
3 Reviews
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One of the worst movies I have ever seen
11 June 2009
I would have asked for my money back if I thought it would be possible to get it back. Implausible, awful, terrible acting, terribly written -- you're lucky you can find a single half-a-laugh in this boring nonsensical piece of garbage. There is not an ounce of creativity here. I'm not sure what Will Farrel was thinking - he's generally funny and picks some well written scripts. This was simply unbearable. What's most disappointing is that if you are an old fan of the show (like myself) this just takes what was somewhat of a real live adventure (and the whole idea of escaping the land of the lost) and turns it in to a silly goofy series of the worst sight gags I have ever seen. How easy is it to throw Slee Staks and dinosaurs over garbage? This film is proof that it's pretty easy indeed. Maybe this is some new Hollywoood formula - a giant CGI dinosaur and nothing else. I am tempted to list the ridiculous additions to the original show. Instead, I'll just say they were subtractions and not additions. Not to mention the fact that every set looked like the inside of a bad Disney ride. Don't waste your money - I wouldn't even recommend this for free. One final warning - if you take your kids you'll have to get past the dozen or so raunchy necessary sexual jokes - none of which are funny at all.
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The Hangover (2009)
11 June 2009
Funny and at times over the top (especially those jokes involving the baby). It's defiantly worth seeing in the theater. I had a number of good laughs and with the audience response it was a little better. Don't expect reality here - it's one long skit of sight gags. But that's what it's intended to be. If you can suspend your disbelief (and you will need to to get past the obviously unrealistic events), get past the fact that there's really not much of a plot, some stereo-typical garbage, and just enjoy the laughs you'll like this movie. I thought the acting was sufficient. One warning, its definitely not for kids.
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One of the Worst Movies I have Seen In the Last Ten Years
2 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the fact that the plot is ridiculous and probably non-existent, it's impossible to suspend your disbelief in a movie with some many plot holes, implausible, unexplained and simply unbelievable elements. The dialog is tired and the characters over-simplified.

If you like to watch skeleton grave people and another set of indistinguishable jungle tribesmen attack Indy for no apparent reason, if you like cartoon Russian villains with no character development, if you like CGI gofers and man eating giant ants, if you believe someone can survive a nuclear explosion in a fridge, if you like cliché jokes about communism and forced 50's nostalgia, if you find it plausible that people can swing in the jungle with Monkeys and out run trucks swinging on vines, survive death defying falls without a scratch, and if you generally like gratuitous action and no character development or plot, then this movie is for you.
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