
15 Reviews
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Aftershock (2012)
Execellent movie, seems someone got paid to write bad reviews
4 November 2018
This is one of the best disaster/horror movies I've seen for a long time. Someone was obviously paid to underrate the movie, because the movie of this category cannot earn 1 star.

Someone obviously paid one of those Indian companies to give bad ratings to the movie. I'm not sure why, but it's obvious that a movie that should be at least 6.5 cannot "spontaneously" get a rating of 4.8.

This is a much better movie than that shameful number you see. Acting is good and suspense will chain you to the screen. But don't believe me. Go see it yourself.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Gay propaganda again
27 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Allegedly he's in love with a girl, but it doesn't show up in the dialogs (unless she was a ladyboy). Because every dialog contains a gay reference. I bet a pure gay movie doesn't have that many gay references as this one.

Why does every movie in 2018 has to be gay? Straights are still 90% of the population, so shouldn't movie at least have 90% of straight dialogs? How about that for a change? Because it's damn impossible to find a straight movie that contains any trace of comedy. Try finding just one hetero comedy movie produced in 2015 or later. It doesn't exist.
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Eden Lake (2008)
Stupid movie, totally unrealistic
9 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, teenagers just want to kill? Funny, they didn't even try to rape the woman. Does anyone really believe that? Totally stupid and unrealistic movie. Avoid wasting time (and especially money) on this crap.

"Killing Ground" is a lot better and more realistic movie.
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Preservation (2014)
Boring movie with a very stupid script
8 July 2018
This movie is truly a waste of time. Boring scrip and totally unconvincing. This movie director should start searching for another job. He's not talented and talent can't be bought, so he better give up before he embarrass himself even more.

If you like "Deliverance" type of a movie then I'd recommend "Killing Ground" (2016) which is a much better movie. In fact, "Killing Ground" has a very undeserved low rating. It's real rating should be around 7.0. But hey, nobody said that IMDB is realistic. If IMDB was realistic then "Preservation" would have a rating of 3.7
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Propaganda movie. Not worth wasting your time on.
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nazi propaganda minister Goebels would hail this video. The "alternative truths" in this movie are more numerous than beggars in Rome. The video is full of pseudoscience, anecdotal evidence and hear-say.

They completely twisted the way human metabolism works. They even said that sugar is not really important in diabetes. According to them, eating sugar is much more healthy than eating any animal-based product.

I have diabetes mellitus. I know how sugar affects me, compared to how cheese, milk or (unprocessed) meat affects me. Sugar doesn't cause just one disease. It's the #1 cause of cancer. More dangerous than tobacco. The only chemicals as harmful as sugar are pesticides and food preservatives. So they can repeat their lies to an average dumb viewer, but they can't tell it to someone having the disease.

They also claim that Big Pharma has conspired with the meet industry to poison us. Now, there's no doubt that preservatives like E250 used in PROCESSED meat (not fresh) are carcinogenic. They are deliberately put there and approved by food agencies all over the world. Even though there are healthier food preservatives.

But he forgot to say that Big Pharma is in bed with the GMO producers too. And with chemical companies producing normal pesticides. They forgot to say that Bayer is buying Monsanto. And it's not the only marriage between Big Pharma and GMO corporations.

It's clear that producers wanted to avoid showing bad sides of the vegan diet, and true conspiracies that exist, pushing just one sided agenda, which makes this a propaganda movie.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
Female Rambo 2
26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It appears that movie producer and director didn't decide which should be their target audience.

Adults, teenagers or just retarded people. At first you think it's a serious movie, because it's talking about a real event, the fall of the Berlin wall. And things happening behind the curtain.

But then you see the action scenes. Incredible. Even Sylvester Stallone in Rambo 2 would say: "Stop, this could never happen in reality". Wonder woman is a pussy compared to the lead character, which can kill more people than James Bond, and get away with even less scratches than him. Charlize Theron, a weak woman, can beat up and kill tons of professional agents in a row, and avoid all the bullets like Neo in The Matrix.

