite tricky to do I bet. All the actors that appear in this movie are amazing and the famous british actors they got to appear in this is just insane. The Comedy Trail: A Shaggy Dog Story 10/10.
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Such an amazing wallace & gromit movie.
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit is not the best Wallace and Gromit movie but it's still amazing. The start of Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit is that there is a vegetable compation coming to town but there's a bunch of rabbits eating people's vegetables and so Wallace & Gromit decide to start a business called Anti-Pesto where they go around catching the rabbit. However one night Wallace decides to use his new invention to brain wash the bunnies however it goes wrong and leads to one of the rabbit's getting stuck on Wallace head and it messes with the rabbit's brain. Gromit manages to stop the machine but when Wallace try's to feed the rabbit a karrot the rabbit doesn't like it and Wallace feels so happy that his machine worked. Wallace then put the rabbit in cage and decides to call him Hutch. Later that night the vicar of the church named Reverend Clement Hedges is shocked when meets a giant beast. The next morning everyone from the town gathers in the town church to try and process what happened last night because the villagers vegetables have been eaten. Reverend Clement Hedges tells the whole town that he saw a giant were rabbit last night. A man name Victor then decides that he want to watch and shot the beast but Lady Tottington says no and that she wants Wallace & Gromit to catch the were rabbit. Later that night Wallace drives through the town with a giant fake girl rabbit on the top of the van as part of his plan to catching the were rabbit. However the giant fake girl rabbit falls of the van and Wallace then tells Gromit that he is going to go and get it back. However Gromit starts noticing strange things happening and Wallace still hasn't returned and with no other option Gromit decides to dive off and chase after the beast since he believes he just saw it. Gromit chases after the were rabbit through town and into a giant rabbit hole. Gromit loses it but he continues to drive through the hole until he reaches the end of the hole that leads into his & Wallace's garden. Gromit then goes into the house and sees Wallace talking on the phone to the people from the town about there vegetables been eaten. Wallace then tells Gromit of for going of on his own. Gromit then goes into the basement and finds the cage that they put Hutch in has been broken apart. Wallace then is shocked to find that Hutch has grown and he then starts to theories that his machine that uses moon sola panalls must cause Hutch to turn into a were rabbit every night. Wallace then leaves to go and tell Lady Tottington that they have caught the beast while Gromit stays to build a strong cage to make sure Hutch doesn't escape. Once Gromit has finished building the cage he then notices giant rabbit foot prints in there house that lead upstairs and into Wallace's room. Gromit opens the door and is in shock when he finds a bunch of eaten vegetables on Wallace's bed. Gromit then realises that Wallace is the were rabbit not Hutch. At Tottington hall Victor decides to bring some flowers for Lady Tottington but he gets angry to see Wallace with Lady Tottington in the garden room. Once Gromit arrives at Tottington hall he gets Wallace out of there starts driving him home however road then gets blocked but a falling tree and when Wallace goes out to try and move it Victor then tells Wallace to back of from Lady Tottington, however he doesn't want to leave it at that by just telling him that he actually what's to fight Wallace. When Victor goes in for a punch Wallace then picks him up a throws him onto the van. Then Gromit, Victor and Victor's dog Philip then watch in shock as they see Wallace transform into the were rabbit. Now Gromit has to try and fix Wallace until Victor shots him and also before Victor falls in love with Lady Tottington. The story for this movie is basically a parody of The Curse of the Were Wolf book except with Wallace & Gromit and a were rabbit and it is exuded amazing mainly because it still has the charm that the other Wallace & Gromit movies had and it also has some fun and engaging chase scenes. The story is also amazing because it has a mystery to it where it turns out that Wallace is the were rabbit and Hutch isn't. The characters in this movie are also amazing. Wallace & Gromit are just as amazing as they were in the previous three short movies. Wallace is very sympathetic because he really wants to get rid of the curse that he has. You really do care about Gromit trying to save Wallace from being shot by Victor and you really do care even more for him when he struggles on how to get rid of this curse from Wallace. Lady Tottington is also amazing mainly because she is very sympathetic because you really do care for her to try and stop Victor from shooting Wallace. Victor is amazing as the villain in this movie because he is so funny and really threatening because you understand his motivations and not only that though he is easily and most evil villain from the Wallace & Gromit franchise by far in fact he's even more threatening than Feathers McGraw and Preston. Victor's dog Philip is also amazing because just like with Gromit he is a silent character and he doesn't talk and yet you understand everything he's saying. The more noticeable side characters in this movie such as PC Albert Mackintosh, Reverend Clement Hedges, Mr. Mulch and Mrs. Mulch are all pretty good. They do have some a lot funny scenes in this movie. The animation for this movie looks better than the animation from the other three short movies. The new sets such as Tottington hall, the Field and the Forest set look amazing. The music for this movie is also amazing. The music for the opening credits and end credits of the have the Wallace & Gromit theme in a new remix version and it is amazing. The music for the happy scenes, the sad scenes and the chase scenes are all also amazing. The humour for this movie is also amazing. Nearly every joke in this movie lands perfectly. The voice cast is perfect. Peter Sallis is just as amazing at voicing Wallace like he has done in the previous three movies. Helena Bonham Carter is amazing at voicing Lady Tottington. Ralph Filenes is amazing at voicing Victor. Peter Kay is amazing at voicing PC Albert Mackintosh. Nicholas Smith is amazing at voicing Reverend Clement Hedges and Liz Smith is also amazing at voicing Mrs. Mulch. All the other voice actors such as John Thompson, Mark Gatiss, Vincent Edrahim, Geraldine McEwan, Edward Kelsey, Dicken Ashworth, Robert Horvath, Pete Atkin, Noni Lewis, Ben Whitehead, Christopher Fairbank, James Mather, William Vanderpuye and Nigel Pilkington also do amazing with the character they voice. I should also mention that Ben Whitehead who voices Mr. Leaching in this movie would later become the new guy to voice Wallace starting in the adverts around 2008 and counting all the way to present day now. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit 10/10.
