
73 Reviews
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Disappointing Despite High Ratings
14 June 2024
I started watching "Everything Everywhere All at Once" because of its overwhelmingly positive reviews. Initially, the film piqued my interest and appeared promising. However, around the midway point-specifically during the hot dog scene-my attention waned completely, and I resorted to assembling flat-pack furniture while still keeping an eye on the screen, hoping for an uptick in engagement. Unfortunately, that moment never came.

Although there were fleeting moments that reminded me of "The Matrix," these were quickly lost. I'm baffled by the film's high ratings and can't help but feel that maybe they stem from a sense of sunk cost, compelling viewers to recommend a movie they spent over two hours watching so that others feel the same pain of wasting two hours of their life.

One review even suggested that this film is what "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" should have been. I find myself questioning if we watched the same movie. For those seeking a coherent sci-fi film with sensible plotlines, impressive special effects, and substantial action, this might not be your cup of tea.

As for the film's genre-whether it's a parody, satire, or just plain bonkers-I'd argue it's a mix of all three. Overall, the movie was a letdown, and it has led me to question the reliability of popular movie rating systems.
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Just meh
8 February 2023
I am someone who is crazy about all Marvel movies, and loved every single one of them. The last two Spider-man and Dr Strange, set the bar very high, Spider-man especially. I really didn't like this very much, and was just a meh feeling.

The beginning was great and all homage to T'Challa was welcomed, but everything else felt short.

They should really call the movie Wakanda VS Atlantis, oops meant to say Talokan. The whole conflict felt insignificant too. Hulk or She-Hulk alone could slap silly both of these nations together, hell just send in Titania:)) and she will do it.

There isn't much you can spoil, the trailers alone give away the whole movie, but there is hope that a new Black Panther may emerge one day, an actual Black Panther.
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Just enjoy it
9 November 2022
I watched the original when it first came out and yet I don't actually remember it at all and I am not planning to rewatch it just to compare. I don't get the negative reviews, it's a fun romantic comedy for the whole family. It didn't deserve a 10 but it doesn't deserve 1s and 2s either.

My wife and I liked and enjoyed it very much. Would have been cool to hear Gloria sing and I thought she might at the end, but alas that did not happen.

I don't get the woke comments, we live in the age we live but I hardly felt like there was any kind of agenda pushed down our throats. Strong women have always been around, just not something women were pressed for a few decades ago.

Anyhow, ignore the low ratings and just enjoy a nice romantic comedy with great actors.
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Archive (2020)
Black Mirror episode stretched out
1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I pretty much knew what was happening about half way there, but they made a very simple plot extremely confusing deliberately. Throwing in J1, J2 and J3 plus their personalities just made it look like the guy had multiple personalities. The confusion is not around what was happening, but why some of the things were happening. Was the Archive Company picking his brain? Why did J2 behaved as it did. What was the transfer? It just leaves you frustrated because you have no answers.
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Good Girls (2018–2021)
So frustrating
13 December 2020
It started kinda fun but then it just became frustrating to the point I am pulling my hair. The girls keep making the same and worse mistakes again and again and again, again, again, again....

Nothing they do has any logic, they play gangsters and think this is a hobby they can switch on and off whenever they want to. They want to be criminals but then they also want to be nice people. They give in to blackmail, demands, extortion, being robbed and losing their money every week, people walking all over them etc.

All you see here is a bunch of stupid housewives that NEVER learn anything, especially from their own mistakes. Annie is probably the worse when it comes to stupid mistakes that has major repercussions, then Beth and then Ruby.

You can't possibly do what they do and still be alive. Way too lucky to get away with the stupid stuff they keep doing.

Rio is just amused by Beth, only reason she is still around. How bothersome can someone be before they get the axe? Obviously the series needs to keep going.

I am still watching it because I am hoping that they will get better. I am hoping for something smart in the end, a nice surprise. They just go in deeper and deeper without any commonsense, you go gangster it is for life.

Oh, and what happened to Boomer's phone and the bag... How did that happen? Or was it just a badly written twist?
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The Owners (2020)
Please don't...
17 October 2020
I watched it because I read the positive reviews, oh boy what a mistake that was. The movie is interesting but truly bonkers. Towards the end when most of the action happens the ratio changes to 4:3, so you get a nice square box, you lose about %40 of the viewing area.

Honestly it is just a weird poor movie, not a unexpected ending since you should be able to figure out what will happen. Acting is fine by the way.

Need to stop watching British movies if I want something entertaining.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
11 October 2020
An interesting watch and just like the Scientology Documentaries and other cult based ones it is great that they go into the details to show people the evil that happens behind the smile.

