4 Reviews
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Well balanced documentary
18 June 2020
I liked this documentary as it interviews people on the streets asking them which is their favorite type of pet. it does not take a side and just presents the opinion for the viewer to draw their own conclusions; which is more popular dogs or cats?
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Good Period Piece!
17 November 2005
Seen this movie twice now and have to say it grows on you! Set in the 7th Century, it focuses on a Celtic warrior, "Fingal", who is trying to rebuild life after the Scottish Civil War, where so many Scots died. Of course the Angles from Germania arrive, aware of this, and set about raping and pillaging the land and indeed kill Fingal's wife; so the latter exalts revenge! Set in the Scottish Highlands with beautiful scenery, good camera work, and eye candy wenches, this is a good production in spite of its low budget. The actor who plays the villain, Jon-Paul Gates, is particularly menacing and the climax between him and the hero, Fingal, is electrifying. Not in the same league as Braveheart granted but an enjoyable yarn nevertheless!
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The Prodigal (2002 Video)
a good British gangster movie!
20 June 2005
Enjoyed this movie, very edgy with good performances. Although you can tell this film is micro budget and it's certainly no "Goodfellas" what it lacks in special effects it certainly makes up for in fine acting and good characterisation. Set in Birmingham, the story is about an ex-con, Vic, who is trying to go straight but gets caught up in gangland warfare between "Mad" Mickey Harrington on one side and established gangster, Ronnie McGann. Will Vic choose the right side? The actor playing Harrington did a good job; always keeping the audience guessing where his next move was. A bit of comedy in certain scenes was refreshing to see, it was a nice release from all the heightened tension throughout most of the film.
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a competent thriller!
20 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I disagree with the previous 2 comments. Have these people ever made a film before? Don't they know how hard it is? They can't compare a film like this with films made in Hollywood. The film is a competent thriller and tells a story about an accountant whose tired of being taken for granted and appears as though he's not very bright or exciting for that matter. However, Harry cons everybody and we soon learn he is psychotic, luring all his former employers into his web, so he can exterminate them. Good soundtrack helps the movie and there are some scenes that are better than others but overall I found it very watchable.
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