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Pretty good for the first cgi thomas & friends production.
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails isn't the best Thomas movie but it's still good for what it is. The story of Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails is that Spencer has come to the island of Sodor to help with the Duke and Duchess boxford summer house, however Spencer keeps on bossing around all the engines until Thomas then challenges Spencer to show him that he can pull more heavy flatbeds than him all the way from the yards to brendom docks. Spencer agrees to this and so they start there race, but Thomas's breaks break and so he goes onto an abandoned track in the forest, however Thomas finds an old engine named Hero. Hero tells Thomas everything about him and how he ended up on the siding and it's because he had broken down and had been left on the siding for new parts but the parts never came. Thomas then decides he wants to help Hero and get him the parts he needs. Thomas also gets help from Victor, Kevin, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby and Emily. Thomas and his friends also have to make sure that the Fat Controller and Spencer don't find out because if the Fat Controller finds out he will probably scrap him and if Spencer finds out he may tell the Fat Controller. The story for this movie is really good. It's a nice heart felt story about trying to help someone who maybe in a loose end situation. This movie has some scenes that do drag on for to long though. This movie's story also has a lot of cool chase scenes as well mainly because of the cold camera angles and the voice acting as well. The characters in this movie are great. Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby and Emily are very sympathetic and you really do care for them since there just getting bullied by Spencer. Thomas and all his friends are perfectly in character although it is really dumb that they would think the Fat Controller would scrap Hero since in the bast the Fat Controller has said he would never do that. Spencer is also good as the villain in this movie. In this movie you can tell he really means business and that he really want to find out what Thomas is up to and that he won't let him get away with it. Spencer does have one problem with his character is that we never know why apparently he wanted Hero scrapped. The new characters Victor and Hero are amazing. Victor is really funny and he's also over just a really nice and helpful engine. Hero's is also amazing mainly because of how sympathetic he is and also because of how interesting of a character he is. His back story makes him very sympathetic as a character and very interesting as well and you really care about him in this movie. He also has a cool design because he isn't labelled as a token diversity character. Kevin is overall fine. There's not a lot to him but he does have some funny scenes in this movie. The animation doesn't look the best but none of it look cheap. The engines all feel like they have some weight to them. The songs and music for this movie are great. The opening music is really nice. The music used for the chase scenes are great and the theme song Go Go Thomas is so great and really fun to listen to. The voice acting is really good and they did a good job with the selection of voices they gave the characters well for the uk dub. The us dub voices for Henry and Toby sound very weird. There's also way to much narration from Michael Angelis and Michael Brandon. Thomas & Friends: Hero of the Rails 7/10.
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A great tv show.
24 May 2024
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The Clifton House Mystery is not the best tv show but it still great for what it is. The story of The Clifton House Mystery is that a family are moving into a new house, however the family start noticing strange things happening in there house and they don't know whats causing the strange things to happen. The two boys Steven and Ben decide to go and ask Milton Guest who is a ghost hunter to come and help them find out if there are any ghosts in there house, but there's a strange mystery to it because the ghost that lives in the house can appear when the music box in the house is played and so the Milton Guest has to try and find out what the ghost is trying to do. The story for this tv show is something that we have seen relatively before but what makes it nice and fresh is that they build up the mystery and show it to us in a way that doesn't feel so predictable. It's also nice that in the last episode of the tv show they show to us that the mystery about the old lady ghost staying in there home will only happen if everyone in the family believes in the ghost. The characters is movie are also great. The dad and mam are very sympathetic and so are the two boys and the girl because you really do care for them because there so confused by what happening in the house and also because they don't know what to do. The dad, mam and the girl are great. The two boys Steven and Ben are both equally great because they are very smart when they try to figure out what the helmet could have to the mystery. Milton Guest is also great with how he has the idea on how to deal with the ghost. It's nice that they gave him a back story to how he his because that makes you understand him more as a character. The old woman ghost character is also great because she simply just wants to stay in the house because it's where her and her son died. It also nice that they made her a silent character through out all six episodes. The sets for this movie are really good at making the house look creepy and old. These sets also fit well with witch year this is meant to take place in. The music is great and has a creepy feeling sound to it and the acting is great. The acting from Milton Guest and the old ghost lady are easily the best ones. Milton Guest acting is great mainly from how serious he is as a character at trying to solve the mystery. The old ghost lady acting is also great mainly because we understand everything about the way she's feel through her face experiences. Here are the ranking for all six episodes

