
15 Reviews
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Ozark: Nest Box (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
Elephant(s) in the room.
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I find the series very enjoyable. That said, there are a few core issues I feel in need of addressing. Why does Marty Byrde seem to tell everyone he has met for five minutes his situation and what he is doing? Why, when he is fully aware of who it is that he (Byrde) is working for and the power they can/do exert - did he no inform the Cartel of the problems he was encountering with the Snells from the get go? Instead, he showers the Snells with free money (belonging to? Explained away how?) Highlighting his weak position and encouraging them to exploit him further.
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Alex Rider: Truth (2020)
Season 1, Episode 8
Suspend your disbelief
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin. Alex and co are on the run in Holland from a high tech drone armed with scopes and a machine gun (with never ending ammo) Yet they escape un-injured and return to England untroubled. He goes to the hangar to save his friend without a plan - in the knowledge that they will be killed. Upon Air Force one he knocks out two guards - yet it never dawns on him to take their weapons. Opting to save his friend rather than the World?!?
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Good beginning.....
16 December 2021
I have given 'Titans' six stars purely for season one. The series should have ended there. The storyline and plausibility goes straight down hill from the beginning of season two.
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The Vault (2021)
Central flaws
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An absolutely enjoyable, fast paced, intelligent take on a World scale heist. Yet at no stage did any of those either in, or under, the bank wear full gloves or any face coverings. If it hadn't been for CCTV footage of their faces (Interpol warrants) none were making a 'clean' getaway. Would the follow-up Police operation not also have located the robbers HQ? This also was full of complete forensic profiles of all involved.
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American Rust: Debt Collection (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What occurred in any previous interaction between Grace Poe and Lee English was there to justify Grace intentionally hitching a lift with Lee and her husband with the sole purpose of all but saying right out that Lee had slept with her Son?
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The Lost Symbol: Melencolia I (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Glaring omissions
30 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Langdon was given a 'phone by Ma'lakh at the offset. It has remained on his person from then. The battery without charge. The 'phone never used by Ma'lakh to simply locate where Langdon is at any given time. The CIA have Ma'lakh trapped in a car park - yet it is not sealed off - and he drives straight out. Not even an attempt to track, trace, stop the vehicle as it makes a getaway in the City.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Episode 1
1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Masses of People, cars, ambulances, buildings etc fall into a massive void. Moments later they all come around spread about all over an unknown jungle, landscape. Mum eventually meets up with Son Josh. Tells him that she has lost her Wedding Ring in the Jungle. Off goes Josh telling her that he is going to get it. Script writers for this want it taken seriously?!?!
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Prodigal Son: Eye of the Needle (2020)
Season 1, Episode 14
Suspending disbelief
4 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mrs Whitly's all pervading character and her blatant inability to learn lessons from her blundering is becoming a drag on a very good show. In this episode she yet again disregards all reason and common sense. She withdraws $1m in loose $100 bills (a common banking practice) They are dumped out - but not a move by law enforcement to stop the $ free for all - then she, and all the team, wander off without a care.
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Clara's Ghost (2018)
Complete waste of time.
23 February 2021
Avoid like the Plague. I kept waiting for this film to start.....or even make sense.
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Jessica Jones: A.K.A. Playland (2018)
Season 2, Episode 13
Femme Fatale
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After Jessica's Mother was executed in the Fairground - The most realistic option would have been for Jessica to do likewise to Patricia Walker ..... after dispatching her obnoxious Mother.
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Motherland: Fort Salem: Citydrop (2020)
Season 1, Episode 8
In-necessary lapses.
7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When a team was sent into neutralise the bomb factory - why was there no sterilised perimeter to stop escapees and the trucks? Then, when the same loose trucks were to be stopped on the road to Boston - why not call in an air/helicopter strike? Flaws (amongst others) that undermine the quality of a series with potential.
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The Expanse: Saeculum (2019)
Season 4, Episode 9
Episode Nine
29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dr Okoye is no more than verbally growled at by Murty and she gives up Holden's location and the reason for it. She then sits quietly until 'rescued' whereupon she makes bold demands. A glaring flaw in a faultless storyline.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
22 March 2020
Episode one. Who goes into a house, in the middle of Winter, and leaves both sets of front doors wide open?!?! Glaring flaws to details like this do not bare well for future episodes.
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Harrow (2018–2021)
Stretching believability
3 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed season one and was eagerly awaiting season two. Viewing season two was rewarding until it came to the last two episodes. Here the credibility of the storyline was seriously stretched. From far too many coincidences that were either not picked up upon or ignored.
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Great actors wasted on a careless storyline.
4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A principled lawyer - civil rights activist stuck in a late 60's early 70's time bubble - Denzel Washington. From the get go was not only screwed by the 'system' but also by his partner in the law firm that profited in totality from his work. Yet this sheyster was lauded, before and after death, as a great man of the oppressed. This movie had the basis for sooooooo much more. I was rooting so much for troubled Roman and what his brilliant abilities could/would achieve. If he had of realised the massive struggle ahead and been 'busted' by 'the man'. Then went onto struggle against discrimination, class/colour distinction from within. All the while working pro bono, upping the game of the NAACP etc - it had the potential to do so much uplifting. Giving an example to young underprivileged kids that there IS hope. But no. Roman sold out at the first minor hurdle (even after overcoming...if not fully realising...the bigger ones he had met/worked through before) He buckled oh so so so easily when confronted with the allegation that he had taken a reward for giving up a killers name. It was no more than an baseless supposition/allegation. He could have easily weathered this. To me Dan Gilroy gave up easier than his character......and a whole lot sooner.
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