6 Reviews
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Strange wilderness - Good to know before watching
24 May 2008
Seriously, Im still watching the movie and I just could resist to come in and comment, since I felt really compelled to state out that movie seems as a really desperate try to make something funny, of course there were certain parts in which I said to myself, yea.. OK.. thats a little funny, but there is a whole lot missing in this movie... and it seems certain humorous supposed to be - part, are way over the extent of which they should be. Seriously, I have not smiled until now, and its been 56 minutes and 42 seconds.. I guess I will continue watching since I am pretty bored and cant get sleep. Furthermore, nothing much can be said about this movie except for it having a few humorous parts which could have been hilarious if this movie didn't lack basic film creativity. One thing good though I can say, and that is about Ashley Scott - She is HOT HOT HOT. and I am a little cold right now.
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One missed call
16 April 2008
This movie produces several opinions by me and I shall share them here: The dialog was a dialog. nothing impressive or outstanding just pretty mundane like.. The acting itself was pretty good, though something there did seem a little off from time to time when I think about it. The story line, well. suspense is there all the way to the end, but there is no point in having just suspense and almost nothing going around with it. I can't be too sure what was supposed to be accomplished by this movie. How the plot went down was pretty plain, leaving only the end having something in it, arising an "oh..short hmm, OK".. I noticed scene near the end that just didn't seem to belong, nothing was prior or leading to that moment, a try was produced to create intense emotion or whatever it was, and then it disappeared. The last death there was just didn't belong there.. And why the deaths even had to occur..what's up with that.. I can understand certain questions on life are never explained or answered, but it didn't feel right. Anyway.. The movie passed my time, but the first scenes made me expect much more that was not fulfilled.
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The Invisible (2007)
The invisible
15 April 2008
This film was a brilliant make. it arouses several types of emotions mixing them all together, let you feel a different kind of emotion to almost the full extent from moment to moment, producing understanding, acceptance, hope, love, sorrow, anger, frustration, disappointment and several more. I did not cry, but I felt, I was focused on this film, intrigued, surprised, not to mention that the acting supplied was splendid, it was truly a movie that in way I can not explain, moved me. I guess I feel compelled to share, that I am healing from brain damage and I suffer from health uncertain and not so positive all caused by lies, miss-understanding and psych meds.. I state this because what I am going through make it very hard, to focus, and get into, and feel, and many more things, but this film truly did to me as I stated out, and for me that clearly registers the story in the film and the film it self as a great achievement. It takes true wisdom, forgiveness, ability self worth and acceptance to react as the the main character reacted. I am proud to understand that from past experiences that I have went through, and through some experiences that In my situation I am going through.
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Planet Terror (2007)
Planet terror review
12 April 2008
This is an OK film to pass time with, pretty funny, as for myself I hardly laugh or smile and I found myself giggling more than a couple of times.. Some smoking hot girls in this film, and basically it might not be a blockbuster, but it's OK.. Good stunts made by "EL Ray", and pretty impressive makeup artists although in the department it could have been improved, including visual effects (if i am not mistaken there). Anyway, what else can I write??!! This seems more like a comedy than A horror flick, but this was definitely one of the best comedy combined with horror movies that I have seen. The acting was pretty good too.
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BloodRayne 2
11 April 2008
This movie is on of the most boring movies I have ever allowed myself to view, I kept watching it hoping it will peak at a certain point. I know the title Is BloodRayne 2 or BloodRaybe deliverance, but seriously, does this movie have anything to do with BloodRayne 1???

It doesn't matter in what kind of situation you are mentally or physically, there is on point of viewing this one.

I state out much more, but I don't think profanity would be welcome as a comment by whoever is in charge of maintaining the comments section. My vote -666 (not worth mentioning unless warning people who are going to be subjected to viewing this movie).
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The Water Horse - Legend Of The Deep
9 April 2008
Once the movie ended, I started crying. I cried because this creation is one of those that truly touch you, and take you to a fantasy realm that can only be experienced in imagination. As for myself, not only did it do that and more, it also had me think about myself, and my current situation in life, and since my country damaged me so hard, I guess in a similar way, I wont experience a great deal if at all. Which makes me appreaciate movies like this one, that for a little while, I can forget the fact that my body is alive, soul wounded, and brain damaged.

This is a great movie.
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