
126 Reviews
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Utter rubbish
19 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After 14 min this became a mess of a movie, some sort of weird cultish fantasy about crazed humans collaborating with the aliens to wipe themselves out. This should have stayed in the same lane as the original with Sandra Bullock and not veered off badly into the sunset. I guess this low budget attempt is what passes for a sequel these days for Netflix, what a disaster.

Sorry guys but you missed the mark and for raising rates you have the nerve to pass this off riding on the coattails of a success.

I guess now that when you pay more money uou actually get less quality.

Rethink what you are doing, it will fail.
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The Babadook (2014)
17 December 2022
I cannot fathom the high ratings for this snore fest. I tried to find anything to spark a good rating but failed, nothing happens except talking about something scary, matbe some subliminal messages put me in a coma but not sure.

I thought about using the disc as a coffee coaster but can't this movie even to look at it's disc.

I threw it into my giveaway box of old DVDs and misc 99cent movies but not sure I want people to dislike me for sneaking this in.

If you want to waste time while also losing IQ points this is hours but don't, or you may end up finding other similar garbage and thus the downward spiral would continue.
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30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this series turned out way better than I hoped for, each episode grabs your and does not let go.

Chloe looks amazing and un my opinion upped her acting game through the roof wow.

Also I have added a lot of actors to my favorites list I wasn't even aware of, great casting!

The blend of near future and our own present is seamless and totally plausible, no wild leaps of technology making it very relatable, there is even humor in it, looking at you Connor & Burton.

The pace is good, no lingering like trying to stretch 5 minutes of reality out to 60 minutes which loses a lot of people's attention, very good.

I am watching ep3 now and already hoping for a few more seasons, the conflict must not end with Season 1, write it up guys!
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Deadwind (2018–2021)
15 October 2022
If you've never seen a Nordic crime drama before, watch this in native Finnish with English (or other) subtitles and I guarantee you will be hooked! There are many others ((Icelandic, Swedish for example) and the stories, scripts, acting, directing are great, they have a gift :)

There Is no CGI and the acting skills with body language, dialogue, direct plot lines are masterful.

Sofia and Nurmi have this thing, very interesting yes.

Season 3 is about to arrive and there is a good reason why, even the Intro music draws you in, if you don't enjoy this I will give you a hug until you are convinced, thank me later.

Enjoy this series, Netflix did good.

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Kleo (2022– )
Das ist gut!
4 September 2022
Ok all right I was trying to be cute with the title but yes this is a really good and highly entertaining cold war spy series, do not shy away from English voice dubbing or you will miss out.

The East/West era sets are amazingly accurate and the script does really well with conveying actions as well as words. Netflix did good on this one.

There is a revenge journey and you must travel with her, it will be a good journey. There is no dragging storyline between episodes, each ine leaves you wanting to see the next one, it is very binge worthy.

I also have a new obsession with Kleo aka Jella Haase, she is very captivating :)
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The Lodge (2019)
Listen up kids...
15 August 2022
PSA: Do NOT attempt gaslighting. Please watch this movie if it ever crossed your mind.

The acting and suspense is superb! I was expecting a different ending but this is better.
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Great flick!
29 July 2022
I thought I had this on my shelf but it disappeared or I hallucinated having it:) Regardless, this is yet another great Mission Impossible story.

I have a new found awe for Rebecca Ferguson who can also sing and is on Spotify!

Good job guys!
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Parallels (2022)
Boring, slow.
7 June 2022
...and a predictable disconnected slow juvenile plot line. The script is awful looking like a beginner's guide to making a movie.

I'm not sure where the 10's ratings come from, I even tried to watch again a couple times and just had to walk away again after a few moments.
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I Am Mother (2019)
Better than I thought...
5 June 2022
In the beginning it looked like a small budget small set story that takes place in a few rooms, boy was I wrong, enter Hillary Swank and this changes into a daring sci fi with unlimited possibilities. "Daughter" is amazing with great acting & physical skills, Hillary adds more weight, well done all.

