
28 Reviews
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Indigenous (2014)
Has its flaws but kept me entertained
13 June 2024
I saw Indigenous pop up on a post on Facebook. Why I haven't heard of this movie before is beyond me. To be honest I liked Indigenous. This is Max's first movie he made. Writing Horror is not easy.

I'm an aspiring screenwriter so I know how much hard work goes into it. I do hope that Max can continue to make movies as I believe he has the talent to do well.

There definitely needed to be more suspense. If you want to write a good Horror you've gotta build a decent amount of suspense, conflict and tension throughout. Conflict and tension was minimal.

I assume the budget was low which doesn't help a new writer. Not the writer's fault. Don't blame the writer, but blame whoever is involved that would have most likely cut the budget down.

Indigenous is definitely worth a look in my opinion.
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The fillmmakers achieved what they wanted!
7 June 2024
The negative reviews are relentless - C'mon guys - This was a production with very little budget. The idea of making this movie was to bring back a martial arts flick that had a good 80's feel to it. I dug it. I grew up watching martial arts movies, and by watching this, it bought back so.e fond memories. The soundtrack was fantastic. Fight scenes could have been better but some were actually pretty good. The Last Kumite deserves more recognition. It is always good to see old idols return to the big screen - especially Billy Blanks and Kurt McKinney. Stan Bush made a wicked soundtrack. I do hope that Stan will do more soundtracks of this genre for future Action films.
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Snake Eyes (2021)
Why so many bad reviews?
14 July 2022
We don't often get good budget ninja movies these days. I finally got around to watching Snake Eyes today, and actually enjoyed it.

It's definitely a movie not to be taken seriously. If you are a martial arts Action buff like I am - give Snake Eyes a chance.

The Action/martial arts scenes are more than adequate.
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Kind of a 90's feel to it
20 April 2021
As stated above, the atmosphere if this movie brings back a 90's feel. You'll get campy acting from the bad guys, plenty of fight scenes without any of that CGI or wires crap, which is how I like it. Not much story packed with plenty of potholes.

Is it watchable? Hmmmm depends what you feel like. Everyone is different. I start a movie I have to finish it no matter how bad it is.

Give it a crack. Watch it with an open mind, but expect B Grade quality. Sadly though, it's nowhere near compared to the original.
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Wasted talent
22 November 2020
Aaron Paul is an amazing actor. How could you go from something like Breaking Bad where you showcase your skills brilliantly and fluently to a mediocre performance such as this.

What annoyed me the most is that when it becomes more interesting, the time frame zips back into the past and then present again which began to confuse the hell out of me.

I don't want to say too much because I don't want to give spoilers away but I reckon Aaron Paul is becoming a waste of talent - especially if he continues to make terrible movies like this one.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Fear The Dead Characters
16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 1-3 went awesome. They kill off the main characters, killing the enjoyment of us - as viewers - who have come to understood their purpose and what they intend to achieve in that world. They've screwed up a damn good show. Hopefully things pick up but I'm getting annoyed with Season 4 at how it changes from before to after and vice versa and so on, all over again - who's stupid idea was that? It's so annoying! You think someone is dead and looking for continuation but instead they are alive and back to what they were doing before they died and then continues on. Doesn't really make sense does it?
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The Predator (2018)
25 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As we all know, everyone is different and requires different tastes to different things.

PROS: I really enjoyed this movie. I can kind of understand why there are disappointments, but I looked past the seriousness of it all and based it purely on the fun side. There is some black humour, there's fast paced Action and being developed by Shane Black, there's good character development.

CONS: I was expecting more background story. We had Jake Busey, Gary Busey's son - Gary is the father from Predator 2 but we didn't understand why Jake was there or weren't given much background based on his father. I was spewin' about that. I was also expecting some background about Dutch and praying for a cameo from Arnie. I know there were meetings between Arnie and Shane Black because Arnie wanted a small part in this movie. What the hell happened?

Overall, just look past the disappointments and focus on the creativity and Action provided and you'll be able to enjoy it. Predator is not to be taking seriously, so don't take it so serious.

