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The Rookie: Day in the Hole (2022)
Season 4, Episode 22
Is that what "Jumping the Shark" means?
5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I don't mind that this show has a little bit of silliness to it, but are we supposed to seriously believe that a drug trafficker and his girlfriend just happen to be Tim and Lucy's EXACT doppelgängers??

It's just so farfetched! The only thing I'm happy about is that it led to them finally getting their act together - this has taken far too long.

In other news, I'm VERY happy to see Nell and Ellroy still together and also just so glad to see Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion back on screen together again.

Now I'm just filling in characters to make this review as long as it needs to be. 600 characters is silly.
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Grey's Anatomy: I'll Follow the Sun (2023)
Season 19, Episode 7
Why wasn't this the series finale?
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This REALLY felt like a "full circle" episode with Meredith leaving to start her new job and the newbies all moving into her old house.

It even had shades of Cristina's "he is not the sun. You are" again, with Nick being all mopey and I have to say I did love the ending with the aborted cheesy airport run and her pretending not to have heard what he said on the phone.

But really they could have just tied up a few other loose end storylines like Jo and Link and wrapped it all up nicely.

I've spent nearly 20 years of my life watching this show and it's really starting to get tedious and predictable.
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Lightyear (2022)
I would buy a Buzz action figure
22 June 2022
I can't quite put it together that this is the Buzz movie that Andy goes to see 30 years ago and then buys the toy. It just didn't seem to fit somehow in my head as I was watching it or after.

But as a Pixar film on its own merit, I really enjoyed it. I thought the concept was great, I loved the characters and I would go and buy an action figure of THIS Buzz. And probably all the others too.
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This Is Us: Miguel (2022)
Season 6, Episode 15
Just beautiful
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I always have to drink at least two pints of water while I'm watching This Is Us otherwise I get SO dehydrated from all the crying!

This episode was absolutely no exception. I'm so glad we got to know more about Miguel, his character is one one of my favourites so getting to know his back story was really good.

I did have a sneaking suspicion he wouldn't be making it to the end when I didn't see him around Rebecca's bedside but I'm still so sad to see it.

A simply beautiful episode, from everyone, but especially Jon.
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WandaVision: Previously On (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
Blown. Away.
26 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show just continues to impress so much. After last week's end of episode "reveal" (I'm using inverted commas there because I feel like a good portion of us may have seen that coming!) I absolutely KNEW that Agatha wasn't the only one behind this and this has confirmed it in SO many ways.

But who? I have my theories but there were so many different clues that confused me!

It was just amazing to see so vividly into Wanda's backstory (and bravo for the showrunners for explaining it nice and clearly without condescension to the non-movie goers/comic readers in the viewership) So many key moments that we knew about but hadn't seen. Sad we didn't get to see the real Pietro for a moment even in flashbacks.

Seeing her come into her powers from the Mind Stone and showing that connection with the Vision was such a beautiful and emotional moment too. Showing how powerful grief can really be.

Oh and it 100% cemented how much of %}^# Hayward is.

I, in equal parts, can't wait and am really not looking forward to next week's final episode.
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WandaVision: We Interrupt This Program (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
After The Blip
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I guess we've all been wondering what it must have actually been like for the world when the Hulk snapped everyone back into existence and it was great to finally see it in this episode, if even just a small fraction of it. Absolute chaos. A really brilliant opening and a great, proper introduction of Monica Rambeau who we haven't seen since she was little Lieutenant Trouble.

WHAT is going on with her since she got booted by Wanda? These must be her Proton powers coming up on her tests.

Hayward is also introduced to WV and seems completely untrustworthy from the start, but at least can give us some insight into what's been going on.

This ep is the one that lets us know what is happening from everyone outside's POV and this is where stuff really ramps up the interest levels.

If you don't think this show is great by now, I think you're all watching something different! 😂
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WandaVision: Don't Touch That Dial (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Absolutely magical!
24 February 2021
This episode would get 10 out of 10 for Paul Bettany's performance alone - especially the moment when he bumps into and apologises to the stairs! Who HASN'T done that?! It's fun to see the Vision losing his composure in a pretty harmless, but extremely funny way and yet again, we see Paul and Elizabeth show off their acting and comedic prowess during this ep.

As we begin to see the outside show up a little as well, we can start maybe looking for more clues as well.

I just can't believe the reviews are bad for just a second episode of a show this complex, when we are being set up for what's to come.
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Intrigued by the "nothingness"
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really LOVE when people rate an entire show after just one episode. /sarcasm.

What is an apparent lack of plot, is what intrigued me most about this episode. Two of my favourite characters from the MCU, one of whom is decidedly dead after Infinity war, turn up in this 50s suburban sitcom where nothing is really happening? So something is DEFINITELY happening!

If you weren't on the look out for weird going's on and clues right from the start, then I don't know what show you were even watching. Kathryn Hahn's character is suspicious right from the off!

Plus this isn't a movie, if they let you in on the secrets immediately, that would be very boring.

And besides all of that, the throwback feel of this, with the practical props and the cheesy comedy was a lot of fun and I think it was quite obvious it was setting us up for what was coming. Great opening episode for what has become a brilliant season.
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An absolute gem
16 February 2021
This was the very first film I ever saw in a cinema when I was 10 years old. It was my birthday present! I had McNuggets for the first time too! Haha!

I remember being absolutely delighted by it then - seeing all of my favourite cartoon characters on screen together as well as some new ones - and really being thrilled by what was quite a grown up storyline. Not really worrying about the more adult stuff going over my head!

I've watched it so many times since and I appreciate it even more every time. For the brilliant writing, the incredible animation alongside the live action - no wonder it won Oscars! - and the fact that I now know what it took to get Donald and Daffy, my two favourite ducks, in the same "room" together, let alone all those others!

