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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Surprisingly I didn't like it
23 June 2024
I found myself fast forwarding many parts. But I want to say some of the best parts or after the bomb was ready, they sat around discussing where they should drop it. Would the Japanese surrender? And as they sat around discussing it, I thought they captured the feel of how it would have really happened.

Over 30 years ago there was a TV movie called Day One. Brian Dennhey played General Groves. As the general goes into a room, there's a physics problem on the chalkboard. General Groves who is trained as a mathematician and physics recognize it and corrected it in front of some of the scientists. So the scientists had a lot of respect for General Groves.

That was left out of the Oppenheimer movie. Well this is a one-time watch for me and actually I was disappointed.
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Seven Days: Revelation (2001)
Season 3, Episode 14
Interesting but I couldn't quite figure it out
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well I'm going to throw some spoilers out here. We got a new guy who back step 7 years instead of 7 days. He said the whole world is going to start fighting unless we kill this holy leader.

The new guy had all the right information. So they do what he says and they kill the holy leader but another group also massacres them at the same time. And Frank's best friend just killed.

The new guy ends up taking over project backstep and something is just not right because he has a mark on his hand. Like a barcode.

From what I gather, it was the mark of the beast is laid out in Revelation. That's the best I could get out of this one. Thought it was kind of strange. Not really going to leave it unrated but I probably won't watch it again. The whole thing about 7 Days is this. Some episodes are really good and some episodes are strange.
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Unsung Hero (2024)
I walked out and no rating
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
. First of all you can call me judgmental John because I am very opinionated and black and white on the issues. So we have this music promoter for Christian bands. He's making good money. So what does he do?

Instead of being wise with his money and living within his means, he buys his large giant half million dollar house. The kids are all doing things that expensive kids do when they have money. You know after school activities and who knows what.

Then it all comes crashing down. You're going to lose the house and everything. And instead of the wife being encouraging. My take what she's looking around and thinking gosh we're going to lose everything.

You see years ago my own family when I was a teenager went through this. And instead of complaining about what you're going to lose, my mother approached it logically. Okay we'll move in with my mother and we'll do this and we'll do that and get a job.

And boy did they have some good arguments. Reminded me of my ex-wife. Arguing over money so you know what I did I just walked out of the theater. And stayed out and surf the net with my phone. Hey all the other Christian friends I went with they loved it.

PS, don't live above your means.
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We're on a mission
26 April 2024
Way back when this first came out in 1980. I lived in a trailer park across from Ringling School of Art. This is where us art students mixed with retirees. And actually it was a pretty good time.

So anyway one of the art students had a bumper sticker on her car. The Blues Brothers. It was white with two faces and it said "" we're on a mission from God "".

And there was a nice married couple in the park named Mr and Mrs W. So Mrs W looks at the car, and then looks at the bumper sticker and she says to me, "" She must be very religious "".

Well I didn't say much back to her because I really like the folks in this trailer park but that was quite funny.
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Nicely filmed and I'll talk about that.
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers, but it's interesting spoilers. There's a lot of tension in the beginning. We have these guys escaping by ambulance. And actually they get stopped to pick up somebody else. And they have to go to the hospital. And now we wonder how they're going to get out of this mess.

That was really very good part you couldn't film it any better. Also I didn't know it was an Australian film until I saw the right hand drive. They were driving mostly big Fords or something like that.

So it is very nicely filled around Sydney Australia.

And it's true we don't find out if the bad guys are innocent or guilty. That's something you will have to decide.

PS, we have snipers on top of a bridge. Do you think that could even be filmed today? Probably not. Which is one of the nice features of this film.
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As another reviewer said, it's hard to rate.
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
But I will say it starts off good. We're looking at and early 1960s airliner. Now here's an interesting part and here's a spoiler, is the stewardess in on it? Because she wants Admiral Nelson to have food even though he's not hungry. But later when the hijacking goes on, she tries to stop it.

And if you watch it the guy sitting next to Nelson put something in his drink. Actually Nelson does it. However then we get to the Island full of Nazis and Hitler's speech. Which I could do without.

This would probably be never be made today. Chock full of swastikas.

Irwin Allen certainly borrowed quite a bit on this one cuz he had a nice outside set. I'm watching it again right now.
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8.8? What a jumbled mess
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers! Lots of them.

Let's take the following ideas.

Star Wars, American Civil War, The Bible, The Quran, Tremors the movie, Star Gate, Gladiator movies, And more... And mixed them together and you get this movie.

First I find it interesting to use American slang, in this movie on a distant planet 10,000 years from now. Also, is the temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius and who cares.

Has a normal sword fighting but hey we got laser guns too but we just won't use them all the time.

And rocket launchers, flame throwers, but no pistols.

Plenty of killings if that's your thing.