I gave a 7, would've been 10 without the above CON'S mentioned.
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Mortal Contact (1995 TV Movie)
Mortal Contact - Rarity for reason
14 December 2017
This movie is your average, bad martial arts B-Movie. Its everything you'd expect. Poor fight scenes, bad acting and dialogue. However, I m proud to say that I own a copy on VHS because of its rarity. I still don't mind sneaking in to watch it once in a blue moon like I have tonight. I still love these old martial arts movies and have many of them. Thank you to the filmmakers for this rare little gem.
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A Fight for Honor (1992 Video)
A girl who keeps losing wants to win.
22 November 2017
I think for an old and cheesy movie, it's not too bad. I still have a soft spot for these B-Grade martial arts movies. I have this on VHS and watched it today. Would have done well even if there was one known martial artist/actor in the movie. However, I didn't mind spending my time to watch it. I'm sure this is extremely rare which is why I bought A Fight For Honor in the first place. You would expect poor acting, amateurish fight scenes and basic dialogue but guys like me don't mind winding down with an open mind - There's still some room for a little entertainment.
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Van Damme is back!
24 May 2015
Jean Claude has been doing very well in recent times. It is great to see him making a decent comeback. My wife and I took the pleasure of watching Pound Of flesh tonight. I'm enthusiastic about it giving a rating of 8-10 - The movie provides plenty of action which is what I'm mainly in it for.

My wife is a Filipina and we were happy to recognize areas of Manila in the movie. I have this feeling that I may have been around the area during the time Van Damme was visiting the Philippines. The beginning starts of a little rough, but when the action begins and the twists start to roll in...This gem starts coming together better. My wife cried at the end. The story was well set up and unpredictable. I hope these guys get back together again for some more kick ass movies in the near future.
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Brilliant 80's action
31 January 2015
I am surprised that this movie didn't receive wider response. A young Robert Patrick is a bad ass biker - He is sort of like a right hand man for the leader of a vicious biker gang. The gang kidnap these two American guys who were jut cruising around in Mexico on their trail-bikes. 4 minutes into the movie the action begins and the movie is an enjoyable ride from the beginning to the end.

If you get your chance to find this rare gem, then I recommend you should watch it. I love 80's movies as long as they aren't too trashy. This certainly doesn't fit into that category at all. I'm giving this rating an 8 out of 10.
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I love his genre
10 October 2014
I am a major martial arts/action movie buff ever since childhood. This is something that is going to be with me forever. I had to put in my own voice here to give this movie a chance so I'm probably the only positive reviewer. Of course people aren't going to like this too much if they aren't hardcore enthusiasts of this genre.

You've got Richard Norton, James Lew and Gerald Okamura with Karen Sheperd...They are all great martial artists and perform martial arts. Who needs great acting or dialogue. I am in it for just the fight scenes and there are plenty. If you are into bad martial arts/action movies then this is right up your alley. You'll enjoy it for what Soul Of The Avenger has to offer.
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Karate Wars (1991)
A rare gem
20 June 2014
I had a blast watching this movie. Yes, it's cheesy action from the 80's...but you know what? It is martial arts orientated so the movie fits into my criteria of what I grew up with and love. I just had to put in a review because the only reviewer here bags this movie with unnecessary intentions. If you like your karate/martial arts 80's movies without all this CGI bullshit then this is for you.

Without spoiling - My favorite scene is when the angry student attacks his teacher on the street trying to land a punch or kick, but miserably fails to do so. There are some entertaining features here. Don't take the movie so seriously and you'll get some enjoyment out of Karate Wars.
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More martial arts movies please!!!!!!!!
16 October 2013
To be honest I didn't think much of this before I watched it expecting it to be poor quality. Was I wrong!! I loved this movie!!! I don't understand why people would post a negative review. Fair enough American Brawler is slightly B-Grade with a plot that's been done to death.

However, in saying so this is a different format of the typical plot line regarding a struggling martial artist is fighting in an illegal bare knuckle circuit in order to save his school or to prevent himself from filing for bankruptcy.

I enjoyed the creation of characters and especially the fight scenes...there were some awesome scenes during the fights when they are fighting fast paced, but then slow motion. I loved it! Overall, the movie makers should definitely do more movies like this. Thanks for keeping martial arts movies alive.

I have been watching martial arts movies throughout my childhood until adulthood. I recommend this if you are a martial arts movie buff such as myself.

To the negative must have bad taste in movies.
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Vision Quest (1985)
Gotta miss the 80's
9 October 2013
What an awesome soundtrack from the 80's. The acting from actors and actresses was spot on. I enjoy watching these feel good movies, there aren't too many wrestling movies out there with this story-line approach. There are some funny moments.

