
1 Review
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a boring movie +++ bad acting
7 July 2008
After watching the movie, I can't help but think how much ratings it gotfrom the viewers. Not to hate, coz i admire Aga and Anne for their acting skills which was one of the reasons i watched the movie. However, it was tiresome to watch.. the story seemed to0 slow and i was just dying to see it end. ANne Curtis' acting sucked. It wasn't realistic at all. I would've just preferred if she spoke in tagalog since all of her lines sounded "scripted". There was no chemistry at all between aga and anne, which makes watching it even worse. I'd say this is one of the worst Pinoy movies i've seen even compared to the jologs/corny ones.

What i love about this movie?? i loved the beach setting (boracay) and Anne Curtis' fashionable clothes. That's it..
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