Episode 1 7/10

Episode 2 8/10

Episode 3 8/10

Episode 4 8.4/10

Episode 5 8.5/10

Episode 6 8/10

The Clifton House Mystery 8/10.
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The Snowdropper (1975 TV Movie)
A strange but funny movie.
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Snowdropper was a very strange movie but it is really funny. The story of The Snowdropper is that a man names Spicer is trying to hide because he is an escaped convict and he decides to take refuge in a remote welsh cottage. The cottage is owned by a woman called Beulah who is all alone and has mental health problems and when we finds this man named Spicer knocking on her door and so she decides to help him. At first she finds Spicer a bad man but she then starts to like him and she begins to enjoy doing it. However her friend known as Sergeant is trying to her to train and do shooting and it doesn't go very well. The story for this is very strange and something that hasn't really been done before in any other movie. The movie's story is mainly good because it try's to make you feel bad for Spicer while at the same time he kind of deserves what happened to him at the end of the movie. The story also works well at having it be a thriller movie that try's to make the characters Beulah and Spicer be very sneaky to make sure they don't get caught. The references that this movie has fit very while given how this movie came out in 1975 and many of the references in this movie are references to what actually happened back in 1975. The characters in this movie are pretty good. Beulah is a bit of a sympathetic character but at the same time she should have known better than to lie. Given how she was someone who wanted Spicer to stay but then she decided later on she wanted him gone because she knew what would happen if she got caught and guess what we were able to see what happened to her. Spicer is great mainly because he's best part of this movie. Many of the things he says are so funny, he easily has the best lines in this movie. The way he looks just looks funny as well. He also just like with Beulah he lied and that lead to him facing consequences. Sergeant is fine. It would have been nice if they had shown us about his bavkstory then maybe that would make him a more understandable character given how in this movie were shown that he knows Beulah. I also wish that they could have had a better ending of him dealing with Beulah by making her suffer consequences for her actions rather than shooting her. The look of this movie looks amazing for it's time. The house looks just like a house from the 1970s. In fact the house is the only set we see in this movie and that's amazing how they managed to do that in a 79 minute long movie. We do see two shots of the house from outside the window and that's the only time we see any shots out side. The music for this movie is pretty good as well and fits the tone of the movie. The acting from Fiona Walker, Peter Vaughan and Glyn Welden is really good. Peter Sallis is easily the best actor in this movie and he's great. The way Peter Sallis acts when he's playing Spicer when he's happy, crazy and sad is what makes his performance stand out and he is so funny when he plays Spicer. The Snowdropper 8/10.
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Finally a good thomas and friends movie at last.
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thomas & Friends: The Great Discovery was a big shock for the fact that this is actually the first good Thomas & Friends movie. The story of Thomas & Friends: the Great Discovery is that Thomas has a job on taking wood from the hills down to the warf, however on his journey there Duncan tells Thomas to take the rolling river bridge track. Thomas takes the track and ends up at the bridge but the bridge then collapse so Thomas then heads back the way he came and find another track so he decides to take the other track thinking it will lead to the warf, however the track he takes is all old and over grown and it hasn't been used for years. Thomas continues along the track until he reaches an old and abandoned town. Then Thomas leaves the town and starts to tell everyone and once the Fat Controller hears about this he asks Thomas to take him there and so when Thomas and the Fat Controller arrive the Fat Controller tells Thomas that the town he had found was the town of Great Watertom that was the main town of the island of Sodor when steam engines first came. The Fat Controller then decides that the town must be rebuilt and he also tells Thomas that he will be in charge of all the work and so they must get the town rebuilt in time for Sodor day. The Fat Controller also hires an engine from the main land to do his usual jobs and that engine is Stanley. However Thomas starts getting jealous of Stanley doing so many of his jobs. The story of Thomas & Friends: The Great Discovery is great. It's executed great because the movie's passing is quick and the story is actually interesting because you can understand everything happening and it's actually entertaining. There are some scenes in this movie that don't really add anything to the story and they could have very easily been removed but at least there's no learning segments. The characters is this movie are amazing. All the characters feel like there in character. Thomas's character arc he has in this movie is really nice as well because he learns that he should be mean to engines that are just trying to help. Although they probably could have added a bit more to this character arc because here's the thing Thomas character arc in this movie is very similar to Woody's character arc from Toy Story. In Ot Story Woody got jealous of Buzz being Andy's new favourite toy where as Thomas just got cross of his doing all his job's and also because he took his birth one night. That's the only problem with Thomas in this movie they probably could have done better and more with this. Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby and Emily are all perfectly in character and every scene with them in this movie is amazing they all feel like there in character and that's about it for them because there mainly background characters. Stanley was fine. He didn't have a lot to him as a character mainly because he was just a plot device and that's about it. The only things about him is that he's nice, kind, he's bigger and stronger than Thomas so yeah he's fine. The model sets finally look like something you would see for a movie because there's a lot of good looking sets like, Rolling River Bridge, Great Waterton, the old mine and the mountains. The music for this movie is great. The songs Thomas & James are Racing and Jobs a Plenty are good. Where oh Where is Thomas and The Engine Roll Call are fine. The best song in this movie is Thomas You're the Leader it's one of the best Thomas songs ever made and guess what it's sung by a professional rapper instead of being sung by the children. The narration form Pierce Brosnam is pretty good he's not the best Thomas narrator but he's pretty good in this. Thomas & Friends: The Great Discovery 8/10.
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It's not good but it a lot better than the last movie.
