
2 Reviews
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you actually don't need to spend your time for this
12 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where should i start? I don't even know... Because all major moves in this story are ridiculous. 1. Society accepts to grow people only for organs. Yeah, we have big problems, but i cannot imagine that somewhere on Earth this thing will be legal. Growing donors immediately reminds me that Nazi stuff. 2. Maybe, at some point, 1 became legal. I don't believe that no one who knew that his life isn't actually belongs to him will accept this path. When you have to control children, it isn't so hard, but when you deal with grown-ups, it isn't that simple. 3. All of the teachers' emotions (espetially at the end) for me just can't be real - they had jobs, good house etc. 4. I can't believe that after many years apart those three can simply speak so long with each other. I can't believe that Knightly's personage, in that situation, could help and don't be jealous about having 3d donation while traitor Kathy didn't have any. 5. All the problematics already was shot as movie in Island (2005) and before that described in sci-fi books.

For the end of review, i'll just say that, technically, movie is well-shot, has some good actor works (which is, of cause, director's merit, too), has interesting sound decisions (i mean hypocrisy in the key moments), but. Don't waste your time.
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What did you expect?
7 February 2013
It's 2013 now, and cinema industry isn't in good form, as i see it. (for many reasons). Studios don't want to spend their money for experiments, they want profit. And that's why, in this particular case, we have standard script, good actors, kinda good techniques of shooting and etc. So can these 113 minutes be interesting? My answer is yes, indeed. You will enjoy movie if you like gangster movies at all - those car chases, gunplays, wordsplays, simple plans, bad guys, good guys. If you like to watch famous actors - you will see pretty good ensemble cast here. Actually, this film is full of clichés, but it's very hard to do something brand new on this old territory. I don't want to defend it's predictability, but this movie provides exactly what trailers promised and a little more (i mean some little details - references to other movies, good shots, few jokes). Maybe it could be great with other script and tone of the story, but we have what we have, and if you'll miss this one, you'll probably lose not that much, but something. Oh, and last thing, almost missed it: it's 7 because i like actors and didn't expect anything good when i came to cinema.
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