It is obvious that Cults prey on people that are vulnerable, gullible, maybe pure but also the ones that have personal issues, giving them the attention and validation they seek, false promises and grand plans.

It is also very obvious that this thing happens mainly in America, probably people are more gullible and the constitution allows for cult like organisation to do damage without any repercussions. As "Crack-a-doodles Reflect & Deflect - LouieInLove" said, the victims need to take some responsibility, you are not a child, makes you wonder how they even made it through life. However I am starting to see the appeal and maybe even question the series... because the message that they put forward was enlightenment, making yourself better etc which would appeal to many people. Most of them were involved for years by which time it was too late and they probably didn't wanted to throw it all away. The whole enlightenment only revolves around each individual member and didn't help anyone else.

Another scary thing is how women can be so bad with other women.

Anyhow, the documentary is worth a watch if you want to find out more about the cult, probably less so for rest of the world, some of us briefly heard about it. I for one only heard of it due to watching Smallville and the obvious Allison Mack link.

Somehow I got hooked in watching this and it is definitely very interesting. Keith is obviously a psycho genius. I imagine that it all started for the better of mankind and a lot of smart people wanted that and followed him. If the Dalai Lama associated with them it was serious. If the facts are correct ESP really did help people but as many good things, when it gets too big to fail it all goes stupid like DOS. Keith was very patient, cooked the whole sex slavery for 10 years, if it happened before it was low key. It really is unbelievable. I guess power went to his head or maybe he truly was an evil genius, who can tell, maybe he could have done great things. To go to the lengths he did just for some submissive action is nuts. If he wanted a Harem maybe he should have converted, much easier. The male members had no idea what was happening to their friends and family including their wives. I don't think many members believe the facts and still silently and vocally support NXIVM. The organisation is still active and may remain so regardless.

On a serious note, right now Scientology is doing the exact same thing minus the sex slavery... that we know of. Wonder how many more years they will go on doing what they do, after all NXIVM, actually Keith only went down because members went against it on record and managed to collect enough evidence, otherwise it would gone on and on and on. Just like Scientology, NXIVM did buried everything/everyone that stood against them under legal actions, libels, intimidation and possibly murder. The authorities don't care so it seem. We know that they favour CSI and CSI tolerated NXIVM because they went after Rick Ross. The two have very strong ties, from similar processes, believes to similar terms and language. It is extremely worrying that CSI is spreading now like wildfire.

Today's millennials and influentials would easily fall prey to any organisation such as this one, if many don't already. It would feed their ego and make them relevant.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Solid movie
27 September 2020
This is a solid film, yes the premise has been done many times but the execution is different. I enjoy different foods but I also go back to burgers or pizzas because I like them and they are good. Same old but I may try different flavours and ensembles. This is exactly what this film is, a different flavour of a similar genre.

During lockdown people must have gone bonkers to give good movies ratings of 1 and 2. I honestly have no idea why this has any rating lower than a 6. We are talking 1 to 10, so a decent film must receive 6 7. This is a good action film and it kept me interested, didn't feel the need to play on my phone as it happened with other highly rated films.

It has good actors, good action scenes, good story and whatever else is needed for a good receipe. I was looking for an easy good action movie and I got it. Didn't need to get mindfu**d or leave me make up the ending, not an Oscar movie... just pure fun. Bloodshot got just as many bad ratings and again, I don't get it.

You want a good action film a la Bourne go for it, and then give it at least a 6 cause it deserves it. The story is solid, it explains clearly why things happen, why she asked the questions and what the repercussions were so whoever said it doesn't explaint it, clearly wasn't paying attention and who the hell analyses action films, are you looking for a realistic spy/assassin movie? Should probably not watch any James Bond then:)) The film is not driven by stupidity, by doing things for the cause of moving the script along.

Again, it is a good spy/assassin action film.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
English movie shot in Romania NOT Sweden
26 September 2020
Interesting movie, won't divulge any plots but I had to point out that this is an English movie which was filmed in Romania... Not Sweden as others have mentioned. Romania has the largest forests in Europe, populated by many species of animals, wolfs, lynx and bears to name a few. Scandinavia does have more forest but that's 3 countries so...

Beautiful shots and very creepy. As some have said the ending is kinda blah.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
21 September 2020
An interesting watch, but just like the Scientology Documentaries and other cult based ones it is great that they go into the details to show people what happens.

It is obvious that Cults prey on people that have personal issues, giving them the attention nad validation they seek, false promises and grand plans.

