
15 Reviews
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Very loud w little substance
9 June 2024
Based on the description I had high expectations. It's visually pleasing, however the plot isn't all that. What a pity. A movie w much more depth and food for thought is Swan Song.

Not in the mood for an essay. Therefore copy pasted my paragraph again.

Based on the description I had high expectations. It's visually pleasing, however the plot isn't all that. What a pity. A movie w much more depth and food for thought is Swan Song.

Based on the description I had high expectations. It's visually pleasing, however the plot isn't all that. What a pity. A movie w much more depth and food for thought is Swan Song.
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Gen V (2023– )
decent show
18 November 2023
Wish the story had had more episodes, it ended rather abruptly albeit effectively setting up a new season

really hated what i watched of the boys didn't expect to like this show but was very pleasantly surprised

now giving the boys another chance.

It's not nearly as interesting as Gen V though

I loved their depiction of gender fluidity, of how self-esteem issues affect our abilities, how violence begets violence and how it isn't the solution for peace, how corrupt corporations can be

The diverse casting was a great start. Wish they had centered the POC characters a lot more. Still great ensemble cast.
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Painkiller (2023)
Great show
6 November 2023
Almost didn't watch and didn't expect to like this mini series. But I would give it a10 if it weren't for the headache-inducing high-pitched sound effects. One thing I wish is that they had spent more time on how white supremacy treated the Black drug epidemic vs the White one. The touched on it which I really appreciated but it could have gone so much deeper. The NF doc Crack is pretty educational.

One reason, this epidemic affects mostly Whites is bc Black people are deemed to have a different pain threshold and are refused a lot of timely medication and treatment, which in this one case with Oxy is almost a blessing.

Great acting.
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Baby Cat (2023)
One of the weirdest and most memorable movies
30 September 2023
This movie came up randomly while watching Tubi and first I didn't like it but it held my attention. The rest of the day I kept thinking about it. The scenes between the protagonist and the cat were strangely touching so I am rewatching as I write. The actress impersonating the cat does such a good job. The weirdness is on par with David Lynch's strangeness without the all-consuming darkness and focuses on human connection instead. I like that the protagonists are female and queer and how the random misogyny at her awful job highlight the disconnect in her life.

What I don't like is that the score drowns out the dialog in a lot of scenes. And how long it took to reveal the connection between the parallel plot lines.
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Glamorous (2023)
4 episodes in
16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't expect much and it's an easy watch which I was looking for. Love that they introduce some tropes and put a twist on them. Like the scheming behind MC back. Love the diverse cast it, the ones in power are still White but at least they don't clog screen time.

Making saving the company all about commercializing pride seems wrong. Or is social acceptance marked by becoming a marketable for capitalism. Very strange.

There are so many considering how many LGTQIA* characters in the show. Hope they will explore this theme

Can't believe the rating is so low. Hope the next six episodes will be as entertaining as the first four were.
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Lez Bomb (2018)
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was trying so hard to depict a complex lesbian coming out story that it completely dropped the ball with the token black character.

The scenes with the protagonist's father threatening to kill him (twice!!!) was stomach churning esp. In light of the well documented history of Black men having been lynched by white men over the (virtue) of white women. I kept watching hoping for an ending addressing this. Feeling sick to my stomach now.

I wish they could re-edit this. I'm wondering how the actor felt having to play gruesome history as a side story for fun. Did he know what he signed up for or did they change the plot after he signed on?
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Boo, Bitch (2022)
Surprised by the low rating
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And the hate for the tongue-in-cheek hashtags.

The story of the mini series makes only sense if it's watched till the end.

Was underwhelmed in the beginning but cried at the end. There's depth to the story.

A selection of the explored themes are death, grief, fear of missing out, ego power trips, redemption, owning one's mistakes, friendship, peer pressure, teen moms, bullying, making things worse while trying to do amends, first love.

Love the diverse cast.

Def. Recommend if you like YA, HS, dead characters.
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Unfortunately not great.
9 March 2021
This might work for someone who's followed the news and knows everything about her case from the media; if you are not acquainted with the case the documentary is bewilderingly unhelpful. A pity that the girl's story was wasted between shots of faucets and sounds of dripping water.
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She (2020– )
2 stars for the main actress
6 September 2020
I watched this show seething on the inside. The writing couldn't be worse.

The cinematography was gripping, the depiction of male entitlement, misogony, and the resulting sexism were at it's finest.

One reviewer gave the writers the benefit of the doubt that they wanted to highlight the plight of women in patriachal India, I felt that they just couldn't think outside the box of sexism.

The only way a female police could be empowered is to go undercover as a prostitute, how telling of the maker's view of females.

