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Dark Mountain (2013)
Please Stop Making Exact Copies of BWP
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah I will first off say the genre of "wilderness" horror has very very few gems. Of course we know Blair Witch Project is a top 5 horror movie of all time. So I get it is going to have its copies. But the thing that movie did so well was balance the universal fear of being lost in the woods with the fear of the supernatural. Unfortunately all these filmmakers think they have the talent to do that, and they don't. My recommendation would be to pick a lane- but a realistic "lost in the woods"/ disaster movie. Or be a movie about the spirits of the woods- like The Witch, also another very good movie.

I don't even really know what to say about this movie. It does seem like every movie set in Arizona tries to incorporate the whole desert/native/ remote wilderness vibe. The aesthetics are OK, though they don't make a lick of sense if it is supposed to be "found footage". It's switching between 17 different angles. Then in some spots it seems to forget it's even found footage and they are all in the shot or there's like suspenseful music. I get you have to suspend a little bit of disbelief with all found footage but this is sloppy.

I guess because they felt they needed to make a shot for shot copy of BWP, they waste a good 15 minutes of the movie doing that exact intro. The characters saying foreshadowing things, talking to the locals, ignoring red flags, etc. Again maybe that is a lot more interesting if they aren't just copying another movie to a T. They even give the main woman character the same naive, sort of dominating personality of the main character of BWP. Then if all that weren't enough they do a last "confessional" with the female character that is so similar to BWP, they should've just saved time and used that footage. I know I am mentioning BWP so much but even the movie mentions it! Like it knows it is so comically plagiarizing it. It's not like it's an ode, it's just a reenactment.

Same exact situation where they are lost in circles. Same exact situation where they disturb "sacred" ground that causes bad things. There's a few more nonsensical bits about violent locals, UFOs, spirits, time travel?, vortexes. Nothing is developed or made to fit together in any way. Then the ending becomes, what the Shining? Now people are getting possessed? Great but then everything else we learned in the beginning of the movie is totally pointless. Hard to believe this was a finished product.
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