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thomas & Friends: Calling & Engines! Is not a good Thomas and Friends movie but it's definitely better than that garage Thomas and the Magic Railroad movie that we don't talk about. The story of Thomas & Friends: Calling all Engine's is that a new airport is being built on Sodor to try and get more holiday tourists to come and visit the island and so the Fat Controller wants his engines to help build the airport however when Thomas goes to the yard Arry and Bert start teasing him. This then leads to Thomas playing a trick on them however a little later on Diesel tells Thomas that he has an important job to do and he hear that he had played a trick on Arry and Bert and so he tells Thomas not to play a trick on him but Thomas does it anyway and so he swaps Diesel's trucks of bricks with trucks full of bananas however later one that day when Thomas and the rest of his friends arrive home they find out that tidmoth sheds has been nocked down and it turns out that building the new ones was Diesel's important job but since Thomas gave him the trucks full of bananas what lead to the sheds being delayed so all the steam engines have to find a new place to sleep however over the night a big storm hits Sodor and damages a lot of the railway and leads to a lot of delays however later that day the steam engines and the diesel engines have fight and can't get along this then leads to Thomas telling everyone that they have to work together and get the airport build otherwise it will be bad for all the engines and so all engines then agree and decide to work together. The story for this movie sounds good but the problem with the story is that it is such a snore fest because the movie's passing is very slow. Another problem with the story is that there are stupid dumb learning segments that just drag out the runtime. There are some funny scene throughout the movie and there are a lot of great character interactions between Thomas and Friends mainly towards the end of the movie when there so close to finishing the airport. This movie's message is also quite nice where no mater what you look like you should just put your differences aside and work together. The message this movie teachs is definitely a much better message than what the message Thomas and the Magic Railroad was trying to teach us that for sure. The characters in this movie are decent. Thomas has a lot of his cheeky moments in this movie and it's nice how he has the idea on trying to get the steam engines and diesel engines to work together. James, Henry, Percy, Toby and Emily are also fine and they do have a lot of great character moments that actually sure a purpose to the story unlike Thomas and the Magic Railroad which didn't do that at all. Gordon is definitely the best in character because of how funny he is. Diesel, Arry, Bert are also fine and they also have a lot of great character moments as well. Mavis is really good in this movie mainly because she's now a nice diesel and given how before she was a bad diesel now we see that she has grown as a character ever since she got introduced back in series 3 of the tv series. This may sound shocking but Lady makes an appearance appears in Thomas dream and she's fine because in this movie she's just a figment of Thomas's imagination now that is how you work a magical engine into Thomas and Friends and not only that though she's definitely used better in this movie because she actually adds something to the story because she tells Thomas in his dream that they always finish there jobs when they work together, unlike Thomas and the Magic Railroad where she added nothing to the story whatsoever and all she was in that movie was a plot device and that's it. Diesel 10 also appears in this movie and he is definitely a lot better in this movie compared to the last movie because he actually adds something to the story unlike Thomas and the Magic Railroad where he added nothing to the movie and all he was in that movie was a character just to pad out the runtime and that's it. In this movie Diesel 10 helps Thomas to clear the track and after Thomas tells him what will happen if he doesn't to it he agrees to do it. The overall look of this movie looks very dull and plain. The best looking sets in this movie are the airport set, the brendum docks set, the suspension bridge set, and the church set. However the best part of the sets is the storm montage where we see the island of Sodor getting destroyed and the fact that it's all props is what makes it stand out. The music for this movie are decent as well. The songs Busy, Trying to do thing Better and Together we made it happen are all good. However the engine roll call song and the dream song are just okay. The narration from Michael Angelis and Michael Brandon is fine. The best narration from both of them is from the scene when there voicing Diesel 10 mainly from the growing song both narrators gave Diesel 10. Thomas & Friends: Calling all Engine's 4/10.
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No seriously guys this movie is horrible in every way possible.
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thomas and the Magic Railroad has gotten so much backlash from critics and fans of the franchise and it's lead to a lot of people that have started treating this movie as not canon to the franchise and let me tell yeah after watching this movie for the first time in over 12 years yeah I can easily see why. Guys Thomas and the Magic Railroad not only feels like a garbage fan product to a book series and a tv show that were both so good but it feels like in exaggerates everything we know about Thomas and Friends while also failing to realise what made the book series and the tv show so great in the first place. The story of Thomas and the Magic Railroad is that a man named Mr. Conductor is coming over to the island of sodor to look after the place while the Fat Controller is away on holiday. While Mr. Conductor is on sodor he starts running out of gold dust and he needs more other wise if he doesn't get any more his home town Shining Time Station will loose it magic. So Mr. Conductor decides to call his cousin Junior to go and get his last stash of gold dust from Shining Time Station and then come to the island and help him find more. Meanwhile theres a girl called Lilly who is going to go and meet her grandpa however for some reason she lets some dog guide her onto the wrong train and she gets lost on the way and she ends up at Shining Time Station where Junior is getting Mr. Conductors gold dust. Lilly's grandpa burnet stone owes a broken down engine called Lady and Lady is the source of the gold dust so Lilly and her Grandpa have to get her working again so Mr. Conductor and Junior can get there gold dust back oh and all the while theres an evil Diesel engine named Diesel 10 who wants to destroy Lady for some reason. He is also on Sodor while all this is happening. This movie story is absolutely atrocious both as a story for a Thomas & Friends movie and as a movie on it's own. The biggest problem with this movie is that this story is just so frustrating to sit through because of how stupid the characters are and also because of how uninteresting it is. Nothing about the story makes sense at all. There's also no world building as well with this movie. Remember all the new world building and Lord that we all saw from the tv series of Thomas & Friends it gave the world a new life and introduced to the times characters that live on the island of Sodor but this movie does nothing like that at all. This movie's story is also abysmal because the story takes a complete back seat through out the hole movie and it has absolutely nothing to do with Thomas & Friends at all. This movie also lacks the great writing from series 1-5 of the tv series as well. The characters in this movie are terrible. Thomas, James, Henry, Gordon, Percy, Toby, Annie, Clarabelle, Harold and Bertie are so boring and uninteresting because they have nothing to them as characters and they add nothing to the movie at all. The only thing I have to say about Thomas is that he has this idea where he wants to stop Diesel 10 from destroying Lady and if you ask me this should have been the main