
2 Reviews
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Death Tunnel (2005)
Not so good...
12 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Personally, I did not like this movie. Neither did my girlfriend who gets scared easily, we watched it together. The only things that's cool about this movie are hot chicks and that Waverly Hills Sanitorium exists for real (the main place in Death Tunnel). The story in Death Tunnel makes no sense (to me). There's a party somewhere, 5 girls gets randomly picked out to go to a haunted hospital and spend five hours there. There's like a tunnel there where the hospital workers used to put bodies in. And then the chicks suddenly start dying, one by one... Scary! Not. Well sure, once or twice you could jump out of your seat but thats only because there's like a pop-up of a ghost or something like that. And some of the girls are bad actors too, but they're hot so why would you be good at acting when you can look good instead? I give this movie 3/10, only because the hospital exists for real and is one of America's most haunted places, which I think is cool. I recommend this movie to young teenagers who think ghost horror movies are cool and like hot chicks.
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Silver Fang (1986)
9 May 2008
When I was about 12 years old my friend called me and said that he had borrowed a movie called "Silver Fang", well that sounded nice and I went to my friend's house. Then when I saw the cover of the VHS I thought: "Oh no, it's a Japanese animation!", I've never liked that. But I gave it a try and me and my friend watched it. And OH MY GOD! I couldn't take my eyes of the telly! We watched all the 4 parts (it was the cutted version) in a row! It had it all; a cool story, different main characters than ordinary mangas (dogs), romance, blood & gore, sadness etc. I recommend these series to EVERYONE! If you haven't watched it, watch it NOW! Every night for two weeks after I watched Silver Fang I lied in my bed and just couldn't get my mind off it, I wanted to see it again! Sooooo beautiful..... 10/10. I would give it more, even an Oscar!
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