
21 Reviews
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Savage, Unsubtle satire with plot holes and needless characters
20 March 2005
Firstly i must note that If.... is one of my favourite films and within that film Malcolm McDowell is Mick Travis, as good a character as Alex De Large (Clockwork Orange) and one which he makes his own. I found that film to be beautifully shot, excellently acted and the satire to be pinpoint accurate. It was a very important British film and is one of a few classics from the sixties (Saturday Night Sunday Morning, Loneliness of the long distance Runner, Billy Liar etc).

Next came O Lucky Man, with Travis out of school and working as a coffee salesman. We see his rise and fall and eventual rise again as a accidental film star. I also think this film is very important with a extremely gifted cast including Arthur Lowe in several roles and Graham Crowden as a mad experimenting doctor. The music by Alan Price greatly contributes to the film (lesser so Price's attempt to act!).

Finally, the 80's and Britannia Hospital. A great cast, an interesting premise but alas a flawed film. The major characters, bar Graham Crowden have little to do (McDowell, Rossiter, Hamill,) and i found myself feeling no empathy for anyone. The pickets and protesters were annoying but were outdone by the upper class visitors to the hospital and as for Mick Travis, an ignoble end. It is never explained why McDowell is there (why isn't he investigating the luxury treatment of the African Dictator which is causing everyone else so much grief!.....why does the nurse decide to continue his work/was she an insider who gave him info on Crowdens project??). The idea that the Queen would be allowed to visit the hospital in such inhospitable(pardon the pun) times is ludicrous etc etc.

But perhaps i am being to empirical about the film, what of the satire? About as subtle as a punch in the face! The upper classes are still treated differently to the working/middle classes be it in the workplace or in health, what a revelation!! Anyway, there is some joy in watching it unfold if you disengage from the satire element and enjoy the face spotting (John Gorden Sinclar, Robbie Coultrane, Robert Pugh, Richard Griffiths, Brian Glover, Arthur Lowe, Alan Bates, Roland Culver, Jill Bennett etc) and general mayhem of it all. I suppose Travis had to go somehow but why like this? My recommendation is to watch If.... and O Lucky Man and if you are satisfied with the ending to the latter film, leave it at that.
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Important Film, Riverting in places
25 November 2004
I have always been interested in Eisenstein but this is the first film of his which i have seen. The way he uses the camera is magnificent as well as the commandeering of so many extras. How did he do it??

The use of extras is very important however as it portrays the scale of the bolschevik revolution and the different factions of people involved within it.

The added emotional guidance of music increases the involvement and response to the film, although i must admit to losing my way occasionally due to the rapid shifts between different peoples within the revolution.

Overall, well worth the watch and surely very influential in its camera technique and scale.
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Monkey Dust (2003–2005)
Satirical excellence that must see a DVD release!!!
10 May 2004
From what i can remember, this is a brilliant, scathing look at Britain in the 21st century. My favourite bits were many but included Ivan the meeksake murderer, Clive the depressive with the huge head, sven euran ericsson, Geoff(?) the cottager, the classically trained actor, the suicidal father, the peadophile on the chatroom......the list is endless. But one thing is true about all of them, the subject matter is usually one which isn't remotely humourous. It is this what gives Monkey Dust the edge over other controversial new comedies(except the utterly dark 'Nighty Night').

I have just watched Steve Coogans 'I am Not An Animal and its animation reminded me of this great series. It must be released on DVD!!

Come on BBC what are you waiting for??
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Superb film with great performance by Essex
14 June 2003
ITV have just shown the Jim Maclaine(David Essex) films of which this is the first and Stardust is the second and as an avid supporter and fan of sixties and seventies British cinema i thought i had to check it out.

It doesn't disappoint with its gritty evocation of a fifties childhood with a lack of a father figure. Jim then turns to the Rock and Roll world when he buys a guitar from a pawn shop at the end. His rise and fall is taken up in Stardust with Adam Faith taking the Ringo Starr role as Mike.