focus of the story but it's a shame that this pointless sud plot adds nothing to the story and is nothing more than just a stupid joke. Henry was treated so awfully in this movie because this movie retcons his character arc and history from series 1. Remember is series 1 of the tv series where he had a crash and got set away to be rebuilt and when he returned he had a new boiler and after that he didn't need special coal any more but now it's worthless in this movie because despite being in his new shape Henry still needs special coal wow. The new characters are so terrible. Mr. Conductor is so stupid as the main character in this movie because he acts so dumb throughout the entire runtime. For example theres a scene were he gets lost in the forest on the way to the mill and he just sits there all sad. Why couldn't Mr. Conductor go back the way he came then he wouldn't get lost in the forest but no of course he doesn't do that because he's stupid that why. Here's another example he's laying on grass all sad when suddenly Thomas passes by and Mr. Conductor just sits there and says Thomas named quietly three times in a row. Why couldn't Mr Conductor have gotten up and run after Thomas and yell ''Hey Thomas I'm over here'', but no of course he doesn't do that. How do you expect the audience to take him seriously as a character when he so stupid and dumb. Mr. Conductor's cousin named Junior is so annoying. Junior come off as just a whiny annoying brat because through out this hole movie he just causes problems for Mr. Conductor raver than actually trying to help him. Theres even a scene where he goes to Shinning Time Station to get Mr. Conductors last stash of gold dust and guess what he decides to steal it and go and get a new suit instead of going to Sodor to help Mr. Conductor first. Wow what a great message to teach kids. I'm not joking when I say this but Junior is quite possibly the most annoying character in the entire Thomas and Friends franchise. I'd honestly go as far to say he's even more annoying and an even worse character than the Loging Locos. Lilly is somehow even more stupid than Mr. Conductor and Junior mainly because she asks a dog a tell her what train she should get on when there is a train conductor standing right next to her. What realistic kid would ever do that and not only that though but her and Patch start failing in love with each other and that goes absolutely nowhere and is pointless to the hole movie. In fact Lilly and Patch add nothing to the movie at all what so ever. Burnet Stone is probably the least bad character but that's not saying much. The only good thing about him is his acting and that's it. He also adds nothing to the story as well. Lady has nothing to her as a character and has no personality all she is a plot device and that's it. Lady is also worthless because she isn't even based of a real life engine build. She could literally be removed from the story and nothing would change whatsoever. Diesel 10 is such an terrible villain because his motivations makes no sense. He wants to destroy Lady and apparently if he does that all the engines on the island of Sodor will die, but if Diesel 10 does that than he will die as well. His plan makes absolutely no sense at all. He's also terrible as a villain because he does nothing evil as a villain until the end of the second act. So if the movie wants him to be the villain it doesn't work. His two hench men called Splatter and Doge have nothing to them as characters and they add nothing to the movie as well. I should probably also mention that this movie is honestly quite offensive as well because the movie trying to show to us that we shouldn't trust Diesel engines at all. Oh by the way the steam engines have Canadian accents and Diesel 10 has a New Jersey accent so yeah I think way know what I'm trying to say, but in case you don't know I'll say this what I'm trying to say is that this movie is basically trying to be offensive towards black peoples. The humour is just terrible. Thomas and the Magic Railroad is not funny in fact it's disgustingly unfunny and I mean they literally because they like to overplay so many jokes in this movie. The jokes Mr. Conductor does are just low brow jokes that only toddlers would only laugh at and not only that though but many of the joke Junior does in this movie are just insufferable and it never takes a break. Some of jokes Diesel 10 does will just drag on for to long or play out to quickly. The voices for the train characters such as Thomas, Gordon, Percy, Toby, Annie, Clarabel and Diesel 10 are fine. But the rest are just bad. Henry's voice sounds stupid and dumb and doesn't fit with who he is as a character from tv show. Bertie and Harold's voice sound way to high pitched and annoying. Splatter and Doge don't sound like villains. The worst voice is Susan Romans voice as James. James sounds like he has a stuffed up nose. Susan Roman Has voiced boy characters before in past such as the Mushroom Boy from the 1990 cartoon The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 in the episode Mush romers and she also voice Snowy the dog in the 1991-1992 cartoon The Adventures of Tintin and her voice she gave both them characters sounded great and sounded just like a boy. The humour in series 1-5 of Thomas and Friends was great because it was well written and well played out were as this movie try's everything it can to Appel to toddlers or stupid teenagers. The overall look of this movie looks way to sympathetic and plan and not that interesting. The cgi effect in the Magic Railroad part of the movie look abysmal and they have aged horribly. I should also mention the most of the model sets that we see look every empty with not a lot in them. Many of them are just tracks with grassy fields in the background. This movie's tone also doesn't work because it try's to balance a Fantasy, Family and Drama feel to it that just doesn't work. This movie is also very soulless because theres no scenes in this movie that make you care for the characters. The music fro this movie is fine. Some of the songs are good while others are hit and miss. My final things to say are this Now guys Thomas and the Magic Railroad is not only terrible because of the amount of terrible things it has in it but because it just feel like a joke and after watching it again I can now completely understand why everyone want to pretend it isn't canon it doesn't add anything new to the franchise and it does nothing substantional in the long run and the fact that series 6 of Thomas and Friends completely eggnors the events of this movie just goes to show how much people don't care about this movie. I can tell you guys now that the Reverend W. Awdry is now gonna be rolling in his grave because of Britt Allcroft making this abysmal movie that no one asked for at all. Thomas and the Magic Railroad 0/10.
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Not as good as the second one but a lot better than the third one
