
1 Review
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Pora mroku (2008)
Not that bad
27 February 2009
Truly the acting was not the best and surly not what polish actors has to offer. Actually the only actor that has enough experience to play in that movie was the one that had almost the less important role (Jan Wieczorkowski)playing Adam. Other actors were playing rather poor but they were chosen due to the fact that in Poland we make a lot of comedies and most of the good actors are associated with this type of movie and wouldn't fit in the horror movie. I would agree that location was chosen very carefully and the background of the film is great. Who I also liked was the mentally ill boy, in my opinion he did quite a good job on his role. All in all the movie presents the level of movies made in 90's the music and flashbacks are cheap and trashy but since it is (probably) first polish horror movie I really liked it. I was trying to enjoy it throughout the whole movie and turn the blind eye to the imperfections. Quite a good movie but with Very complicated plot.
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