So what do we get from the bible? First of all your demons and possession. Along with The Living Water or it could be deadly water depending on your face. Gee where do we get that?

If you run out of original ideas, use the Bible.

Who can't forget the Quran because, all the southerners are praying like Muslims. Talk like them too, look like them too, right out of the desert.

Now we got these sand creatures that live under the sand. Tremors but hey at least a special effects were better. Star Wars Return of the Jedi had a creature that just like to suck people down. Man where has originality gone?

Yeah we got the North and the South just like the Civil War. The Northerners have the water and Southerners have the desert. Kind of like our civil war, Northerners had the industry and Southerners had the cotton.

Just like the Roman Colosseum we got Gladiator action. That is just so original.

Of course we've got Stargate with a symbiote or the baby or whatever you want to call it. Kind of like a baby that thinks ahead of time.

And the lady carrying her baby, it's just like Stargate she changes her voice to an evil one. Or you can get that out of the Bible.

Well I'm waiting for the thumbs down and that's okay. If anybody is interested, Avalon Hill game company made a game based on this story. I highly recommend getting it if you can find it.

PS, thank goodness they have 94 Atomic weapons stored away to even the score.
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Bionic Woman (2007)
Why is it?
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why is it that remakes are so bad? Even was good actors and actresses, just can't pull this thing together.

My absolute main pet peeve besides the story, is the extremely poor camera work. Let's just shake the camera in a normal scene like in the bookstore. Hey how about putting it on a rail. Looks like it was filmed with a low budget if you know what I mean. What was the cameraman doing his first job?

Now here's a few plots with and some spoilers. Actually it had a good subplot. There was a second Bionic Woman. That was actually one of the excellent plot twists right there. That could have been really really good. Katie Sackhoff.

Also, The Bionic Woman rescues somebody who's going to jump off a building. So they had some good stories.

But poor camera work, and should have flowed better. But I'm going to watch all eight episodes.
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Very bad
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy bible stories put on film. As long as they keep to the story. This one is so far off. I'd like to know who wrote it, who filmed it just horrible. I'd like to take him out to the Woodshed for ruining such a good story.

However I'll give it a brownie point for the outfits and swords, how few there were, but hey it was realistic.

Well that's about it for this review. There's not much else to say. Not worth a watch really. Unless you got maybe 8-year-olds or something. Also they did have a couple seconds of special effects that actually weren't bad. For example when he uses a sling to put a rock into Goliath's forehead well we have a little bright light moving it along. Which is cement God was helping kill Goliath.
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Union Bound (2016)
Unrated, but here's some spoilers
14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
. As others have said, the uniforms and guns and things like that were very realistic. Which is a nice touch. Probably had reenactors. And very good ones. But I'm going to really nitpick it a couple of parts.

Number one, they shoot an escaping Union soldier. Now right then and there instead of just marching off. They would have gone and picked up the body and buried it cuz that's what they usually did. Ask the reenactors they know all about the history.

Unrealistic moment number two, they get into a situation where they get caught by a single owner. Who's coming to get back his slave. However they knock him down. And this is my big pet peeve. They leave the gun. Now if two Union Soldiers had knocked down a guy the first thing they would have done is pick up that spare rifle.

I will say some of the filming is absolutely beautiful.
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As others have said
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting story. Clumsy Direction. I actually really enjoyed this movie. But the plot holes or unbelievability. Starting from the first scene on the boat. She's holding the knife and right away the Coast Guard Cutter comes up. Would have been more realistic if she was on the radio asking for help. Just not a good part when it just shows up at the right time.. Then she goes on trial. Now any murderer would have thrown the knife overboard into 500 ft of water. Funny how that didn't come out at the trial.

Then they're on a ferry. Too bad about that Ford. Anyway she tries to knock the door handle off. Which actually was a pretty good scene but I guarantee you as soon as she hit the first car the crew man would have been alert. As she swimming away nobody spots her. Sure bud that's going to happen but it makes for a good story.

Now she's on The Wanted list. But she just happens to get on the airplane and fly to New Orleans. Like nobody's checking.

Well that's about it I did watch it I'm going to leave it unrated but I got a kick out of it. A better director this could have been eight stars all the way. Tommy Lee Jones did very well. So did Ashley Judd.
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Should have been better
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of these movies with an interesting plot. Hey don't we all like to land on a foreign strange Island. But the direction, the camera work, is all just fair.

I think with a better director, and better camera work it could have been an easy seven. Kind of an adventure for kids and teenagers and hey me and I'm adult I got a kick out of it also.

And actually the floating diving bell was pretty good. No CGI so we get rubber type dinosaurs and such. A good B movie. But again with better camera work and Direction and maybe a little better storyline this could have easily been a seven or eight.
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Mannix: Walk on the Blind Side (1974)
Season 8, Episode 4
Well had some good parts
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And the best part was Peggy getting kidnapped in a mysterious way. So here's the spoiler. Mannix shares a cab, with a lady on the run. She just happens to get in the cab. The bad guys are getting another cab and follow her and Mannix.