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Shrek Forever After was a big shock for the fact that this movie managed to fix the problem from the third movie. The story of Shrek Forever After is that it starts of with a man named Rumple Stiltskin who has been wanting to take over far far away for his own needs and we see Fiona's parents who were about to sigh there kingdom over to Rumple Stiltskin when suddenly there told that Fiona has been saved that's because this opening scene takes place while Shrek and Fiona were away on there honey moon. Thus Rumple Stiltskin dreams on getting revenge on Shrek. Meanwhile Shrek is getting sick of his mundane life because he wakes up and every day feels the same to him and everyone loves him, but he misses the days when people used to be afraid of him and he gets persuaded by Rumple Stiltskin to sigh a contract that gives him one hole day to be the scary orga he used to be, but as soon as he discovers Shrek doesn't exist in this timeline because the very day Rumple Stiltskin took was the day Shrek was born. So Naturally he locates Fiona becomes friends with Donkey again and joins the orga resistance to get back his happily ever after. The story is basically the Shrek equivalent to It's A Wonderful Life, but even though it copies the basic set up the way it's exuded makes it feel different and it overall works really well for what it is. It's nice that this movie goes back on the themes of Shrek's character arc. All Shrek wanted from the beginning of the first movie is that he wanted to fit in and bet acceptance by society but now is this movie he's here with everything he wanted but it's a life style that becomes repetitive for him and that leads to his decision to sigh the contract. The characters in this movie are amazing. Since Shrek is getting sick of all this hard work it makes him very sympathetic. Now Shrek does burst out at Fiona but they did that intentionally so that later one when Shrek realises he mess up it's immensely satisfying. His character he has in this movie is really nice as well. Fiona, Donkey and Puss are also amazing because it's really nice getting to see them in different roles we want to see. Fiona is a strong fighter who wants to get revenge on Rumple Stiltskin for what he did to her parents and that's really nice. Notice how in this movie Shrek has to befriend Donkey the other way around. Puss doesn't have a lot to him compared to Shrek, Fiona and Donkey but he's still good for what he is in this movie. Rumple Stiltskin is really great as the villain in this movie. His design looks greats and he's pretty funny and the fact that he rules nearly over everything makes him one of the largest threats in the hole franchise and not only that though but definitely better than what Prince Charming was in the third movie. The animation for this movie looks amazing and it's easily the best looking Shrek movie out of all of them. The humour for this movie is strange because it's not really trying to be funny and I think that's because this movie is focused in an alternative timeline where Shrek's life is stripped away and everyone is miserable there's hardly a need for any jokes in this movie but with that being said most of the jokes do work well enough while some other jokes fall flat but the important thing is that none of the jokes in this movie are as bad as the jokes in Shrek the Third. The voice acting is also amazing as well. Shrek Forever After 9.2/10.
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Five Nights at Freddy's (2014 Video Game)
An amazing start to the Fnaf franchise
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Five Night's At Freddy's isn't the best game in the series but it's still an amazing start to the franchise. The story of Five Night's At Freddy's is that a security guard named Mike has a job working as a security guard at a restaurant called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Mike has to stay in the office and watch the cameras to make sure nothing happens. However it turns out that the four main animatronics in the restaurant called Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy are alive and there trying to get inside your office and kill whoever's in there. So now Mike has to survive all five night's without being killed. The story for this games works great mainly at how it is at creating a creepy atmosphere look to the game. It's also great because of how carefully you have you play the game by making sure you don't run out of power and that you don't actually let the animatronics in your offic because once there in your office prepare to be jumpscared. The characters for this game don't have much to them but there explained to us in a away that you can understand them. The main character Mike we can relate to because he needs the money for himself and his family. The Animatronics are amazing at being evil killer robots. All the information about them as characters are explained to you by the phone guy who tells you about them and there history. There also amazing because you have to figure out what they have to them through your mind. This works great at making them have a ghostie past story. The animation for this game still looks amazing now in 2024 nothing about the animation looks bad at all. The music is fantastic at making the game be scary especially the main theme for this game. Five Night's At Freddy's 9.5/10.
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New Super Mario Bros. (2006 Video Game)
A great start to the new super mario bros games.
21 May 2024
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New Super Mario Bros. May not be the best game in the super mario franchise but it's still a lot of fun to come back to this one every now and then. The story of New Super Mario Bros. Is that Mario and Peach are walking through the mushroom kingdom when a bolt of lightning strikes the castle. Mario then goes over to see what happened but then Bowser Jr then grabs Peach and runs off, now Mario has to travel to 8 different worlds and save Peach from Bowser, Bowser Jr and his minions. The story for this game is paper fin but it works really good for what it is. The story is mainly fun because of the amount of fun levels there are to play through and also because of how fun the bosses are to fight. The characters for this game don't have much personality to them but there still a lot of fun. Mario is very sympathetic since he wants to save Peach. Peach is overall fine and that's about it. Bowser is really good as the villain in this game and his son Bowser Jr is just as good as he is. The animation for this game doesn't look the best now because some of the animation does look quite dated now 2024 but still hold up good enough. The music for this game is also great. The best music is the music for the credits, it's so fun to listen to. The voice lines from the characters do sound quite weird almost a bit to weird. The controls for this game still function very well to this day. New Super Mario Bros. 8/10.
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Thomas & Friends (1984–2021)
Still fun to come back to this show every now and again
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thomas & Friends is a show that has had a strange reputation over the years. The plot of this show focuses on the life of Thomas a small tank engine and his friends living on the island of sodor. The series is based of a book series called The Railway Series written by Rev. W Awdry. The plot for this show is great, it's simple but it has its own unique charm to it for what it is. The stories for this series are fun to watch because of how funny and fun they are. The characters in this series are amazing from there on unique personalities to there voices to there designs. The different kids of trains that we see in this show makes it look like an actual place you could go to in real life. The model sets for this show look amazing. Some of the model sets from the earlier series do look quite dated now in 2024 because of how dark a lot of them are. The cgi series of this show doesn't hold a candle to the look of the model era but still looks good for what it is. The voice acting from the narrators from the model series at best is amazing and at worst it just awful. The voice acting for the cgi series is at best amazing and at worst it's just what ever. The music from this show is at best amazing and at worst it's bad. Now here are the ratings for each series of the show.