Great, forgotten film with superior performances from Essex and Ringo Starr and a good cameo from Keith Moon and Billy Fury.
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Sleuth (1972)
Loved Every Minute of This!!
3 May 2003
This film is basically two great actors on one set for over 2 hours and it is one of the best ever made. The interaction between the characters of Caine's "jack the lad" hairdresser and Olivier's "upper class" detective novel writer is first class and their cross and double crosses make the film the classic that it is. A special mention for Ken Adam the production designer from some of the Bond films, who creates the perfect arena for these high class frolics. See this if you love the art of film making!!
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City on Fire (1987)
Superb Heist Thriller!!
2 April 2003
I viewed this on late night TV and it immediately grabbed me. It was due to its interesting music, shoot outs, superior cinematography and a brilliant performance by Chow-Yun Fat as the undercover agent sent to join a gang headed by the excellent Danny Lee. Only the ending bears comparison to Reservoir Dogs with the rest of the film building up to this moment. In it's own right this is as good as Tarantino's effort and should be seen by as many people.
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Stand by Me (1986)
Suck my fat one, you cheap dime store hood!!!!
27 January 2003
Great line for one great movie! This is a beautifully constructed coming of age movie that everyone should see(preferably once when your 12 and once afterward). It has all the ingredients that this kind of movie needs (i.e. great friendships, innocence, gangs, River Phoenix). Add to this the tender direction from Reiner, the great 50's music, just-right-narrative from Dreyfuss and all the superb young actors and you have a classic that deserves to be in the IMDB top 200. more thing:TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A great soundtrack, with accompanying hypnotic visuals
18 January 2003
Saw this at my local film theatre and after the sparse opening virtually without speech it soon picked up. The music is fantastic with the likes of Velvet Underground ('stickin with you'), Aphex Twin, Boards 0f Canada and the mighty Can all chipping in to greatly add to the effect of the film on it's audience. The Scottish party scene and the Spanish club scene are brilliantly shot and the lighting effects also admirable. The only thing i slightly disliked was it's lack of plot or narrative detail but when you have a director as visual as this and an actress as mesmerising as Samantha Morton you don't need it as much. Seek it out, but watch Ratcatcher first: 7 out of 10
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Anarchic fun with a superb cast!
18 January 2003
Picked up the DVD of this for £4.49 and it's worth every penny. Not only is this film a better spoof of westerns than Silverado but it contains enough weird and wonderful characters to give Lynch a run for his money.

Firstly you have got the superb Sy Richardson as Norwood(Tarantinos inspiration for Samuel L's Pulp Fiction character?), Joe Strummer as Simms(RIP), and the 'runt' Dick Rude completing the main trio.

Also popping their heads round Alex Cox's casting room door are: Courtney Love(pregnant Velma), Fox Harris, Kathy Burke, Edward Tudor Pole, Dennis Hopper (IG Farben), Grace Jones, Jim Jarmusch, Miguel Sandoval(Eastwood impression), Xander Berkley(priest), Elvis Costello(butler) and the Pogues(Mcmahon coffee gang)...Superb!!