They have a pretty good car chase. And Mannix cleverly says to the cabbie," I'll give you a 20 if you can lose him".

I want to point out they got some pretty good car chases and they're really bang the old Chrysler's up. I actually got all four wheels off the ground.

Peggy is still kidnapped but trying to talk her way out of it. And I want to say something Gail Fisher is absolutely gorgeous and I wish she was around today. What an absolutely beautiful woman.
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Harry's War (1981)
Saw it in the theater.
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Back when this movie came out, I would take my girlfriend at the time to various movies. And I was kind of picky on the movies because it was so many lame movies.

Because I have a sense of humor. First we went to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and I just absolutely laughed my tail off.

So another week I thought I'd try Harry's War. Although it's a very serious movie in a way especially with everything going on today. At the time it was filmed as a comedy.

He had a working half track and he was about Crank It Up and I remember thinking this movie is great and the humor in it I just laughed and laughed. I think my girlfriend looked at me and thought gee she was just happy that I was laughing.

I suppose I should go find it on a DVD or maybe Netflix is another reviewer said. Anyway worth a watch definitely.
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Porky's (1981)
Saw it in the theater
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had absolutely no idea about this movie until I went in there and saw it. A buddy of mine wanted to see it so off we go. I had no idea cuz I'm kind of naive, I didn't know for example what Michael Hunt what it meant. I sure do now haha.

Definitely a product of my twenties. Because I'm 66 now. My wife rented the movie and it just wasn't that funny anymore. However at the time and I gave it Nine Stars I laughed and laughed. I just couldn't believe the humor in this really dumb movie.

Can we say tallywacker? I mean that was outrageously funny. Anyway a product of the time. A product for 20 year olds. But not for me at age 66. Kind of like hot rod cars. Fun in your twenties not so much in your 60s.
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Pretty bad, but
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty bad but it could have been good. Similar to The Dirty Dozen but was a lower budget.

First of all I saw it for free on Roku. Maybe one of the channels, who knows. But hey with Michael Rennie why not.

The quality was poor. For example they shoot in battles but there's no bullets flying off the wall. So that was kind of a low budget or bad director.

Some of the action wasn't bad. The internet bunker Hill your hand in hand combat but man the filming is just so so.

And Michael Rennie was way too old to be an act of soldier but hey it's a paycheck. The tanks attack later and they do have a nice bazooka shot.

Four or five stars is about it for this movie. I sure wouldn't see it again. I'll say it again though it sure needed some better directing and camera angles.

PS, hardly any German equipment to be seen mostly American trucks and American tanks painted over.
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Patton (1970)
I saw this when I was 12.
16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Back when we could all go to the movies as kids. I saw this. So me and my friends actually would all talk about the guy who got run over by the tank. Does everybody remember that scene? Well now that I'm 66 and I read about movies. That was purely accidental. It was literally a miracle that he wasn't crushed.

And really it's a story about Patton along with a war movie. But I want to add something about the scene in Tunisia. According to Omar Bradley's book, it was actually about six or eight officers sitting in the headquarters.

3 seconds after British Vice Marshall Cunningham said ""You will see no more German planes"". General Bradley wrote in his book, almost on que, three German Focke-Wulf190a started strafing Sfax, Tunisia. A bomb went off nearby and the door did not open as in the movie. However Patton did not go out and shoot at them with his pistol

After the German planes left one of the officers (it might have been Spatz, not sure), said to Patton. "" George how in the hell did you manage the stage that ""?

And Patton answered, "" I'll be damned if I know, but you find a Nazi SOB's flying those airplanes I'll mail them each a medal "".

Now I need to read read the book a general's life about Omar Bradley.
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Mannix: To Save a Dead Man (1971)
Season 5, Episode 14
Well this one had some twists.
16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You know something about Mannix. The cars, acting, the fist fights, the car chases.

This is really a whodunit. And it's a darn good one cuz I didn't see it coming. So Mannix does his usual detective work as a man confessed to a crime, to a nun in a church.

However this case was closed years ago. So manix as a favor to the nun does a little investigating and that's where the plot gets thick. Who did what and who is who? Quite clever.

Also, he pops the hood to find Dynamite, but cleverly I notice his 383 in the Barracuda does not have any air conditioning. Maybe that's why the convertible top is always down.

We get some nice action in this Barracuda driving off the road and taking a rough and tumble. Who would have thunk these cars are worth 50 Grand?