Series 1 9/10 (Amazing)

Series 2 10/10 (Excellent)

Series 3 10/10 (Excellent)

Series 4 9.5/10 (Amazing-Excellent)

Series 5 7/10 (Good)

Series 6 7/10 (Good)

Series 7 7.5/10 (Good-Great)

Series 8 5/10 (Fine)

Series 9 6/10 (Decent)

Series 10 4/10 (Meh)

Series 11 5.5/10 (Fine-Decent)

Series 12 1.5/10 (Terrible-Awful)

Series 13 2.5/10 (Awful-Bad)

Series 14 1.5/10 (Terrible)

Series 15 1.5/10 (Terrible-Awful)

Series 16 4/10 (Meh)

Series 17 8.5/10 (Great-Amazing)

Series 18 8/10 (Great)

Series 19 7.5/10 (Good-Great)

Series 20 9/10 (Amazing)

Series 21 8/10 (Great)

Series 22 1.5/10 (Terrible-Awful)

Series 23 1/10 (Terrible)

Series 24 1.5/10 (Terrible-Awful)

Thomas and Friends 9/10.
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Cars 2 (2011)
Really bad.
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cars 2 is always regarded as pixar's worst movie and it's very easy to see why because it felt like pixar made this movie just to make money. The story of Cars 2 is that an electric car named Miles Axlerod has invested a new type of alternative fuel named Allinal for cars and is holding a racing competition called the WorldGrandPrix featuring some of the fastest racing cars around the world to race in it all fuelled by Allinal. Lighting McQueen is planning on racing in it and so him and his friends head of to it, but while there on this world tour Mater gets sucked into this spy plot revolving around this conspiracy in which these evil secret society lemon cars are sabotageing the race to make Allinal look bad, to maintain their monopoly on the tradition fuel industry. Mater gets mistaken for an american spy and ends up going on all these crazy spy adventures, one of which screws up McQueen in the first race and costes him the victory. This whole plot ends with Mater getting a bomb on him but he doesn't blow up. The plot for this movie is so complexed, compared to the first movie which was a simple story about McQueen growing as a character, it was all marged to classic americana and motor racing and honoured real racing legends, but you get to Cars 2 and it's nothing like the first movie. The biggest problem with the story is that it's forced on Mater and not McQueen. This doesn't work because Mater from Cars 1 was the comic relief character who would only appear just for a funny line or for funny scene every now and then. Mater is not interesting as the main character in this movie because he doesn't have a goal and he doen't effect the direction the plot goes and so as a result we the audience just get annoyed with him because you just want him to shut up. This movie's plot makes it look like one of those Mater's Tail Tales cartoons episode stretched into a feature length movie. The second problem with this movie is making it a spy movie. Some of the spy stuff that they do show in this movie is pretty cool at times but the problem is that this messes with the tone from the first movie. The spy stuff also doesn't work because they have to dumb down the spy's so Mater can be worked in it. The spy car named rodledline has to talk meet with Holly in person to exchange a photo and this happens to that there can be a scene where Mater gets involved with the plot. The spy cars Finn and Holly ignore how annoying Mater is so that way he can be involved with more action thriller spy stuff. The villains plot is also so dumb mainly because there evil plan doesn't make a lot of sense and there just not that interesting. The racing part of this movie with McQueen should have been the main focus of the story and it would have been at least around the same level as the first movie. The characters in this movie are bad. McQueen is probably the only good main character in this movie because of the racing scenes with him and the other racers mainly because it of how fun it is to watch. Mater is so dumb and he sucks as the main character because he's annoying and he doesn't have a goal. The only good thing about him in this movie is his character arc but thats about it. Finn and Holly the two spy cars in this movie are also so stupid and there quite possibly the worst professional spy's ever. Why is Holly painted the most brightest colour ever shouldn't she be painted in like a grayish colour so that she can't be spotted from a mile away. Finn is so stupid as a spy car because he is always getting caught. Why does he go out on the oil rig so close to the lemon cars where literally anyone can she him. He gets spotted at the airport and again he gets caught almost immediately, he gets caught in paris, he try's to catch the bad guys in italy and get caught again by a helicopter. Professor is really bad as the villain in this movie because he's not interesting and his plan B paln is so stupid. There plan B is so blow up McQueen to make it look like it was the fuels fault, but they put the bomb on Mater realising that he tried to get close to McQueen so there plan B is to blow up Mater and take out McQueen with him, but the whole race track has cameras everywhere from every corner from every building on the race track and all that camera footage is going to show is Mater blowing up and taking McQueen with him so how is that gonna make them accomplish there goal of making Allinal the fuel in McQueen tank look bad. It's the dumbest plan ever and it only happens so that we can have this literal ticking time bomb element in the final climax scene. The animation does look amazing and still look really good now in 2024. The soundtrack is also amazing. The spy music is so cool and fun to listen to. The voice actors do a great job in this movie but these things sadly don't save the movie. Cars 2 3/10.
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Cars (2006)
Not the best pixar movie but it's still a nice cosy movie