There is also the great setting of Almeira, the funny costumes, Pray For Rain music and the priceless dialogue(regional dilects etc). So stop criticising and just enjoy yourself in Cox country!!
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Maniac (1980)
Underated, down beat, psycopath film!!
10 January 2003
Just viewed the Anchor bay DVD of this having never seen it before, just heard of it's reputation. I was surprised to find an atmospheric, low key, down beat explotation horror. The acting, bar Joe Spinell is average but it is directed with a certain low budget style with good effects by the king Tom Savini. Music is also resonably good and helps to add tension to certain key scenes. In my opinion it is no more distasteful/disturbing than the Jason and Freddy horror's and although Frank Zito's victims are only women his motive is that his mum neglected and tortured him as a child and he see's her in his victims. The bad thing's are the poorly developed friendship between Catherine Munro's photographer and there should have been a flashback to his childhood to further prove his madness and maniacal nature. 7 out of 10 for this genre.
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Tape (2001)
Riverting, Revealing conversation piece
3 January 2003
The fact that this film takes place in one room with a maximum of three characters and is not boring is superb. Throughout I was interested in what was going to happen next but this wasn't conveyed through action but words, which Linklater specialises in (Slacker etc). The way Uma Thurman took control of the situation was excellant also(watch it to find out what i mean). So, if you want a film that is efficient, insightful, short and effective this is the one!
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Funny, silly and KRS ONE
24 December 2002
If your a hiphop fan and haven't seen this then do. As well as taking pot shots at ghetto life, the army, seventies blaxploitation, fashion(one character dies from an OG:over gold, too many gold chains) and uncle toms it has many cameos (hayes, rock, gulager etc). Please watch to the end for an outstanding cameo appearence by classic hip hoppers BOOGIE DOWN PRODUCTION featuring KRS ONE doing a brill number called JACK OF SPADES which i had heard before i saw the film and never knew it was related! Enjoy yourself in the company of the likeable Wayan's Brothers!
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The 'Burbs (1989)
One of my all time favourites
16 December 2002
I am 17 and I first saw this film about 10 years ago and i still find it the most quotable movie ever. I know it isn't the best film, but for pure enjoyment this one wins everytime(in my opinion). I love Joe Dante's movies because they are funny, low budget, weird and use the greatest character/b-movie actors since Roger Cormen(whom Dante worked for). My favourites in this movies are Dick Miller, Brother Theodore, Henry Gibson, Bruce Dern and Corey Feldmen. If you have seen the movie you'll know what parts they play (all equally funny). Add to this a youngish Tom Hanks, Rick Ducommun (when he had a career, before a bit part in Groundhog Day), Carrie Fisher (post Star Wars drug addiction) and Wendy Schaal (who i recently saw in Dantes Small Soldiers and the awesome Six Feet Under series) and you have a cast to match the best b-movie and then some!!! It makes references to many things not least b-movie horror, winnie the pooh(bee scene), the exorcist, suburban America and neighbours from hell. Standout scenes being the beginning starting from the universal logo (you know what i refer to), Bruce Dern going mad about dog poo, Bruce Dern falling of his own roof and shooting his own car window setting the alarm off and the wicked finale (citizens arrest!!!) As Corey Feldmen says at the end "GOD I LOVE THIS STREET"
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Michael J Fox rules!!
12 December 2002
This is a very superior slice of sci-fi fun and one of the films that has endeared itself to me over the years. Marty Mcfly is a great character that you feel for and the script is humourous and fun. The main thing is Michael J Fox is cool and will be as long as he has these films on his cv. Think Indy without the violent historic bits and you will get a picture of this fun 80's made adventure for all the family. I'm sure it will still entertain in 30 years time! 9/10
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The Greatest Band of them all!!!!!
10 December 2002
Where do i start? I could just quote you Smiths lyrics all day but that might bore people who don't know what they are missing. I am obviously biased but this is a smashing collection of their classic songs and also acts as a starter for the uninitaited. Derek Jarmon contributes a brilliant short film at the end and Morrissey and co are at their iconic best. Watch or miss out on the best band ever!!
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Underground (1995)
Filmaking at its inventive best
24 October 2002
I first approached this with an air of caution, not because it was subtitled but because of its length but believe me it is worth every minute. After a few minutes i was grabbed by the subject matter and the skill at which it was conveyed (unique to say the least) and for the next three hours was glued to the screen. A Brilliant study of war torn lives. Please find time to view this, you won't be disappointed.
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If you see a "NAM" film in your lifetime see this!(and Apocalypse now)
24 October 2002
I first saw this when i was about 12 and it shook my world up. It was on late at night which added to its allure. R Lee Emery makes the films first half as the sadistically harsh drill instructor who is also matched by Vincent D'onofrio who's performance as Private Pile must be the best of his career. Then we are thrust into the war with Matthew Modine leading the way as the journalist who sports a peace badge as well as a rifle ironically named Joker. Beckton gas works on the outskirts of London provides the setting of the war torn town and a good job it makes of it to. As with Clockwork Orange the soundtrack is spot on as are the locations and cast mentioned above. The ending is truly shocking but i won't reveal it as it would take power away from this superb war movie.
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Lively and colourful series presented perfectly by Palin
20 October 2002
I have just viewed the second episode of this wonderful exploration of the massive desert. As i speak its raining outside but for the moment i have been transported to Africa and are wallowing in its colourful and friendly atmosphere. Congratulations to Palin for another brilliant travel series!
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
Without doubt the greatest TV series i have ever had the privilege to watch
20 October 2002
This series is Americas greatest contribution to the TV world. Every episode is shot through with wit, reality, death, life, and poignant questions about the worth of family and responsibility. It has a kind of mysticism about it which adds to an overall enjoyment of each episode and the perfect cast carry it off with aplomb. It is the nearest to art ever created for the television. Watch it now!!
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If.... (1968)
A stunning work from a consummate master
18 October 2002
I first saw this movie when i was 15 and it shook up my world. I was aware of Malcolm McDowell having previously seen him as Alex delarge in Clockwork Orange. This film is a perfect surreal study of teenage rebellion and should be seen by everyone who is able. The direction is brilliant the supporting cast shine (Arthur Lowe etc)and the film as a whole is made up of memorable images that you'll take to the grave. Lindsay Anderson is one of the most important director geniuses of an era and i was very sad to hear of his demise. The memory of him lives on through this film and its two "Mick Travis" sequels!!
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This film is unique, powerful and brilliant
16 October 2002
Let me get to the point about this film. Paddy Considine is outstandingly brilliant in the role that should have made him an icon if anyone had bothered to see it! He is at once dynamic, dangerous, disturbing and occasionly comic. He reminded me of Travis Bickle that De Niro so brilliantly played in Taxi Driver. High praise indeed, but very deserving as we are in an age where everybody moans about British cinema without bothering to seek gems like this out. So well done to Shane Meadows, keep churning out class like this and 24/7 and you'll become a legend!! From The West Midlands
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