The story was sickening. The way the female character was treated by the creator/writers and fellow characters is despicable.

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On My Block (2018–2021)
Almost your typical high school drama
15 June 2020
As a European who's never been to the US it's appalling to think that kids growing up in the so-called land of the plenty and free would grow up in war-like circumstances and not second guess their circumstances. I count myself lucky that I don't know how to differentiate the caliber of a gun going-off by its sound.

And am I the only one who's appalled by the dehumanizing black kid comic-relief and fat-derision of the only non-model-sized character?

The small-in-statue hispanic is sexist and doesn't get called out for it. The way he schemes to get into his cousins pants.

I can't say anything to the gang storyline. Luckily I never had to experience gangs either.

However, every time I hear a female character was sexually "claimed" by a male and behaves as if that's OK. I scream inside. Women aren't random animals w/o agency who can or should be randomly claimed. What a disgusting concept. If the show at least tried to convey that it's not OK to think of women in that way.

I am familiar with Awkward! the creator's previous show and am baffled this got made. In contrast to another Netflix show Unsatiable which is satirical and over-the-top offensive, this show doesn't convey any humor/self-awareness in its handling of offensive tropes.

Also the actors are supposed to be 14/15 years old? I was shocked when the quinceañera storyline started.
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Workin' Moms (2017–2023)
Each season got better
8 May 2020
I wish there were more episodes to be able to learn more about the side characters. Binged season 4 what a ride. Loved it.
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
22 April 2019
I was looking forward to this show, I imagined a slightly edgier Veronica Mars. And edgier this character is. What puts me off this, is that the actress gives away that she isn't blind in almost every scene she's in. Neither the way she walks is believable nor the way she almost makes eye contact. I don't understand why no one made sure she took acting cues from the blind actress she had scenes with. t's hard to dispense disbelief, when the acting is so unbelievable. I sure hope the acting improves
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Charmed (2018–2022)
not charmed
15 November 2018
I've watched all episodes of the reboot in hope that it will get better and it's just boring. As many other reviewers here, I too was a big fan of the original Charmed. It's one of my go to feel good shows and I was curious to see a modern take on three sisters living together and wrestling with life err demons. It's hard to believe that this show comes from people who were involved in Jane the virgin. The first season was surprisingly funny, witty and entertaining. Charmed reboot is none of that. The characters have no great chemistry, the stories are non engaging. Like some reviewer stated the original was about three sisters who happened to be witches and the new one is about three witches who happen to be sisters. The original had the sis figure things out about Leo the whitelighter came into the picture. Here the whitelighter brings the sis together against their will using violence and explains everything to them. I keep watching hoping it'll balance out and become more engaging but it just doesn't. The original show is not perfect what it did do well was engage the audience in the sisterly bond. Charmed often rushed their plot when compared to Buffy which aired at the same time. For me the reboot fails establish a world that I care about, that it took the name and half of the premiss of a show I did like makes it hard for me to engage because I keep waiting for it to match my expectation of the chemistry of the three leads. I don't mind unlikable characters if they are well developed but instead they are rushed and boring.
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I WANTED to like it but..
10 April 2011
I've been watching HIMYM for years now and was really curious to see this film. But apart from its title which made me even more curious I'm not impressed. The story didn't succeed in keeping my attention. Repeatedly I realized that I was busy with my phone catching up on emails or reading something on IMDb or playing scrabble - at some point I got so annoyed with the background jabbering (movie) that I turned it off. So in short I was so bored that I didn't even make it through the movie. The characters are just boring, we've seen their problems already so often. The colors of the film were boring, the camera was sometimes interesting but not interesting enough for me to be able to ignore the script. Judging from the official reviews and being the same age as Josh Radnor I thought this would be a movie that I could relate to but no.

It's too bad because like I said before I was really excited to see it.
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Gravity (2010)
wow really amazing offbeat series
25 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
this is my first review, i liked this series so much that i dare to say something about it. the first thing that comes to my mind is: too bad it was canceled so early. i think not many people are ready to watch a show like this. the cast was very strong and the different characters were very well written in my opinion. many parts of the story had a real feel to it. for me it seemed that the weird detective character was used as a tool to push the story along and also as a way to see how people can be damaged from losing an important person in their life and never getting a chance to work through the pain. i loved watching this series and wish they would have given it a proper ending even in form of a comic or a graphic novel. i would also be happy with a note from the creator on how the show would have progressed. all in all i am glad for what i have seen and got out of it. the show made me cry a little and laugh a little. i tried not to get too emotionally involved since i knew it was canceled by the time i started watching it. this series could be for you, if you liked (the first season of) dead like me.
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