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cars is not the best pixar movie but it's still nice to come back to this movie every now and then. The story of Cars is that a talking race car named Lighting McQueen is going to be racing in a competition with The King and Chick Hits in california and McQueen really want to win. However on the journey to the competition McQueen is in Macks trailer when the door opens up and McQueen rolls out and gets lot and he ends up in a small town named radiator springs and while he's there he actually wrecks the town and causes damage to it and the cars that live in radiator springs want him to fix the damage he has done to the road and if he repairs the road they will let him go and so McQueen has to fix the road and get to the big race. The story for Cars is simple but it's educated in a way that makes it feel fresh mainly because it's about talking cars something we've never seen before. It's also nice that the movie also adds a lot of heart and love to motor racing something that the world really likes. Now there is no real reason why they are cars in this universe and some things about the world are questionable but a lot of those problems are only just nitpicking problems with the movie. The characters in this movie are great McQueen is amazing and really funny. McQueen's character arc he has in this movie is really nice because he learns to sometimes in life you need to slow down and learn that there are more important things in life. McQueen falls in love with the town radiator springs and he learns there more things in life than just winning. It's also nice how at the end of the movie when Chick Hits causes The King's reck McQueen stops and gives up the race to go back and help The King and to push him across the finish line. Mater is overall pretty funny as a comic relief character. Sometimes he shows up just for a funny that you can't help but just laugh at him. Sally is also amazing mainly because she manages to change McQueen's personality and she also falls in love with him. Doc Hutson is amazing because he's starts of as just a car that runs the town until the end of the movie when he learns that everyone else in radiator springs started to like him. The character arc that Doc Huston goes through as well is really nice when he learns to appreciate McQueen as a racer. All the other car characters in radiator springs are amazing in there own way possible as well. The King is also great and wants the most shocking is that he's based off a car in real life of the same name and in this movie he was voiced by the same guy who drove the The King in the nascar races Richard Perry. Chick Hits is really great as the villain in this movie. The only problem with the characters is given how Chick Hits does a lot of bad things to the other race cars at the beginning of the movie and at the end when he caused The King's crash and yet he doesn't get removed. I know why they did this because we need the plot to happen a show he's a bad guy but still. The animation for this movie looks really good and it still holds up very well now in 2024. The voice actors they got for this movie is insane and all of them do amazing job in every way possible. The music for this movie is fantastic. The best song in this movie is easily the song Real Gone even though it's not an original song from this movie it's still amazing to listen to. Cars 8/10.
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Such an awful christmas movie
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! Is easily the worst one out of all four of the Nativity movies. The story of Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! Is that a teacher named Mr. Shepherd is coming to the school to stay there for an inspection, but at the same time he has to deal with Mr. Poppy being annoying as well. At the same time Mr. Poppy wants seek the kids out of school and take them to london for a flash mob competition and if they win they will be able to go to new york and sing there song on top of the Empire State Building. The reason why has has to seek the children out of school is because the new headmistress named Mrs. Keen has fired Mr. Poppy. While Mr. Poppy tells Mr. Shepherd that they have to do this without Mrs. Keen knowing. While there at the school Mrs. Keen asks Mr. Shepherd to call the animal control to get Mr. Poppy's Donkey sent away and while Mr. Shepherd is pushing the Donkey into the trailer the Donkey then kicks him in the head and when he wakes up he forgets who he is and now Mr. Poppy, Mr. Shepherd's daughter Laran and all the students have to try and win the competition and get Mr. Shepherd to remember who he is before Bradley Finch steal Sophie from Mr. Shepherd. The story for this movie is awful. The movie has nothing to do with a Nativity at all. The whole show takes a back seat to this whole movie. The main focus of this movie is about Mr. Poppy, Laran and the students trying to get him to remember who he is and this whole story is such a chore to sit through because none of it makes any sense and it's just not interesting because of how annoying Mr. Poppy is and how annoying the songs are playing in the background. Given how Mr. Poppy sneaked out of school with the Mr. Shepherd, Laran and all his students you would think Mrs. Keen would have gotten several calls from the students parents that they haven't came home or that she would have found out about it, but no that doesn't happen at all. Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger had a lot of realism but Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! Makes no sense at all and all the realism goes trate out the window. The sub plot about Bradley Finch trying to steal Sophie is so boring and not interesting because of how generic and predictable it is. The characters in this movie are awful as well. Mr. Shepherd is bad. He is a little bit sympathetic give how he doesn't know where to go with his life since he lost his memory and he doen't know weather if he should marry Sophie but at the same time he acts really dump and stupid at times. Mr. Poppy is terrible because he's so unlikeable and annoying for constantly trying to be funny when he isn't funny. He even goes out of his way to steal Gordon Shakespeare's passports because Gordon and his students won the flash mob. Laran is whatever. Sophie is probably the best character in the movie but that's not saying much. She is a bit sympathetic but at the same time she doesn't have much to her as a character because we don't get much focus on her. Gordon Shakespeare is bad because his character arc he learnt from the second movie means nothing now is this movie because now he's back to being a show off and wanting to win at everything. All the students are bad because of how annoying they are at times and also because of how stupid they all are. Bradley Finch is fine as well but much like Sophie we don't get much forcus on him. The locations overall look fine. The music is bad. The only song from this movie that is actually good is the song Mary Bradley Finch. The acting in this movie is atrocious especially Martin Clause and Kathryn Tates acting. The humour is insufferable because of the amount of fart and poo jokes they have in this movie and guess what it never takes a break at all. All these jokes are for little kids and no one else. Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! 2/10.
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