
35 Reviews
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Star Trek: Picard: Disengage (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
Skepticism fading....
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, at first I was skeptical. How could I not be, right? I know I'm not the only one. Fast forward to the last 25 minutes of this episode, it happened, it finally happened, WE GOT STAR TREK!! When Worf showed up to save Raffie and then back on the Titan, I felt chills and tears started to fall down my face. Relationships tested, thought provoking events, should I? Should I not? Captain Shaw isn't so bad. It came together. Plummer is an absolute delight in her role. Is it perfect? No way. There's some lack luster writing, but the elements are there. You'll barely notice. I loved the ending. I don't like that it took two episodes to do this. It could have been done in one. That's really my only gripe. That and BUY SOME LIGHT BULBS FOR THE BRIDGE!!
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Star Trek: Picard: The Next Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
First of the last....
16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was strictly fan service, nothing more. I enjoyed it for what it was. I enjoyed the pacing. There was no really fast talking just to get to the next line of useless dialogue. Great care was taken to give the actors time to calm down and breathe. I'm still a little skeptical. It's still very darkly light, and the directing wasn't that great. I'm not going to fall head over heels for it just because they played the Star Trek theme and showed a few control panels. I'll give this a reasonable review as the season progresses but from what I've seen so far, it's mediocre at best. Everyone says not to judge this season on the first episode, I guess I won't. I'm going to give it a chance and try to enjoy it as much as I can. It's the best Trek we have had in twenty two years.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
Not overloaded with sexually explicit content. I love it!!
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everything in this is close to perfect. Great care was taken in the production of this. I like Charlie a lot. I felt so much empathy and sympathy for his character. The poor guy just can't catch a break. He's always seen as someone's secret. Tao is my favorite character. He is very intelligent, loyal, and he does not give up easily. My least favorite character is Nick. Why would you let someone you say you love be bullied for many many months and not say a word? I think that character was not well written. He says he's bisexual, so that is potentially even more trouble for poor Charlie. Anyway, I also really love Charlie's sister. She's always in the corner somewhere, watching-then she just shows up! So funny!! This show is wonderful and each episode had my eyes watering. I just honestly wish they would give Charlie a break.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Betrayed again
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this brief. What a disappointing end to a wonderful season. It was all for nothing. We sat by and watched for eight weeks, wasting our money and our time for this garbage with no satisfaction whatsoever. I'm canceling my subscription to Amazon Prime, and I'm never watching this show again.
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Too much going on....
9 June 2022
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This episode suffers from BDS: Bad director syndrome. Everyone talks five hundred miles a second, there are no intimate shots, everything has to be a slanted fancy camera angle. It's all style over substance. This chapter has all the makings of a great episode. However, there's just too much going on at one time. There's an A plot, a B plot and a C plot all mashed together in a single episode. This would have been a great two parter or even a TV movie but not a single episode. Also, WHAT IS THE DOCTOR SAYING? I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND A WORD!! Everyone in this episode is whispering at the camera. I don't get it. Weakest SNW episode. It's a real mess.
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Fun little episode.
12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have a cadet Uhura that does not believe in herself fully. She's a cadet, this is expected. However, she performs beautifully, and saves the day. The chemistry between her and Spock is outstanding. I loved the humor. Oh man, it was great. I loved Pike, I loved Number One, I loved Ortega, I loved Kyle, i loved Nurse Chapel, I loved the new engineer, I very much DISLIKED Soong. Her character is cruel and cold hearted; she is a bully and has no place being in command. The thought of a sentient asteroid protected by "Shepards" is a very fascinating idea. This was another great episode. Keep it up, guys!!
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Star Trek: Picard: Farewell (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
More weepy soap opera.
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You would think after twenty episodes, a pretty low rating and most of the fan base with their backs turned that the writers would learn from their mistakes. No, no they haven't. Shows aren't supposed to feed the writers ego, they're supposed to be fan service. That's what keeps ratings up, that's what keeps food on the table. No, instead they chose to completely tarnish a beloved Star Trek character. Have you ever had those people ever called your house pretending to be from the IRS or Publisher's Clearing House? Some people call them "robo-calls". It's a huge money making scheme, an unsuccessful one. That's what the writers have done to what they call "Star Trek". They're using our beloved characters to make a quick buck, they don't care if what they're writing is crap or not, which incidentally, it is. That's not to say there weren't good elements to this, just not enough. What a mess of a script, as usual. Sure, it was good to see Crusher, and I loved the Q sign off. I've known for thirty five years. He's only done nothing but help. The episode should have ended in the bar, as they were, as a family. That's Jean Luc Picard; but noooooooooooooo, they just couldn't leave well enough alone.