Just an absolute gem of a film. I treasure it so much.
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WandaVision: On a Very Special Episode... (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
5 February 2021
What an episode! This show just keeps getting better and better. I HATE having to wait for it!

However I do love getting my theories together as the weeks go by and this week I had some proper shout out loud moments!

I just love this so much!
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30 January 2021
The perfect ending to a superb final season. I absolutely loved it. I will miss this show so much!

Oh no wait... I can just watch again from the start!
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Okay Annie Wilkes
30 November 2020
What the hell is this episode about!!? Paula is NUTSY
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Pose: Never Knew Love Like This Before (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
The most emotional episode yet
19 October 2020
I've loved every episode of this show so far - this one shook me to my very core and I cried pretty much the entire way through.

A beautifully formed piece of television.
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Some really great storytelling
28 September 2020
I've enjoyed all the Criminal series, although I haven't watched UK yet, but I think Germany is my favourite so far.

As procedurals go, this concept could potentially be so boring, but it's just not at all, and the storytelling in the Germany iteration has kept me hooked even more than the others, trying to figure out any twists.

Just great.
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Criminal: Germany: Jochen (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
28 September 2020
I won't go into ANY details here but I love a good twist and boy did this have one. Anytime a show has me yelling at my TV in surprise, I take that as a good sign and this definitely did that!
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Mulan (2020)
A beautiful film in its own right
4 September 2020
People down rating this film without even seeing it can do one.

It's lovely, visually stunning and more than enough to stand on its own while it is paying tribute to the original AND the original ballad in lots of little ways.
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Lovely and unexpectedly emotional watch
23 July 2020
I can't quite believe what I'm reading in other reviews about people not being able to watch this worth their tweens because they mention periods a couple of times. Oh no! A fact of life! *eye roll*

I think this show is a very honest portrayal of how life can be for a children of these ages, how friendships come and go and come back again, feelings and emotions and how our bodies are, all while being fun and family friendly too.

And it's good for the parents too. I could totally relate to a lot of stuff the mother was dealing with.

I loved it and my daughters - aged 11 and 13 - did too.
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Grey's Anatomy: Snowblind (2020)
Season 16, Episode 15
What the heck is happening?!?
11 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so confused with this show. Some of the plot lines seem to have from nowhere as if we've all missed a bunch of episodes.

DeLuca being bipolar has just been accelerated over the last few episodes with no real signs before that.

This thing about Alex is absolutely bonkers!! There was NOTHING to signify that this might happen. He and Jo were absolutely rock solid and then one episode he's just gone?! No sense at all.

And this one has taken the biscuit. Teddy asks one question, gets a vague answer and throws an entire relationship away. Absolute nonsense.

This has been one of my favourite shows for pretty much 15 years, but this season is a mess.
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Spider-Man (2018 Video Game)
So, so good! Spidey at his best!
16 February 2020
This is such a brilliant game. The plot is great, the gameplay is just phenomenal, all the characters are truly well done as well. I love it. Spidey has long been my favourite and now my 12 year old daughter is getting even more excited about him thanks to this game too.

Love it so much, I can't stop playing it. Web-swinging around NYC is my favourite thing to do.
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6 Underground (2019)
Just a load of great, nonsense, Michael Bay fun!
21 December 2019
You know what? It isn't Oscar-winning, but suspend your disbelief and enjoy it for what it is - just Michael Bay at his absolute MOST and this is brilliant!

A highly enjoyable couple of hours!
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Black Mirror: Playtest (2016)
Season 3, Episode 2
I'm sat agape!
28 August 2019
This one blew me away. I knew the ending was going to be not where I expected it to be, but it changed was unexpected several times over!

Just brilliant! And my heart was racing the whole way through. Great episode.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Hell No, Dolly! (2018)
Season 4, Episode 7
Laughing at other reviews!
13 December 2018
I loved this episode and I am laughing because people are complaining about such stupid things 1) Constantine is bisexual in the comics - there is no gender politics here, no "LGBT propaganda" - it is canon.

And 2) I am laughing at the person who said Charlie's British accent is bad. She IS English. It's as authentic as you can get 😂😂😂😂

Just, stop talking rubbish people. Learn what you're talking about before you post reviews.
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Grey's Anatomy: Anybody Have a Map? (2018)
Season 15, Episode 7
Beautiful Richard-centric ep
9 December 2018
I absolutely loved this episode. There are a few characters that are starting to annoy me a little in the show - Maggie being one of them - but Richard has been a favourite of mine from the start and still is.

I was so emotionally invested in how all of this would play out, and his reactions to everything. I feel drained now!
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SEAL Team (2017–2024)
A really promising first season! Can't wait for more!
6 September 2018
Given that the majority of these reviews were written before the season was even a few episodes in, I don't know how people can give a well rounded review?!

I've now seen the entire season so I feel I can now give a decent opinion. I don't know anything about Navy SEALs, or any of that - the entirety of my knowledge comes from Call of Duty and the combat scenes felt a lot like that, so it felt legitimate to me! - although I do know that there is a former SEAL in the cast so I feel that speaks to its authenticity.

I really enjoyed the story arc of the season, with the added drama of course, and I thought each of the characters were well fleshed out too, each with their own set of common and unique issues. I am looking forward to getting to know them more in season two.

PS: more Dita THM in season 2 please!!!
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Westworld: Kiksuya (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
Absolutely STUNNING
12 July 2018
Not only was this beautifully shot, and wonderfully told - I always love a backstory from a good narrator and this wonderful character did everything justice.

It tied so much together as well and helped explain a lot. Plus squeeze in a little plot twist right at the end there - just perfection. Wow. Wow. Wow.
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