When is a sequel coming? 😊
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I don't get it
21 May 2022
...but the graphics/scenery is beautiful which got my 5 points.

Was it about integrity, ambition, fulfilment, witchcraft, prophecy?

Perhaps this is one of those movies that only professional critics get but isn't it supposed to be for audiences?
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Sniper: Assassin's End (2020 Video)
Yeah, some cheese....
5 May 2022
...but the great action far outweighs a couple 3 cheese moments lol To me it looks like Lady Death has a new career, possibly with Beckett?

Looking forward to more.
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Revenge (II) (2017)
3 May 2022
Entertaining and satisfying. The baddies get their karma addressed.

I was also not aware that blood can cover such a large area and am now a big fan of Matilda Lutz.
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Line of Duty (2019)
Why was this made?
27 April 2022
Seemed to be Ok then too many events totally opposite of reality and plausibility occurred, is this a kid show, comedy show, cop show, martial arts show...what?

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Russian Doll (2019– )
Russian girl clumsy
28 February 2022
Nadia the redhead seems to have a thing with death and tries to figure it out. Natasha kills this role and so does everyone else. Lots of entertaining fun.
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The Privilege (2022 TV Movie)
If you like creepy
12 February 2022
...and a but campy, this is your flick. This particular style of creepiness reminds me a bit of Get Out & Us.

It's entertainment not a science documentary :)
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Reacher (2022– )
Yup 👍🏼
6 February 2022
Hawk from Titans is pretty chill, unless you try to shiv him or get salty in his face, then he gets upset and then you need 911, or a coroner .

Not sure why the low ratings, this is great entertainment.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
The detailing..
4 February 2022 masterful. There are so many complexities here that i'm just starting to discover, on my 2nd viewing.

I can easily go through a 3rd and still be amazed.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Love this genre...
2 February 2022
This series immediately captures your attention within seconds and gets better from there.

Lots of intrigue and purpose happening with the usual human drama.

Great action is not blinding or overloading you with over the top special effects, subtle "wait for it" is good!

Cannot wait for Season 2 and more 👍🏼👍🏼
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Polar (I) (2019)
The 12 critics.....
2 February 2022
Are way off the mark, this movie is intriguingly fun and dark and full of action, were they watching the right movie?

I'll be leaving this on the Watchlist for another look, I'm sure to pick up many details which were missed.
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Very entertaining
31 January 2022
The acting is great, there's drama, some intrigue, tension, family stuff and even humor.

The guy is very good at his craft and seems to have some connections to everything and everybody, like a super spy but substitute spy with thief.

I think you'll like it.
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The Witcher: Kaer Morhen (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Geralt's backstory
16 January 2022
I feel I should get the 7 novels collection but not read them until the series' completion hopefully covering all 7.

I enjoy the cinematic interpretation and don't want the classic 'the screenplay doesn't match the books!' to come into play.

So far so great, hope to see all 7 novels in this series!
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Great series!
14 January 2022
...but trust no one and don't miss headshots because everyone looks out for themselves and zombies are real fast, this isn't the very slowly walking dead :)
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6 minutes in...
27 December 2021
...and already yelling "I love this show!.

Austin has this quiet inner strength dry wit, Lili has the same strength but more open & sassy. Other actors go with this flow nicely.

I make up my mind early with shows since watching a zillion streaming hours give me a prophetic sense of good vs bad hahaha I kid, this one truly feels good.

I hope you enjoy it as well.
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One Lane Bridge (2020– )
Mystery worth watching.
25 December 2021
This is a great series, just 2 episodes in and I'm hooked. This series unwinds at a good immersive pace and has a supernatural element to it.

Scenery is amazing, I want to live there :) You may recognize a few actors, all of them very good.
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Time Is Up (2021)
Yes , I watched it all...
23 December 2021
You can sense where this is all headed and who the antagonist is but the last minutes pulled it all together and a few people were 'saved'.

Good acting, I like Bella :)
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