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Not a bad start.
5 May 2022
I'm cautiously optimistic about this but so far so good. The pacing was a bit off because of some weepy scenes. Hopefully they will not make that a habit. I hope they will move on, and write actual Star Trek, not Guiding Light or One Life To Live. I liked the humor but it needed more. I liked the writing but there was too much packed into one episode. Caaaaaalm dooooooown, take deep breaths, close your eyes, let the writing come organically. Do not write to feed your own ego. Each great show IE Columbo, MASH, etc etc, were widely successful because each word meant something. They weren't all "filler" episodes which seems to be the case today. You just write anything and claim it's Star Trek when in reality it shares none of the characteristics. I enjoyed this but take more care in the writing, the acting and everything else will fall into place.
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Star Trek: Picard: Mercy (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
21 April 2022
There were some very enjoyable parts, and some not so enjoyable parts. I love the Borg Queenish/Gerardi, I love the Q scenes, I love the Picard/Guinan scenes. I'm so disheartened that they have mis-used Seven. They also made Raffie or whatever her name happens to be, completely useless to the story. She contributes absolutely nothing, the same goes for Rios, he contributes nothing to the story and he experiences no character growth. Brent Spiner was very good as always. Not a bad episode but leave the filler dialogue out. It's useless. If you can't think of anything to say, hire new writers. I guarantee you the fans are capable of writing far better scripts and they would do it for free. This show is a waste of three absolutely wonder legacy characters. Give them better scripts!!
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Star Trek: Picard: Two of One (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Well, well, well....
7 April 2022
I actually enjoyed this episode. It wasn't overly complicated, emotions were expressed without an over emphasis on the subject, acting was great, directing was great, a fairly solid episode. I like the premise. Hopefully this keeps going.
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Star Trek: Picard: Assimilation (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
17 March 2022
I suppose this was ok. Just ok. Some ok parts, some thin writing, pacing was really off. I really like the both queen. Music was good, I just wish they would keep politics out if this. The entire episode was rushed and at times silly.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Coming Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
I've got to say....
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I must say that this was the best episode of the season. Yes, there's a bit of sloppy writing and some of the usual unnecessary voids filled with feelings blah blah blah, BUT, it felt like Trek and I didn't mind the surprise guest at the end at all!!
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Star Trek: Picard: Penance (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
It's a game of darts....
10 March 2022
This, as feared, has fallen back to Discovery/Picard season 1 habits. The first episode was too good to be true. Hit and a miss....why can't they just listen to us? We, the fans are what's important. Not the paper thin writing and the political agenda. They had a real chance here to make Trek wonderful but they have failed.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
I'll be darned....
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They actually pulled it off. A story with excellent writing, good acting, substance, yes, SUBSTANCE!! This episode, the beginning of season 2, is actually very enjoyable. Picard is in a new position along with everyone else. There's a great new ship, and other ships that will make you jump for joy. There's new faces, and some old. It all made for a very enjoyable experience. As I said, it's written very well. I suppose season one and the failure of Discovery was a wake-up call.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Galactic Barrier (2022)
Season 4, Episode 10
I don't understand....
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The original Constitution Class and the Refit NCC-1701-A, both made it through the galactic barrier with no problem. Why was lore once again ignored? The entertainment factor is getting worse, not better. By completely ignoring the fans, they are alienating everyone. This season is nothing but a group of whining little babies. Sure, it's fine to have emotions but don't make every episode about that. Plus, I'm gay and I think the gay factor in this show is too much. Tone it down a little. Focus on Trek, don't only focus on being gay or sitting in a dark room in silence. That's not entertaining.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rubicon (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
Another snooze fest.
