
9 Reviews
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The Orville: Shadow Realms (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
I concur with every sub-6 rating
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Orville needs to return back to the season 1 formula...PRONTO! This show is taking itself too seriously. Really? single junction restores power to the whole ship? There are zero emergency power junctions throughout the Orville. Spacecraft design 101 is to have redundant systems all over the ship. I get losing impulse engines, lighting but life support stayed on line....ridiculous. Why would a non-commercial Admiral possess the authority to shutdown the whole ship? Why was he not in a containment field or stasis chamber? Why security protocols didn't warrant everyone securing in place and Security Teams activated? I'm okay with dumbing down the science but they've removed the humor from this show so much so that the nostalgic, been there, seen that before factor is a liability to the likability of the main characters. I will continue to watch but the writing needs to improve NOW!
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
I'm also conflicted about Isaac.
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike Vulcans, Kaylons aren't repressing emotions, nor as in Data's case are they striving to be human. I like Isaac but don't love the character so I was hoping they were writing him out of the storyline. Nope didn't happen. Not a great start to the season because it lacked humor. In fact, I really think this show is starting to take itself too seriously. Anyway...anyone want to discuss how Ensign Reilly Reid...err...Burke?
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10 is not hyperbole. Better than the original!
27 May 2022
No spoilers in this review. Superlative filming, writing, visuals and acting. Unbelievable sequel. Tom is still at the top of his game 35 years later. I was transported back to 86 and it felt just right. Currently just wanted to send my kudos to everyone involved in this endeavor. I will provide a more in-depth review after it's okay to post spoilers. Got see it now!
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Atlanta: Tarrare (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Weird does not equal creativity.
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hate the direction Van had been taken. Please write that she has a tumor or chemical imbalance that needs to be treated. This new Van is too off in my opinion. Self-destructive behavior doesn't make for interesting and fun TV. And that accent...I get it...Madonna, Tina Turner to mention a couple of stars who developed foreign accents as part of their persona but Van is a nobody. Donald Glover is really laughing AT his viewers with this BS.
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The Rookie: Day in the Hole (2022)
Season 4, Episode 22
21 May 2022
Unbelievably stupid. Why treat your fans like dummies? Nathan is not Bruce Willis and he should not be written as such. I like this cast but the writers are abusing them every episode. I repeat...stupid.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
I kinda liked it!
4 March 2022
This is a different Star Trek. It's pretty and expensive looking. The writing is JJ'ish and maybe a little simple when you bring in an omnipotent being into the equation. You know that if Q is testing or teaching humanity, it all will be right at the season finale. Just enjoy the visuals and hope that the writers don't kill a fan favorite to boost ratings. I'm good with enjoying the ride without being overly critical. TOS is still my favorite but I have enough room in my heart for these other series. Patrick is long in the tooth so please no fight scenes!
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The Last Duel (2021)
Ridley Scott Understands the word Epic
24 October 2021
Ridley Scott does not make any junk. This is a visual masterpiece and the story telling isn't bad either. Matt Damon is excellent as usual and although I'm not a big fan of Adam Driver, his performance was strong. Ben Affleck was even decent as a contemptible Duke. My only issue is that the hero of the movie doesn't inspire me to like him even though he is the most righteous but most cold and insufferable character we have the misfortune to root for. Ridley did not try to make us like him. We were only asked to understanding him. My wife only identified with the wife but failed to transport her thinking back to the 14th century, therefore leaving her angry for the wife allowing such a situation to take place in the first place. Me? My love of history AND being a man, I got it. Sir Jean was a medieval warrior and his honor was currency. He would rather die than surrender his honor. Overall...great movie visually, entertaining and smart. When available on cable or Blu-ray, will rewatch many more times.
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Good looking and good feeling movie.
12 September 2021
It was fun, beautiful, and different. Very watchable and rewatchable which is an important quality in action movies. Go see it while it's in the theater because it is a pretty set film best seen on the big screen.
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Star Trek (2009)
Was not a fan originally but after multiple views...I'm now good
8 May 2021
With the Kelvin timeline. Falling in love with a whole new Enterprise crew. Karl Urban can actually make me forget Deforest Kelly. Apologies to anyone who thinks this is blasphemy.😂😅😊
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