
3 Reviews
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Baby Girl (III) (2018)
A dark, winding path you can't resist following
27 May 2019
I really enjoyed this film. It's dark. Dealing with an uncomfortable subject matter for many, but that's life. Its uncomfortably raw and real. The acting feels a little green around the edges at times but the heart is there, which is one of the things I love most about indie films. There's a strong vision here and as the story unfolds, maybe all is not quite what it seems. The production value and cinematography beautifully capture this spiraling tale of loss and finding the strength to overcome. The aesthetic had hints of 8MM at times, but that's where the comparison stops. Baby Girl is a nuanced story about a teenage girl stumbling into a bad situation at the most vulnerable point in her life, and being preyed upon for that vulnerability. Its a well written script from writer Brandon Trask, and Director Kevin Van Stevenson brought it to life in such a visceral way. Keep your eye out for these guys. They pack a hard one-two punch.
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Sexy, smart and bizarre. A unique story from an up and coming visionary filmmaker.
9 April 2019
If you're looking for something steamy to watch on a Saturday night, it's-a one spicy baby! Kidding aside, while this movie is quite sexy, it's so much more than that. Director (and lead actor!) Maria Allred set out with a bold vision and the result is a tense, smart and stylish film that will keep you simultaneously confused and intrigued all the way through. This film is very straightforward on the surface, seemingly intentionally so, and the viewer slowly falls into it's narrative trap before they realize it. It plays with the viewer and their assumed expectations of standard storytelling in a very fun way. When the film ended, I sat there for a moment and said to myself, "Damn. She got me." I'm really looking forward to what Maria Allred cooks up next. She's a filmmaker worth putting on your radar.
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Kultur Shock! (2013)
A Bizarre & Engaging Bottle Film
30 March 2019
A low budget film that takes place in a one room. That statement in itself is probably enough to turn many viewers away from any film, but what director Todd Osleger accomplishes as this mysterious story unfolds within a single small storage unit is quite impressive. When the film opens, you get a heavy Saw vibe, but that's a premature assessment. Kulture Shock! quickly takes a left turn down it's own bizarre path as these three captives seem to be locked in a makeshift classroom by their "teacher", a curiously German voice speaking through a creepy Uncle Sam doll. The unnamed characters have amnesia and are simply referred to by "Uncle" as the colors: Red, White, and Blue.

Something is clearly off and I found myself joyfully exploring the different possibilities in my head as the characters began trying to put the pieces back together through clues in the room. The dialogue between the fellow captives is at times so odd and dry, that I would burst out laughing as I rewound to make sense of them. The innocent, simple-minded Blue was my personal favorite. His sweet, deadpan delivery throughout the numerous non sequiturs he shared with the increasingly frustrated White were a lot of fun to watch.

This is an indie film through and through, which allows it the flexibility to lean harder into it's strange and minimalistic nature. It uses that to it's advantage with the cinematography and editing playing very well together to keep this small bottle movie engaging to the very end.
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