It is also very obvious that this thing happens mainly in America, probably people are more gullible and the constitution allows for cult like organisation to do damage without any repercussions. As "Crack-a-doodles Reflect & Deflect - LouieInLove" said, the victims need to take responsibility, you are not a child, makes you wonder how they even made it through life. However I am starting to see the appeal and maybe even question the series... because the message that they put forward was enlightenment, making yourself better etc which would appeal to many people, especially people that are pure and gullible. Most of them were involved for years by which time it was too late. The whole enlightenment only revolves around each individual member and didn't help anyone else.

Another scary thing is how women can be so bad with other women.

Anyhow, the documentary is worth a watch if you want to find out more about the cult, probably less so for rest of the world, some of us briefly heard about it. I for one only heard of it due to watching Smallville and the obvious Alisson link.

UPDATE: Somehow I got hooked in watching this and it is definitely very interesting. Keith is obviously a psycho genius. I imagine that it all started for the better of mankind and a lot of smart people wanted that and followed him. If the Dalai Lama associated with them it was serious. If the facts are correct ESP really did help people but as many good things, when it gets too big to fail it all goes stupid like DOS. Keith was very patient, cooked the whole sex slavery for 10 years, if it happened before it was low key. It really is unbelievable. I guess power went to his head. The male members had no idea what was happening to their friends and family including their wives. I don't think many members believe the facts and still silently and vocally support NXIVM. The organisation is still active and may remain so regardless.

I am very interested to learn more about the tools they used for self bettering, then again I might as well join Scientology as they use those same tools and the two seem very similar in mentality.

On a serious note, right now Scientology is doing the exact same thing minus the sex slavery... that we know of. Wonder how many more years they will go on doing what they do, after all NXIVM, actually Keith only went down because members went against it on record and managed to collect enough evidence, otherwise it would gone on and on and on, burrying everything that stood against them under legal actions, libels, intimidation and possibly murder. The authorities don't care so it seem. We know that they favour CSI and CSI tolerated NXIVM.

Todays millennials and influentials would easily fall prey to any organisation such as this one. It would feed their ego and pretty much do and say anything they would be told for a paycheck. Especially with such organisations looking to pull in new members from beautiful influential people that have reach to other beautiful and influential people and so forth.
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Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020 Video)
Why the low ratings? Were people expecting Oscar film?
20 September 2020
I am sorry but I really want to call everyone that rated this lower than a 6 a numpty. What were they expecting? I expected exactly what I got. Probably the same group that gave The Avengers 1 and 2 because it wasn't realistic:)

I watched the original Deep Blue Sea in the cinema and loved it back then, and like this one.

Sorry to be blunt but it is a shark movie, nope it is a killer animal movie like Jaws, Anaconda, Lake Placid, Piranha, Meg, Reef, Animal, Ghost in the Darkness, Prey, Primeval to name a few. I named a few Hollywood Productions movies as the low budget aren't worth mentioning. The story doesn't change EVER. The main point of these films is the in your face bad ass animals/creatures going on a killing spree and the humans working out the best way to survive, take them out or both.

So please ignore the silly reviews, this is a solid 7 movie. Disengage your brain, don't over analyse things and have fun.

Killer Sharks: check Hollywood Production: check Hot Characters: check (male and female) Blood and Gore: check Startling Scenes: check Action Packed: check Entertaining: check Feminism: check (for who cares)
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Ares (2016)
This is not the movie you are looking for, move along!
20 September 2020
You won't remember this film 5 minutes after you watched it, it is that uneventful. It isn't a bad movie and it isn't a good movie. It just is. The thing about the film is that we may get to the future it depicts, we are kinda there already.

Some reviewers mentioned Blade Runner, really what were they tripping on? I think someone said crossover between Blade Runner and RoboCop. In which universe is that?

I would say this should be at a 5 🌟 rating. Right in the middle as a blah film. I assume that every 6+ rating comes from French viewers. If you want a non dubbed French film, sure go for it.
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OKish but no masterpiece
19 September 2020
It does drag on then bang everything connects, but not in a clever way... Just kinda happens because the script says so:)

It is OKish, after I finished watching it, the 2 hours of it I didn't know if I liked it or not. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I know because it was witty, fun or exciting. The Gentlemen was and that is why I did recommend it.

If someone asked me how was the film, my reply would be "it was ok, wouldn't watch it again though".
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Soo bad, why am I wasting my time
17 September 2020
I am writing this whilst watching the film. I saw some of the positive reviews and thought, hey Bloodshot got bad reviews but it was still a fun film. Brains OFF and go for an action ride. But boy this was just bad. And what is with the constant close up camera shots, just give us some distance so we can see everyone better and not just their pores.

