
7 Reviews
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Girls (2012–2017)
I Like It. I Can See Why
27 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to wait until I caught up on all of the episodes until I posted a review. This show is not dragging down the quality of HBO series. It actually reminds me more of How to Make It In American than Sex and the City. As a woman, SATC always bothered me because Carrie was neurotic and not believable. In addition, the women of SATC were in their late thirties/early forties most of the series so they had time to establish themselves. The shoes were great but the relationships in that show were far-fetched. Hannah and the crew are definitely twenty-somethings. They are fresh out of college and have no idea what they are doing romantically or career-wise. Hannah keeps going after Adam...I must admit he is starting to have some depth to him. I don'tall the way dislike him. Marnie doesn't want her boyfriend because she still wants a bad boy. That's why she masturbates to Booth Jonathan's steamy quote. Shoshana is that lost virgin friend that I think everyone has had. Jessa is that Bohemian spirit who still thinks she is trapped in the free love era. Put them together and you have a good mix ofcharacters. They seem natural and tangible. I actually like this, in terms of relatability, a lot more than some of the other stuff on TV.
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A Columbian Movie About Coke
24 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It's been done far too many times. If you stare away from the drug trafficking, the immigration issues, poverty, lying, betrayal, family, and most importantly, love, are far better fodder for this film.

Some of the images and situations are very real and graphic. You can appreciate it because it doesn't show people who take a plane into the US, get a PhD and work their way up to a six-figure salary. This movie shows addiction, prostitution and squalor--a much more realistic point of view.

It's reminiscent of Amores Perros and Buendia Bakery. The plot is quite rich with many twists and turns. The journey in the film is also quite perilous. Upon arrival, the male lead is faced with many tough decisions. His search for Reina also gets to the point of lunacy.

I won't completely spoil the ending but the movie is well worth the watch.
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True Blood (2008–2014)
True Blood is the Truth
9 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This show gave me a reason to watch TV again. For a while I had given up and took to saving a couple of reality romps on my DVR but for the first time in years I want to see this, at the original show time and I am on pins and needles all week until my thirst is quenched! I might be a little partial as a Louisiana native and yes, many of the accents are a little off but what it lacks in cultural synchronization, it makes up for in suspense and over all blood lust. The show is very multi-faceted allowing us to see that there are many levels of inequality and other issues that we face personally and nationally. The bayou is no different from the boardroom in many ways and Ball did a fantastic job of showing how discrimination, deceit, and heartache exist everywhere (even with folkloric creatures.) The show definitely has a hidden agenda among the vampires and murders (and SEX) but I take it as one ingredient in this spicy, sultry gumbo of a show. It gets two thumbs up from me and I truly can't wait for more. Watch in reruns, watch when it comes out on DVD, and certainly and most importantly watch it NOW!
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Princesses (2005)
All About Prostitution...but not really
2 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In America, everything is about what you do and not who you are. If you are a prostitute, somehow your job title answers both.

Yes, these women do walk the streets. They do in fact trade money for sexual favors but that is definitely not who they are.

Caye and Zulema are very different but so much the same as they explore the intricacies of the human condition and just how raw and gritty life can be regardless of race, nationality, familiar status, or any other label that we use to separate ourselves from the rest of the world.

Those two are not the only ones "hooking" in the film but they both struggle with body image, insecurities, fear, discrimination, and regret for all the things and johns they have done.

Zulema is a beautiful outsider, Black in a world that hates Black people. She is also a mother, no matter if she and her child don't share a home. She is also an illegal immigrant which seems to be a bigger problem than her occupation or skin color.

Caye is officially Spanish but dealing with an emotionally blind family and seems she never fully developed her self-esteem. She wants breast implants as some sort-of fix all but everyone knows it won't work. Everyone thinks Zulema is stealing all of the business in that block but Caye wants her as a friend. Her relationship with Zuleyma might be the only real thing around her.

The two help each other. That is what friends are supposed to do. The gossip and clamor of the beauty shop do nothing for the deep-seeded issues that both women struggle with.

I won't officially spoil the ending but watching this flick is well worth the time and the subtitles.
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Smart People (2008)
Dry Humor...Very Dry
19 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you are really into English literature and grammar or you have a really dry sense of humor, you will like this movie. If not, it will seem very boring and pedantic.

Quaid's character might very well be a genius but he is socially inept. He's one of those people who grieves a death for so long they just start living some strange tangent of a real life.

Even though Ellen Page is really cute in Juno, she will get on your nerves for at least about %90 of this movie. It's worth the watch but not a classic. I guess it depends on your tastes or your liking for Smart People.
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A definite Weed Action/Comedy
18 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't smoke the reefer so that is perhaps why some parts of this film didn't make sense.

It was still worthy of a lot of laughs but there were times where only a stoned individual could grasp the existential (or blunted) undertone of the comedic interaction.

I still liked it but I would recommend investing in an herbal modifier (like echinacea) prior to viewing the film :)

Also, there are instances when "dude space" is violated and if you are homophobic at all (which is sad) you will be uncomfortable.

It doesn't follow the same tone as the other Apatow movies but it is worth patronage.
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Trimphant movie despite its flaws
6 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Jennifer Fox did what most women would cringe to do...she discussed (and sometimes showed) all the intimate details of her sex life and she did it very openly. Sometimes her company consisted of men and women who were not hip to her ways and she could have faced severe consequences. Flying is about every woman and no woman. Some of these women have been free to explore their sexuality while some don't even know what an orgasm is (even after marriage). Fox did a brave thing by addressing not only the sexuality issues women have globally, but the issues we have with our mothers, our fathers, our siblings, nieces, nephews, body image, pregnancy,divorce, and several other factors. To keep it this real, it can't always be pretty so from Le Dawn's divorce woes, to Mindy the soccer mom, you can't help but identify with at least someone in the film. If you have an open mind, better yet an open heart this will be a good film for you. Feminist or not.
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