I suppose you could conclude with, the love of money is a root of all evil and it certainly shows up here.
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Intramuros (1964)
Free on YouTube
15 December 2023
Although this is really not the best movie, it has some good points. First is filmed on location. In the Philippines so that's a nice touch instead of being filmed on some Backlot in Hollywood. So we have the actual Fort it seems called Intramonus or something like that in the Philippines.

The second nice feature is actual American equipment used. For example they have a BAE, which is a Browning Automatic Rifle.

Blasting away at the enemy. Unfortunately the copy I saw on YouTube was kind of unrestored if you know what I mean. If this movie had been restored and maybe a different director it could have been very much better. Even though it's worth a watch just for the accurate equipment. And filmed in the Philippines.
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The Bionic Woman: Deadly Ringer (1977)
Season 2, Episode 15
Unrealistic but cute and interesting.
7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just so you know I have to put spoilers in here. So anyway they operate on a lady, to make her look like Jamie Sommers. To make her look like a twin.

The twin gets her superpower, from some kind of chemical but it's temporary. So in other words the twin can Crush cans and all that kind of stuff. As long as she's takes the medicine ahead of time. I know it's unrealistic but it sure is fun.

So the twin takes Jamie's place and Jamie's put in jail. And Jamie is drugged so she can't use her Bionic power.

The fun part of this episode is how does the twin Jamie, fool everybody. And how does the real Jamie get out of prison.

And it's a two-part episode so it's kind of neat. Highly recommended.
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12 O'Clock High: Interlude (1964)
Season 1, Episode 10
The first reviewer was correct.
4 December 2023
This could have been a two-part episode it was so good. Plus Quinn Martin Productions really put the money into the budget. For example we're on a dock with a full size boat. Also the train station. And the sets were nice along with the acting and the background actors. For example plenty of Wrens that's the British equivalent of the American WACs. British Sailors in uniform. I have a lot of respect for the producers. Who can gather all the stuff together.

And unlike most 12:00 High, it's a love story but it's a good one it's done nicely. I almost thought it could have been filmed in England.

This story was so nice it could have been remade today. That's it for this review.
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A series of films made by Mosfilm.
25 November 2023
Overall this is a excellent series of motion pictures. There are five movies to the series. Since I just watched The Final Battle for Berlin, and I've also seen all the others.

As far as historical equipment it's very well done including the tanks half tracks and all of that. Do you uniforms are also well done and the battle scenes are excellent.

This is one of Russia's absolutely best film series ever made. There are some background Side Stories. For example the flooding of the subway. I didn't even know about that during World War II.

If you get a chance to see this, do watch it and I watched it on YouTube.
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The Bionic Woman: Claws (1976)
Season 1, Episode 5
A little slow but cute.
1 November 2023
In this episode, Jamie Summers, The Bionic Woman is playing a school teacher. Now my main reason for this review, and I know all the kids are actors, but they bring in a real lion to the classroom. Now this line must have been very well trained.

Seriously do you think you'd have a real lion today? They probably have a digital CGI lion.

These shows were relatively clean and suitable for all ages. Jamie does her usual jumping, and that type of thing. But the lion in this show they think it's eating some livestock so that's what the whole plot's about. If you like animals you could watch this with your kids. That's it for this simple review.
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The Outer Limits: The Premonition (1965)
Season 2, Episode 16
Another good episode but I'm going to leave a spoiler
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is written by IB Melchior who did a lot of sci-fi. And as a side note, if you can find his book, Case by Case, it's excellent.

Now the reason for the spoiler, is a little girl is on her bicycle heading for a truck. And now they're in the fourth dimension of time so everything is at a standstill. For example it takes an hour for a second to move by. So they've got an hour to figure out what to do.

However the two people are not trapped in this time. So my first thought was to stop the bicycle, well you got your purse shove it in between the spokes.

Well that was my first thought anyway. This is also similar to a Star Trek episode where everybody was moving fast. But in this one everybody's moving slow. Really good science fiction.

A few more thoughts? The sets were actually pretty good for a low budget. Better than Lost in Space which was actually a favorite and more popular TV show. The X-15, that was a pretty good prop.
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The Fugitive: The 2130 (1966)
Season 3, Episode 27
I must agree.
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reviewer schappe1, really had the best review. They could have made four or five or six stories out of this one episode. When I think of The Fugitive movie that came out about 20 years ago or so, it just doesn't measure up to the good script writing these old TV shows had.

And it's also a good look at life in the 1960s. For example the fruit Pickers were many normal everyday Americans not just immigrants. People needed jobs back then.

Not everybody had a car so it was many buses running. Much more popular back then.

I do have a question if anybody can answer it. In one of the last scenes, he's riding with a bunch of Pickers. He pays a man 10 cents for the newspaper, and The Fugitive jumps out the back of the truck .

Does anybody know who the black actor is, who The Fugitive got the newspaper from? It's a speaking part but not listed in the credits. Thank you, John.
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