Except that Wonder Woman and The Matrix are fantasy movies, while this one should be realistic.

People who practice shooting all of their life can't hit her from 3 meters distance. They shoot the sofa and bullets are everywhere around her body, but none in the center. What's this, a cartoon?

This movie isn't for teenagers and young adults, because it talks about politics and history, which is boring for younger audience. It's also not for normal adults, because it's too fake and impossible.

So I guess this movie is for brain-damaged adults. Maybe after all the producer was far-sighted. Because lately, there's quite a lot of zombies on anti-depressives watching TV without blinking. Or thinking. This is the movie for them.
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Excellent movie!!
11 November 2017
I don't understand how can a movie like this have a rating of only 7.3?? Unless someone paid one of those Indian / Bangladesh companies to down-vote it.

Maybe because this is not your typical action movie which glorifies the war. It's a great drama, with a bit of dark humor.

The only unfortunate thing is that in real-life, in 99% of operations the military doesn't really think too much. They just shoot and hope they've killed the targets, without even having a good Positive ID of the targets.

Most of soldiers don't have much empathy, so they don't care about collateral damage. And media is controlled from the top, so military isn't really concerned about media either. But here and there some people do have consciousness, and for them making a decision is hard.

This is not a Rambo / Commando / Platoon / Saving Private Ryan type of movie, but don't worry, there is enough of suspension. Highly recommended.
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Excellent movie based on a true story
7 October 2017
This movie clearly shows how UN, USAID, IFOR, IPTF, Democra and many other international organizations were involved in human trafficking of underage girls in Bosnia, their rape, prostitution, torture and murders.

Movie is pretty good and very emotional. It's weird that a movie like this didn't receive any awards. Horrible movies with crappy stories win a lot of awards, and this one well made movie, showing a true story, with good production has won zero awards. One of the actresses received a few awards, but not the movie.

And IMDb rating of 7.2 is an insult for this movie. Much worse movies have higher rating than this one.

I guess telling the truth is still a crime. Even awarding a movie that tells the truth seems to be a crime.
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Don't waste 2 hours of your life on this
7 October 2017
I've seen B-production movies that were more entertaining, or at least more realistic, than this. Things that happen in this movie would be interesting to children under 10 years old and retarded people. Humor is horrible, dialogs are made of recycled excerpts from other movies.

If you wanna good action comedy watch Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) which is an amazing movie, or any sequel of Lethal Weapon. Those movies show how an action comedy should look like. For a start, one needs a proper script-writer, not an amateur. Without a good script even good actors can't excel.

In this movie Ryan Reynolds is very boring and Samuel L. Jackson is irritating and pitiful. The only thing you look forward in this movie is to press the stop button and go watch something interesting.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
The stupidest movie
3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the stupidest movies in 2017. Here are just some of the details:

1. They are "Amazons" but wait, they live in Greece. Which is about 10,000 kilometers away from Amazon. Neither the scripwriters, nor the producers nor the director have finished the elementary school, did they?

2. The "Greek Amazons" perfectly speak 100 languages, but don't know words like "marriage".

3. They don't have men, so they can't reproduce. Why are they afraid of Ares then? When soon they will all be extinct.

4. Wonder Woman has never seen a big ship, but she shows no surprise when she saw tenths of them in London.

5. Buying clothes is just one among many predictable, too long and too boring scenes in this overpriced movie.

6. An American spy, pretending to be British. But he's actually pretending to be German. Because British didn't have spies who talk German, since Germany is so much further from Great Britain than from the United States.

7. An Indian/Native American dressed as a Chief in the middle of Europe smuggling weapons? Why not throw in teenage turtle ninjas too?

8. Dialogs are mostly without wit or logic.

9. Propaganda movie. They say all people are good and bad, but they only show Germans as bad. Propaganda movies aimed at children should be banned by law.

10. She is only half-god, but she has greater powers than a true god (Ares). That makes sense. Not.

I hope you didn't waste any money on this movie. Or 2.2 hours of your life.
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Top Tens of Warfare (2016– )
Full of disinformation, more propaganda than facts
25 March 2017
This looks more like the UK/US propaganda movie than facts about warfare.

