3 Reviews
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To Catch a Predator (2004–2007)
Shame on whoever does not give this show a "10" rating!!!
12 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone should rate this show with an enthusiastic "10!!!!!" This show is absolutely amazing. All the man, Chris Hanson does, is catch sleezeball, child molesting, predators in the act, well he catches them right before "the act" they think is going to happen. They go online and meet mostly 13 year old boys and girls and engage in perverted conversations which also usually include them sending nude pictures of themselves to these minors. Then they proceed to setup a meeting with these minors at the minor's homes while their parents are "away". So then, basically, when these filthy pedophiles arrive at the 13 year old boy or girl's house, they are then surprisingly greeted by none other than Chris Hanson, who alway first tells them to "have a seat" at the nearest chair, which I always chuckle at. Then Mr. Hanson peels away at the pervertedness of these scumbags litttle by little while you see the shame fear on their faces grow more and more until Hanson finally tells them they are being filmed for an investigation TV series and then the men with the cameras come out pointing their cams at thesr pedos. Then usually at this point, Chris Hanson tells them they are free to leave, which they always do. Then, as the pedos leave the house, they are swarmed by law enforcement and taken to jail.

What an excellemt program!!! How could anybody give this kind of show less than a 10???
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Fantastic Job, MARVEL STUDIOS!!!
30 October 2018
This movie is amazing. By being the first half of a 2-parter which concludes the first 3 phases in the MCU, it could not have been better. The makers of this film are summing up 23 movies with these last 2 Avengers films beautifully. Rounding out the entire story arc with careful writing and doing every character his or her due justice. I applaud the Russo brothers for this achievement 110%, since it is most definitely not an easy task.

The character who we have all been teased about "coming to reek major havoc" on our beloved super hero A-Team, The Avengers, and their new found friends, The Guardians of the Galaxy, is all and more I had hoped he would be. Thanos is a whole lot more dimensional in the MCU than in the comics, that is for sure. He has a deep meaning for his reasoning. He does horrible things, yes, but for, in his mind, a positive reason. And Josh Brolin does an excellent job in making Thanos believable.

The pace of this movie is the most amazing thing about it. This is about a 2 1/2 hour movie, but it seems to fly by because every scene is jam packed with either fun character interactions, awesome action, or storyline importance. My eyes were glued to the screen in fascination.

The ending was one of the most daring endings ever seen on film. I can not wait for Avengers 4.

Avengers: Infinity War - 10/10
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
16 September 2018
As a lifelong Stephen King fan. I like this show. 9/10. And it is hilarious.
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