We watch a teenager develop from being a boy who becomes a man and plans to succeed in making wrestling history by dropping down two weight classes...that is a lot of weight to lose. I really enjoyed this movie and I am sure you will too if you feel like watching a semi-inspirational drama/sport movie. Also, look out for a very young Forrest Whitaker and Matt Dillon. Linda Fiolento (maybe I spelled the surname wrong) is hot as always.
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Good martial arts fight scenes
7 August 2013
I was lucky to have found No Escape No Return in a Cash Converter store for $2 I am glad I bought it because i didn't know anything about the movie, but when I noticed it was a P.M production I knew it was right up my alley. Anywho, to cut things short I got this just because Dustin Nguyen was a lead actor.

I didn't expect Dustin to use martial arts as frequently throughout the movie like he did...he has talent. I enjoyed the fight scenes a lot. The rest of the movie is as what you'd expect from a B Grade movie - bad acting with a poor plot. If you like martial arts action like I do then I can recommend the movie to you.

I give this 5 stars half-half because of the unexpected martial arts scenes. Otherwise, I would've thrown the movie in the trash.
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Brilliant B-Grade Martial Arts Kick Ass Movie!!!!!!!!
26 June 2013
I just love Jerry Trimble Jr...he should have made more martial arts movies back in the day. Jerry's martial arts skills are very good. I have never been bored watching any of his movies.

The downfalls: Each action scene has a very annoying guitar theme and towards the end of the movie becomes almost unbearable, but I just like the movie only for the fight scenes. The acting is terrible (what would you expect), only one female actress (as a main) is in the movie and she doesn't show any charisma or talent makes you wonder what she was doing there in the first place. The movie is very much the same storyline as Bloodfist 3 starring Don 'the dragon' Wilson, but is in different format.

The Up's of the feature: Jerry displays awesome fight scenes and there are plenty of them which makes the movie gun and enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously. My wife is a filipina, she recognized the area where the movie was filmed because we have been to that location in the Philippines before and she remembers many of the filipino actors who were popular actors in the Phils. This wasn't the type of movie for her so she decided to do the housework while I continued to watch Jerry kick ass. Don't watch the movie with your girl or wife unless they enjoy this type of movie genre.
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Great martial arts movie
11 June 2013
It's been too long since I have watched Terminator Woman until today. I am kinda feeling little sorry for myself (I've been given a few days off from work) because I fractured my wrist in sparring while doing martial arts the other night but this little gem managed to keep me entertained as I'm waiting for the pain killers to kick in.

I have a feeling the previous reviewers who had bad things to say about this movie don't like other films of this genre...I love them.

In Terminator Woman we have plenty of martial arts action. Jerry Trimble Jr and Karen Sheperd make an awesome team together. I give this 10 out of 10 because the movie involves many great fight scenes, yes the acting is really bad but if you are like me and can watch a movie for the fun side of it, then I am sure you can enjoy this nice little martial arts gem from the good old day as long as you don't take the movie too seriously.
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How terrible is this!!!!!!
22 May 2013
Oh my god! Cynthia Rothrock is finally back in the movies again. Yay!!! Hang on, the movie is so shocking she ought to stay away from being in future movies if they will continue to be as bad as this one.

Like other previous reviewers stated...Badass Showdown has gay boys pretending to be martial artists and you can tell that they don't know martial arts. Badass Showdown is choreographed/directed and produced by people who don't know martial arts at all.

I just don't understand how someone can show such bad acting or why Cynthia would return to movies and appear in a total flop of a film. I am very disappointed. The only time I will write a review is when the movie is extremely good or extremely poor. I would rarely say how bad a movie is. I just want everyone to know that I am telling the truth to save others money or time. I am a major movie buff and can watch almost any movie from beginning to end. I didn't even finish watching Badass Showdown although I consider myself a loyal Cynthia Rothrock fan. Watching the gay boys pose in shower and in bedroom made me expect some soft gay porn to begin but it never did...thank god. My wife after ten minutes of the movie was telling me to change to another. If you are gay, then you might like Badass Showdown.
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Good movie
1 February 2013
I don't know why this movie has some bad reviews. Maybe the viewers just took U.F.O too seriously. Jean Claude Van Damme doesn't play a big role but I guess he is still trying to pretend he is somewhat a serious actor. The other actors and actresses do well in playing their roles to make the characters seem believable. One thing I didn't like was when the camera moved around a lot in a few certain scenes but it can easily be dismissed. Another annoying thing of the movie is the theme song.