17 February 2022
Useless dialogue from people that are all emotionally unable to handle their job description. 98% of Discovery's crew should be court martialed and replaced with better officers, not little babies.
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Animal Kingdom: Let It Ride (2021)
Season 5, Episode 9
Out of nowhere
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what took them so long to get started but BOOM!! FINALLY an episode of Animal Kingdom. Great action, action, directing, writing. Everything was great. Just one small detail: The Smurf flashbacks....they're getting a little old. Please, move on.
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Mario (I) (2018)
Great movie, but....
3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everything was planned out and executed perfectly by the writers, actors, and the director. Rich, engrossing story, spot on acting, pacing is great, but the ending is absolutely atrocious. There was ZERO closer. Things were sloppily explained away. I guess Mario is going to continue his life of silent misery, and Benzos. On the good side, this director should do mainstream films. I loved the tight shots, and the lighting; he has a real talent for movie making. I just wish he would have worked on this very unsatisfying ending. I wanted to rate 9 so badly. Remember, the ending, is EVERYTHING.
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Changeland (2019)
It gave me the feels.
28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is beautifully photographed, nicely acted, and the writing is pretty strong. There's an illusive elephant in the room that the writers chose to ignore. Instead, they chose the easy way out with the two bimbo's. Why not let the outcome be what was implied the entire time? Instead, it ends with a fist bump. Literally. Rewrite a little bit, reshoot, and re-release. I promise your IMDB score will be much higher.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Vows (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6
This season nothing happens....
20 May 2021
I love The Handmaid's Tale. The story, the acting, the directing, the cinematography, everything is done with great care to be perfect. This season, however, has been nothing but long shots of June, teary eyed, just standing there, doing nothing. LOOOOOONNNGGG shots to waste time. A lot of NOTHING is happening. I fear the writing has become so thin that they must use camera time to fill in the missing gaps of dialogue.
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Invincible (2021– )
Absolutely unexpected.
27 March 2021
I was not sure about this at first but I was hooked almost immediately. The animation is perfect, the pacing is perfect, the voice acting is great, the music is a treat. I love how they put the camera in the perfect position without doing flips or spinning from a cieling fan. Thank God this is no Michael Bay movie. Everything us so subtle. I love the character building. In just three episodes, each character grew; whether it was for the better, or for the worse, they grew. I'm so excited to see where it goes next!!
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Good Trouble (2019–2024)
I like the show, but........
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show has a rich, beautiful story. However, packed in, are beloved characters that behave as polar opposites of who think only of sex. In this medium, in a relationship, sex runs EVERYTHING. Do I turn left? Sex. Do I turn right? Sex. Do I eat this bagel? Sex. I don't mind sex. It's great, but it's not the end all be all of human existence. Callie and Mariana are both embarrassingly obsessed with the subject, not to mention Gael, who is the worst friend imaginable. I fast forward past the lesbian storyline because there's nothing captivating there. There's a good show in here somewhere. Take out the garage and it will win Emmys, I promise you. Peter Paige makes wonderful content. I've been a fan for years. Please, do the right thing before the promiscuity sinks the show. Their actions do not represent society.
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It's a casserole....
5 March 2021
I'm a man of few words so I'll just say that this movie is a casserole. They threw everything into it they could think of, turned the oven on broil, and hoped for the best. There was a story somewhere, but it was not told very well. The movie was rushed severely. The acting of course was great, but it was cut to pieces. No long shots, rarely any wide angles. Some of the best parts, in some if the best movies are those without words. This movie had no soul. They tried and failed.
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Ballykissangel (1996–2001)
Watch until series 3
16 February 2021
Never does a show have this much heart and chemistry between the actors. Great care was taken in the directing and writing. However, after series 3 was over, the budget was obviously increased. As a consequence, the depth and substance went down the toilet.
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That's an hour of mt life I won't get back.
19 March 2020
This is ANOTHER empty episode. NOTHING happens. Sure, you see some familiar faces that we have seen in previous episodes but that's it. What a waste of time. I'm curious why the studio presumably pays tens of millions of dollars to make this show if nothing happens. Each preview promises but never delivers. It's like sex after marriage. When CBS said that they would not hire a writer that is a fan of Star Trek, man, they were not kidding.
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