Please don't waste your time as I am wasting mine right now:( with 20 minutes to go. Not sure what the plot twist is.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
10 Because I didn't watch/read the Animes/Mangas
12 September 2020
I did not read or watch the original sources ie Manga or Anime. I just watched this movie and found it fun but maybe a little rushed. I lost the plot a bit as things were moving too fast, like how L figured stuff out and what happened at the end.

Based on my viewing I do recommend it, it is like Final Destination meet the Final Wish or Wishmaster? Anyhow I do wish that this was done in two parts, give it more context, or that they did a follow up.

I will be watching Death Note. Has been added to my Netflix list:) see how that is. I think that there is also a live action series, might be worth looking into it.
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"With luck is uncertain" Quote from the movie
10 September 2020
I read the low ratings and then I saw the 7s... I honestly have no idea who these reviewers are but boy do they want you to waste your time. Please for the love of all the bunnies and babies in the world, do NOT waste your time. It is so unbelievable bad it is crazy. They have some good actors and then some really bad ones, the worst one is the main bad guy, he must have done some favours or founded the movie to be a main character. At the end the budget drops considerably, at one point they put the car in front of one of them rolling forest roads, but it is so cheap I had to laugh.

I really wished it was better. Might as well watch Splash, million times better.
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Greed (I) (2019)
The Ugly Truth (Watch it!!)
9 June 2020
I have no idea why the many negative reviews, unless this movie is douching a nerve for a lot of people.

The movie might be a satire or even a mocumentary:) but the bottom line is that everything in this movie has happened and is happening in the world right now. Putting our head in the sand won't make it go away. Saying that, I wish I could release a few lions on some fat cats, those %11 that own all of us would be a great place to start.

The movie itself touches on some very serious subjects, it does so quite well. It shows us how the little people are nothing but expendable numbers to the few elites. How it is easy to get rich by not taking any blame in the destruction left behind you whilst legally doing so by avoiding all responsibilities. Except us, lower and middle classes, we can't get away with anything.

I believe that the movie is aimed at the Top Shop owner and the incidents that have happened in Asia/India with the sweat shops causing so meany deaths and poverty.

I repeat, this movie is not a fantasy, it is reality. Watch it as such, it is meant to make you cry and feel angry at the injustice all around us. This is not just the fashion industry by the way.

No one made it far in business without being ruthless and pretty much stepping on and crushing the little people. Any business that didn't do hat is most likely defunct now. Every single UK business that was using UK staff went bankrupt. Talking about jobs not outsourced to India or other places.
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Forget the ratings, watch it, great fun
21 April 2020
No idea what is wrong with people these days, 1917 has 8.3 and this one has under 5?

I can tell you that I was a lot more entertained watching this than 1917, I did not fall asleep, did not feel the need to fast forward nor have I shouted at the screen "why the hell would you do that?".

The movie is similar to a few others of this genre but still original. The twist at the end is not something you see ahead until a few moments before it happens.

I have never watched the old Fantasy Island so I cannot tell if it has any similarities.

This is a movie for people that loved the old Scream, Know What You Did Last Summer and especially The Cabin in the Woods. Disengage your brain and enjoy the ride. In addition, the movie doesn't give you the usual character does a stupid thing just to move the movie along.
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Great romantic movie
27 January 2020
Enjoy the film and don't over analyse the small details. If at the end you don't have a tear then sure, give the film a 5 or lower, you are not human so who cares about your rating.

I found it really sweet and a good Christmas Romance movie. The theme has been done before, I realised what was happening, just before it was explained, because of a great film from 1999. Anyhow, no spoilers here, enjoy the film for what it is. No need to dig too deep. It is a find yourself, romance, enjoy life and don't miss what you have in front of you film.

As a separate note, seriously if they got Yugoslavian details wrong who cares. If we rated down every film that got Eastern European language/details or general stuff wrong we wouldn't have anything to watch. Especially fantasy vampire films:))
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Jexi (2019)
F Hilarious
27 January 2020
No idea what's up with the low reviews. This is a hilarious film about today's society. Could have been a Black Mirror episode and people would have given it 10 starts.

I am someone that uses my phone strictly when needed, I see the phone zombies around me... Now every time I see them I will wish they all had a Jexi.

Back to the film, watch it, it is great, the swearing makes it funny, the same funny as hearing a baby say a rude word, hilarious but not overused. Just the right amount. It's not a serious film but does have a strong message and lesson to be learned about today's screen addicted society. I gave it a 10, more like a 7 but deserves a much higher score than 6.