Episode #1 Aircraft: The top airplane was the one that basically didn't see any action in WW-II. It didn't prove itself. If that was the case, then the top dog should had been the German jet airplane, first in the world, and faster than anything Western or Eastern allies had at that time. If they wanted to show the fighter pilots with most (s)kills, in both world wars those were the German pilots.

Episode #4 Vessels: They didn't even mention the Russian nuclear submarine made of titanium, which can dive 400% deeper than any other battle submarine.

Episode #5 Weapons: In the Torpedo section they talk about 50 kts standard torpedoes, while Russians since 1970'es have the Skval supercavitation torpedoes that run around 300 km/h under the water surface, more than 3x faster than any other torpedo in the world.

This is a series full of outdated info and outright lies. Don't those morons have internet? Don't they know facts can be checked nowadays more easy than ever in the history? You can't lie like that anymore.
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Outstanding movie, realistic, no-bullcrap
25 March 2017
This movie has a rating of only 6.4 while much worse movies get 7.0 or higher. Incredible. Is the audience that brainless, or do dirty producers hire Indian/Bangladesh companies to pump up their ratings, and decrease ratings of their competitors?

This movie is the real thing. Not some propaganda crap. It shows all the "glory" of war and veterans, life on the streets, crime, and the corruption of the government. It shows unpleasant stuff, things hidden from the media, so that ordinary people wouldn't see the reality.

For those who expect big explosions and car-races, this is not a movie for you. This one is much slower. But it grabs you. Because it's so real.
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Maigret: Maigret's Dead Man (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
Horribly boring, bad acting, without inspiration
25 March 2017
This is probably Rowan Atkinson's worst role and the whole script looks as if it was written by a child. I wouldn't recommend watching it, unless you want to waste the precious time of your life on rubbish. The only practical application of this movie is to serve as a cure for insomnia. I felt asleep 4 times in the first 30 minutes.
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Sully (2016)
Not bad, but shamefully not mentioning the quality of the plane
7 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The pilot got credits for the amazing decision and landing. The rescue crews got credited for their great work at saving the passengers. But it's shameful that the airplane itself was never mentioned in the positive light.

I mean, how many airplanes have survived landing on water in one piece? If the plane was any weaker it would break in two or three pieces upon impact, and no rescue crews would be there in time. It would sink like a stone.

But this particular airplane (Airbus A320) survived abnormal deceleration when it hit the water and got submerged for a moment, losing the speed quickly under the enormous water resistance. It didn't break like many other planes that landed on water. Instead it stayed afloat long enough for all the passengers to be saved. In fact, it didn't sink even hours after the accident.

There are numerous cases of airplanes breaking up after landing on water because they weren't structurally strong enough. This was a good plane. Give it some credits.
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Warm Bodies (2013)
No logic, don't watch it
16 August 2013
Bad acting. Bad script. Based on a mistakes. This is from the first part of the movie:

1. Julie fights fiercely, but when R comes to Julie she doesn't try to escape or hit him with something. He's just another zombie, but she doesn't fight at all.

2. When R takes Julie with his zombie gang, she doesn't try to escape.

3. No zombie from the gang tries to attack Julie. She walks freely with them, not even scared too much. They act as if they can't smell her. It's a miracle.

4. She has no feelings for her dead boyfriend that she loved so much. He dies and she forgets him immediately.

5. Zombies can't run. Even R makes comment: "God, we move so slowly". But a few minutes later it seems they are faster than Usain Bolt. Then in the next scene, they can't run again.

There are probably many more mistakes later, but I stopped watching after 20 minutes.

Hard to believe the overall rating of this movie is 7.0 (on August 16th 2013) while the amazing "Zombieland" has 7.7! It's like giving similar ratings to Yugo and Lamborghini.

Watch "Zombieland" if you didn't. Hell, watch "Year One" [2009] too. It has a rating of only 4.8 but it's still much better and funnier than this movie.
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