I was very surprised that U.F.O contains some pretty good fight scenes but none from Jean Claude Van Damme, he is hardly in the movie. Special effects of the alien ships/crafts were poor but I do understand that this is a B-Grade movie and we shouldn't expect much.Trust me, U.F.O is's nowhere near as bad as what some previous viewers say it is. Sit back and enjoy!
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Savage Dawn (1985)
Rare B grade action movie of the 80's
3 September 2012
I just got this on DVD and watched it. The plot has been done to death, nothing original here. Lance Henriksen does well with his character known as Stryker who is a bad ass war veteran. Stryker comes to town and has a run in with the local bikie gang who eventually over take the town so he goes out on a rampage and starts beating the living crap out of them all. The movie could have been fantastic if was a bigger budget. There were plenty of fight scenes but the choreography was slow and somewhat boring. I love good action movies with lots of fights but I have to say I was disappointed with this one.

I'll give Savage Dawn a 4 put pf 10 just for the efforts put into the movie from the lead actors mainly Lance Henriksen and William Forsythe who eventually move on to become decent actors since they made this movie together. Apart from that I will sadly say Savage Dawn doesn't have much to offer for the die hard action fans.
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Crosscut (1995)
Good Mafia Story
3 July 2012
I have to disagree with the last reviewer. I like this movie because it has an original plot...good drama with some average acting with few action scenes, mainly gun battles and from what I recall a couple of fights. I like B Grade movies as I grew up watching them during my childhood days and now I'm currently working on collecting each movie of the B Grade 80's and 90's genre.

I just bought the VHS tape of Crosscut from the store. I live in Australia so the store charged me 41 dollars in total. However, knowing that I got ripped off in shipping costs but you know what? I have not seen this movie in years and I do remember majority of the movie since I saw it last but I also truly enjoyed watching it. Give this movie a chance. If the movie was as bad as the last reviewer makes it out to be then why would I even bother ordering a VHS tape of it from America to be delivered in Australia?

Personally, I will be proud to add this as part of my collection where I will put the movie in my Crime section or Action section. This movie is also very rare and hard to find. If amazon didn't have a few tapes left, I'd be screwed and would probably never get the opportunity to own it but I would never give up searching for Crosscut if that was the case.
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How I miss the 80's
27 June 2012
I have to disagree with the last reviewer. The movie is not as bad as he makes it out to be. Yeah, of course it has it's faults like majority of 80's B Grade movies but I haven't seen Central Park Drifter in years up until now and still find the film to be watchable. If you are looking for the hairs to stand up on the back of your neck and want to watch this for thrills you won't get it here. If you just want a horror film to watch with vampires involved and has an OK storyline then you can be entertained. If you want to take this seriously as I speculate the previous reviewer did, then you won't. I rate this movie half for its efforts based on storyline and the performances of actors was OK. As for killings...the murders were average and showed little blood. You won't find it gory here.
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Caged (2012– )
The realistic life of a fighter
11 June 2012
This is about some youths trying to make a career as mixed martial artists. You will witness the hardships of how your personal life can effect their training and fighting. This is a great reality show for all martial arts enthusiasts. Danger is only 21 but he is eventually given a lot of pressure/responsibility by his mentor to run the gym while the mentor will be spending some time in jail it's Danger who is the only one who that the mentor asked to run the business while he is away,causing Danger to focus on his own training including running the business and competing/training at his own responsibility which is a lot to take on at once. Wes has an on and off going relationship with long term girlfriend who is the mother of his son. Wes battles making weight before each fight as hedoesn't take dieting and training seriously enough. Daniel is a pretty boy who tragically lost his girlfriend and seems to find it difficult to move on from her death.

There are others to mention but the show is mainly based on these three fighters who train at the same gym but have only one goal in common and come from different backgrounds with different personal issues. Can they get past their personal life issues and make it to the top of the food chain to become a pro fighter?
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Troll Hunter (2010)
Awesome movie if you can keep an open mind about it
5 June 2012
This is one cool movie. Great job to Norway hailing from Australia. I just watched this and the entire time I stayed in suspense. I wondered why they can't make movies like this anywhere else in the world. People would likely disagree with me but in my own opinion I would rate this as my top movie of the year.

I like this because it has a great plot, good drama, the acting is top notch and the special effects of the trolls is brilliant. By the way, how many movies do you know of that is based on trolls? Also, when I watch this knowing it is not based on a true story I can't help but feel that the movie is actually happening in reality. I applaud the movie makers and will look forward to seeing future projects from them.
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