Anyone watching this and not laughing, why sooo seerriousss?
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Shazam! (2019)
Superhero Kids Movie
1 July 2019
First of all for anyone that didn't get the name: S.H.A.Z.A.M. = Solomon (for the Wisdom of Solomon), Hercules (for the Strength of Hercules), Atlas (for the Stamina of Atlas), Zeus (for the Power of Zeus), Achilles (for the Courage of Achilles) and Mercury (for the Speed of Mercury).

I am a huge hero fan but I don't know a lot about Shazam. The movie seems to show the origin of Shazam and the Shazam Family of heroes. It covers The New 52 which is the new DC revamp following the conclusion of the "Flashpoint" crossover storyline.

The movie was extremely boring with very little action. I felt like the audience was frustrated by a self centred annoying kid, especially when it turned in Shazam. In Captain Marvel we had a similar story, focusing on the character, however at the end of the movie Captain Marvel showed her true powers. In Shazam you keep waiting for that big moment, and it never happens. He beats the villain by tricking him because someone else that doesn't have Solomon's wisdom told him how.

I am not sure if the comics are the same, an immature 15 year old without any common sense. For someone with the wisdom of Solomon and the courage of Achilles.... he really didn't display either during the 2 hours and a bit. Billy as a 15 years old seemed OK, the main issue is when he turns into Shazam that somehow becomes much more immature than his "little sister" Darla.

I am also wondering if Billy is secretly related to Arya Stark:))

Just a weird question, if Billy's mum lost him when he was, around 5 years old, and she was 17 years old, at what age did she have him?

The DC universe is supposed to be darker than Marvel. And I didn't get that. Again, if this depicts the comics and how the character behaved in them, great, they did an amazing job. For me this was the weakest Superhero movie I have seen in the last two decades. I am hoping that we will see him in the next Justice League movie, if there is one, matching Superman.

For me there was just no WOW factor like you get in other DC/Marvel movies. Not even once. As a kids movie (under 12), sure it is great for them, they will love it.
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Shazam! (2019)
Superhero Kids Movie
30 June 2019
First of all for anyone that didn't get the name: S.H.A.Z.A.M. = Solomon (for the Wisdom of Solomon), Hercules (for the Strength of Hercules), Atlas (for the Stamina of Atlas), Zeus (for the Power of Zeus), Achilles (for the Courage of Achilles) and Mercury (for the Speed of Mercury).

I am a huge hero fan but I don't know a lot about Shazam. The movie seems to show the origin of Shazam and the Shazam Family of heroes. It covers The New 52 which is the new DC revamp following the conclusion of the "Flashpoint" crossover storyline.

The movie was extremely boring with very little action.Just getting frustrated by a self centred annoying kid. In Captain Marvel we had a similar story, focusing on the character, however at the end of the movie Captain Marvel showed her true powers. In Shazam you keep waiting for that moment, and it never happens. He beats the villain by tricking him.

I am not sure if the comics are the same, an immature 15 year old without any common sense. For someone with the wisdom of Solomon and the courage of Achilles.... he really didn't display either during the 2 hours and a bit.

Again, if this depicts the comics and how the character behaved in them, great, they did an amazing job. For me this was the weakest Superhero movie I have seen in the last two decades. I am hoping that we will see him in the next Justice League movie, if there is one, matching Superman.
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Should be called: "People that HAD money and lost it"
25 January 2019
This documentary is not quite what you think it is supposed to be. As many have said, it is about Lauren Greenfield and her acquaintances.

Everyone in this film that HAD money and was living lavishing lifestyles pretty much lost it all. Maybe she should have interviewed Hugh Hefner and look at his life over 25 years see what he would have said.

Money makes the world go around, it takes money to make money and anyone that doesn't have to work 100 hours a week to have does enjoy it with the self entitled families they have:) Also when you have money try to invest some, make sure you don't blow it all faster than you earn it, which is pretty much why a lot of people lost theirs.

One thing I learned, LA is a very bad place to be if you have no money.

This documentary doesn't really show anything new.
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Too Dark to make out anything
21 August 2018
Seriously, I kit you not. %80 of the movie is filmed in almost complete darkness to the point I could hardly see what the hell was going on. Must have bean dead cheap to make if nothing could be seen.

Film is OKish, nothing that wasn't done before but the freaking darkness just annoyed me.
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Calibre (2018)
Slow, boring, excellent example of English mediocre TV
16 August 2018
Do not waste your time with this. I am starting to learn that %90 of English TV is absolutely rubbish... speaking from England. I have stopped watching UK TV due to poor quality.

This movie is too long, too slow, too painful to watch and just completely forgettable.

I guess if you are English you will give it 10 starts. If you want a film to entertain you, excite you and keep you wanting more then this is NOT it.
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