
11 Reviews
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Juno (2007)
Great Movie
13 November 2007
I saw this movie and was really looking forward to it, because I liked the director's last offering, "Thank You For Smoking". I was completely knocked off of my feet! The humor was completely entertaining and didn't dwindle into a perverted cuss fest like some other comedy offerings of late (Superbad). The actors did a tremendous job - J.K. Simmons (no longer will he just be remembered for Spiderman), Ellen Page was incredible (finally a movie to like her in - Hard Candy was just too creepy, sorry), and Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner are paired up once again (also paired in The Kingdom) and play the embattled parents to be of this new child while facing their own demons in their struggling marriage. The movie was just very real, and also gives anyone hope that good things can come out of seemingly bad and insurmountable odds. Go and see this film!
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could have been better
25 September 2004
The best parts of this movie - in my estimation is watching Katie Holmes run around with that tiny blue bikini on, and do the table dance with the blonde wig on. Other than that - it could have been much better. I thought the combo of Michael Keaton and Katie would have made this movie much improved over Chasing Liberty (I also thought that movie was mediocre at best). But in the end, this movie was just okay. The ending was very disappointing also. There was no resolution except that she's got her whole life in front of her. I still consider Wonder Boys and Pieces of April as Katie's best work. I hope she's got something really redeeming up next. I'd hate for her to fall under the Ben Affleck curse (good looking, made some good movies, but then started making tons of terrible ones). We can only hope.
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great movie - better than the first!
10 September 2004
This movie consistently flowed better along its story lines than the first installment did. First of all, you've got to remember that it's an action movie - and a sci-fi action movie at that - so there's going to be some pieces that everyone would change. Especially the people who have played the video games. For one example - the Nemesis, should have been bigger, but again, it's a fantasy movie. As with all fantasy movies, you've got your small selection of cheesy lines, but overall, the movie was great - better than its predecessor. Milla did a fantastic job and they had a great supporting cast. I will definitely look forward to RE3, as long as Anderson directs that one as well.
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awesome movie!!!
24 August 2003
this movie was hillarious!!! i couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why this movie was like hated by the people who reviewed it here, but it was hillarious slap stick humor, kind of a cross between dumb and dumber and meet the parents. i loved it and anyone who is like 11-25 should love it too, definitely recommend, and WILL see it again, will buy it on DVD when it comes out too! Ashton Kutcher's funniest movie since, "Dude, Where's My Car?"
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Fletch (1985)
GREAT MOVIE - will leave you dying laughing!
14 August 2003
This movie is over the top hillarious - I don't know what hyped up dope that the last person who left a comment was on, but I LOVE this movie! What really makes the movie is both Fletch's imagination, his flair for developing different characters, and especially his speed talking. examples include "I love your body Larry (Geena Davis)" while on the phone in front of a hotel clerk, "Nugent, Ted Nugent" when asked by Alan what his name was, "What kind of a name is Poon anyways?" asks Mr. Boyd, to which Fletch's reply is, "Comanche Indian". This movie totally rocks and you will love seeing it AGAIN and AGAIN!!! It is so much better than jay and silent bob strike back, you'll be laughing for hours! enjoy!
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Good movie.
3 March 2003
I would have to say the highlight as with all Jet Li movies were his stunt sequences. The movie overall was a good action flick, but not begging to be seen again. I was pleased and definitely did not waste my money, but it is not beckoning me back to the theatres tonight to see it. Good job though, DMX is definitely one of the best music artists turned actors.
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3 March 2003
This movie was just as horrible as American Beauty, and the Blair Witch Project, even as bad as Teaching Mrs. Tingle! This was definitely one of the worst movies that I've ever seen! Except the sex scene with Kate Bosworth, this movie was just sick, perverted, disturbing and alarming. Horrible choices for all of the actors and actresses involved as evidenced by its total U.S. take at the box office. Oh well!
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Daredevil (2003)
great and solid movie!
3 March 2003
This movie was back in the old mold of the first two Batman movies. It was solid with great action and a great girl! The stunts were awesome and the movie as a whole was a great starting point for a series. It was an admirable attempt at translating the comic book into the movie, but with all of the movie superheroes was not perfect, but oh well, it's a movie! If we took time to spell out every detail, we'd be at 4 and 5 hour movies! Go and see this one, twice if you can, the last movie that I wanted to see twice was Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and I've seen about 10-20 movies since then in the theatres.
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loved it!
3 March 2003
This was a great movie, definitely one of Vin Diesel's best in light of XXX which was HORRIBLE! This movie, along with Pitch Black and Saving Private Ryan are definitely the three high point for Vin Diesel so far, which Knockaround Guys coming in a close fourth. I am guessing that A Man Apart will be pretty good since it has him back in a believable role, and a chance for him to display his acting talents once again.
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3 March 2003
This movie was one of the worst I've ever seen! I can't believe I wasted my money and saw it in the movie theatres! There were three words in the whole movie - "Lost", "Witch", and "F--k" I don't care about the breakthrough of a handheld movie making millions, it was a horrible movie from start to finish. I thought that Nightmare on Elmstreet was scarier that this movie was, when I was like 7 or 8 years old!
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It's a sad fact.
3 March 2003
But most American men who are either fathers or not fantasize at least sometimes about teenage girls that are either their daughters friends, or son's girlfriends, etc. This movie was actually very disturbing, but like most of the guys on, they voted for this pretty much not because they liked the movie, but because they liked the drug content as well as Mena Suvari baring her breasts at the near conclusion to the film. As a movie this movie really disturbed me as I saw it Oscar week before it won, and I was all by my lonesome in the huge theatre on a week night. It pictured the American Family as screwed up beyond all hope, and I have a hard time believing that every seemingly nice person I meet is either a drug dealer, adultress, or pedophile. It just once again causes the entire world to look at America and say, ugh!
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